
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Writer Gives Thanks!

By Debby Giusti
Each of us started our writing journey for a reason. Some of us wanted to see our names in print. Others may have yearned for fame and fortune. But most of us probably put pen to paper because we had a story to tell. That initial “story of our heart” propelled us forward and gave us the wherewithal to not only begin writing but to keep working until we typed “The End.” The process of taking an idea and developing it into full-length fiction exhilarated us, and before long we were creating the next story and the one following.

We worked long hours, often in less that comfortable conditions. Our stories were sometimes maligned or misunderstood, and we learned the hard truth that caustic critiques and rejections are part of the writing process. Yet we forged on, honing our craft in hopes of creating the best possible story so we could attract an editor and land a contract.

No matter the reason we began to write, we soon discovered new reasons to continue writing.

Most of us sit at our computers, usually in small work spaces in our homes far from other people, but thanks to the internet, we’re able to interact with writers online. Conferences and writing events provide opportunities to meet face-to-face.

It doesn’t take long for anyone who has attended RWA National or ACFW to realize that writers are creative, motivated and intelligent. We’re life-long learners who strive for excellence. We’re also a warm and welcoming group that forms friendships quickly.

We’ve seen that in Seekerville. What started as a group of women on the road to publication has turned into a blog community, a family of writers and readers, who share a common love for the written word.

Writers on this blog—and indeed the majority of writers I know—support and encourage one another. We find opportunities to share what we’ve learned in hopes of smoothing the path for those who come after us. We post blogs or teach workshops to pass on tips and techniques. Some of us lead writing classes, others publish how-to books or host mentoring groups and brainstorming sessions. All of us are focused on the same destination, yet the journey never ends because there’s always something new to learn.

Some folks write for their own personal satisfaction, but most of us create stories for our readers…for the high school graduate applying for his or her first job, for the single mom struggling to pay the rent or the guy who works two jobs to send his kids to college or the mother of five who finds a few minutes to read at the end of her busy day. Whether reader or writer, we speak the common language of story that breaks down barriers and makes us kindred spirits, sharing the same love for the written word. Connecting through email or letters or personal contact makes us work all the harder to create stories that uplift and inspire and touch our readers’ hearts.

Looking back on my writing journey, it’s not the books I’ve written that bring me joy; rather, it’s the people I’ve met because of those books.

This Thanksgiving, as I count my blessings, I’ll thank God for the writer and reader friendships I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t started on the road to publication years ago.

As always, I thank God for Seekerville, a cyber home that stretches around the world. Each of you are at the top of my list of blessings. Thank you for bringing joy to my life and for giving me a reason to write.

Share the blessings you’ve discovered on your own writing journey. What motivates you to keep moving forward as you work toward publication and beyond?

Leave a comment to be included in a drawing for the first two Publishers Weekly bestsellers in my Amish Protectors series, Amish Refuge and Undercover Amish.

I’m serving hot cider as well as coffee and tea along with pumpkin donuts and spice coffee cake. Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

Undercover Amish
By Debby Giusti

After Hannah Miller’s mother is murdered and her sisters go missing, someone comes after her. Now the only way she can survive is to entrench herself in an Amish community…and rely on Lucas Grant, a former police officer who is planning to join the Amish faith, for protection. But finding refuge for Hannah—disguised as Plain at a secluded inn—pulls Lucas back into his old life. And when Lucas discovers the criminals after them may be the people who killed his partner, the mission to take them down becomes personal. With the assailants closing in, though, can Lucas stop them…and finally put his past behind him to start an Amish life with Hannah?

Order here


  1. As a reader I feel very blessed to be a part of Seekerville and get to know so many great authors! You gals have shared your writing journeys (all the ups and downs), your personal struggles, your humor, your encouragement, just so many things.

    I have read stories written by quite a number of you, that's another blessing. You've not only kept me entertained (and often up WAY late reading) but also God's often spoken to me through your words.

