
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Back-to-Reality Writers

Mid-August, Peeps.

What have you done today to make your dream come true?

It doesn't matter what your dream is.

What have you done today to make it happen?

What have you learned?

What have you accomplished?

What have you plotted, planned or purchased to make things go your way?

Have you prayed?

Have you turned it over to God?

Have you planned your work and worked your plan?


Ruthy here (yeah, like that was hard to figure, right????) and today we're recharging our batteries, re-starting our engines, reviving our hopes and dreams and looking forward.

Now we've done this before. Lots of times. And we ALL fall off the cart now and again. That's okay. And if you decide to stay off the cart, that's all right. There is no rule, no commandment, no law that says you must write a book.

But if you want to write a book... or make a career as an author... then you need to write. Keep it basic. Keep it simple. Go with straightforward, my friends.

This isn't a job for excuses.

This isn't a task for putter-offers.

This is a job for self-starters and self-disciplined people.

Am I harsh?


Honest, yes. Harsh, no.

Must you be married to your work?

Heck, no.

Must you work hard?

Well. Yeah.

It's a job. We should work hard at any job we have, right?

And if we love, love, love the job, then it's not even hardly work.

But if it is work for you, if it is hard, then you need to call on your inner soldier and grab hold of that old stamina. If you want it badly enough. And that, my friends, is entirely up to you.

Starting August 13, we are hosting an ABSOLUTELY FREE VIRTUAL WRITERS RETREAT.

We get nothing for this, but that's okay because...

We need nothing.

We've got God and family and the best job in the world.

But we like to share those wondrous things, because that's what friends do! They share time, talent, faith, hope and love.

And they make you work! :) 

We've got over 50 people already signed up for the Rocky Ridge Ranch Writers Retreat.

You will have fun.

You will reconnect with writing on a daily basis. Nothing difficult... just thought-provoking and inspirational. Because the simple logic is that if you want to write, you must write.

If "P", then "Q".

If you want to sell a book, you must write a book.

If you want to be an author, you must write.

If you want to get off Unpubbed Island, you must get published.

If you want to reach your goals, you must work toward them, one by one.

Keep it simple.

Don't bite off a whole bear. The secret to eating a bear? Is to eat it one bite at a time.


There might be bears at the Rocky Ridge Ranch. There will be mountain goats, sheep, horses, cattle, kittens, dogs, cats... mice! :) #mustlovemice

(Not really. You don't have to like mice at all!)

Here's the skinny.... (come closer....) (No... closer, yet....)

If you don't begin, you will never succeed.

Our faith tells us to come to the water... 

(one of my favorite hymns here, John Foley's "Come to the Water" )

The simplicity of that image, coming to the water, immersing ourselves in faith and hope and love...

That's the analogy. 

God wants the best for his people, but you don't have to be a Holy Roller to come to the retreat.

No one checks your badge at the door.

The door is open. All are welcome. And we'll have fun.

E-mail me if you want to be signed up. Sunday we'll get the party rolling as folks pack pretend bags and board virtual flights (which can get cancelled, even in a virtual world!) :)

Summer's drawing to a close. Kids are heading back to school. Fall will come tripping in in a few short weeks and we'll all be grabbing sweaters and hoodies as the nights grow cool.

Come to the water... a sweet invitation, freely given.

It's the same for the writers retreat... a sweet invitation, freely given, so that you can spend some time with successful authors, willingly giving of their time to help you develop your dreams and your work to its greatest potential.

And if you can't come this time, that's okay! We'll do a winter retreat, post-Christmas.

Because it's nice to know that folks love you and care about you and your success.

To sign up for the retreat, simply send Ruthy an e-mail!

Yes. It is that easy.

And if you've been reading our May and June posts, you'll know that I've written my first and second mystery for Guideposts! Today, one copy of "A Light in the Darkness" will be sent to some lucky winner... leave a comment and your name will automatically go into the drawing!

And once you're in there, commenting, let's talk about your stumbling blocks... and what you can do to kick those blocks out of your way.

Multi-published, bestselling inspirational author Ruthy Logan Herne loves to write great stories... and help great authors like you! She's readily available on facebook, at her website and here in Seekerville... and now, every fourth Thursday, over at Petticoats and where she's a new "filly" on the block, chatting it up about being a Western author... and loving it! With over 40 published novels and novellas, and nearly 1.5 million books sold, Ruthy's not afraid to offer advice, kudos and humor as she helps others grab hold of the dream she dreamed for so long. 


