Monday, April 14, 2008

All Aboard the Publication Train

I know what you’re thinking. How is it possible to take a train from Unpubbed Island? Good point. Think Polar Express here. Besides this train carries both unpubbed and pubbed. It’s first stop is here in Seekerville.

Do you have your ticket? That ticket is desire. Wanting to be published badly enough that you’ll make changes in your life, in yourself. If you don’t have the ticket, somewhere along the line the motion and speed will have you stepping off the train.

Before we start our journey, let's look at the cars on our train.

Engine—this is a steam engine, the “I think I can, I think I can” Little Toot variety. One that never gives up no matter how daunting the odds, how steep the hill. Think of the engine’s wheels pumping, getting up steam. This engine doesn’t coast, doesn’t quit. This engine will get you to your destination. You’re the Engineer of your train. No one can make you climb aboard but you. You may need to switch tracks. Try a different genre perhaps. See the places to slow down by making sure that manuscript is as ready as you can make it before submitting. And the places to go full speed ahead. If you never send it, you’ll never attain your goal.

Coal Car—this is what powers the engine. It’s a gritty place, not for the faint of heart. In Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, she tells about her brother waiting until the night before a report on birds was due, totally overwhelmed by the task. Her father put an arm around his son’s shoulder and said, “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.” Start with a paragraph, a sentence. Each of us is the fireman and must shovel that coal if we hope to go anywhere and that’s hard work. Set up a writing schedule, make a realistic daily goal and stick to it, even if it’s only a paragraph. Let nothing in your routine life stop you from writing. Finish the book. Enter the contest. Study the market, the craft. Submit and submit some more. If you're doing this and aren't getting closer, then maybe it's time to try something different with your writing. Get on fire. It’s the only way to move that engine down the track.

Dining Car—I’m not totally talking chocolate here, but it helps. Feed your soul with things that energize you. Feed your brain positive thoughts. Expect good things to happen. Find ways to make writing more fun. Perhaps write or edit in a cafĂ© or outside on a pretty day.

Passenger Car—we’re not on this train alone. No one understands a writer like a writer. Meet with other writers. Keep in touch by e-mail. Establish relationships so that on the dark days someone will truly understand and care. I don't write well in a vacuum. If you're the same, find a critique partner or group. Be a mentor to someone with less experience. Judge contests. You’ll benefit from helping others along the way. Remember--compete only with yourself. Comparing ourselves to others is defeating and pointless. Best of all, God is on this journey with us. When we turn our writing and whether we’re published or continue to be published over to Him, leaving it in His hands, we'll find peace about the outcome.

Freight Car—the place you stow the equipment for the journey to publication. Suggestions for what to take: Fiction—to read and study, How to books/magazines/tapes, movies to watch. Don’t forget to pack pencils, pens, paper, computer, printer, AlphaSmart/Quick Pad, tape recorder—whatever keeps you writing. Keep paper/pens on the nightstand and in the car and in your purse. Listen to workshop tapes while you dress or drive. Edit hard copy while waiting for appointments. Be productive whenever you can. When you’re prepared, you’ll accomplish much.

Baggage Car—not all the stuff you’re lugging around is good for you. Toss anything that’s dragging you down and refuse to put it on the train. Don’t listen to the negative voice in your head or coming out of others’ mouths. Kick time wasters out the door. Don’t let others sabotage your goal. We want to be there for those who need us, but we can’t let them gobble up our time.

Caboose—I miss that red car at the end of the train. But this train is steam powered so the caboose still exists and with good reason. Here’s where the crew slept, ate, relaxed. The caboose represents the balance we need in our lives. Allot time in your twenty-four hour pie for taking care of your spiritual, emotional, and physical well being. Spend time with God. Take a walk. Have some fun. Work and no play leads to burnout.

If you don’t give up, I believe you’ll get published. Now here’s the disclaimer: I took a train a few years back and learned that everyone on that train from the engineer on down to the lowest man is under the authority of the Conductor. You guessed it. The Conductor is the editor that makes the final decisions, which means we can’t control whether our manuscripts sell. The thing to remember is the journey itself is important—not just the destination. Enjoy it. Write because you love it and don’t let your quest suck the joy out of the gift God has given you.

