These dear ladies might not call themselves writers, but they wrote LOTS. I wish I could share every single thing they said. Alas, I’ve exceeded my word count as it is. (Thanks for extending me grace, Tina.)
Here are ten reasons these wonderful readers think Seekerville rocks.
Accountability & Acceptance
The Seekers practice gentle tough love for writers. They’re generous with their time, offering fledgling writers encouragement, critiques and a kick in the pants when needed, followed by hugs and chocolate! They’re non-judgmental, accepting writers and readers for who they are and where they are in the journey. ~ Kav Rees
Becoming Better Readers
I love visiting Seekerville because it makes me a better reader! While the authors are learning more about utilizing their craft, I'm learning how to appreciate it better as I read and post reviews on my blog. Becoming aware of specific reasons WHY a book was so good has helped me articulate my feelings into more thoughtful reviews. ~ Heidi Robbins
Book Discoveries
Books have been my passion since my Daddy read them to me, and I imagine they’ll be my passion until I no longer breathe. I’m always eager to learn about the newest books by favorite authors and those getting started in their writing careers. ~ Connie Saunders
The prizes that are offered, which often include books, could be a great way to find a new author whose work you could love or a new genre that you've never read before. ~ Dawn Leonard
I enjoy interacting with the authors and fellow bookish friends in Seekerville. It’s like hanging out with friends in my favorite bookstore. ~ Caryl Kane
I love visiting Seekerville because there’s such positive camaraderie there, full of encouragement, support, and HUMOR. I always feel welcome and valued. The kind words of the Seekers and others are appreciated! I often find myself smiling as I read the posts and comments, which are more like several conversations going on at once! ~ Heidi
I feel loved and accepted and as if my opinion is important. When I’m missing, I’m welcomed back, and I know it’s genuine. At times when my health has been bad, I know they’ll pray for me. We’re family rather than just people who post on a blog. When I leave a comment on a Seekerville post, I know I’ll be acknowledged. ~ Jenny Blake
I found Seekerville after years of feeling like a book-loving reader oddball. No one I knew read as much Christian Fiction as I did, so when I landed at Seekerville, I felt like I’d found “my people.” I found a connection so strong among the Seekers that I didn't have to explain myself or my book love. They get me. That's one of the best feelings ever, to be understood, to feel like you’ve found your place among friends. Seekerville feels like Home Sweet Home! ~ Tracey Hagwood
I’ve been part of Seekerville for about two years. The first time I commented, I said something to the effect of “I’m just a reader, not a writer.” It was either Tina or Ruthy who replied, “Don’t say you’re just a reader.” She went on to encourage me that I was just as valuable to the blog as anyone else. I felt so loved and like I was engulfed into what I now consider my cyber family. It took me a bit to feel comfortable commenting because I don’t make friends easy, but I soon felt like what I had to say was important. I found myself joking and laughing, as well as talking about the more serious topics of faith. I feel I can share anything now, and the support has been wonderful! ~ Trixi Oberembt
I appreciate each and every Seeker and am thankful that I’ve been allowed to join the sorority because Seekers are the ultimate cheerleaders! ~ Connie
I discovered Seekerville two years ago when I saw that an author would be visiting and giving away a copy of her latest book. Giveaway—Free book—Favorite author—Nothing to lose! I didn't win that specific book, but I became a winner in so many other ways. I’ve won a few giveaways since then, which is a boost to the budget of this librarian who no longer draws a paycheck. ~ Connie
Books are pretty much my favorite thing ever, so winning one on Seekerville feels like winning the lottery! With much less risk and way higher chances. 😉 Over the years, I’ve also won a scarf, a water bottle, a library tote bag, and a library pouch, which have been so fun to use! Thank you for your generosity. ~ Heidi
I’ve won at least two dozen prizes through Seekerville over the last five years, which has resulted in “claim your prize” email exchanges with Tina, administrator extraordinaire. She always makes me feel like I’m important and shows interest in what’s going on in my world. On a recent blog post, she made us tell five things about ourselves to describe why we are amazing. It made a lot of us uncomfortable, but there’s nothing like a good friend who encourages you to see yourself in a positive light. That’s our Tina! ~ Tracey
The authors who visit Seekerville share their love of the written word with readers like me, and I learn something every day. Writing tips—Life skills—How to develop a closer relationship with God. ~ Connie
Always different topics but meaningful ones. One day you could learn how to write something, the next about researching, and the next about an author's life. You can read a post, comment on it, comment on someone's comment, or do nothing. On Friday, there's a blast from the past. Each weekend, just like in real life, you have the chance to catch up on what you missed and plan for the week ahead. Tina does an AWESOME job managing everything. ~ Dawn
The Seekers
The Seekers are the rock stars of Christian Fiction. Someone pass out the boas and sparkly sunglasses! ~ Kav
As I’ve gotten to know our authors through Seekerville, I’ve learned the various personalities of each one and how we all fit together like a perfect puzzle. I love Ruthy and Tina’s energy, how they jump right in to encourage, motivate and cheer for those who are newly published or not yet. Whenever anyone is feeling down, they’re right there to lift them up. Julie Lessman brings her unique vibe to the group. You can count on a few exclamation points and BOLDED words to stand out among the others. She always has something fun to say…even if she has too much caffeine in her system. Lol! Sandra Leesmith brings her quiet strength and smiling face. You can count on her to say just the right thing. Myra Johnson—when she leaves Grammar Queen in the closet—is a sweetheart and always has something nice to say too! There are many more, of course, but I don’t want to take up the entire post. Just know you gals are special to me in your own unique ways! Love you to pieces! ~ Trixi
If I had to pick one word to describe Seekerville, that would be SUPPORT. It has to be spelled in capital letters because there's so much of it. Everyone builds up everyone else in a positive, genuine way, not in an “I'm writing this nice thing because I have to” way. Writing contest winners are congratulated—and they're not just Seekers. They're newly published authors and new writers. ~ Dawn
Virtual Treats
Virtual treats are mentioned almost daily, and this often inspires me to “get to baking.” ~ Connie
Who can resist virtual treats??? Oh my, these ladies know how to cook up a storm!! You’ll have your fill of coffee, tea, hot chocolate or other drinks, along with sweet pastries or any number of desserts…homemade to boot! I love how they bring seasonal treats as well. Pumpkin spice anyone? ~ Trixi
A Question for You
You’ve heard why these wonderful ladies love Seekerville and how the site benefits readers as well as writers. Now it’s your turn. What do you like best about this great place, and why?