  1. I get to be the first to comment today! I needed this post as I need to have Ruthy kick me in the backside to keep working. :) I have signed up for the virtual retreat and I'm ready. Thanks, Ruthy, for all the encouragement to follow the path.

    No need to put me in the drawing. I have signed up to get the series and have already read A Light in the Darkness. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the rest of the series.

    1. Sandy, I'm so glad you're coming to the pretend retreat, LOL! WONDERFUL! No passport required! And huge thank yous for getting this wonderful new series... gosh it's fun to work on this with Susan Downs and the gang at Guideposts! THANK YOU!!!!!

  2. I can't wait for the retreat!! I've already got it marked across the whole week on the calendar hanging on my fridge :)

    My biggest stumbling block is the fatigue. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I'm tempted to hit the snooze button until the kids run in to drag the covers off and yank on my arm until I roll off the bed, and by the time I put them down at night I'm so exhausted that it's just too easy to think, "Oh, I'll just write tomorrow."

    Rinse, repeat.

    But I'm putting my foot down! I'm going to focus on discipline and motivation and stopping the excuses during this retreat!

    And if I happen to get a copy of a great cozy mystery along the way, I'll have a treat to look forward to ;)

    1. Meg, I've been there so many times.... with six kids and a daycare and a night time job, carving that pre-dawn time seemed so hard. And then, all of a sudden, it kind of happened... I started waking up early, no alarm... and I realized this was my chance because if I waited until everything was normal or easy, I'd be waiting forever! Having a family kind of saps us, doesn't it??? And yet there is nothing more special... Nothing at all.

      You hang in there. The Holy Spirit's got plans for you! Good ones! :)

  3. Writers write on!! :-) Ruthy is a great motivator so I'm sure you'll be inspired by her in the virtual writers retreat. Have fun ya'll!

    I already won this Ruth, no need to toss my name in, thanks!

    1. Trixi, and it's in the mail to you today! I caught up on my mailings before leaving for CFRR tomorrow, so that nothing is hanging over my head!

  4. Hi Ruth:

    I've marked the retreat week on my calendar and have big plans for writing and setting up a writing office at home.

    In reading your post just now it occurred to me that with your voice you could write a very good mystery play. Idea for community theaters, high schools and church groups. Tie it in with your cozy mysteries. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a book in play format. "Mousetrap" is a big favorite with these groups after all these years. I know you could do it!


    1. Vince! I know you'll love the retreat, it's loads of fun! A mystery play...I will give this some thought! I'm having so much fun writing these, that could be a future project for sure.

      Now, darling, you didn't just suggest I get a book on craft, did you? Play format????

      (Ruthy hangs her head and sighs.... ) I'd have to read it then, Vince... Well, actually, I wouldn't, it would sit in my office, get dusty and be given away as a Seekerville prize to someone who appreciates studying craft.

      But I bet I could come up with play format directions on the World Wide Web and go from there. :) That's definitely more my attention span, my friend!

    2. Hi Ruth:

      No, I don't suggest you read craft books. Just the opposite. I like your voice, that is: the way you write your posts. It would be ideal for a cozy mystery play put on by amateur actors. That is: not too dramatic or difficult to act but still very entertaining to the audience. (As opposed to something like "A Streetcar Named Desire").

      I should have said that Fitzgerald wrote a novel that was long stretches of dialogue, as in a play manuscript, and the public made it a best seller. The idea being that the public would read the play as they would enjoy a novel and for the most part it could be a success even if it was never performed as a play.

      It would also be a gateway into your cozy novels and provide a hook for reviewers to generate publicity. Reviewers want something they can talk about that is different.

      I think it all depends on being cozy and having a great surprise ending that was both totally unexpected but also inevitable. (Aristotle)

      Who has written a play, available to amateur groups, to garner publicity for her series of novels? I know of no one. You could do it!

      Think "Mousetrap" and "The Mouse that Roared".

      "The Merry Mouse of Mayhem Manor"?


  5. Go Virtual retreaters. Have fun on the range and use this opportunity to get a headstart! YAHOOEY!!

    1. I've got cowgirl boots for CFRR... and Rocky Ridge Ranch.... And a hat, to boot. Rockin' the Western fun, we are!

  6. I would love to join the Virtual Writer's Retreat but I will be at a Church Conference for most of that week. I'm sure you all will have a fun time.

    Cindy W.

    1. Cindy, we will... and we'll miss you... but I love that you're doing a church conference. How lovely! And I'm tucking your name into the broad-brimmed Stetson for that copy of A Light in the Darkness!

  7. "Keep it simple." Lately, that's been my mantra, Ruthy. See you next week!