Sadly, I don't always take the advice I so freely give. I fail lots more than I like to admit. If you do, too, this is a new day. Hear the clack of the wheels over the tracks, the haunting sound of the whistle as the train passes through the countryside? We're on the train, doing the very best we can.

God bless.



    I am going to go back and re read it.

    Thanks Janet.

  2. Great post, Janet.

    I'm so glad I have Seekerville. It's a daily fix for me. After the week I've had, it's downright essential reading!

    Janet said to get on fire. Oh, Janet, I've been on fire. I've been on fire and now I'm burned. Burned to a crisp! To a cinder, I tell ya! Where does it all end? Even firefighters get to rest and goof off with the rest of their cute firefighter buddies. But then, I guess that's what I'm doing right now.

    Oh, and if you entered's Breakthrough Novel contest a few months ago, please email me privately, melaniedickerson at knology dot net. I have something VERY important to tell you that you may not be aware of. (Cue the Twilight Zone music.)

  3. This IS an AWESOME post! And, it not only applies to writing but to any job that God has given us to do.

    Great advice! Ladies, God has blessed you with the gift of teaching, because you truly share a lot of wisdom here. I'll be stopping back again later to re-read this one!


  4. Janet, what a great post!!!

    I really need to worry about the coal car. I can get easily overwhelmed by all I need to be doing (work, housework, family, housework, church responsibilities, and did I mention housework?) So I can use your advice about making my schedule and sticking with it. I'm a slow writer anyway, because I'm such a perfectionist, so I need to try harder to keep a schedule.

    Thanks, Janet. You, the Seekers and all those who visit our blog each day are those in the passenger car with me. Thanks for all the fun and encouragement.


  5. My train is in Parentville today.

    For some weird reason, my oldest (matthew13.11.50) thought riding a dirtbike into a clothesline fence would be fun. Silly boy. So I'm about to take him to Patient First to have the burn on his leg examined. I told him he might want to consider wearing a turtle neck to cover the line burns on his neck. Yes, neck. His looks like a suicide attempt.

    I'm tempted to spank him for almost killing himself.

    Anyhoo, GREAT post Janet. Too many times we forget all the "cars" that go into our publishing success.

    And I can sooooo relate to Missy's feeling of overload. The mountain of laundry is screaming my name. Someone needs to tell the laundry that it's an inaniment (sp?) object and, therefore, can't talk. Oh, the arrogance of my laundry.

    Oooh. My wordverification looks like milkin'. Well, it would if you removed the LOLQ between the MK and N.

  6. Gina, you must still be nursing that baby to see milkin in that mix of letters. :)

    Your poor son! My son clotheslined himself on a retreat last year--luckily just running. No motors involved. But on purpose?? Yes, I think I would have to spank him. I guess, though, it's similar to my son riding his little scooter down a set of stairs when he was about two. He thought it looked fun until had cracked his head on the corner of the baseboard at the bottom.


    Missy :)

  7. Well, I'm going to be flinching as I think about the chaos of children and the havoc they can wreak for a while.

    Poor kid. It's a wonder we get any of them raised to adulthood.

    I swear when they're little it's like a 24/7 suicide watch.

    Great post, Janet. Maybe Seekerville is a passenger car / caboose combo.

    With an imaginary dining car. Except no, we get fed here.

  8. That some of you mentioned re-reading my post made my day!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

    Melanie, when you're burned to a crips, you can't light that cinder no matter how hard you try. It's all about balance and when you have kids and/or day jobs, it's tough to write and still have a life of your own. But try your darnedest to get back to the caboose and take some time for you each day. Put it on your To Do list. Then you'll have something to rekindle.

    But it's not just our busy lives that leave us feeling scorched. Low contest scores and rejections burn. Here's where I believe we have to trust that God knew what He was doing when He gave us the desire. We can't force publication to happen because we're not the Conductor Editor. But we've got someone more powerful than any editor on earth. So trust His timing. His plan for your life. Raising children is a noble calling. One that you'll never regret. Writing is a passion, a calling, too, but at the end of our lives, our family, not our books, will be holding our hands.