    So I say THANK YOU authors for writing the kind of books that uplift, entertain and keep my nose to the pages :-)

    *No need to add my name to the pot Debby, thanks!*

    1. Thanks for sharing those lovely sentiments, Trixi. It's always a joy to read your comments. We've said it before, although maybe not often enough...we love readers. You ARE the reason we write. Thank you for being part of this blog family.

      Happy Thanksgiving...a few days early!

    2. Amen, Debby! Our wonderful readers are the reason we write!

  2. I like the sound of a hot cider.

    I'm a reader too. I always enjoy my visits to Seekerville. I have not only discovered wonderful authors and books but have learned a great deal along the way.

    1. Mary, we're so glad you're part of our Seekerville world. Thank you for your kind words.

      I'm pouring the cider and adding a cinnamon stick. Enjoy!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful post Debbie. I found the Seekerville blog many years ago and continue to return daily because it is a 'safe' place to listen and learn. Everyone here at Seekerville, both writers and readers, have been a blessing to so many of us. I've came here on many of occasions hurting and I found comfort and peace from caring people. So thank you for this reminder of how very thankful I am for each and every person who is a part of Seekerville in one way or another. May you all be blessed.

    Cindy W.

    1. You bless us, Cindy W. I hope this isn't a "hurting" time. I also hope you felt our prayers in any previous time of need. We do lift up our blog community each day, asking the Lord's blessing on all who visit.

      Thanks for calling Seekerville a "safe" place to listen and learn. Lovely. Home should always be safe, although we know for some that isn't the case. But, here at Seekerville, we want to provide that sense of being home with a family of readers and writers who do care and who do believe that all things work together for good. Sending hugs and love and pre-Thanksgiving greetings!

  4. Thank you for this beautiful post, Debby. For me, it's not about seeing my name on a book cover, it's about the wonderful folks I've met along this amazing journey. Over the years, Seekerville has been a blessing to me and so many others. Thank you for all that you do!

    1. Writing has opened so many doors, hasn't it, Jill? It gives us the opportunity to meet people around the world and to share that common love for story. We are blessed!

      Thanks for being part of our Seekerville family! Your sweet comments always brighten my day!


  5. Happy Wednesday, Debby!

    I love your post as there are so many blessings writing has brought me that I'm not sure where to begin. Reading has always been a haven for me, so meeting the authors of books I have loved has been amazing (although I still freeze up and haven't meet Jude day though I'll be brave enough to say hello).

    I've written all of my life, but being a writer with a writing tribe is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Fellow writers here on Seekerville, through RWA chapters, and at RWA conferences are always so kind, gracious, and encouraging. I have never met such a empowering and supportive group of women. Even today, when a published author talks with me just because that's who they are, it blows me away. I'm so grateful to be in such a community where everyone supports and encourages each other.

    And, I've brought some snickerdoodles to share!

    Happy writing everyone,


    1. Snickerdoodles!!! Thank you!

      Thank you, Jeanine, for your lovely words, as well! You mentioned "empowering." Great word and so true about writers reaching out and empowering other writers. Michael Hauge, Hollywood screen writing guru, spoke about that very thing at a National RWA Conference some years back. He said Hollywood would never believe how romance writers help one another. Hollywood was cutthroat, according to him, and he had been so pleasantly surprised and amazed at his first RWA conference when he saw firsthand the supportive nature of the romance writing community.

      BTW, I'm sure Jude Deveraux would love to hear from you! :)

      Pre-Thanksgiving hugs! Happy Turkey!

  6. Good morning, Debby! While I'm thankful for so much year-round, there's something special about pausing as we near our American Thanksgiving holiday to reflect on the many gifts God's given us. I've been so greatly blessed in so many ways. Each and every day, even on "bad" days, there's something to find to be thankful for. Family Friends. Freedom to worship. A job to pay the bills. Stories God has allowed to be published to touch the hearts of readers with His love. Knowing that I belong to God through Jesus Christ.