Leave a comment today for an opportunity to win an early Christmas giveaway!
Keli Gwyn is giving away three copies of Their Mistletoe Matchmakers. Each of the three winners will also receive a "Seeker” mini notepad.

And to another winner, this lovely and elegant family themed locket, from Origami Owl, valued at $88.

And to another winner, this lovely and elegant family themed locket, from Origami Owl, valued at $88.
To thank Keli for all the work she put into this AMAZING post (and all the others she has contributed over the years), Seekerville will add three ecopies of Their Mistletoe Matchmakers. So if you are an international reader please raise your hand! We're sending Keli off to retirement with a BANG!
A Christmas Match
The best Christmas possible—that's what Lavinia Crowne intends to provide before taking her orphaned nieces and nephew home to Philadelphia. But carrying out her plan may be harder than she expects, with their handsome, stubborn uncle, Henry Hawthorn, insisting on raising the children in rough-and-tumble Sutter Creek, California. Lavinia can't bear to lose her late sister's children, though, or go against her father's demand to bring them home.
Henry believes his nieces and nephew need affection and security more than a lavish lifestyle. But as the children conspire to bring their aunt and uncle together, a new vision fills his head—of future Christmases spent with sweet, determined Lavinia and their growing family. Can three little matchmakers, and the spirit of the season, bring the gift of a very happy beginning?
Keli Gwyn fell in love with Seekerville nine years ago when Tina went searching for her in cyberspace and invited her to guest post. Keli, a florescent-green newbie writer at the time, didn’t even know what a blog was, let alone how to comment on one. She quickly learned that the Seekers are known for being helpful since they coached her through that daunting experience. They’ve taught her a great deal since then, teased her a bit (waving at Ruthy!), encouraged her and celebrated with her. She’ll be forever in their debt.
Keli’s writing career has included the publication of six novels—five of them with Love Inspired Historical—one novella and one short story. She’s thrilled to have lived her lifelong dream of being a published author, but she’s chosen to retire from writing so she can spend more time with her great guy. She’ll still be hanging out online, but like the wonderful Seekervillagers who contributed to this post, she’ll be proudly boasting the title “reader.”
Honey, I'm home. And I brought Martha Stewart's amazing pumpkin snickerdoodles with me.
ReplyDeletePumpkin Snickerdoodles
It's going to be a blow out day! Let's get this reader/writer party started! Woo hoo!
I'm going to have to eat the ones you brought. I never make things with that many ingredients. It boggles my brain!
DeleteI sign up for paper items at work lunches. I buy very cute paper goods.
I love snickerdoodles. Never had pumpkin though. Yummy and delicious. Thanks Tina and yes, let's party.
DeleteThanks for providing such a special treat, Tina. I'm a fan of snickerdoodles.
DeleteOh, these sound yummy. I have canned pumpkin. Must make something pumpkin-y!
DeleteYou have a limit on the number of ingredients in your recipes, Terri? lol. That is too cute.
DeleteI prefer one and instructions that say MICROWAVE FOR FIVE MINUTES but sometimes you have to break out the mixing bowl.
Sounds like you and I have the same love of cooking, Tina. LOL. I'm so grateful to have a husband who enjoys baking and cooking more than I do.
DeleteSnickerdoodles--the breakfast of Champions! Thanks, Tina!
Your comment cracked me up, Janet. ��
DeleteThanks so much for inviting me to be a guest in Seekerville one last time, Tina. I'm honored to have been asked and thrilled that these eight wonderful Seekervillagers agreed to contribute to the post. Didn't they do an awesome job?
ReplyDeleteI'm excited about the prizes. With your generous addition, there are SEVEN! How cool is that?
We are so tickled to have you. And what a wonderful and touching post. And Seven. Yay.
DeleteThanks, Sandra. I'm delighted to be here. Seekerville is such a special place.
DeleteVery cool! We are ending the PAHTY with a BANG!
ReplyDeleteLove your book cover and thank you for your generosity!
Thanks, Tina. The Love Inspired art department outdid themselves on this year's LIH Christmas covers. Each one of them is lovely.
Deletestill to taste a snickerdoodle (but will pass on anything with pumpkin in it). I may not get here as often but I still keep up with whats happening via FB. But this community have been with me through some tough times, like when mum passed away and through health issues. I also have to say I love the New Year events. I still have health issues and often nap in the afternoon which is when posts go up the day seems to disappear.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're still dealing with health issues, Jenny. I feel for you, as do your friends here in Seekerville. Talk about SUPPORT. The Seekers offer it to us anytime it's needed, whether it's for writing-related reasons or personal ones.
DeleteSo lovely to see you again, Jenny! I do understand about the time difference challenge. Our daughter and family have moved overseas again, and they're now 7 hours later than we are. So catching them online for a real-time chat is kind of random.
DeleteSo sorry about your continued health issues and saying a prayer right now!
Myra, I can empathize with the challenge of having family living overseas. After our daughter earned her bachelors with majors in French and German, she spent a year working in France and two years working in Austria. Since she was nine hours ahead of us, I would stay up late so I could catch her as her day was starting. I was so grateful for Skype and Facebook IM. That's how we kept in touch.
DeleteJenny, your words have blessed us! I keep up with you on Facebook and am so sorry about your continued struggles with health.
DeleteGod bless you.
Thanks all. I will be going back to hospital for an infusion again tomorrow. (Its one day a week for 3 weeks) should take 5 and a half hours but I am normally there anywhere from 8 - 19 hours.
DeleteJenny, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope tomorrow's infusion goes well and is over quickly. May you sense the Lord's presence and His peace in a mighty way while you're in the hospital.
DeleteThanks I normally notice a difference after the first one and will get up to 9 weeks help the lowest has been 5. its 11 weeks since the final of the last 3.
DeleteKeli - enjoy your retirement! Although you look WAY too young to retire. I hope whatever your future plans are they bring you happiness.
ReplyDeleteI love this post!
I enjoy interacting with the authors and fellow bookish friends in Seekerville. It’s like hanging out with friends in my favorite bookstore. ~ Caryl Kane
When I read Caryl's comment it resonated with me. All the Seekers are so welcoming. I don't feel like a faceless commenter in Cyberland. I feel as if I'm among friends.
