Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You Might be a Contest Junkie if.....

NO idea what to post today...so I made up this little contest ditty.....see if you can relate.

If you check "Yes" to three or more....

You might be a contest junkie IF:

You actually KNOW the difference between a binder clip, a banker's clip, a butterfly clip and a paperclip.....

You are on a first-name basis with any and all RWA and ACFW coordinators....to the point they send you Christmas cards for keeping their chapters funded with entries. KIDDING!!! :-)

You actually have a "Contest" section in your budget...and it's in the necessities...not the wantities (yes, I made that word up)...and "Contests" gobble a large portion of your income...about like your mortgage...and if one has to go unpaid...well...you're confident you'll catch up on the house payment next month...

You vehemently hide the above budget data from your spouse....because you know he/she really will budge it...contests right off the list...

You're OCD about making a list and checking it twice just so you can know the names (but hopefully for their sake not the street addresses) of every person who has finaled in your category for the past three years...

You burn the above list and destroy all evidence if someone on it turns up missing before they sell....

You don't have to fake it...you TRULY are happy inside when the above happens....(The person's First Sale...not their disappearance..LOL!)

You've ever entered your dumbest, most-embarrassing manuscript just to keep your favorite category open...

You've ever had unruly thoughts about contest judges...come on...BE HONEST!!!

You fully understand why these things are kept confidential...

Your mail carrier makes a wide berth around your house for reasons unknown....

You live on the Contest Alert Loop and breathe by the e-mails......

You not only know what a Contest Diva is...you are one....for the past three years...

You know the exact distance in milliseconds to your nearest US Post Office, and can beat the mail truck before it pulls away from the USPS building's curb...except that one time you prayed for brake lights as you clutched your ms to your heaving chest and wished you'd eaten less brownies to commisserate all your non-finals as you chased the rumbling truck down the street.....

You can leap over tall margins with a single noun....

Your spouse reports you talk in your sleep on a monthly basis...something about that stinking hook on the 25th page....the 25th page...the 25th page....

You call in sick for work just so you can be home the day finalist calls go out.....and I don't just mean the GH...

You know the address to the nearest winery....for setting information only of course.....

Every editor at a particular house have read the first chapter of at least one to ten of your books in so many varying versions they're ready to fling themselves out the pub house window if you final again....

On GH finalist call and announcement day...every time your phone rings there arises such a clatter, your kids bound in asking, "Mom! What is the matter?" You have visions of super pronouns dancing in your head....as you listen close to what the coordinator says...

You run shrieking all through the house...not a creature is stirring...not even your spouse...

Until you report you need to shop for a pricey dress with care....get new shoes and snazzy new hair...and invite him to the awards where, with camera poised high, gets to see you accept that GH and thank him for his support...of which he is still unaware....

At least of the money part.......

Hey, what happens in the contest circuit....STAYS in the contest circuit!!!!

Cheryl Wyatt-who never got to get a GH...but had a ball watching others receive it....and hey...I still got to shop for a dress!!!


  1. Oh, Cheryl, how ADORABLE is this!!! Smiles all over my face ... which looks realy suspicious when you're at work ...

    My favorites?

    Your mail carrier makes a wide berth around your house for reasons unknown....

    You know the address to the nearest winery....for setting information only of course.....

    Scary but true! :)

  2. I've got two more for you.

    You put the postage on the package without weighing it because you KNOW...


    You give a free book to your post mistress when it comes out.

    I also promised to dedicate one of my books to the old post master...but hey! He moved on and so have I. My loyalty was fleeting.

    Always remember, Cheryl, the first step is admitting you have a problem...............

    And the definition of Contest Junkie is: If contests are causing a problem in your life...then you have a problem with contests.

  3. I admit, I had no idea who was posting today but I started reading and you ...um got me. Wow, awesome post.

    Did you ever Google those who finaled in your category so you could learn more and calculate your odds?

    Yes, I did take a vacation day for the GH call day.

    I buy donuts regularly for the counter people at my post office.

    I have a contest/submission spread sheet that is amazing. I can tell you the names of every editor or agent who has read my manuscripts in 0.25 seconds flat.

    I have wept bitterly when there wasn't enough money to enter a contest.

    I am not sure I should be admitting any of this.

    Hi, my name is Tina and I am a contest junkie.

    BTW, is this a bad thing???

  4. A bad thing, Tina? Uh, no, not when you win as much as you do, you little brat contest diva. :)

  5. Wept bitterly? Tina?
    Okay that's a picture that shouldn't make me smile...and yet...

  6. Cheryl, your post is hilarious! I'm tempted to read your version of "Twas The Night Before Christmas" and push Santa out of the limelight. With four young grandkids, I may be the only one laughing.

    You're a contest junkie ... when you've sold your first book, and you're bummed because you can't enter a contest.

  7. Yes to paragraph one, paragraph two – yes…hmmm…yes, yes, yes, yes….

    Oh, forget it, I’m definitely sick.

  8. ROFL. I can see I'm in good company here.....

    He he he he...


  9. ROFL!!! Good one, Cheryl. I'm afraid I'm guilty! But thank goodness not on all counts. :)


  10. Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl...

    I keep scanning it for something I DON'T identify with, and come up empty every time.


    I can beat this...

    I can beat this....

    I can beat this......

    Okay, maybe not.

    I keep hoping that since half the Seekers have forged through that iron-clad door to publication, that we can't be totally on the wrong track, but then I realize that oh, yeah, we could be and I could have built a new family room for the cost of my contest entries. With hardwood floors. And a dog.

    Who needs a dog, anyway?



  11. Heck with the therapy.....let's all go enter more contests....




  12. So good to see I'm not the only one. :-)

    Now I don't feel so bad about my first contest entry. After mailing it, I locked myself out of my minivan and had to break back in (took a window out right in the post office parking lot), then forgot my mail and wallet on the roof as I drove away, papers and wallet contents flying all over the road . . .

    And my immediate reaction was, "Thank goodness it wasn't my manuscript."

    What kind of kooks are we? LOL

  13. Well, if I can catch my breath from laughing, I'll comment.

    Never mind - I'm still giggling.

  14. lol - Susan, that is hilarious! The bad thing is thoughts like that are NORMAL for contest junkies.

  15. Susan, I'd say you're on top of things. It's not like you left the baby on the roof of the car and drove off like some people do.

  16. Susan, let's see...a little nervous much????
    Great story. So, so true.

  17. ROFL, Susan! Too funny! That image must make it into a book...or your next contest entry. LOL!

    Ane...are you still giggling or did you come up for air?

    Thanks for visiting our blog, ladies!


  18. Cheryl this is toooo funny. You are so clever.

    Janet,you can start entering the contests for published books. LOL