    1. Thanks for sharing your blessings, Glynna! I feel the same way. There is so much for which to be thankful. I love that we focus on blessings at this time of year!

      Have a wonderful day and a delightful Thanksgiving!

  7. Good Morning Debby and thanks for the pumpkin donuts. Yumm. They were great with my coffee this morning. I so agree that some of the most treasured blessings of my writing journey are the readers and writers I've met along the way. What a treasure trove of wonderful experiences. Meeting you and your family is one of the highlights. smile Have a great day.

    1. Sandra, I feel the same! Love sharing your RV travel vicariously and "seeing" the West through your photos and blog posts!

      I'm glad you like the pumpkin donuts. Fresh Market sells them in my area! So yummy!

  8. Debby, what a beautiful post. You echo so many of my feelings. We've been blessed here, haven't we?

    So much to be thankful for in this country. I think because it's our normal we think it's normal... and then I was reading up on the situation in Zimbabwe this morning and seeing the market street pictures... how sad they were. How difficult it is in so many places to climb the ladder of security. Not even success... just everyday security.

    Thank you for this post. As we move into 2018 I'll always be grateful for what we've built here, but also for the help we've been able to give all over.

    And I'll be thankful for pie, too. Because the Ruthinator loves pie.

    1. As you mentioned, Ruthy, we are so blessed to be citizens of the USA!!! Shout outs to our wonderful northern neighbors in Canada and our friends Down Under! I'm sure they, like us, are grateful.

      Unfortunately, we know so many around the world who struggle to survive in oppressive regimes and under difficult economic and cultural situations. May God bless all of them!!!

      I'm glad you mentioned pie! Pumpkin pie, pecan, sweet potato and apple are ready to be sliced. Start cutting, Ruthy! I'll serve! YUM!

  9. Okay, Debby, I love all the beautiful photos.

    I concur w/Cindy, Seekerville is a safe place. I love being to talk writing w/out being bogged down with negativity. Too much of it on social media now days. I love the encouraging and inspiring people I meet on here. Not to mention the delicious food.

    1. Hi Connie, I bet you're going to have a houseful of folks on Thanksgiving! You're so right about too much negativity these days. We all need to be uplifted and affirmed. I'm affirming you! You're a wonderful woman, a loving mom and a talented writer!

      Thanks for blessing my life!

  10. Great post, Debby...thanks! You are always such an inspiration to us! I am so thankful to be a part of daily dose of encouragement. Great authors and great books....such blessings! (and great friends among the commenters)
    Happy pre-Thanksgiving Day to all!

    1. Jackie...loved what you said about Seekerville...a daily dose of encouragement! :)

      True, isn't it! We do encourage and support one another here...Seekers and Villagers alike. Thanks for your support and encouragement! Bless you!

  11. Working on THE END as we speak. A terrific post. Happy Thanksgiving, Debby. So much to be thankful for.

    1. THE END of a new, delightful Tina Radcliffe story? Hope that's what you mean. More to read! Can't wait.

      My WIP is calling. A bit later...after Seekerville.


  12. Happy Thanksgiving Debby! Congratulations on your new book. You always amaze me how you can weave stories together with Amish people and danger.

    I'm thankful for you and the ladies of Seekerville. You do so much for us and I appreciate you all!

    1. Hi Jackie, I'm laughing. The Amish might not appreciate stories that insert murder and mayhem into their peaceful lives. :)

      Have a joyous Thanksgiving with your family!

      Hugs and love!

  13. Great post, Debby. I am so thankful for Seekerville as I have made so many friends here and have learned so much about writing.

    No need to enter me in the drawing as I just won Undercover Amish and received the lovely package from you with all kinds of goodies. You are so generous and I thank you for all.

    1. Glad the package arrived, Sandy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hope you can take a few minutes to give thanks--in the midst of the festivities--and count your blessings.

      Today's reading from scripture was about the ten lepers who were healed and only one--a Samaritan--returned to give thanks.