    Hugs, Janet

  9. I've been sitting here answering emails and fan mails for the last four hours despite the fact that I have an approaching deadline. Hmm. I need to read Janet's article again because I've apparently missed something!

  10. Kim, thanks for stopping. You're exactly right. All this applies to anything important we want to do.

    God didn't give us talent to make us unhappy, discouraged or drained. Nothing worth having comes cheap. Learning to trust God's plan is key. I'm good with that until it involves health or safety of someone I care about, then I struggle. I want things to turn out my way. What a waste of energy. I can't control the outcome. All I can do is pray. Give my support. Do what I can do. And let it go. Isn't that true of most things? Especially publication.


  11. Missy, I think some of us are wired to be perfectionists. I don't always take my own advice. But I try. That's all we can do. Like you, I'm a slow writer. But we are who we are. Each of us has to find our way. And we can. Heck, we are. :-)


  12. Gina, what a day you're having! I love that you want to spank your son for scaring you. LOL. I can so remember that urge. Hang tough. Kids are wonderful fodder for books. Easy for me to say. Mine are grown.


  13. No doubt about it, Mary. Seekerville is a haven.

    But I don't see that famous Connealy humor. Do you have to stay at work all day? ;-)


  14. Karen, Answering e-mails and fan mail is part of the business. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :-)Thanks for stopping. Aren't you up tomorrow at Seekerville?


  15. I love that you are answering fan mail, Karen. This is so cool.

    The grass is always greener on the other side of the caboose.

    I long to spend four hours answering fan mail.

  16. Janet, I like that train analogy. Reminds me of the Gospel song about "Life is Like a Mountain Railroad ..."

    My kids are "safe" at school today. Big sigh of relief! But I sure feel for other moms of small children!

  17. Hi, Janet--yes I'm up tomorrow! I'm just checking out the board now so that I know I have access tomorrow (I'm one of those 'plan-ahead' types--which rarely works in the weird life of a writer!)

  18. Janet,
    I love what you said about raising children. It is so true! My examples of writers back in college were successful in their field, but they sacrificed relationship with children and sometimes even their marriage for in order to write. (folks like Stewart Woods, Ann River Siddons, Pat Conroy were our guests on campus)

    You know, even my writing professor had a drinking problem and a college age son who tried to commit suicide. To me, if that was what it took to become published, then I wasn't interested. I did try to have my YA novel published for about 2 years, but finally gave up.

    I've learned a lot since then. I recognize writing as a gift from God and one that can be used to honor and glorify Him. That is what I want to do whether I'm ever published or not. I can give you countless examples of things I've written that have encouraged a friend or family member along the way. That is what it's all about.

    I am feeling called to pick up my writing again - for a new purpose now. I'm taking baby steps back in that direction, because I want to find a balance and be able to enjoy the family God has blessed me with. I have them in my home for such a short time! Seekerville goes a LONG way to minister to me in this area. When I say this is a schoolhouse for me, I say it sincerely. I thank God for you all every day!


  19. Great advice, Janet!

    I always tell people to dream big. And never give up. Never, never, never. Took me seven years. But it was worth it. Sometimes you wonder if that train is ever going to pull into the station. LOL But just imagine the waving crowds when it does.

  20. Terrific teaching in delightful imagery. My personal lesson for today is not to compare myself with other people. I've done that most of my life. I'm not as attractive, not as intelligent, not as gifted, not as successful as other people. I think I'll go eat worms. I know that drill, and I know that it is one of Satan's many devices to divert me from my calling. Today, I am working hard to stay aboard my own train. I won't worry about where the other trains are. Thank you for a great post.

  21. Janet,

    What a marvelous way to convey these ideas!

    Your story of persevering to publication is an inspiration. Thanks for sharing how you keep on keeping on.


  22. Love the Publication Train! I can see it moving down the track, sometimes picking up steam, sometimes moving very slowly, sometimes seemingly stalled but then it gets going again.