    1. Jill, I have learned to embrace life with that, and it solved so many (mostly self-made) problems! YES!!!! Shane is getting the ranch ready, the staff is polishing everything!

  8. Oh how I would love to join you all. As a secretary/registrar for an elementary school, August is one of my worst months. Right now I am in the midst of editing, as well as getting ready for ACFW conference. My first!! I didn't realize all that had to be cards, One Sheet, pitches, etc. Yikes! It's going to be fun!

    Congrats on the new cozy mystery! Love the cover!!!!!

    1. Sherrinda! First... you're right, this is your crazy month. And you've got a lot on your plate... You will have so much fun at that conference, I'm absolutely delighted for you!

    2. Sherrinda, I'm w/you on everything but the secretary job. I'm ordering books and curriculum for homeschooling. Looked at it the first time last week. Time is running out.

      I'm looking forward to meeting you at conference!

    3. Sherrinda, I won't make it to ACFW this year, but you will LOVE it! Here are some tips that may help...

      The key: Enjoy yourself! :)

      And I'm praying for a great school year ahead.

  9. Packing my virtual bags now. I'm all signed up and anticipating the week. Yippee! Please throw my name in the rancher hat for your mystery.

    Thanks for the pep talk. Overcoming self doubt and outside interference can be tough but I will have to pull out that soldier and push forward.

    1. Bettie, that's the spirit... the fighting spirit.

      "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

      I'm a big believer in helping ourselves... mostly because waiting for others takes way too much time! :)

  10. Ruthy! I've been missing talking to you! Summer's drawing to a close? Please inform my Va. weather as we are still in the dog days of summer here. But I do love the mental image you described of grabbing sweaters as the nights grow cool, and the pumpkins! Nothing says fall like pumpkins, yours are so cute lined up that way.
    I am looking forward to fall because of the nicer weather and because your next couple of books will be out! Can't wait for Welcome to Wishing Bridge and The Lawman's Yuletide Baby! Finally Corinne get's her own story, yes! Both those covers are so pretty.
    In the mean time I'll busy myself with your newest, A Light in the Darkness. I've been meaning to get it, but throw my name in the hat just for the fun of it!

    1. Tracey, you're in!!! And when my advance copies of the other two arrive, I'll send out those copies... and did you know that Love Inspired is re-releasing THREE Ruthy books????? His Mistletoe Family (both on its own and in a duo with Jillian Hart) and Yuletide Hearts and Mended Hearts (two of my favorites in Allegany County!!!) as a duo to Walmarts and big stores across the nation! Have you read them???? They were about six years ago, and I can't believe it's been that long!

      Our weather up here is gorgeous today, but it's been a cool, wet, gray summer... so we're realizing the realities of seasons way too early, but with only 20 days left in August, we're prepping for the crazy fall selling season.

      And we're so excited!

    2. I have read EVERYTHING YOU'VE PUBLISHED to date. Now I want to dig out my copies and re-read those you mentioned.
      Turned out today here is nice 77, and only going to a high of 81. After the hottest July ever I'm ready to think all those cool thoughts, perfect reading weather! (Of course I can make a case for any season being perfect reading weather, haha)

  11. Good morning all!

    I'm not signing up this go around because I really need to stay off the internet as much as possible. But I'm wishing all you cowgirls and cowboys a darn tootin' time at the ranch. (What does that even mean???)

    Ruthy, this is music to my ears.
    Fall will come tripping in in a few short weeks and we'll all be grabbing sweaters and hoodies as the nights grow cool.

    1. I love fall... now I love the thought of summer, and the full moon the other night was gorgeous with a capital G... but I love fall. And maybe that's because I don't mind winter... we're already planning how to snow-blow trails for the three grandkids living here and the ones that visit, so they can play Fox-and-Rabbit (which is like cat and mouse) throughout the snow trails.... and Grandpa is excited to do it! :)

      But I'm not wishing my life away, and I hope I'm living each day to the full... while doing the job I dreamed of for decades.

      I absolutely positively love being a writer...

      And I'll look forward to having you on board in January, if possible!

    2. I love summer too, but I really like to exercise between 10-2 and it's just too hot now. Or raining. Of course, can't enjoy the lake in the fall so I might need to go a couple of more times in the near future.

    3. Ruth: I love Fall the most and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Of course, Fall is best where it is cool and where the leaves change colors. You live in Fall Country and in the Fall, I wish I lived there too. Did you use Fall most often as the time setting for your NY Trooper books? I have not thought about time setting as a marketing tool. Need to.