Each Seeker has a unique personality, but they're all wonderful ladies. Thanks to all of you for the hard work you put into this blog. You're wonderful teachers and friends.
Thanks for your kind words about my retirement, Terri. I am retiring a bit sooner than many do, but since I'm nine and a half years younger than my husband, that's how things worked out. 🙂
DeleteThis reader is fascinated by the writing process. Through Seekerville I have learned a great deal. In many ways I have come to appreciate the books that I read even more. (You could get the grammar police onto that sentence for a start.)
ReplyDeleteThank you Mary. That means a lot to us.
DeleteMary, visits to Seekerville can teach all of us new things. There's a wealth of knowledge offered here. I'm happy to hear that what you're learning has helped you enjoy the stories you read even more.
DeleteI love everything about Seekerville. The knowledge that is shared, the willingness to reach out to others to give them a boost in their journey, the caring for readers and writers alike...it means so much. Also, the prayers and cards that are sent out when one of us is in need. I was so touched during the time I had my knee replaced...they were there in prayer and cards and when my Mom passed away in February, they reached out to me and well, it truly meant more than I can say.
ReplyDeleteThank you Seekerville for the blessings you bestow on all of us every day whether we are writers or readers. We appreciate you all!
Happy 10th birthday and I'll lift a cup of hazelnut coffee and a pumpkin snickerdoodle up to you in celebration! Here's to a wonderful year 11.
Cindy W.
Aw Cindy, that is so sweet of you. You mean a lot to us also. Those cookies are yummy aren't they?
DeleteCindy, the Seekers care, that's for sure. I love hearing stories of their kindnesses.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear about your mother. The loss of a parent is tough. They teach us a great deal, but they don't prepare us for life without them.
Fantastic post, Keli! Congratulations on your retirement. Many years ago, I somehow stumbled across your old blog, ROMANCE WRITERS ON A JOURNEY. I still have several handwritten notes of encouragement I received from you.
ReplyDeleteAs for Seekerville, the writers and readers are a true blessing in my life. Thank you for all that you do!
You're a blessing to us also. smile
DeleteThanks for your kind words, Jill, and for the memories. I had a great time running Romance Writers on the Journey and was privileged to host many wonderful writers, including several Seekers. It's been fun watching their careers blossom over the years.
DeleteOh, this got me all ver klempt!!! Thank you Keli, and thank you to all these wonderful gals and their comments... You guys are the rock stars. You're the reason we write books, the reason we get paid, you write our paychecks... and encourage us right back.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to finish off ten years of Seekerville, Keli! You've got me sighing... and smiling!
DeleteRuthy, You were my first Seeker connection and you hold a special place in my heart. I told Keli I could write a couple reasons I loved Seekerville, or a couple of dozen, but that would have filled an entire post.
DeleteAs I said in my review of your LI, The Lawman's Yuletide Baby, your stories always inspire me in some way, and my life is richer for it!
I appreciate your writing, but even more than that I appreciate your generous spirit. It's obvious how much you love your family, but I also feel that love towards all of us.
The best people are always the ones that inspire us to be better people, you do that for me. Thank you for being such a shining example of what loving God and people looks like.
Sorry if I sound sentimental, but I guess I am.
Please pass the tissues.
I understand your reaction, Ruthy. As I opened the emails from the wonderful ladies who agreed to provide quotes for the post, I would sigh, laugh or shed a tear--sometimes all three. Their love of Seekerville knows no bounds. They poured out their hearts. Choosing what to use and where to make cuts was no easy task, let me tell you. Thanks to Tina's understanding, I was able to sneak in a few extra words and preserve the heart of everything they shared.
DeleteTracey, thanks again for your contributions to the post. I've been eagerly awaiting this day so that Seekers and Seekervillagers both could hear the wonderful things you had to say.
DeleteRuthy, I'm caught up on comments for the moment and want to add another reply to yours. You have been such a source of encouragement to me over the years. Sure, you've coupled it with teasing, but that's part of the fun. In fact, your courses in How Not to Take Yourself Too Seriously and Lightening Up 101 have been invaluable. I can't thank you enough for the many ways you've blessed me. I appreciate you more than you know.
DeleteThank you, Keli, for your great post...and happy retirement! I hope you have some amazing new adventures!
ReplyDeleteWhat I love most about all of the ladies of Seekerville is that whatever they say, post, and do is out of kindness and love. Even if it's a bit of tough loved served with a side of pumpkin snickerdoodles.
Although I don't read the blog every day, when I do, I always feel renewed and inspired to keep writing and to keep plugging away at all of my dreams whether they are personal or professional. It's wonderful to be a small part of a group that supports and encourages each other unconditionally.
I learn about craft and strategies for pushing through fear, and I often hear things from you ladies at EXACTLY the moment I need to.
So THANK YOU Seekerville, you all are rock stars...every single one of you!
Happy writing,
Your comment "touch love served with snickerdoodles" makes me smile.
DeleteJeanine, the love and kindness of the Seekers is legendary. They dole out support and encouragement daily, right along with their great posts, fun giveaways and tasty virtual treats. It doesn't matter how often we visit either. We're ensured a warm welcome no matter when we show up.
DeleteJeanine, what kind words. Thank you!
DeleteKeli, great post! Enjoy retirement. My husband retired from work in April. At first I think I enjoyed him being home more than he did lol. I got to see more of him since he wasn't working crazy hours. Now he's glad to be home, especially with the crazy of the flooded house and someone needing to be home so the workers can work on putting the house back together.
ReplyDeleteI love Seekerville for the camaraderie. It's like one big family,with love, support, and encouragement thrown in.
We feel like its family also. Thanks Sally
DeleteSally, thanks for the well wishes on my retirement. I couldn't let my guy have all the fun.
DeleteThere is an adjustment period, as you said. During the first year of my husband's retirement, he missed teaching and spending time with his students and did a good deal of subbing, which helped ease him into this new chapter of his life. The second year, he hit his stride. He's found new interests and is having a great time.
I'm the one in the adjustment phase now. I miss some aspects of writing, but others, such as deadline pressure, I don't. I love having time to do more volunteering at church, something I wasn't able to do much of when I was actively writing.
I wish you and your husband all the best as you enjoy his retirement and your time together.
Fun post, Keli!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your book and your retirement!
Thanks for the well wishes, Rose.
