Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Welcome Today's Guest Blogger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LINDA FULKERSON!!!

Linda Fulkerson is a frequent contributor to a number of newspapers and magazines. She is a self-proclaimed blogaholic, features writer for Central Arkansas Woman, writes a humor column (Overweight and Underorganized), and is learning the craft of fiction writing. Linda was a double finalist in the 2007 ACFW Genesis Contest, and placed second in the Young Adult category. She is also the author of The Prodigal Daughter: Hope for Runaway Christians and Those Who Await Their Return (2003 Petit Jean Press). You can learn more about Linda by visiting her web site,

Thanks so much to Mary and the Seekers for inviting me to be a guest on Seekerville!
I must confess, I’m not the contest junkie that many of you are. In fact, I’ve always been a bit afraid to enter contests, so I just didn’t. It’s one thing to get a critique back from my crit partners, who love me no matter how many prepositional phrases I try to squeeze into a sentence, and quite another to throw my work before the red pens of strangers.
The first contest I entered was the 2007 Genesis, and I was amazed at how well it went. The response sheets I received were informative and encouraging. I found myself nodding in agreement to things I knew were my weak points as well as a few “aha!” moments when they offered suggestions on things I’d never noticed in my writing.
Ever the all-or-nothing personality, I decided if I was going to enter a contest, I’d better do it right, so I submitted three manuscripts in three genres instead of just testing the waters with one submission. Two finaled, one placed. I was thrilled. Not only did I learn from the feedback, the fact that two of the three pieces did so well encouraged me. Maybe I CAN write fiction.
My own submissions aside, I think the biggest blessing I received from the Genesis contest was the opportunity to help others. I was shocked when a subject line in my e-mail in-box read “Invitation to Judge.” Who, me? The unpublished? Judge a fiction writing contest? Not only did I enjoy the feeling of giving back to an organization (ACFW) that has blessed me so much, I think I learned more from judging than I did from my own entries.
I was a rookie judge, so I found several online articles about contest judging and did my best to be fair but thorough. Patterns emerged in the entries I scored, so I went back to my own manuscripts and made notes of things to watch for, things to change.
Blessed by the positive experience, I immediately entered another contest. And, Lord willing, I hope to continue entering and judging contests in the future. Who knows, I may soon find myself joining the ranks of contest junkies!


  1. Nice post, Linda. Thanks so much for sharing your story. What a great confirmation to get some finalist action. And the fear, well that's one of the main reasons for entering contests. Face your fear. Better some contest judge than the editor you want to publish you piece when it's still too raw.
    So how many books have you got finished? It sound like you're really getting some work done.

  2. Two finaled and one placed??? Momma Mia. Now there's some validation for you!

  3. Hi Mary & Tina,
    I have one finished ms and one nearly done. I still struggle with attempts at perfectionism. Hubby kids me that I'm more of an editor than a writer. He may be right! LOL Coming from a nonfiction background has given me HUGE respect for novelists. It is way more challenging (to me, anyway). And also a lot of fun. Thanks for your comments.

  4. Linda!

    What a wonderful first step into contest-land. Kind of like Oz without the yellow brick road. More like nail-biting, eyebrow-furrowing, shoulder shrugging paths around here.

    The whole fear thing you mentioned touched me, and probably everyone who reads this. It can be scary. Total strangers offering opinions on your work, but Mary's right. Better there than leaving some editor with a raw impression. Been there, done that. Wasn't pretty.

    What a great experience, kiddo. Truly wonderful.

    Thanks for stopping by. There's a cappuccino with your name on it somewhere. Or a glass of sweet tea. We'll raise ours to your continued success.


  5. Hi Linda, great to "meet" you! And whoa, baby, two finaled and one placed on your FIRST contest??? Wow, that certainly wasn't my experience! I'd say you are definitely on your way to joining the ranks of contest junkies. But don't worry -- there's help for our kind ... right here in Seekerville!

    Thanks for hosting today's blog, Linda! Praying that your wading into contest waters will pan gold for you with a publication.

  6. I so agree, Linda! I've learned tons from judging--almost more than I do from entering sometimes.

    Thanks so much for joining us on our blog! And congrats on your Genesis entries!!


  7. Wow, you did GREAT your first time out! Now, finish those babies and submit 'em!

    You mentioned a column for the overweight and underorganized. Um, where might I find that?

  8. Thanks to all of y'all for being such a great group of hostesses! I love getting acquainted with fellow writers.

    Melanie asked about my column. I'm in the process of re-doing the site, but you can take a peek at I'm working on a self-syndication submission packet. If all goes well, I'll be sending sample columns along with query & one sheet to 100 editors within the next day or so. I'm pretty excited about it. The columns on the web site aren't very polished at the moment, but I've been doing a lot of editing, so before I send off those packets, I'll post the edited versions and check all the links, etc. Thanks for asking about it!

    I've sort of put my fiction in a holding pattern for the moment until I get the column launched.

    Hugs to all of you!

  9. Linda, I love the idea of your columns! I'll check it out right now. I hope all goes well with the editors!!


  10. Linda, your story is so inspiring and fun to read. You took the contest world by storm on your first try. Wonderful!

  11. Linda, Thanks for joining us. I think its wonderful you did so well at the start. I love your column idea. I'm going to check it out also. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Thanks to all of you, once more, for having me as a guest! This is a great site to encourage writers. I'm glad Mary introduced me to it and to y'all!

  13. Wonderful, transparent thoughts, Linda! Loved your contest story! Thanks for guest blogging!