    4. Vince, I use all seasons... I like to write winter stories to show the beauty of it. Winter gets a bad rap in the news, (like that's a surprise!!!!), but when I look back at my books, they're all seasons... and of course the Christmas books are fall/winter based, so that's always fun!

  12. RUTHY, I'm excited that Fall is on the horizon. These Texas Summers are brutal! This Summer I was able to finally read Roseanna White's Ladies of the Manor series.

    Have a FANTASTIC Thursday!

    1. I can't imagine Texas... Louisiana... Arizona... New Mexico... and now I'm adding Nevada and Oregon to that list, because youse folks get crazy hot.

      Remember that Joe DiMaggio saying? "I want to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee."

      God knew what he was doing when he planted me north of the Mason Dixon line....


    2. Hi Caryl: Ah, but in Texas and Oklahoma, Fall is the cruelest month for transplanted Yankees who expect Fall to be cool. Where we are there can be 100 degree days in the Fall. Vince

  13. I'm fairly disciplined right now, kicking the day job to the curb has helped me with that, so much more time. I do worry about money because one of my "retirement" jobs didn't materialize, and I may have to get a part-time job this fall. So I'm seizing the day and writing as much as I can while I have the time.
    For me right now that looks like entering contests with targeting; working on one of my Oregon Trail stories one chapter a month with my crit partner; and working on a new contemporary Christmas series, letting the first book "sit" and coming back to it this fall for layering, roughing out the second book and working on structure before I get in too deep.
    I do struggle with discouragement, so a retreat is a good option for me, and it doesn't hurt that it's on a RANCH.
    Thank you, Ruthy.
    Please enter me in the drawing.

    1. We all get discouraged. I was talking about this with a friend the other day, stress and discouragement. People that don't show it, still feel it... but maybe they're like me, and get mad, not hurt. So when I get mad, I just work harder so no one can bring me down.

      It's a weird but very lucrative system!!! :)

      Discouragement is one of those things that tends to grow when we let other circumstances or things control us, and we don't feel like we're controlling them... I find that working ahead is my biggest help, because then whatever life sends my way (death, angst, sorrow, anger)... I'm ahead of the game. Because everyone goes through all of the above, but if we're ahead in our work... well, then we've got time to feel human.

      And that's a huge stress reliever for this Yankee!

    2. I like the concept, Ruth. Discipline beats discouragement, because if you do fall apart, you have something in the can. Good point.

  14. I'm ready Ruthy! Thanks for hosting. Although, I've got a slight hitch in my giddyup. Family is coming for to spend the week with us. So, I'll get creative with my retreat time. I can't wait.

    1. Jackie, I can't wait! And hey, I've got peeps coming in, too, and I'm not going to ignore them... because that would be rude, right??? :)

      BUT... I'll work around them. Before... and after... and in those early morning hours.

      Shane Laraby just mentioned to me that his Monday post talks about that very thing... that time isn't more for some and less for others. It's the same. It's all in how it's being used.

      Now that's not a scolding...

      It's a reminder.

      Martha and Mary were sisters. Wonderful women. They used their time differently, and while the good Lord might have thought Mary had a better handle on things (and who am I to argue with JESUS????) Martha was an okay chick herself.

      And that's all I'm sayin' 'bout that.

  15. OH THANK GOD -- A RUTHY BUTT-KICKER POST!! This is JUST what I needed this morning to tackle five deadlines looming in less than a month, so THANK YOU, my friend!! Somehow I knew I could count on you, and the retreat sounds AWESOME!!

    Godspeed and blessings on CFRR and the virtual retreat -- will be sending up prayers for both.

    Hugs and more hugs!

    1. Oh my stars, I will miss you at CFRR... but Beth is coming with me and we're going to have a ball and I love, love, love meeting with all those young bloggers, reviewers, readers and friends. This is my kind of gig, Julie.

      I love meeting writers at conferences, but that's about all I love about them! (SUPER CLASS SKIPPER!!!) That being said, CFRR is perfect for me... I like connecting and CFRR makes me feel connected.

      Good luck with your deadlines. I've cleaned my desk completely and I'm now on winter deadlines, all the fall is done, done, done... and I'm so happy!

      Breathing time!!!!

    2. Julie: 5 Deadlines in Less than 30 Days! Congrats! Think Positive: that means 5 paydays down the road!

      Can you spell M O T I V A T I O N?

    3. I agree with Vince. Julie, five deadlines mean FIVE MORE BOOKS! Yay you!

    4. Ruthy, you are SO in your element at CFRR, girl, and I SO agree with you about skipping classes!! We are so much alike that way. Now ... if I could just write as fast as you, I would be in hog heaven!!

