
Friday, December 15, 2017

Best of the Archives: Using Time Wisely

This post didn't first appear anywhere...

It's appearing here now because time is one of those very physical yet existential things and sometimes...

We run out of time.

And nowhere does that happen more than at the very busy holiday season! So today, take a moment and do one of those "examinations of conscience" we all talk about...

List your time wasters. Not here, of course, because comments are shut off so we can all have a writing day!!!  But list them on paper. Or a phone list. 

Social media?
Too much TV?
Too much reading?
Internet browsing?
Game playing?

(Note the lack of actual people interaction in the ways we waste time these days. Not going to lunch with friends... or meeting folks for coffee... or having people over for dinner... WHAT????? People in our house???? If you have puppy petting or kitten holding as a time waster, then you're doing all right. I salute you! And if you are watching Phineas & Ferb or Christmas movies with small children, I give you a pass... )

Writers have a singular job most often. Part of the reason I kept my day job part time (25 hours/week) is because I need normal, fun, young people around me to keep me in touch with today's young family. Today's harried mother. Today's tired dad.... because the way they talk, act and think is SO DIFFERENT than when it was my turn pushing that pram/stroller.

Maybe it's different if you're writing historicals... because your vantage point is removed by a century or two.... :)

But for contemporary writers, I think we benefit by being present among people on a regular basis. Not online people.

Like the flesh and blood type! 

We're coming up on a new year (and our amazingly fun Rockin' It New Year's Eve Party in Seekerville on 12/31!) and with this new year we have that opportunity to be different... and maybe to make a difference.

"Seek and ye shall find... Knock and the door will be opened unto you..."  

We founded our group of Seekers and this blog on that premise, that bit of encouraging Gospel.

Don't give up.

Do not despair.

Do not go gently into that good night. 

Move forward... at your pace. Not mine. Not Missy's. Not your mama's! :)

At your pace. 

But when you examine those time drains, those wasters, those water-down-the-drain-pullers... dump a few. Open your time frame. Reassess on a regular basis. If where you want to be is HERE....

But you are actually HERE.......

Then do what ya' gotta do my friends to cover the distance. You've got the tools right there, in your hands... at your fingertips.

Go get 'em! 

And wishing you a beautiful and bountiful, peace-filled Christmas, wherever you are and whatever you're doing... 

May God bless and keep our military and their families safe and sound, and may every father and mother, son and daughter, come back home to their seat at the table for 2018... there's my wish!

Multi-published, bestselling Ruth Logan Herne is currently holed up in a snowy cave in Western New York, surrounded by the ghosts of pumpkins past and hopeful of some really great food and fun over the Christmas season. Her chickens fear the snow, her donkeys appear stoic, and her dogs think cavorting in snow is great fun.... Which means all systems "normal" in her crazy, fun-filled life! Friend Ruthy on facebook, follow her on Amazon, Bookbub or Twitter to make her editors happy...(Ruthy loves, loves, loves happy editors!) and be sure to stop by the Yankee Belle Cafe during the week to see what she, Mindy Obenhaus, Missy Tippens, Jan Drexler and Cate Nolan have going in the kitchen... or just in their lives! 

Comments are closed today because, well... there's work to be done, people! :)