Friday, January 18, 2008

For Love and Money's an update on romance, contests and writing.

A few upcoming romance writing contests:

  • The Four Season's Award-What a terrific line up of judges in this contest, which includes an editor AND agent for each category. Postmark by March 1. First 25 pages of a manuscript and NO Synopsis. (ST, S/L Contemp, HR and FFP).

  • The Merrit Magic Moment- This contest has a new twist. The entry will be a 20-page “magic moment” from the novel: the pivotal, break-through moment from the story as defined by the author. If the scene is taken from somewhere other than the beginning of the novel, the entry should also include a 1-2 page “set-up” to explain the context of the scene. Electronic entry, e-receipt by March 1. (ST, S/L Contemp, HR, Para, Erotica)

  • The Genesis-The definitive inspirational contest open only to members of ACFW. It's well worth the membership fee for this contest with ten diverse categories and the opportunity to have your entry read by the stellar cast of final judges which include editors and/or agents. March 1 is the received deadline for your 15 pages and one page synopsis.
  • Instant Seduction-Oh, those Alpha males. "Presents is inviting unpublished writers to show us how they can grab the attention of our readership with first chapters that really sizzle. The INSTANT SEDUCTION competition offers prizes that are chances of a lifetime for the lucky winner and runners-up:*First prize – win yourself an editor for a year!*Two runners-up will be given editorial critiques of their first chapter entries and also a personal telephone consultation about their writing!" Submit that first chapter by February 14.
Other writing contests:

  • WOW! Women on Writing Winter 2008 Flash Fiction Contest-WOW! Women On Writing is proud to partner with W.W. NORTON & COMPANY to bring you our Winter 2008 Flash Fiction Contest. (Indie Publishers rock!) This quarter the contest has an open prompt.WORD COUNT:Maximum: 500Minimum: 250. The title is not to be counted in your word count. We use MS Word's word count to determine the submitted entry's word count. Deadline is February 28th. The guest judge is Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary Agency. Check out the cool prizes!
  • Carnival's Read My Valentine Contest-There's nothing better than a great love story. And, now during Carnival's Read My Valentine Contest, you'll have the opportunity to reconnect with the one you love by sharing your great love story with us and our readers. Simply submit your story anytime between January 14, 2008 and February 3, 2008 to qualify for our "Fun Ship" cruise giveaway. The winner will receive a 4 day Caribbean cruise.
  • LHJ Believe in Happy Endings Short Story Contest Believe in your own happy ending when you enter for the chance to have best selling author, Danielle Steel, read your short story! One grand prize winner will have an excerpt of her story and her photo featured in an upcoming issue of Ladies' Home Journal, win $2,500 and receive a beautiful basket of Danielle by Danielle Steel fragrance products! Write a short story entitled "Believe in Happy Endings," a title that creates limitless possibilities for creativity! Enter by January 31, 2008 for your chance to win, and to make your happy endings come true! Even if you don't enter the contest,be sure to check out the new fragrance webpage, it's really cute.
Writing sources:
  • Change Magazine-"A monthly publication (30,000 copies) focusing on positive and inspiring news. Our back page always contains "Your Personal Change" where readers write in with their own story. These stories basically reflect how something changed their lives, how they are living their dreams, etc. If you would like to submit, our deadline is the 25th of each month. We also run a very short bio and photo of the writer. Payment is made within 30 days after publication."

  • Common Ties-The Place For Personal Stories. " The idea is that people write best about what they know best - namely, themselves. This is literary journalism at its most intimate, real stories that illustrate who we are and how we are connected." They pay for submissions. See the web page.
Just for the fun of it:
  • Love in Paradise Sweepstakes-All you have to do is enter and Harper Collins might be sending you and your honey to the Virgin Islands. Contest ends January 31st.

Be sure to say hi and post for a chance to win this week's Seekerville giveaway. Tell us how your writing year is going . Have you entered any contests?
Don't forget, April is the first chance to win in my triple contest. See my January 1st post right here on the Seeker Blog.


  1. I currently have three contests in my sights. The writing is zipping along, and I'm past the halfway point on my WIP.
    Thanks for posting these contests. :-) We contest junkies appreciate it.

  2. I had to really, really hold myself back from posting the Ziplock Bag contest. Creative ways you use Ziplock bags (keep it clean folks) and the prize is $25,000 dollars.

    BUT come on it costs money to be an unpublished writer. The contest entry I mailed off Monday, was a $25 dollar entry fee and well $10 dollars in total mailing fees including the SASE.

    This life is not without its sacrifices. So let's see how can you use a Ziplock bag???

  3. What do we know about non-romance contests?
    I've had someone ask me about contests for her book and it's NOT a romance, maybe a women's fiction, maybe a few romance elements...but not central.
    Anyone got anything on this?

  4. I use Ziplock bags to
    Take a sandwich to work.
    I wonder if that would win. Insanely convenient.

  5. Yeah the Sandy contest is a good one for non romance.

    Hey, all if you get hungry while reading the post today, check this out. Free cookie contest.

  6. My niece uses ziploc bags to store dead mice in her freezer for her huge, blue-tongued, ugly LIZARD...

    I prefer the sandwich scenario, and I never, ever, ever go in Mandy's freezer.



  7. which brings up to.........
    When my sister moved, all the lovely people who came to help, well, one of them was loading things out of their freezer so it wouldn't be so heavy.
    My sister hears a little scream, then the freezer loader comes out a bit pale and says, "There's a dead animal in your freezer. Whole. Fur still on. I'm thinking fox?"
    "Oh, yeah, we've been meaning to have that stuffed."
    The helpers began to thin out...
    At least my sister wasn't planning to cook up the roadkill (or where ever they got it) for supper for the movers.
    Take THAT and put it in your ziplock bag.

  8. Dead animal stories.

    This is why we keep you around, Mary and Ruth.

    Time for a seque on a Friday afternoon.

    Another contest to share.

  9. Y'all crack me up. You do know that by the time we've been together on this blog, you will have probably added about four years to my life. :)

    I owe you thanks.

    Oh, and ziplock baggies.... hold my Q-tips and cotton balls for writing conferences. Not too unique, though, is it?

  10. Missy, q-tips? You're a wild woman, you're makin' me blush.

    And you won't live longer, it'll just SEEM longer.

  11. Oh i do love reading the comments here.
    ok dead mice in the freezer and dead foxes. i think i too would have screamed (but then i have a dead spider under the storage bins by the bookcase im hoping will disappear before i have to move it.
    ziplock bags are great for ice when your furnature tends to jump out at you. or you trim a tree and bruise your arm on the ladder.
    Not sure what q tips are?
    But you reminded me i need to pack them for my sandwiches to take to the cricket this coming week.

  12. I'm also happy to know about non romance contests. I have been sending an unpublished author friend web sites like this that might be helpful to her in getting the book she is almost finished with published. I am composing the suggested web addresses listed in the different comments to her. Thanks.
    You know what I use at least one zip lock bag for? To hold a variety of other zip lock bags. The more bags I have waiting to use, the more bags of bags I have on hand. At least they are kept together that way.