      I have so much for which to be thankful...I'll need a year to cover all my blessings! :)

  14. Good Morning Debby and Happy Thanksgiving to you. What beautiful fall pictures. I am with many of the commenters - thankful for Seekerville and all the Seekers do for us. You are much appreciated.

    1. You are appreciated as well, Cindy! God bless you...and thank you for your support and friendship.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving, Debby, to you and all of Seekerville! I'm thankful to have met Godly women here online through this blog who've been encouragers and prayer warriors for me this past year. And I've learned so much from everyone whether writer or reader, in all areas of life. I already have both of your lovely books so don't include me in the drawing. Have a blessed day everyone!

    1. Laurie, thanks for your kind words about those who are part of this blog community. Having prayer warriors, especially in time of need, is such a blessing!

      Praying that all of us have a joyous holiday season...from Thanksgiving through the New Year!

      Hugs and love!

  16. Debby, I, too, am so grateful for the wonderful people writing has brought into my life! You all have blessed me beyond measure.

    I've also been blessed to write stories that honor God. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I'm even more aware of the blessing of living in a country where I'm free to worship, to express myself verbally and in stories.

    Thank you for the lovely fall photos! Winter is trying to creep in, but I'm holding it off with sunny thoughts. :-)

    Hugs, Janet

    1. So true, Janet, about our freedom to worship. Too often, I take that for granted, yet we know too many around the world cannot freely gather to prayer. I'm giving thanks for our way of life and our wonderful country and praying for those whose worship is dictated by others.

      God bless the USA! God bless all of us!

  17. Aw. DEBBY... thank you this! I'm so thankful I met you at ACFW in 2016, THAT was a highlight of the conference for me. I've always believed God brings others into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

    What a beautiful post!

    PS. Thank you, too, for the pumpkin donuts! So generous of you. :-)

    1. Cynthia, that was a blessed moment at ACFW, for sure! And a memory I treasure!

      Enjoy everything about the week ahead...the hustle and bustle, the holiday prep and the special times of gratitude that so readily fill our hearts and minds this time of year!

      Hugs and love!

  18. A beautiful reminder as Thanksgiving approaches, Debby! Yes, so much to be thankful for!

    My motivation for writing comes from my belief that stories can heal, inspire, grow, and teach. I like to remind myself that Jesus taught in parables. He knew the power of story for examining our lives and revealing Truth.

    1. Beautifully said, Myra! Love your mention of the parables--the stories--Christ used to explain the truths he preached. I like to think we're following in his footsteps...and guided by his inspiration. Writing Christian stories is such a blessing!

  19. When I count my blessings, Seekerville is near the TOP! It's such a joy to interact with incredible authors and readers!

    Blessings and ((((HUGS)))

    1. Blessings and hugs heading back to you, Caryl! Hope you can feel the love and gratitude. So glad you're part of this wonderful blog family!!!

  20. Knowing you is one of my writerly blessings, Debby! Having your eyes on my work always makes me grateful, but knowing you as a person has been a gift. And, as I'm managing to reclaim my joy in writing after a fallow time, I'm finding a whole new gift I thought I'd lost. Congrats on your excellent successes! Love ya!

    1. Love you too, Anna! Your friendship is such a blessing! I hope your retreat is productive and refreshing so you can come home filled with peace and joy! :)

    2. Anna, I'm so glad you're finding your love of writing again.

  21. I am thankful for all the kindness I've encountered in the writing community. Romance writers in general are very supportive of each other, especially new writers, and the Seekerville ladies in particular are incredibly kind!
    You are all very much appreciated.

    1. Evelyn, we're so glad you're part of this community! Thanks for your support and encouragement, and congrats on your success! Wishing you abundant blessings at Thanksgiving and throughout the year ahead.

  22. What a beautiful post, Debby! I am thankful for so much on this writing journey. God has given me in-person and online friends as I've walked this road (Hello, Seekerville!!). I've learned so much from them, been encouraged, and had the chance to encourage them. He's taught me humility. He's helped me find my true identity—as His girl. God has helped me learn to trust His plans for this journey. There are other things I'm thankful for, but these are the first that come to mind. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Debby!