DeleteWhat a great post, Keli! I agree with all of these reasons. Acceptance and encouragement may be the biggest two reasons. I love the ladies of Seekerville and their generosity is amazing!
ReplyDeleteAnd we love you all. Thanks Jackie.
DeleteJackie, we all crave safe places where we feel loved and accepted. Seekerville is just such a place. No wonder so many of us come back time after time.
DeleteKeli, what a terrific and touching post. Like Ruthy, I'm all teary eyed. I really love all of you also. You talk about us being encouraging and helpful, that is exactly how we feel about all of you. Your comments and support are one of the reasons we keep on going. smile.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all the wonderful readers who contributed to this post. You have been so supportive of us. It always touches our hearts when we get feedback about our novels. Thank you again for being here for us.
Sandra, you and your fellow Seekers have blessed so many of us in so many ways. It's our pleasure to give back when we can.
DeleteThere isn't a holiday goes by without an email from you in my inbox with a link to a beautiful card. Those greetings make me smile every time. Your thoughtfulness makes my day.
Congratulations Keli! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the greeting, Susanne, and for taking time to stop by.
DeleteSusanne, thanks for stopping by the Village.
DeleteGood morning, Keli! Thank you and the many Seekerville READERS for sharing such encouraging words with us on our 10th birthday. Our readers are THE BEST!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm wishing YOU the very best, Keli, as you head off on a new path. Many Villagers may not know that we only 'met' some time after you'd judged my entry in a contest and played a part in getting it as a finalist on the desk of Love Inspired Senior Editor Melissa Endlich who was the finals judge. Not many months later, she offered a contract and my first published book, "Dreaming of Home," released in October 2009. THANK YOU AGAIN, KELI!
Thanks for the well wishes on my retirement, Glynna. I loved living my dream of being a published author, but I'm eager to embrace this new chapter of my life.
DeleteI remember our "meeting" well, just as I remember reading the opening to your wonderful story in that contest I judged. I've read many contest entries over the years, but yours stands out in my memory. You reeled me in from the opening line. I didn't want the story to end, but I knew I'd see it in print one day. I did me some serious happy dancing when you sold. It's been such a joy to watch your writing career take off and soar.
Thank you Keli, for allowing me to contribute to your post. It was so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed many a cup of morning coffee while reading posts of Seekers, Audra, Cara, Debby, Glynna, Janet, Julie, Mary Missy, Myra, Pam, Ruthy, Sandra, Tina and their Guests.
I want to applaud them all for how much they give back to writers and readers alike. They are very special ladies I'm honored to know. Thank you all for all you do!
I'm praying each one of you will be blessed because of how much you give of yourselves to serve others!
Thanks so much for your willingness to contribute to the post, Tracey. I loved what you had to say. It's easy to gush when it comes to the Seekers, isn't it?
DeleteThank you, Tracey! Today's post has been so heartwarming! I know ALL of the Seekers have been deeply blessed by the love and support and encouragement from our Villagers--readers and writers alike!
DeleteTracey, thank you for your support and encouraging words! It's amazing how well we feel we know each when many of us have never met. I think that's God at work.
Thank you again to all of the Seekers who have opened up the gates to Seekerville over these past 10 years. I am beyond thrilled that Keli has been able to use my thoughts and they are included in the main body of today's post and not just in the comments! Congratulations Keli, I hope you enjoy your next adventure and congratulations once again to Seekerville. I hope that I can visit here for many years to come!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to all!
Thanks for your kind words and for your well wishes on my retirement, Connie. Thanks, too, for your willingness to contribute to the post. I love what you had to say.
DeleteConnie, I'm loving the cheerleader image! Not that I could get off the ground, but your words have lifted me.
DeleteHugs, Janet
I think you'd look great waving some pompoms, Janet. And who needs to leap in the air when they have a million-dollar smile like yours?
DeleteI just found Seekerville about two weeks ago and am really enjoying the posts. The posts back up the books I've been reading about writing and audio lectures. Plus, it's great getting the "inside scoop" on how some of my favorite authors think.
ReplyDeleteHi and welcome, Ainnirbard! I'm so glad you've discovered Seekerville. You're in for a treat--many of them, in fact. This is a wonderful place where we can learn, but it's much more than that, as you could tell from reading this post. Seekerville truly is a home away from home, and the Seekers are some of the most supportive, encouraging, fun, caring people you'll ever meet.
Deleteainnirbard, a delight to have you in the Village.
DeleteIs your first name spelled Ainni? That's like a great novel writer name. Cool beans!
Actually it's just two Gaelic words put together (ainnir and bard) - no one else had swiped it for an email address. Hadn't thought of using it as a true pen name - thanks for the idea!! (And the welcome!)
DeleteWhat do the Gaelic words mean? Are they related to the meaning of your real name, whatever that might be?
DeleteWhat a great post! This is exactly why I LOVE Seekerville! It's a beautiful blend of readers and writers joined together to promote Christ and each other.
ReplyDeleteRachel, I love how you put it. Seekerville is "a beautiful blend of readers and writers joined together to promote Christ and each other." I couldn't have said it better myself.
DeleteThank you for a great post, Keli. Like you, I love the atmosphere on Seekerville - the mix of readers and writers, the flying comments, the intros to new books and writers, and the constant challenges with a sidedish of encouragement. Happy birthday, Seekerville!
ReplyDeleteDana, your comment about "the flying comments" made me smile. That's a great way to describe the comment trail here in Seekerville. By the time I respond to one, there are several more waiting. This is one great big joyful conversation among kindred spirits, and it's such fun to participate.
DeleteFun post, Keli! Seekerville is a fabulous place to hang out with my bookish friends. I also learn so much about the writing process which makes me appreciate my favorite authors that much more!
ReplyDeleteI brought chocolate chip scones to share!
Blessings and ((((HUGS))))
Oooh, I've never had a chocolate chip scone! Wish I could have it non-virtual! :)
DeleteCaryl, thanks for your wonderful contribution to the post--and for the scones. I'll actually be having cinnamon chips scones for my breakfast today--once I catch up on comments that is. 🙂
DeleteCaryl, bookstores are some of my favorite places. Especially those with a cafe! Thanks for hanging out!
Cheering and encouragement are my favorites. Wait, and the posts.
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong if all 10 reasons are my favorite?
Connie, there are so many reasons to love Seekerville. Who could choose, right?