      Praying for CFRR and ALL the wonderful peeps there for supernatural anointing and fun!!


    5. LOL, Vince ... yes, I can spell motivation, it's "calm" I can't spell right now! ;)

      And AMEN to those paydays, Vince & Kathy -- I hear you!

      Hugs and more hugs,

  16. Ruthy! Cannot wait for the retreat! I've never been on one. Looking forward to it. Would love to be entered to win a copy of your "Light in the Darkness." For your mysteries for Guideposts, do they accept submissions, or do you need an agent to write for them? See you on the 13th!

    1. Sally, that's a good question! I know this series was author requested, they contacted agents looking for authors, but I'm not sure what the normal protocol is... but I'd expect it goes along those lines.

      And the retreat is being prepped as we speak!!! Desserts are planned and meals are in the kitchen staff's good hands!

      And Shane's looking forward to greeting everyone on Sunday!!!

  17. Thanks Ruthy! I needed a good kick in the butt. Not for writing a book but just for life in general. Sometimes " 'Summertime and the livin' is easy' isn't always true. And yes, I would be thrilled with your new book from Guideposts.

    1. I'm tucking your name right in, and I love that old song from Porgy and Bess.... It's right in my note range!!!!

  18. Hi Ruthy- I'm really looking forward to the retreat. I get sooooo bogged down in editing that I lose site of writing. My brain did an automatic self correct for the past couple weeks and put me in "I Hate the internet" mode. I literally didn't look at anything (except research) and paid for it with too many emails to number when I returned but I binge wrote and discovered I'm not a panster or planner or even a planter! Just a binger, which I love. The downside is now I have even more editing to do- seems a little like self punishment when I consider it. I'd love to know how my friends that are published develop a balance.
    Oh and if Reno doesn't act better today than he did yesterday, he's not coming to the ranch!
    Can't wait. Looking forward to it. Thank you for helping us.

    1. I understand, Barbara! It is hard to find that balance. It would be so much easier to just block out the world and write write write, focusing on nothing but our story, but . . . I force myself to live in two worlds. While my kids are at school, I write. When they're home, I'm in the real world. Also, I only check my emails around midday or a little later, after I've written some words. (That's on a good day, anyway.) It's hard to switch back and forth, but I have to do it. I can't bear to go more than one day not checking emails. After all, there might be something from my editor, publisher, or agent that's important.

      So for me, balance is something I'm constantly struggling with, and my writing probably suffers most days from not staying strictly in the story, but . . . I don't know a better solution. Some day if I can afford an assistant, it will be easier. I'll get them to deal with the real world while I write. :-)

    2. Hi Melanie, I'll probably not let myself do it again as I might have missed something important, so I guess I need to find a box to put the social media in so that it doesn't cause burnout. I admire you for being able to make the switch back and forth between the worlds of writing and family. It makes it so hard when you love both, doesn't it?

    3. Balance it tough. I use a VIP mailbox in my mail program that puts Seeker emails along with editor and agent emails into a VIP box. That helps me.

  19. Hi Ruth! I've never been on one of your retreats so I'm really looking forward to it next week. Our weather's wacky on the northern prairies so we've got at least till the end of September for warm weather up here but then it'll get cold fast. And stay cold for much longer! Looking forward to next week and hanging out with everyone.

    1. Laurie, I'm on Lake Ontario so our falls tend to be beautiful until later in October... and then the fury hits fast and furious until April. I bet it's similar to yours... but I love the quiet of winter, when the busyness of farm time is behind me and I can dig my heels in.

      I'm so glad you're going to be with us, that's awesome!

      And we'll have fun... the Rocky Ridge crew hasn't seen the likes of us in a while!

  20. Wow, I love this post, Ruthy! It has such a sweet spirit. Deep yet practical. Just like you. ;-)

    I have a book due the last day of August. I have 72,000 words out of around 85 to 90,000. I still need to read through it and make fixes. My daughter leaves for her 2nd year of college on Sat. and we are moving her furniture in to her new apt. that day. But my main road block to getting it done is myself. My distracting thoughts. I won't go into it, but it's been the same since forever. Sometimes my thoughts just won't let me write. But it helps that I'm near the end of my story. This is the point where I'm anticipating the happy ending, so I'll be able to keep going. Even amid the distractions.

    The retreat sounds fun! I'll be there for some of it, Lord willing, ready with hugs for everyone!