    Like Melanie, I find great inspiration on this site.

  23. I'm judging contests again today. TBL this time.

    I think I'm going to have to quit. I just feel awful when I say something mean. Doesn't mean I don't say it, I just feel awful. I second guess myself. I agonize over scores.

    Then, even with all that, I end up botching the job. I think I've lost all perspective on judging contests.


    What car of the train is that, Janet? Does this train carry mental patients? Perhaps a lock-down car.

  24. Janet, great analogy, girlfriend! Wonderful post.

    Sorry I couldn't stop in with eats earlier, but I have a toddler with a death wish here and her parents are sooooo much happier if I actually keep her alive until pick up time. Fussy, fussy, fussy.

    Of course, I'd charge them for watching her ANYWAY, so it's definitely more fun to pay me if the kid's breathing.

    Gina, feeling for you. Remember that L'Oreal I spoke of with the increasing frequency?

    Genetics, Schmenetics, it's all because of my boys. Four of 'em, and Mary's right, they don't come with an instruction book, they come with suicide missions.

    Anyway, y'all know how I'm practicing desserts for a wedding shower? I brought you a raspberry-whipped cream filled sponge cake roll to start, and a platter full of strawberry parfait tarts. Try that crust, it's amazing if I do say so myself. And there's an espresso bar around the corner.

    Tomorrow it's pecan pie tarts, peach cobbler and sweet tea. Where's my treadmill????


    You made it in, way to go. Gotta look smooth para manana, as if we know what we're doing. (Fooling people is what we do best.)

    Great job, Janet. I'm gonna' do a little polishing on my engineer car just in case a conductor wants to give it a once-over sometime soon.


  25. Mary, we left the lock-down car at Bellevue.

    Take a left on Broadway, head to First Street.

    News Flash:

    Mary, agonizing over being mean.

    Um, hello, does anyone else sense the irony here????


  26. JANET!!! Kickin' post today, girlfriend -- LOVE the imagery!! And so much fun to read ... and reread!

    And I agree with Kim -- this train is not only for writing, but totally on track for ANY job out there! Another thing about trains -- sometimes they make you wait a long, long time before you get to your destination, but you usually do get there ... and hopefully get to enjoy some pretty nice scenery along the way!

  27. Ann, I don't know that song. Sing the chorus for us. :-)

    Yes, it's tough to write with small children, but Cheryl has a wonderful post on how to manage it. Of course Cheryl is one strong willed gal.


  28. Planning ahead makes sense, Karen. Looking forward to chatting with you tomorrowS!


  29. Kids...*sigh*.

    The doctor's visit wasn't bad. Only took an hour. I'm waiting for the day when we'll have universal health care so I can wait six hours to see the doctor. Think of all the reading I'll catch up on.

    Son has a second degree burn about the size of your hand. Since it's on his calf (right leg, not cow related), then next week we have to go see a plastic surgeon. Yipee. After nursing five chitlins, I'm in dire need of a breast lift. Umm, make that two.

    Since the burn is on the inside of his leg, I get to be nurse. Blech. Nursing is not my spiritual gifts. Or as my 4-yr-old said, I don't have "mad girl skills." At least not mad nursing skills. My consist of telling ya to pour peroxide on it and pick out a sucker and a sticker.

    Of course, seeing the welt across his neck reminds me how deadly it could have been.

    A friend from church reminded me last night God has an appointed time for each of us to die. No matter how many stupid things we do, if it's not our time, it's not our time. Her husband had three blot clots hit his lungs last week, flatlining him before the EMTs brought him back. He'd been playing golf on the X-box. For some reason, being a diabetic and sitting for hours upon hours playing video games isn't a wise idea.

    But that gets me to thinking about writing.

    When it's our time to be published, it's our time. And for some, we may never be published. What's key is living our lives to bring honor and glory to God because in the end, if we have put our faith and trust in Jesus for our salvation, then one day how many books we've written, awards we've won, tear-jerking letters from fans we receive, if it was all about honor and glory for us, it's worth nothing.