DeleteWhat wonderful insights from the readers at Seekerville! I love this post. As for my favorite thing about Seekerville... Before I was introduced to this amazing community, I participated in a couple of author communities that offered great support and information but that were not faith based. Sometimes the conversations, the genres, etc. gave me an empty feeling in my chest...kind of a homesickness is the best way I can describe it. I knew I didn't belong. But here at Seekerville, I've found a knowledgeable community that shares my core values. Each post teaches me something new about the craft and/or encourages me in some way. And I love returning the encouragement to the authors of the posts and the ladies who make Seekerville happen. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteKaren, didn't the readers who contributed to the post do a great job? I love what each of them had to say, and I'm loving the comments too.
DeleteYou brought up a great point. Seekerville is a community with Christ at the core, and it shows. Love in action takes place here daily. It doesn't matter where we are on our walk with the Lord or whether or not we've invited him into our hearts. We're all welcome here, where we receive love, acceptance, kindness, caring, encouragement, support and so much more.
I get exactly what you're saying, Karen! I'm a member of a few other writers groups that extend beyond the inspirational genre, and there is definitely a difference.
DeleteGosh, Karen thanks for that comment. It's like we all speak the same language around here, right?
DeleteKaren, you've sure encouraged me with your lovely words. Thank you.
First let me say, I wish I could win that beautiful necklace!! ;)
ReplyDeleteKeli and friends, thank you so much for this wonderful post that brought tears to my eyes! Y'all are amazing. We could never have such a fun place to hang out without all of you showing up here each day. So thank YOU! And thanks for celebrating our birthday with us.
Missy, I'm a big fan of Origami Owl lockets and am happy to be offering one of them as a prize today. If I were a NYT bestselling author with a robust bank account instead of a retiree on a fixed income, I'd love to give a locket to each Seeker and to each Seekervillager who leaves a comment. At least one person will get one. I'm eager to read the Weekend Edition and find out who that someone is.
DeleteThank you for all you give to us, Missy. We're blessed by you and your caring heart.
I should clarify my first comment. I should have said I wish I could ENTER to win. Seekers don't get entered in the drawings!! Must make that clear. LOL
DeleteMissy, I know what you meant. 🙂 I'm just eager to talk about the locket I'm offering as a prize. I've seen it in person, and it's beautiful.
DeleteKeli, I also meant to say that I'm wishing you a wonderful retirement. All my friends at church who've retired say they're even busier now than when they were working. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the well wishes on my retirement, Missy. Your comment about retirees being busier now than when they were working makes me smile. Because my husband and I are each involved in many activities, we have to compares notes often so we know which of us will be where and when.
DeleteWow, I loved this!! Words that jumped out at me... "welcomed", "valued", "my opinion is important", "I found my people", "understood", and "prayer".
ReplyDeleteGoodness, I remember just getting involved with the online community, loops, groups, blogs, and eventually my Seeker sisters and then Seekerville, and I can so relate to every one of these.
Thanks for putting these feelings into words, ladies.
{{{{{group hug}}}}}
Pam, thanks for all you do to foster that spirit of love and acceptance here in Seekerville. You're a gem!
DeletePam I feel I get more support from the online community than I get from people here in my own town. recently I had shoulder surgery and had very few of my local friends checking on me (2 in the church did and one of them was really the only one to do anything to help) and a couple of friends around the area. I got more support from my online friends.
DeleteThank you Keli :) I do love Seekerville. I think it's the whole sense of community and overall feeling of encouragement. May God bless you and all of Seekerville!
ReplyDeletePhyllis, your description of Seekerville is spot on. The sense of community and the generous helpings of encouragement doled out here are what bring us back time after time.
DeleteSeekerville is where I found the GUTS to write what I needed to write and in my own style & rhythm.
ReplyDeleteAnd 5 Zillion other things!!! But the COURAGE & the GO FOR IT!! That's the spark I needed!! Hope I will make you ladies proud someday!
Jana, I'm happy to hear that your writing your stories your way, thanks to the support and encouragement of the Seekers. They're masters of instilling courage and hope in all of us. I wish you well as you pursue your dream.
DeleteJana, it made me smile to know the blog has given you guts! :)
DeleteJana, You're a fighter with loads of guts. You've already made us proud!
Keli, your post today is just incredible! I'm humbled and honored by so many sweet tributes from our loyal readers, and I'd like to give each and every one of you a big hug! Ten years ago, I never imagined the reach this blog would have, the new friends we'd make, the readers we'd connect with, or the budding authors we'd see launched off Unpubbed Island! (And now I'm wiping tears from my eyes!)
ReplyDeleteHappy retirement, Keli! You are a gracious, wise, and caring lady, and I wish you all the best God has to offer!
Myra, I'm honored to know you! The connections I've made here in Seekerville have impacted my life in many ways. I've been blessed beyond measure.
DeleteThanks for the well wishes on my retirement. I look forward to seeing all the Lord has in store for my Gwynly and me.
Great post, Keli. I wish you all the best in your retirement. I related to all the comments made about Seekerville. I can't wait to visit here everyday. I do feel like I am in a community of friends and sisters in Christ. I get so much encouragement for my writing as well as for whatever else I am going through.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win your Christmas book. I have already started reading Christmas!
Thanks for the well wishes on my retirement, Sandy. I'm eager to see what this new chapter in my life will bring.
DeleteThe sense of community is strong here in Seekerville, isn't it? It's great to be among friends where encouragement and support are passed out right along with the virtual treats.
Christmas stories are fun reads, aren't they? I was excited to see how many of them there are in this year's LIH lineup.
KELI!!!! You're retiring??? That makes me sad, my friend, but I know it makes your hubby very, VERY happy, so that makes me happy too. "Unto everything there is a season," but I have a sneaking suspicion that your retirement season won't last forever ... ;)
ReplyDeleteWOW, what a post, my friend, although I will admit it feels a little funny having the tables turned on us! But it feels good, too, so thank you for putting together this incredible post.
And MEGA HUGS not only to sweet Keli, but to some of my very favorite reader friends -- Caryl Kane, Connie Saunders, Dawn Leonard, Heidi Robbins, Jenny Blake, Kav Rees, Tracey Hagwood, and Trixi Oberembt -- talk about "rock stars"!! Keep in mind that Seekerville wouldn't have lasted a day without Villagers like you all, so we are SO very grateful to each of you AND each of those who have become an important part of Seekerville over the years.