    1. Oh, published or unpublished, aren't we our own worst enemies?

    2. Mel, you and I have talked about this in the past, and you should do a post on it... Really. I think creative minds and/or worrying personalities need to hear that you can be crazy successful in spite of those invading thoughts. We can MENTALLY know that we can work around those inward quirks, but it's a whole different thing to see ourselves physically doing it.

      It's like meeting the enemy on the battlefield, and winning... but the struggle is real.

    3. So the trick to NOT being your own worst enemy is knowing yourself... and then acknowledging your weaknesses.


      Is it lack of ambition?

      Lack of discipline?


      Once we do that self-examination (remember we did an "examination of conscience" blog earlier this year? That leads straight into THIS...) Knowing yourself and not letting yourself off the hook. If we make excuses for ourselves, we tend to be our own worst enemy about running a small business... and hey, NOT EVERYONE is meant to run their own business.

      That doesn't make us bad people.

      It just makes us bad businessmen and women! :)

    4. You're so right, Ruthy. Know thyself. I know what my weaknesses are and how to overcome them. I know how to motivate myself to make sure it happens when it's supposed to happen. At least, so far. God has been good, so I can't take all, or even most, of the credit. ;-)

    5. Melanie, you are the BEST EXAMPLE of making that style work that I know... I know there are others, and it wouldn't work for me, but the beauty of all this is that we don't have to mimic each other... we just need to find our own way and then plan accordingly. That's huge in any business, but especially in one like this, that can be put off by other things. It's not like we have a store that must be opened for business at 9:00 AM... That motivates the store owner to get there and unlock that door!

      So maybe we should all pretend that we own a writing store! :)

  21. RUTHY, I cannot wait for this! Looking so forward to the retreat!

    Stumbling blocks over the summer? Wellllllll... Because of spring storms in our neck of the woods, we were immersed in home repairs. New roof. New gutters. New downspouts. New garage doors. The hammering and banging drove me CRAZY...and yet, I kept repeating, "Nothing lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever." LOL

    Tomorrow, we see our baby bird fly back to college. I didn't think it would be so hard this year. I was wrong. When...Oh, when...does this get easier? *sniffle*

    I need to recenter. Sooooo...

    See you next week!!!! xo

    1. Dang. It doesn't get easier. I cried every time I said goodbye, and when the distant family visits and leaves... I cry again. And I'm a hard-hearted Yankee! So I can't promise you it gets better, but on the other hand, I know how proud you must be.

      We give them roots and wings...

      So it's good that they use them!!!

      We will have fun next week, and our goal will be to do exactly that: Re-center ourselves.

      Re-organize our work.

      Learn to self-motivate.

      It was a LONG 9 YEARS before paychecks were my motivation, LOL! But I wanted that dream more than frosting wants cake, so I did not give up...

      And that's the gumption it takes.

      Daily gumption.

      And a tough girl attitude! :)

  22. Love fall too. Not so crazy about winter, in NH ours are as rough as Upstate's, but we always make it through. This year I plan to stay home a lot, feed the woodstove and write. It's a cocooning process after a very busy summer. I want to watch the snow fall outside my window and WRITE, WRITE, WRITE.
    Ruthy is right, it's a privilege to do this.

    1. Amen.

      It absolutely, positively is a privilege... and I will never, ever forget being a newbie, aspiring, and sitting at a conference luncheon while a celebrated author whined about how busy she was... Throughout the whole meal.

      And that woke me up to the kind of author I wanted to be.

      I wanted to lead the way for others, not show off.

      I wanted to help others, not deliberately block their success out of fear for lost opportunities.

      Sure, there are only so many slots open for new authors, but if you stick to it... the Lord has opened a WHOLE NEW venue for us.

      Indie publishing has taken the lid off the covered pot.

      So whatever your dream/dreams, if we focus on being the best we can be... and not settling... we can succeed in whatever market we choose.

  23. AHHH, the retreat. How exactly does it work? Do we go on Ruthy's Web site? Or what? Details, details.
    Off to do stuff, back later.

    1. Nope! Just send me an e-mail and I'll sign you up!

  24. Hi Ruthy.

    My biggest stumbling block is procrastiantion!
    So what did I do today to make my dream come true?
    I signed up for your retreat next week, of course. I'm so looking forward to it.

    Please put me in the draw for your book.
    Many thanks.

    1. Ruth Ann, that's the bottom line with so many. That's why I started my early morning writing time... no matter what happens through the day, that 1000 words is DONE... and that's 365,000 words/year.... 6 Love Inspireds.... 4 Single-title length books... that's a happy production right there!

