Monday, February 4, 2008

Seekerville giveaways! week of Jan 28 - Feb 3

The winner of an autographed copy of A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman and a $10 Amazon gift certificate is:

In addition, the runner up winner of an autographed copy of A Passion Most Pure is
Gina Welborn

This week, we're giving away a partial manuscript critique by Missy Tippens (author of Her Unlikely Family) and a $10 Amazon gift certificate.

The winner will be able to submit 15 double-spaced manuscript pages to Missy for critique.

How to enter:

Comment on our blog posts this week. One comment per post. You can get up to five entries into the giveaway if you comment on all five posts this week. On Monday, February 4th, 2008, we'll draw the name of the winner and post it here.

If you don't win this week, don't despair! We'll be giving away books, manuscript critiques, and gift certificates in the weeks to come!


  1. Cool prize! I'm a mom with five kids, I homeschool three of them, and I still have the desire to create.

    I've decided that, besides the fact that I love to write, writing is mess-free, generally.

    Quilting - you've got scraps everywhere and an infant or toddler in the middle of your unfinished masterpiece.

    Scrapbooking - your kids have to be "helping" you or wanting to create something themselves, so it ends up looking a lot more like school for them, and a whole lot like work for you.

    Card Making and Stamping - see above.

    Crocheting and Knitting - I don't do either. Still sounds somewhat messy. Infants, dogs, kittens.

    Writing - things involved: my brain and a computer. Okay, and maybe a few books on the bed for research purposes. Currently, I only have 44 books checked out of the local library.

  2. LOL, Marla! I love writing for that reason, too. My daughter likes to write when I write, so she just uses the Alphasmart while I use the laptop. Or sometimes she goes to the desktop. Either way, we're both working without a mess (and my writing is undisturbed). :) NOw if only I could get my two boys to do the same!


  3. Cool. I would love to win a writing critique. :)

  4. I just found this blog and love the name! I recently joined the ContestAlert group at yahoo and noticed that Audra Harders won the Barclay Sterling Award. Congratulations Audra! (BTW, Audra, I'm a 4-H leader, too.)

    I googled her name and found her website, then this one. I'm still trying to muster the courage to submit my manuscript "Watercolors" to a contest.

    By day, I'm a professional wiper. I wipe noses, tears, skinned knees, tushes,etc. But when the cherubs go to sleep, I hit the keyboard and love every minutes of it -- almost.

  5. Lorna, welcome! We're so glad you found us!!

    I used to be a professional wiper. Now my chidren are older and I'm a professional chauffeur. :)


  6. Welcome to Marlamom, Audra Elizabeth and Lorna.

  7. Thank you for the warm welcome, Missy and Tina. I'm with you, Missy on the chauffeuring. My own kids are in that age bracket.My poor little Honda van just rolled over 200,000 miles! The time on the road gives me some great time to think through plot lines but the challenge is remembering them until I get home.:)