TRIXI SAID: "Julie Lessman brings her unique vibe to the group. You can count on a few exclamation points and BOLDED words to stand out among the others. She always has something fun to say…even if she has too much caffeine in her system. Lol!"
LOL, Trixi ... "unique vibe" ... what a sweet way to say I'm just a wee bit CRAZY and over the edge! ;) And, yes, I do love my exclamation points and caps, although it does drive sweet Myra "CRAZY and over the edge" as well!!!! ;)
CONNIE SAID: "Virtual treats are mentioned almost daily, and this often inspires me to “get to baking.”
UH-OH ... I feel like a slouch because I haven't mentioned virtual treats in many a moon pie, so my humble apologies, and bring on the warm peach cobbler, Patti Jo, because this girl is Ready-Whipped!!
Sorry, I'm a little bit "pun"nish this morning. Too much caffeine, I guess. ;)
Hugs & 😘,
Julie, thanks for your well wishes on my retirement. The Lord has confirmed many times in many ways that this was a good decision for me. I'm exited to see what the next chapter of my life holds.
DeleteI can't let this opportunity go by to thank you again for your kindness. When I won a first-chapter critique from you on another blog years ago in my pre-pubbed days, I was over the moon. You gave me heaps of encouragement along with great feedback. My agent sold that story, which became my debut novel. I'm thrilled that your fingerprints can be seen in the opening pages of A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California. To this day, I know exactly which words are yours, and I treasure every one--along with the gift of your friendship.
Although I don't comment much, I have learned much from this blog and also from Keli's blog. The best wishes to you, Keli.
ReplyDeleteTammie, Seekerville is a great place to visit. Every person who does so is valued, even if we don't leave comments.
DeleteThanks for your well wishes on my retirement.
Tammie, thanks for stepping out of lurkerville today. Make sure you have a cookie and something to drink.
DeleteBest wish! Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the well wishes, Cathy Ann.
DeleteCongratulations on your retirement! I learn as much in the comments section as I do in the actual blog. Love the readers here!
ReplyDelete(You wouldn't believe how long it took to get that video right :)
Thanks for the well wishes on my retirement, Sherri. I wish you and the rest of my LIH sisters all the best as you seek new ways to get your great stories in readers' hands.
DeleteLOLOL, Sherri. Good video, btw.
DeleteWaving hi to all and an extra big hug for Keli! Congratulations on your release and your retirement. I'm excited for you as you go on new adventures! I treasure your books, Keli, and can't wait to read this one.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post. I'm thankful for Seekerville!
Thanks, Susie, for your kind words and well wishes. Since you visited Placerville this summer, you were the first writer to see the more relaxed post-retirement me. 🙂 I treasure the wonderful memory of our families meeting for lunch.
DeleteKeli, I love your post!
ReplyDeleteAs a writer and reader, I agree with all ten reasons to love Seekerville. To me, the friendships are the best....and I've never met any of you in person, but I feel connected to you all, through comments, encouragement and faith! That makes Seekerville the amazing place it is. Thank you!
Keli, congratulations on your newest book! Beautiful inside and out...with a special Christmas touch! Blessings to you on your new adventure, my friend!
Sherida, there's something for everyone here in Seekerville, that's for sure. As you said so well, the friendships formed here are special.
DeleteThanks for your kind words and well wishes. It's fun ending my career with a Christmas story.
Keli, such a lovely post that's touched my heart! I'm sure the other Seekers feel the same way. Hugs and thanks to everyone who included comments about Seekerville. You are all so generous and thoughtful with the kinds words you've shared today.
ReplyDeleteSending loving prayers of gratitude to all...
Grace abounds in Seekerville, right? I do believe the Lord is smiling!
Debby, you've touched our hearts too. I remember so well you, Missy and Walt cheering for me when I won a Maggie years ago while I was on the other end of Walt's cell phone call. That kind of support, encouragement and shared joy is what Seekerville is all about.
DeleteThanks Keli - loved reading these. Seekerville is my go to for encouragement, support and plain old fun.
ReplyDeleteCindy, encouragement, support and good, clean fun abound here in Seekerville. It's no wonder we love coming back time after time.
DeleteThanks for asking me to contribute to your post Keli!!! Just another example of feeling valued at Seekerville ;)
ReplyDeleteHeidi, thank you for your willingness to contribute the post. I loved what you had to say. You're a special lady, and all of us here know it. 🙂
DeleteHeidi, it's so cool to realize that craft posts help readers write their reviews! I love the camaraderie here too.
Keli, thanks for this fun post and thanks to all eight of you for sharing these sweet words about Seekerville! I've been blessed to know you, to share the love of books and for some, the pursuit of writing. Without Villagers, Seekerville would've been a ghost town.
ReplyDeleteKeli, I remember the first time we met like it was yesterday. Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy the extra time with your hubby and the blessing of getting to do more in your church.
Hugs, Janet
Janet, I'm so grateful to the Seekervillagers who agreed to contribute to the post. They had such wonderful things to say. I loved getting sneak peeks as I opened each of their emails.
DeleteI remember our first meeting clearly too. I was attending my first writing conference ever as a florescent-green newbie writer. As I entered the hotel meeting room for the Faith, Hope & Love pre-conference conference, I had a severe case of the collywobbles. And then I spotted you, a friendly face in a sea of strangers. The smile you sent my way and the warm welcome that followed meant so much to me then and still do today. I'll never forget your kindness.
I'll never forget how sweet you were and are. I'm so grateful that God brought so many wonderful people into my life through writing.
I agree, Janet. Readers and writers are wonderful people. I've loved getting to know so many of you.
DeleteKeli, I give a hearty AMEN to all of these reasons. Seekerville is outstanding on every count. Whatever I need to research or learn more about, it's here. The community is awesome. Love, love Seekerville.
ReplyDeleteSharee, outstanding is a great word to describe Seekerville. There's so much information to be found, and I doubt we could find any place with a stronger sense of community in all of cyberspace.
DeleteHello sweet Keli! I must say that although I will miss reading more awesome books written by you, I'm thrilled for you to enjoy retirement with your husband. I'm also VERY thankful to have a nice collection of Keli Gwyn books on my "Keeper Shelf" and look forward to staying in touch with my long-distance California friend. :)
ReplyDeleteThis post today was WONDERFUL!! I actually got goosebumps (the *good* kind) as I read the comments from those Seeker Villagers. I LOVE the Seekers and Seekerville, and as I've posted on Facebook in the past, it's "the BEST place for writers and readers alike!!". Thank you for sharing here today, and enjoy your retirement!