      But I make sure I do it first... and then there are some who do it last... and that's okay, too. I think the problem is we get to this.... "I'll jump into the story right after the dishes are done and 4 loads of laundry are done and I get back from the market and I make supper and I call my boss and tell him to watch for hackers and I tuck the 2.5 kids into bed and I'm done chatting with hubby and call Mom and make sure she took her heart pills....

      I do it first because then when I do all those things... I don't have to think about writing.

      It's done.

      And if you're an evening person, it's shutting yourself away at 6:00 and working until 8:30.

      Skipping TV.

      Skipping reading.

      When folks talk about it as a sacrifice, I go right back to that it's not for many of us... It's a privilege.

      Let's kick that procrastination to the curb!

  25. The retreat sounds like so much fun, Ruthy! I'm attempting to get back on track after a crazy summer, so every little bit of motivation and encouragement is appreciated.

    1. Myra, I know exactly what you mean... and it's like re-forming habits when life hands you a big upside down, turned around season or two... so then we re-train ourselves... and our families! :) That's sometimes the hardest part!!!

  26. Ruthy, thanks for the reminder (aka kick in the pants)! I wish I could do the retreat! But I can't take part this time. I'll plan to do the next one, though. I'm sure y'all will have a blast.

    1. Missy, we will and we'll miss you! And hey, not being able to be with us doesn't get one out of writing... It's like when I missed conferences... and spent extra time writing to make up for it! You can be with us in spirit... and keep yourself motivated at the same time.

  27. Thank you Ruthy, I always enjoy your posts. And your non harsh reminders :) I'm really looking forward to our retreat!

    Please enter me in your drawing for a copy of "A Light in the Darkness" - I'd love to read it!

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!

    1. Phyllis, you're so welcome! I love being in the corner of other writers, I love seeing them shine. It makes us so happy here to see others' success... because we know that while it's not perfect, if writing is part of you... well, why not make the most of it???

  28. I've signed up for the retreat, but not sure how much I'll be able to participate due to limited computer access. Will jump in when I can. I get encouraged by Ruthy, kick in the ol' keister posts. Doses of reality with hugs mixed in always help.
    I either need to win a copy of "A Light in the Darkness" or get off my hindquarters and purchase it soon. I'm guessing I'll be wanting the complete set as they come out. The whole series sounds awesome.

    1. You know what??? If you're never there and only read the posts, that's okay.. I'm doing this differently because I know how busy everyone is, and while the advice and motivation might come from the GREAT SETTING and WORDS OF WISDOM!!!!... the work and self-help comes from you!

      So we won't be tying folks up on the computer... because that's counter-productive.

      But we'll have fun in our beautiful new ranch house, sprawling across the Idaho mountainside... Which is EXACTLY where I'm setting my new Love Inspired "Shepherd's Crossing" cowboy series! :)

  29. Wow, Ruthy you are so busy..with CFRR and the retreat (plus writing, etc etc)! Safe travels for you/Beth!
    Please enter me for Light in the Darkness.....NEVER want to miss reading a Ruthy book!!

    1. Jackie, I'm tucking you in!!! It's a great story and I know you'd love it... and I kind of love being busy.

      But you know that.

      It's in the blood, Jackie!!!! NOT MY FAULT.

      I blame genetics. What a wonderful, crazy scrambled mess genetics are!

  30. I am eating caramelized summer squash...

    It is delicious, so I brought some for EVERYONE.

    And lemon zucchini cake <a href=">RECIPE RIGHT HERE!!!</a>

  31. Chiming in from the road. My roadblock is learning to balance a job again while trying to write. Looking forward to the retreat next week! Please put me in for the drawing too! 😊

    1. Sharee, I took my example from the amazing Margaret Daley... she worked full time as a special education teacher for decades and wrote a gazillion books... I followed her example of daily writing and loving writing... and working with kids! So it can be done, especially when our kids are older. I began when my youngest was 16... he's 30 now and I've made real good use of that 14 years, LOL!

  32. Sounds wonderful! I'm missing all the in-person conferences this year to catch up on writing instead of spending that time on conference prep. This retreat sounds like just what I need. Thank you so much for doing this, Ruthy! You're a gem!

    1. Natalie, I got your e-mail and you're in! I just sent out a test e-mail to the group, so we'll see if I've got everyone locked and loaded.

      And kudos to you for realizing that while conferences can be fun... they can also be a time drain, an unaffordable one. And that makes the expense of them even more pricey, because time wasted can go in the negative column of bookkeeping.

