Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Weekend Edition

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Monday: Winner of  DiAnn Mills's Deep Extraction is Wilani!

Tuesday: Grammar Queen announces two winners today! Becky B (ohiohomeschool) is the winner of her choice of any of Myra Johnson's published novels. Sandy Smith is the winner of Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing.

Wednesday: Special guest reviewer T.J. Mackay of InD'tale Magazine discussed "Christian Fiction in a Secular World: A Light Under The Bushel?"  The winner of their choice of a basket of three books from the InD'tale website OR a FREE full-page advertisement in InD'tale Magazine (that's an $80.00 value!) is ... Elaine Stock! 

Thursday: Winner of Janet Dean's Amazon $15 gift card is Trixi!


Monday: A surprise Easter Monday date with Ruthy Logan Herne! She's bringing Easter cakes and candies as she talks about "Writing for a Cast of Thousands". She'll talk about that dreaded but sensible subject (MONEY!) and why it's okay, well... actually PREFERRED to get paid for a job well done! She's got a fun selection of books to give away, including two copies of Their Surprise Daddy (her newest Love Inspired!!!) and Peace in the Valley, her new "Double S Ranch" novel! 

Tuesday: Laurie Schnebly Campbell returns to Seekerville! She'll be talking about "Why Fatal Flaws Rarely Are." She'll also be giving away a copy of her book “Believable Characters: Creating with Enneagrams.”  

Wednesday: Debby Giusti is our hostess with a fun blog you won't want to miss. Plus, she's giving away a copy of her May Love Inspired Suspense and the first book in her Amish Protectors series, Amish Refuge! Knowing Debby, she may include a surprise gift as well.

Thursday: Shannon Vannatter returns to Seekerville with her post, "Writing Inspirational." Do stop by and you could win a copy of Winning Over the Cowboy!

Friday: Best of the Archives with a blast from the past from Ruth Logan Herne! Comments are closed each Friday so we can catch up on our reading and writing. 

Spotted on the shelves in Arizona! Glynna Kaye's The Nanny Bargain & Ruthy Logan Herne's  Their Surprise Daddy, TOGETHER!!! And check out that price, 35% off for these stories! They hit the shelves a week early, and Glynna and Ruthy are okay with that! 

On April 19th, Ruth Logan Herne will be talking about secondary characters with her delightful buddy, Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish Blog! We'll be giving away a Double S 3 pack and a copy of Their Surprise Daddy!

Then on April 22nd, Ruthy will be over at to chat about her newest Love Inspired release Their Surprise Daddy

  If you pre-order your copy of Peace in the Valley from Waterbrook Press, they'll include a print of the hymn, "Trey's hymn," with the book!

When Ruth Logan Herne saw Trey's story in her head, it was a combination of this hymn and how a child can bring peace to a family. The healing of a child can change our focus. So Trey's story is truly one of searching for his Peace in the Valley.

Peace in the Valley releases May 2, 2017, in stores nationwide!  Check out the pre-order offer here!

Tina Radcliffe shares on the Romantic Arc at CWOW, Saturday, April 22. Details here.

Check out Julie Lessman's interview in InD'tale Magazine where she talks about writing "Passion With a Purpose" in the world of Christian Romance.  

Then take advantage of a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to InD'tale Magazine and you'll be eligible to enter Julie's giveaway of a character named after you in her next book, His Steadfast Love, due out this summer PLUS your choice of two of her books, paperback or ebook.


Thanks for the link love!

Make a Date with Harlequin-Actual Harlequin Staffers are in these ads (Harlequin)

The Most Common Entry-Level Mistake in the Writing Game (Jane Friedman)

Oops! That Book Review's Not Verified (Indies Unlimited)

Newsletters and Discoverability (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)

What is Omniscient Narrator? (Now Novel)

What Do Literary Agents Do? (Nathan Bransford)

5 Reasons to Tell Instead of Show (Novel Rocket)

The 7 Differences Between Professionals and Amateurs (The Mission)

Do This Not That April 2017 (The Book Designer) 

Promoting a Series to Keep Readers Hooked (BookBub Partners)

Ignite the Flame opens May 1. A fabulous judging line-up includes Love Inspired Editor, Emily Rodmell. Information here.

Tips from Love Inspired Editor, Emily Rodmell via Facebook.
Click on image to enlarge. 


And on this wonderfully blessed weekend, Ruth Logan Herne is giving away two copies of the "WIN IT BEFORE YOU CAN BUY IT,"  Peace in the Valley. Leave a comment to be entered for this beautiful third book of Ruthy's highly acclaimed "Double S Ranch" series, from Waterbrook Press. A wonderful way to start a new week. Winners will be announced in the next Weekend Edition.

A blessed Easter prayer from Seekerville to you!


  1. Tina,, thank you for this WE. It was a busy week for the Takenaka's, and I'm so glad I can come back and read the articles I really wanted to read, but couldn't this past week. :)

    Congratulations to the winners!

    I hope everyone has a beautiful Easter celebrating Jesus' resurrection!

  2. May your weekend be blessed, and be a refreshing opportunity for contemplation and thanks for he who dies for us.

  3. Good morning, Seekerville... and a blessed Holy Saturday to you! My rooster is crowing up a storm, which means my New York boys and two little grandsons are probably wrapping pillows around their heads and groaning right about now...

    And tomorrow.... He is risen. He is risen, indeed! But for today we have the fun family task of making food, sharing time, and then the beautiful Easter Vigil tonight, said by our new bishop...