Hugs, Patti Jo
Thanks for you kind wishes for my retirement, Patti Jo, and for all the support and encouragement you've sent my way over the years. You've filled my heart--and my mailbox--with joy time after time. You're a treasured friend.
DeleteI loved what the Seekervillagers who agreed to contribute to the post had to say. I got goosebumps, too, when I opened their emails and read their wonderful quotes.
Best wishes on your retirement, Keli, and many happy times on your next journey. One of the first books I won on here was yours...Her Motherhood Wish.
ReplyDeleteWhat isn't there to love about Seekerville? I have learned so much as a beginning writer, and I owe most of that to the wonderful ladies of SV and the Seekervillagers. The archives are full of answers to any writing weaknesses you may have, and the authors are eager to share their expertise with a personal email. Most of all, the sharing of the love of one God has helped me through all my writing fears by giving me the courage to put myself out there.
Thank you, Seekerville, I'm looking forward to sharing many more birthdays with you!
Aw, thanks, Marcia. :)
DeleteEspecially, you, Tina...you have been my biggest pusher...er... cheerleader! And...no word yet, still waiting and running out of fingernails!
DeleteThanks for the well wishes on my retirement, Marcia. I appreciate them.
DeleteWhat fun that you won a copy of Her Motherhood Wish here in Seekerville. I enjoyed writing Chip and Callie's story. Well, all except that action-packed ending. I'm so not a suspense writer.
Seekerville is certainly the place to come if you want to learn how to write well. The Seekers are pros, as are their author guests. There's one post after another with great tips and how-to's. I've learned oodles and bunches from them.
I wish you well on your writing journey and hope good news is coming your way soon.
LOL. I am a pusher. LOVE IT!
DeleteThere are so many reasons why Seekerville is a favorite place for me. When I first arrived, I didn't have a clue about writing. Now I am still learning and soaking in their advice.
ReplyDeleteI know they pray for me when I am struggling.
They know how to encourage.
Thank you Seekerville.
Wilani, the reasons we love Seekerville are many. You pinpointed three good ones: writing tips, prayer support and encouragement. What a blessing it is to be part of this wonderful community.
DeleteWhat a fun, fun post, Keli! Why do I love Seekerville? Let me count the ways . . .
ReplyDeleteActually, there are far too many to count. So, I'll list a few...I began visiting here as a very newbie writer a number of years ago. The Seeker ladies have been so encouraging as I've asked questions and submitted things (both here and when winning critiques). I've learned so much. As much as anything, it feels like there are genuine relationships here. And, I'm all about relationships. I enjoy reading comments, and interacting (though many days I'm too busy with teen boys to comment as much as I'd like) with other villagers. I love the acceptance here, and the occasional kick in the back side.
Okay, speaking of teen boys, I'm off to take one to the doc's office.
Seekerville--I thank God for you all OFTEN!
Jeanne, Dawn Leonard said the SUPPORT offered in Seekerville deserves to be in ALL CAPS. I'd say RELATIONSHIPS does too. The friendships and feeling of belonging that are part of this wonderful community are such blessings.
DeleteI hope your son is OK and that the appointment goes well.
I agree about RELATIONSHIP being in all caps. :) He's fine. Just trying to figure out a probably minor issue. :)
DeleteWhat a fun post. Please throw my name in the drawing for the book. The jewelry would literally turn my skin green which would not be a pretty sight. Thank you to all the readers.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Bettie. One of my sisters can't wear most metal jewelry either. Not to worry. There are six non-bling prizes up for grabs today.
DeleteTrying to pick a couple of things that make Seekerville special is like trying to pick the best candy out of a box of chocolates. There just isn't a better group of people to spend time with than the encouraging, educational, wise, sharing, sympathetic, supporting, understanding, generous, helpful, strong, kind, forgiving, and Godly authors and readers at Seekerville.
ReplyDeleteBarbara, this line would make a terrific meme: "Trying to pick a couple of things that make Seekerville special is like trying to pick the best candy out of a box of chocolates." I love it! Your statement is so true. You've listed some of the many reasons we love being part of this wonderful cyber community. It's a special place, indeed!
DeleteOh me...sigh...after reading over 130 sweet comments, I must have used 2 boxes of tissues!! It is impossible to find words to say how much I love Seekerville...its authors and readers!
ReplyDeleteKeli, this post is just fantastic. Wishing you well on your retirement...hope you drop by and comment sometimes...the camaraderie here is NOT something to be missed!
Hugs to you, Jackie Smith.
DeleteJackie, the wonderful quotes by the readers who so generously offered them for the post, along with the heartfelt comments being left today, have left me misting up at times too. It's a love fest, and I'm loving it. ��
DeleteThanks for your well wishes on my retirement. I don't plan to disappear. After all, this post makes it crystal clear that readers love Seekerville every bit as much as writers do.
Jackie is yet another of the blessings I found here (and over at Kav's place). We are email pen-pals and share books back and forth. So not only do writers connect with each other, but readers connect with each other too. Echoing Tina, hugs to you Jackie!
DeleteThank you for the post. I totally agree with every point made by the other readers! And welcome to the “other side”, Kelli!
ReplyDeleteMH I am hearing Darth Vader..WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE, KELI!!
DeleteMH, my reply to you showed up as a separate comment below. Sorry about that.
DeleteTina, at least I have plenty of time to spend with Darth Vader these days. I'm sure he could teach me heaps about what goes on in the head of a villain. LOL
DeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed it, Shirley.
DeleteShirley, thank you for stopping by the Village and sharing the day with us.
DeleteSeekerville just such an awesome place. They're always talking about relevant topics to the writing world. 60% of what I learned about writing I learned on Seekerville. And it was way more fun to learn than the other 40% which I had to learn via school and good old fashioned trial and error. Also everyone is so friendly :)
ReplyDeleteNicki, there's a wealth of writerly information available here in Seekerville, isn't there? I've learned oodles from the Seekers and their generous guests over the years.
DeleteMH, I'm looking forward to life after writing and rediscovering the hobbies and interests I didn't have time for when I was dealing with deadlines.