      Now that doesn't mean no one should ever go! But I always look at the Return on Investment from what I do... and at this stage of the game, I'm balancing work and family and career, so spending a lot of extra time on something that doesn't advance my career makes no sense...

      But lots of folks love going, and I respect that. I'd just rather write!!!

  33. Thanks for the pep-talk, Ruthy! I'm signed up and Looking forward to the retreat!!

    1. Laura, it's just what we need to jump back into forward motion mode!

  34. Ruthy, so excited about seeing you tomorrow! Oh my gosh!!! Safe travel!!!

    Can't wait for SAT and the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat! Then the virtual retreat next week! So much fun!!!

    Hugs! See you soon!

    1. Debby, I know!!! I love the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat, and I can't believe the time, effort and expense these/those lovely ladies put into doing this... and connecting us with readers in such an organized and fun way.

      THEY AMAZE ME!!!!

      See you tonight!

  35. Probably my greatest stumbling block is that I'm distracted too easily. For years I've only been a mood reader and a mood writer, until I realized I'd never finish a book if I wrote only what I was in the mood for, only when I had motivation for it, and only when I wanted too.

    And please... please. Let's not mention returning to school so early in August. I still have almost an entire month to do without such talk. *SOB* I'm going to be taking college level science this year!

    1. Nicki, that's one of the problems writers of all ages have... easily distracted! That's where the self-discipline comes into play...

      And I had to mention the back to school thing because half the country went back THIS WEEK!!!! We're in the north so we don't go back for 4 weeks, but a lot of school busses began rolling this week... Hence the timing of the retreat!

  36. Great post, Ruthy! My stumbling Block is that I have health issues and I let them over power me too much! I need to have more faith that I can overpower THEM!!! I just get tired a lot in that fight! That's why I love to read - it's my escape! I will try harder! I would love to read your book! Put me in the drawing, please! :)

    1. Val, you're in and praying for your return to good health. God bless you, and may you have/gain the strength to overcome... I learned as a little kid to offer pain and suffering up to the Lord, an old-fashioned teaching I've kept close all my life. You don't hear it much anymore, even in the Catholic churches... but it's a great way of teaching ourselves to be overcomers. When we compare our pain to the cross... we gain strength. And gumption! Praying for you!

    2. Thanks, Ruthy! I practically pray all day! I have tons of faith, that's not my problem, just sometimes I'm lazy, ya know??!! Having health issues can wear you down but almost everyone around doesn't even know I have them! I fake it pretty well :) Thanks for praying for me!

  37. Thank you, Ruthy. There's a reason I have your ten tips to writing on my desk. You always motivate me to write daily and make my life an alleluia (Ruthy tip #5!). I'm looking forward to the retreat next week as I might finish my first draft of my current book!

    1. TANYA!!!! I love that hymn, and I love that meaning behind it... It makes me want/long to be a better person. To be kinder, gentler, more joyous.

      AND YAY ON FINISHING THE DRAFT NEXT WEEK!!!! I'm so proud of you, and next week is the perfect time to do it! My goal is to re-write my proposal for my first Shepherd's Crossing book (2018/Love Inspired) because I realized (with some kindly editorial help) that I needed a narrower focus on the first story... OOPS! :) But it's going smoothly now, and I think I'm on the right track! We'll work together!!!

  38. I didn't use to have stumbling blocks, but life just ambushed me. I hope to conquer my time for stories back, though.

    1. Boo, you're at a stage in life where that happens frequently... and there is so much drama in being a teen, and even more in being a teen these days. Crazy stuff, sweet thing.

      Hang in there.

      I always believe the Holy Spirit guides us to the right time and place. Sometimes we forget to listen. ;)

  39. Ruthy, sorry I'm late to this post, but I'm just getting back into the swing of things after our vacation. (Pics from YNP on their way to you!)

    I didn't write a word on vacation, but if an idea for a scene, or a bit of dialogue popped into my mind, I wrote it down. I'm looking forward to the retreat, and received your test email this morning.

    Procrastination, easily distracted, and "myself" seem to be the catchwords of many of the comments here. I suffer from all three. But as I read my first three chapters last night, I realized I do have a viable book in hand, and I want to finish it!

    I hope to get that kick-in-the-pants at your retreat, and I'll be the first in line to bend over!

    "See" you soon!



  40. I think that's awesome you are doing a free retreat for writer's. :D IF you ever do a fan or some other gathering I'd be interested! :D

    1. I meant a fan or reader's something that you don't have to be a writer in order to attend! And if it's in my neckof the woods. :D