    We are blessed to live in a country where folks can publish beautiful books like ours... and practice our faith openly.

    Begone the catacombs!


  4. Congratulations to all of the winners.
    Tina, thank you for all of the informative links.
    Ruthy, the PEACE IN THE VALLEY cover is so beautiful.
    Wishing everyone a blessed Easter.

    1. Thank you, Jill. We're going to the Easter Vigil soon and it's my favorite service of the year. So beautiful.

  5. Congrats to all of the winners! Tina, thanks for another great weekend!

    Happy Easter everybody!

  6. Good morning, Seekerville! And may you have a VERY special Easter weekend...with time to pause and thankfully contemplate what the events of that amazing resurrection day truly mean!

  7. Congratulations to all of this week's winners and thanks to all of the Seekers who contributed wonderful advice. I would love to win Ruthy's new book. I learned the song 'Peace in the Valley' as a very small child and I have enjoyed peace in my valley for many years. I can claim that 'Peace in the Valley' because Jesus gave his life 'At Calvary' and now 'He Lives'.
    Enjoy your weekend and Happy Resurrection Day!

    1. Connie, I just love that hymn. I first heard it when Elvis sang it and it touched my heart. I've held it close all this time.

  8. A blessed Easter weekend to all our Seekerville friends!

    We have made the journey toward Resurrection Day this Holy Week with moving worship services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Our pastor's theme last night was nails, and each worshiper received a symbolic nail to hold and contemplate during the message and then take home as a reminder of what Christ suffered for us.

    Looking forward to a glorious Easter morning and singing all those wonderful hymns and anthems!

    1. I love that symbolism. We have so much to be grateful for.

  9. Good morning Seekerville! Congrats to our winners! I'm looking forward to next week's lineup.

    Ruthy and Glynna, congratulations on the release of your books, early at that!

    God bless everyone at Easter as we remember the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

    Hugs, Janet

  10. Myra, that nail, the symbol of all Jesus suffered is, is such a great reminder of how much He loves us. I think we have a hand-forged nail around here somewhere that I'll find, not as pretty as the secular symbols of Easter but oh, so important. Thanks for sharing.


  11. Happy Easter weekend to all of you! I pray you have a blessed day tomorrow celebrating He is risen!

  12. A blessed Easter to all of Seekerville!

    Congratulations to the winners and authors!

  13. Happy Easter everyone. Hope your weekend is extra special. Congrats to all the winners this week. Hoping to get some writing done as well as reading and hopefully some watercolor painting one of my new hobbies.

    1. Enjoy painting, Wilani! I would love to try that sometime.

  14. I just read Julie's InD'Tale article. That was wonderful, Julie. I loved reading it.

  15. Encouraging Word of the Day from Klove Radio.

    "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners."
    Romans 5:8

    1. One of my favorite verses, Mary! I have it scrolling across as my screensaver on my laptop. A humbling reminder that I'm a sinner who needed a Savior and Christ fulfilled that need out of His great love for me! Awesome <3

  16. PS April the Giraffe had her baby. Yes, I admit it, I've been watching!

    1. Oh good! I saw something earlier and was wondering.

    2. I was watching for two months and missed it! But happy it happened so nicely!!

  17. Happy Easter weekend, my Seekerville friends!! :)
    Great WE as always and CONGRATS to all the winners!
    I read this past week's posts but didn't get to leave any comments - - and look forward to this next week's posts!
    Setting out goodies on the snack table for anyone who needs a boost today - - a bowl of fruit salad, a plate of Easter cupcakes (yes, some actually have peach-flavored icing, hehe), and...because this past week we had National Peach Cobbler Day (thanks to MYRA JOHNSON for notifying me!!) I've baked yet another Georgia Peach cobbler - - Enjoy!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. SO THANKFUL for what Christ did for me - - HE IS RISEN!!!

    1. Peach icing???? You need to come onto Yankee Belle Cafe with some peachy goodness, Patti Jo!

      I'll e-mail you!

  18. Congrats to the winners!

    Have a blessed Resurrection Weekend!

  19. Happy Easter weekend, everyone. I hope it is a truly blessed Easter day tomorrow for all.

    Excited to win Grammar Queen's grammar book! I know it will be useful.

    Please enter me in the drawing for Ruthy's book.

  20. Congrats to all the winners! Great WE! Happy Easter everyone!

  21. Happy Easter weekend, everyone. Blessings to all who seek him.

    Congratulations to all the winners. Ruthy, I would love to read Trey's story...please enter me. Your cover is beautiful!



    1. I've got you tucked in, Marcia and thank you for the blessings!

  22. He is risen indeed! Happy Easter Weekend, everyone, and congrats to all the winners.

    I finally have some time to write now after working all day to help make our house guest presentable for tomorrow, not to mention helping my mom make lasagna for our Easter dinner.

  23. Happy weekend! Easter is the most meaningful holiday for me so I am excited to celebrate! Please put my name in the hat for Peace in the Valley :)

  24. Happy (almost) Resurrection Sunday everyone! May you reflect on God's great love for us and Jesus's sacrifice for our salvation & freedom from sin! It's my favorite Sunday of all because of the special sermon the Pastor always has for us. I'm eager to hear it every year :-)

    Congrats to the winners this week! Lots of things going on for the next week. It's my favorite way to wind down for the night, reading and commenting on Seekerville.

    Blessings all!