ReplyDeleteOops! Meant for this to be a reply. Blogger's been giving me trouble. Apparently it thinks I'm spamming Seekerville today. Nope. Just sharing in this wonderful comment trail. At least the comment showed up. I tried at least twenty times. Call me persistent. That's a good quality in a writer and came in handy many times. :-)
DeleteI will miss Kelli’s books, but pray she has a wonderful time enjoying the things she loves.
ReplyDeleteLucy, thank you for stopping by the Village! We will all miss Keli's books! But she's going to be a reader! Hurrah!
DeleteThanks for your well wishes, Lucy, and your kinds words about my stories. They mean a great deal to me.
DeleteTina, one of the things I've been looking forward to with regard to my retirement is having a lot more time to read. My Kindle is loaded, and I'm excited.
DeleteI dream of a hammock and reading for days. Nothing else. Just reading.
DeleteI don't have a hammock, Tina, but I have the coolest gravity lounge chair out on the back patio plus two fuzzy orange cats to keep me company. I'm set. :D
DeleteWhat a fabulous post!! I loved reading this, and I agree with every word.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your book and your retirement, Keli!
I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Rhonda. It's easy to say great things about Seekerville, isn't it? There's so much to like.
DeleteThanks for the well wishes.
Hi Keli,
ReplyDeleteAfter I experienced a lot of life changing or maybe better said life challenging family moments this past year, I can understand why someone would put their career aside to spend time with family. YAY YOU! Thanks for the great books you put out there for us to enjoy!
Lyndee, I'm sorry you've had such a challenging year. It's nice that you can come here to Seekerville and receive support.
DeleteThanks for your kind words about my stories and well wishes for my retirement.
Keli, while I'm sorry there won't be more of your books I am delighted for you that you have made a decision that brings you such joy and anticipation. Thanks for sharing your writing talent :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks to all of you who shared your thoughts with Keli. It made for an upbeat, celebratory post!
Happy 10th Birthday, Seekerville!
Nancy C
Thanks for sharing in my joy, Nancy. The Lord has confirmed my decision to retire many times in many ways.
DeleteI'm grateful to the wonderful Seekervillagers who agreed to contribute the post. They shared from their hearts and blessed mine in the process.
ReplyDeleteI'm relatively new to Seekerville, but I admire you for the stance you are taking. Family is first and foremost. It sounds like you have lived your dream, so now you get the best of both worlds!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Linda. I'm sure you'll experience the many benefits of being part of this wonderful community such as you've heard about in this post and comment trail. Seekerville is a very special place!
DeleteThanks for your kind words about my decision to retire. The time was right--for many reasons.
Keli, thank you for the amazing post!!! Blessings in your new journey :)
ReplyDeleteI like everything about this great place but most of all is the opportunity to meet new authors and find out about new books! Thank you Seekerville!
Your happiness is our happiness. We're a team, Natalya!
DeleteThanks for your kind words about the post, Natalya. I had some wonderful Seekervillagers help me with it. This is a such a great place filled with great people, as you know.
DeleteHappy Birthday from another Nebraskan! I enjoy stopping by Seekerville, have read some wonderful new authors and I always learn something about writing that as a reader I hadn't given much thought.. I've also won some wonder prizes here and always feel blessed after visiting :)
ReplyDeleteD, I'm glad you stopped by today. This is a great place to learn about new authors and their books. As an author, I can't thank the Seekers enough for the support they've shown me throughout my writing career--and before it began. They're here today, too, sending me off into retirement with their trademark support and encouragement. Talk about a group of awesome ladies. The Seekers rock!
DeleteDeanna! Great to see you! We love our readers.
DeleteSometimes it can be difficult to balance life so I'm happy that you have made the decision to spend more time with your family and may your decision bring you much happiness!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading this blog but I also enjoy reading people's comments. Sometimes, just for affirmation and other times, the comments give me a reason to smile or laugh!
Arletta, thanks for your well wishes on my retirement. I've received a great deal of confirmation that this was the right decision for me at the right time.
DeleteI'm with you. The Seekerville posts are great, but something special happens in the comment trail. It's love in action, Seeker style.
Arletta! Another lurker comes out of lurkdom. What a treat to meet you!!!
DeleteAs a reader this place has always given me insight to authors and many times advice for me in my life! I don't always comment, but reading it is very enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteSusan! Thanks for the kind words and coming out of Lurkdom for this special day. Do check the WE Edition for the winner list!
DeleteSusan, thanks for stopping by and joining the discussion. Seekerville has so much to offer both writers and readers.
DeleteGoodness! What's not to enjoy?!?!? Learning about each of you & your books, the blog posts, the giveaways, it's all wonderful fun! Going to miss you Keli!!! Thanks! rw620 AT aol DOT com
ReplyDeleteRobin! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteRobin, the Seekers are such a great group, and they do so much for others. Talk about paying it forward. They're experts.
DeleteThanks for the kind words. I won't totally disappear. I'll pop by for the same reasons readers do. I have to find out about the latest, greatest reads. Plus, it's just plain fun to be here.
My husband had a full knee replacement today and I am in the hospital on my phone to read this fantastic blog, as usual. 😁 Thanks for a wonderful post and everyone said everything that could ever be said. I LOVE SEEKERVILLE. Keep these columns coming. People care here about other writers and their readers. Bless you all.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, I'm sorry your husband had to undergo knee replacement surgery, but I'm glad the technology is there for those who need it. I hope his recovery goes well and that he's back on his feet in no time.
DeleteSeekerville is indeed a special place. I hope no one tasks offense, but I think of the Cheers theme song. This is a place where we can feel at home, where we're known and appreciated.
Happy 10th Birthday Seekerville. Enjoy my virtual strawberry whipped cream cake, you all. Plus coffee or tea.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, thanks for providing such a tasty cake. I copied your strawberry idea--with a chocolate twist. Hope that's OK.
DeleteThank you for bringing in reinforcement food Suzanne. I saw 188 comments and I though..FOOD. WE NEED MORE FOOD!
ReplyDeleteTina, I'm a terrible cook. Well, when I actually cook, I do a decent job, but I'm not a fan of spending any more time in the kitchen than I have to, so I kinda forget about providing virtual treats. To make up for it, I've placed an order for some chocolate dipped strawberries from Shari's Berries. They are milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate. Enjoy!
DeleteWhat a fun post! thanks Keli and everyone for all the kind words.
ReplyDeleteHi, Mary! We've been having a great time. Glad you were able to stop by and join us. You're just in time for those chocolate-covered strawberries I just put out.