    1. You're His Girl! Love it, Jeanne! Trusting His plans for the journey is so important and, often, a hard lesson to learn and accept. I had to learn to live in His perfect time. That was so freeing for me!

      Enjoy the holidays with your handsome guys! I know it will be a special time for all!

      Hugs and love and Thanksgiving blessings to you and yours!

  23. Debby, you've got me fired up for Thanksgiving! Though I'm blown away that it's next week. For our family the festivities start on Wednesday night, the kickoff for the Christmas season here. There's lighting of trees, wreaths, a choir concert in the courthouse rotunda with free hot chocolate and a visit with Santa.

    I'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner. It's a busy morning but I love preparing the traditional dishes that our family loves. The gravy is a challenge, but somehow it's always good. As we eat, we go around the table, youngest to oldest and share our blessings. The trick is we can't repeat what someone else has said.

    Friday the ladies brave Black Friday and have a great time buying Christmas gifts for family members. I always make a lasagna for that evening, a quick, hearty meal we all love that requires little effort for the weary shoppers. :-)

    Anyone care to share Thanksgiving traditions?


    1. Your Thanksgiving sounds like ours, Janet. Good food, a plump turkey and family! The girls shop on Black Friday, but we usually enjoy turkey leftovers that night.

      We, too, go around the table mentioning blessings. Love your tradition of not being able to duplicate! Must be tough for the last to give thanks! :)

      Enjoy your family! The most important people in our lives. Our Seekerville family ranks right up there too!

    2. Once God, family and jobs get used, it does get harder. But we never run out of something to be thankful for.

      The men eat Thanksgiving leftovers Friday for lunch so I hate to serve it again that night.


  24. Debby, what an uplifting post. My thoughts echo so many of the other comments...we can't say enough of how Seekerville has touched our lives. This is a place where no one questions your need for prayers and offers them gladly. I've tried to live up to the "actions, not words" credo to show others what a blessing it is to have Christ in my life. All I need to do is to visit Seekerville everyday to see that credo in action every day. Thank you.



    1. Marcia, how beautifully written. Thank you! Putting words in action...yes! And showing the love and acceptance. That's what we try to do here in Seekerville, that's what we all seek in life, right?

      So glad you found us or someone pointed you in our direction! Hugs to our sweet sister, Marcia!

      Blessings too!

  25. Debby, what a beautiful post! I so agree. I'm so thankful for all of you here. What a blessing my Seeker sisters and the Villagers have been!

    I'm especially blessed when I see people who have met here at the blog become friends and/or critique partners. I love seeing everyone support each other!

    1. So true, Missy, about passing it on or passing it forward, which is rewarding to see. I love seeing writers hold their first book, whether indie or traditionally published. That's a joy, for sure!

  26. Oh Debby, what a beautiful post written by a beautiful person. I count you and my other writer/reader friends among my special blessings, and my life has been made much richer by knowing you all.
    I commented to my husband several years ago that if I never became published, the friendships I've formed along this writing journey have been worth more than the biggest book contract. That remains true, and I'm so thankful the Lord led me from the ending of my teaching career (for medical reasons) to the beginning of my writing. He is SO GOOD!! :)
    I hope you and all my other Seekerville friends have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
    Hugs and Love, Patti Jo

    P.S. CONGRATULATIONS on your AMAZING career with so many awesome books!! :)

    1. Patti Jo, did you recognize the table bouquet with the roses? You sent the arrangement to me and I saved the picture. You're always so thoughtful and generous. Love you! Have a delightful Thanksgiving with your beautiful family! Hugs to your little one!

    2. I did recognize that table bouquet! ;) Wish I could say I grew those roses myself, but thankful for a florist who does beautiful work! :)

  27. Lovely post, Debby!

    I too thank God for Seekerville and regularly pray for His blessings upon us. May He guide and encourage us too!