    Plus I'd hate to be on my deathbead wishing I'd spent more time with my kids and husband and less time working my way off Unpublished Island or on staying on Published Cruies Lines.

    Not saying I'll ever wish I'd done one more load of laundry. Hubby, on the other hand, might wish I had...

    But he's a man and men just don't understnd how it is.

    What's a darkproad? That's what I think my word verification is. Or maybe it's darkpaired. Reading license plates makes me see words where there aren't any. So do inksplots.

  30. Kim, nothing anyone could say would mean more to us here at Seekerville. You're writing is glorifying God and one day, those baby steps will put you on the train. Until then, enjoy your children and do what God is leading you to do.

    I heard Nora Roberts talk at the RWA conference about how life is like juggling balls. She said some of those balls are rubber and will bounce. Some are glass. If we drop those, they'll break. The glass balls represented her children. I don't know if she's managed to do that or not, but it's great advice.

    Bless you.


  31. Hi Colleen. Welcome to Seekerville! Waving crowds sounds sooooo wonderful. We'll stand on the platform at the back of the caboose and readers will fall all over themselves to get an autograph. Well, maybe not. But isn't it a lovely mental picture?


  32. Tina, I just realized....
    It'll take you four hours to write one letter????


    Must be some letter, Cupcake!

    And Kim, your post is balm in Gilead. Seriously. Bless you and those children. Think of each episodic moment as a book thickener for the future.


  33. Katherine, run to the Dining Car and feed yourself all that's lovely about you. And I can tell plenty is, including a good brain and an attractive face. We're unique. Wonderfully made. Isn't that great?


  34. Cathy, thanks for stopping at Seekerville! Keep chugging along. We're pulling for you!


  35. Patricia, if you had any idea how much inspirational the Seekers get from you, our visitors, you'd pat yourself on the back. So thank you!!!


  36. Mary, no lock down cars, but maybe a strait jacket or two. LOL. I share the same angst. I believe the best judges do. Cause we don't take the responsibility lightly. We want to help. We want to encourage. But often we have to criticize. We know that hurts because we've been there. So come over to the Caboose and put up your feet. You deserve a rest.


  37. Ruthy, That delicious sponge cake roll has sadly appeared around my waist. You feed us too well. Maybe if I walk the top of the train, leaping between cars... Did you see Tom Hanks do that in Polar Express? If I was animated, I could do that too.

    What's wrong with the sweet toddler today? Colic? Spring fever? Missing Mom? Hugs for managing him/her and bringing the yummy desserts. I've got great coffee brewing.


  38. Gina, your son's burn must have been horrible to require a plastic surgeon. I'm sorry. And thankful it wasn't worse. Your friend makes a good point about the appointed time to die. But I believe God can change His mind. At least He did in the Bible.

    But to get back on track, since we're on a train, when we keep life in perspective, we can accept God's timing and His will. But until He says no--editors aren't God and they'd tell you that--we'll keep on as God leads.

    Gina, you have a gift for seeing words in the verification goobledy gook. Add that to your long list of talents.


  39. Yay!

    I can list "mad word verification translation skills" to my resume.

    I'm almost as talented as Ruthy. Of course, Ruthy can e-cook. My stuff always tastes like chicken

    Word verification this time is ittybittyfinger. No joke.


    If that doesn't scream ittybittyfinger, I don't know what does.

    Okay, I have to quit lollygagging around and get dinner started. Somehow I hav to take a shower too. The staff wives at my church are getting together for dinner. Usually we meet at Norstrom's Cafe, but this time Sonja is cooking. Free food. I'm there. Oh, and I'm taking Missy's book to give to anyone who hasn't read it, and I'm taking another SHLI too.

    Only Missy's is getting a rave review.

  40. Gina, thanks for passing along my book! I really appreciate it! :)


  41. I hope the dining car isn't one of those establishments with linen napkins, waiters in white coats and finger bowls.

    When he was in teh Army Air Corps my dad was transferred to WAshington and took some famous train. He and his buds did not know what to do with finger bowls, so drank the water and looked for more.

    The waiter just stared at them.

