Monday, March 3, 2008

Seekerville giveaways! week of Feb 25 - Mar 2

The winner of a copy of Only Uni by Camy Tang and a $10 Amazon gift certificate is
Jessica (Craft Corner)

The runner up winner of a copy of Only Uni is

This week, we're giving away a partial manuscript critique by Cheryl Wyatt (author of A Soldier's Promise and A Soldier's Family) and a $10 Amazon gift certificate!

How to enter:

Comment on our blog posts this week (not on this post). One entry per post. You can get up to five entries into the giveaway if you comment on all five posts this week. On Monday, March 3rd, 2008, we'll draw the name of the winner and post it here.

If you don't win this week, don't despair! We'll be giving away books, manuscript critiques, and gift certificates in the weeks to come!


  1. Thanks so much its my birthday in the morning so its a great early birthday gift. thanks

  2. Hi Camy. I tried to e-mail you but I don't know if you got it. I'll try again.
    Thanks for this!

  3. I posted on Feb 28 for the contest giveaway, was that correct?

    Pat L.

  4. Hi, I'd like to be entered in the critique contest. I enjoy reading blogs from published authors. I hope someday to be a published author of my own novel.
    Thank you for all the wonderful information

  5. Is this where I post to enter contest

  6. Thank you for the wonderful comments on this week's topic of contests. I've learned much. And thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing for a critique.
    Pat Jeanne