    1. We're praying for the same things, Phyllis!

      Happy Thanksgiving a few days early! :)

  28. Delicious post Debby! I love the encouragement that I have found through Seekerville and all the wonderful writers and readers here. Life sometimes pulls me off track but you all keep me coming back. Thank you. You have all opened my eyes to sooo much!

    1. Hi Kelly, we're thrilled that you're part of the Seekerville family! So glad you keep coming back.

      Hugs and love!

  29. Happy Thanksgiving Debby! Great post! Nice pictures :) Blessings!!!

    1. Sending blessings your way, as well, Natalya! Have a joyous Thanksgiving with your beautiful family!

  30. I am so grateful for all the seekers and villagers who have all been an encouragement.

    1. We're so grateful for you, Wilani! Wishing you a joyous Thanksgiving!

  31. Hi, everyone. We writers have so much to be thankful for, don't we? Every story is a gift from God. Now I'm just trying to juggle all those wonderful gifts.

    1. So true, Boo! God does gift us with stories. He's always my inspiration.

  32. Debby, I'm so thankful for you and all the encouragement you have provided since I've joined GRW. For me, though, while there are so many reasons I started this journey, the thing is the stories continue to grow in my mind and I love trying to do the characters justice on the page. Happy Thanksgiving, Debby.

    1. Tanya, I treasure your friendship and I love watching you garner all the awards and praise for your writing! Doing the best for our characters is so important. Thanks for sharing your love for story here on Seekerville.

      Have a joyous Thanksgiving! Hugs!

  33. Pumpkin doughnuts. Gotta have some of those.

    I'm with Wilani. I'm grateful for the encouragement I get here!

    1. You know we love you, Walt! So happy for your success! Enjoy those pumpkin donuts!

      Happy Thanksgiving. Hope your sons will be home to celebrate with you and your sweet wife!

  34. What a wonderful post, Debby! I am so thankful for Seekerville, and all the sweet, encouraging people here! My days feel "off" when I don't get an opportunity to stop by. I just barely made it today, but I'm so glad I did. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Like you, Laura, checking the Seekerville blog is part of my daily routine! So glad you're part of this wonderful community!

      Wishing you a joyous Thanksgiving!

  35. Hi Debby:

    I've been thinking about your post since just minutes after it went up late last night. I too feel an affinity to all who share a common love for the written word. However, some thing, some dimension, some essence, seemed to be missing. Maybe it was the 'thing-in-itself' that resides in the transcendent world that I had to find.

    What I am looking for is not just about the words any more than a cathedral is just about the bricks, stones, mortar, and marble which form its existence. It's not even just about the story or cathedral themselves. I believe this missing element is about the reason for their being a story/cathedral.

    I believe that for as long as there have been campfires, there have been storytellers. Men in all times and places have taken comfort in hearing their storytellers. The tales told filled a need and showed how much more there is to life. The stories instill the wonder that rounds out an existence too complex to understand but readily available to feel.

    To be a storyteller is to be a minister to the soul of mankind. It is to feel the reflected glory of the original creator.


    1. Vince, you're tapping into The Hero's Journey, which I love. Fable, storytelling, legend has been part of man's existence since the beginning of time. Yes, contemporary storytellers tap into that long's part of our makeup, perhaps even our DNA!

      Wishing you and Linda a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  36. Debby, you are so right that (for me) the reason for writing is because I have a story to tell. I'm amazed at how strong the compulsion is to get the words on paper (or screen) when a story starts to come to life. I, too, am thankful the writing community--which I discovered after I completed my first ms and I realized writing is not a solo act. I'm so thankful for Seekerville, the encouragement I find here each day, and the expertise that challenges me to keep improving my craft.

    1. Karen, we're so glad you're part of our blog community! Keep telling those's what God wants you to do.


  37. Thank all of you for writing words that turn into wonderful stories. Each time that I visit Seekerville I am encouraged, entertained and educated!
    Blessings & Happy Thanksgiving!