    The words to "Mountain Railroad" are -- best I can recall --
    Life is like a mountain railroad,
    With an engineer who's brave
    We must make the run successful
    From the cradle to the grave
    Watch the curves, the grades, the trestles
    Never falter, never fail ...
    Keep your hand upon the throttle
    And your eye upon the rail

    Precious Savior, thou wilt guide us
    Till we reach the other shore
    (OK, can't remember, choice of two)
    Where our father waits to greet us
    or -- Till we reach the Union Depot
    And our home forevermore ...

    The word-verifier gremlin must be commenting on my singing ...

  42. I just realized I had a post eaten up! It's not here. I bet it's because I included a link.

    Okay, I'll try again...

    Hi, Karen!! I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Just watch out for Stalker Fan Ruthy. She may try to steal your tiara! (Y'all, Karen writes wonderful, beautiful stories!! Check her books out.)

    And hi to Colleen, too! I think you're the reason my comment got eaten. I tried to include a link to your fun blog. So, y'all go to her website and click on the "blog" link. :) (Also, check out Colleen's wonderful books, too! They have such amazing settings.)

    Hi to our regular posters as well. I really enjoy reading your comments!

    I just realized another of my posts never got posted. Gina, I was telling you I hated to hear about the 2nd degree burn! But I figure he'll be healed before you've gotten over the trauma of the whole thing.

    Gotta go. My daughter has a chorus concert tonight!


  43. Gina, how lovely you're sharing Missy's book! And giving it a rave review, exactly as it deserves.

    I see ittybittyfinger because you pointed it out, but otherwise, no. Not my gift obviously.

    Have fun tonight. I'm meeting a friend for dinner. We've been getting together on Monday nights since our kids were little. Back then at Micky Dees. Now a tad nicer. She's not a writer but she bought me a Christmas ornament years and years before I sold with the name of my book on it. One of those Hallmark personalized ornaments. So you can see why I like her. :-)


  44. Ann, I love the words of your song. Perfect for our journey. Brave engineers, that's us, guided by our Lord. Beautiful. Thanks.


  45. Missy, I hope to learn how to add a link, too. Sorry your posts got gobbled while trying.


  46. Janet, as a railroader's daughter, that post was extra special to me. I think I'll put up a little train in my writing space to remind me of what you said. You nailed every car perfectly!

    The other thing that is nice about trains is that if they derail, then they can still get back on track with a little help.

    Gina,I'm so glad you're son's injury was not more serious yesterday, and I hope the leg burn procedure goes quickly. I'm not much of a nurse either. I keep telling my hubby that he's pushing the "in sickness and health clause" a little far.

  47. good post, Im here waving at you all as you past and cheering you on.

    In Melbourne there is a place with old steam trains (puffin billy) and when you ride it you get the lovely cinders in your eyes if you dont have sunglasses but on every bridges and crossing you will see people waving at the train. Well Thats me.

    Gina, i feel for your son clotheslines can be dangerous as are dirt bikes i rode into a barbed wire fence but luckily i only got my thumb caught up in it and no burns.
    I just finished Missy's book this weekend and I really enjoyed it.

  48. What a great analogy, Janet. It perfectly encapsulates the journey and tools we need.

  49. Kara with a K.

    You're an Aussy too. Just figured that out. (I've been known to be a day late and a few brain cells short).

    Welcome and congrats for being last week's book winner.

    We have lots of Seeker sales coming up this year so there will be more books to give away.

    Janet, when is your release date?

  50. I don't really think I count among the 'best judges', as in Yes she's hard but fair'

    I just have this sarcastic bent...I know, you're all SHOCKED!!!!!!!

    And I just have a lot of trouble not letting that creep into my comments.

    Snotty asides like, "Okay, okay we know what the house looks like already."

    Or, "I get it, the kids a troubled loner. I got it on page 2, we did not need 25 pages of details."

    Just stuff like that.

    And Ruthy, the food sounds so good.

    Can you really cook, because you could just be making this all up. I think you ought to have to bring real food. As soon as Blogger figures that one out you're going to have to SHOW ME!!!

    Honestly it all sounds too delicious to be true.

  51. Gina do you HAVE to take your kid to the plastic surgeon. We had a child badly burned on the leg by coffee one time. We figured, what are the chances she's gonna be Miss America anyway, a few scars won't kill her.

    And you've got a boy. It'll make him look dangerous.

    On a somewhat less sadistic note. I'm really sorry he got hurt. That's the worst when the little monsters get hurt. Why is it the kids get to run free and the mom's end up in a padded cell when just putting the kids in a padded cell to begin with would be best for them and Mom!

  52. Tina Kara is from New Zealand shes a Kiwi. but we are both downunder.

    Maybe i now know why im not a mum. i cant handle others pain!!!!!!! when playing hockey and someone got hit in the mouth i voluteered to get the ice!

  53. Janet, no wonder I love you! You're always so positive! You've made my day . . . my very long, tiring day! Now I'm pumped. Thanks for all that wonderful inspiration!

  54. Lorna, wow, you're a railroader's daughter. Is there a song for that? If not, there should be. What was your dad's job? Did you get to ride much? I'm fascinated with trains. Around midnight I can hear the whistle of a train far off. Always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. I have no idea why. I've been told I rode trains upon occasion as a small child, but don't remember it. Neat to know if our publication train derails, it's fixable. Thanks for that.


  55. Jenny, I'm in the coal car covered with dust, leaning on the shovel waving my pin-stripped cap at you. Thanks for stopping in. I'd worry if you didn't show up.


  56. Lorna, My daughter works for UPS. She's a financial analyst. And no, I really have no idea what that means.

    but we're railroader's too. :)

  57. I mean UP, not UPS, completely different. Union Pacific.

  58. Hi Cara! How nice of you to stop. Cara's a Hoosier like me. We're part of ACFW IN. Or is it INACFW? Cara wrote a special book, Canteen Dreams. It's set in Nebraska during WW11 based on her grandparents love story. What's coming out next, Cara?


  59. My dad was a car inspector. He had to make sure break hoses were connected and stuff like that. He worked midnight til 8:00am the whole time we were growing up so he could be home when we were home. We also had a farm, so he didn't get much sleep.

    I only rode on train once when they took us to Disneyland. I was 6 and my brother 4. I remember the dining car and how the lights blurred when we drove through towns at night. I also remember everyone touching my brother's red hair when they walked by.I drove him nuts!

  60. Oops, that should have been "It drove him nuts" although I'm pretty sure that I did, too.

  61. Mary, my dad worked for the UP, too. My brother-in-law does, too. He works in contracts.

  62. Tina, Courting Miss Adelaide releases in September THIS YEAR!! Sorry for screaming, but I'm getting excited. :-)It's been a long wait. Not that I'm complaining. I'm getting my historical fix with Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historicals. And counting the weeks until I get to read Mary's Calico Canyon. Just started reading Ruth Axtell Morren's Hearts in the Highlands, LIH.


  63. Ah, an inspector. A judge of sorts. Checking and deciding what needs fixin' if anything. A new worker to add to my train. :-)Thanks, Lorna!

    Why do people rub kids heads? I do it, too, and I know better. My brother had a buzz cut when he was little and total strangers ran their hands along his head, against the grain. I only rub kids heads if I know them. Does that make it all right?


  64. Debby, I've been chatting all day--here and elsewhere. What have you been doing that's worn you out? Probably writing like a fiend. Or were you giving a speech? Pull up a chair and have some decaf and one of Ruthy's desserts. Relax. Watch the countryside slide by.

  65. Gina, I'm popping out of Lurkerville to say so sorry about your son. Ouch! Poor kid. I pray the pain is manageable. My youngest daughter was my stitches & bruises kid. Started climbing when she was ten months old. She's in the Air Force now. Went snowboarding near Tahoe a few years ago and broke her wrist on her first run down the mountain. I talked her out of sky diving.

    And she made fun of the gray in my hair. L'Oreal? Love it.

    Janet, I enjoyed the post. I think I fall in the Boxcar Willy (I mean, Wilemenia) category :o)

  66. Kimberli, aka Boxcar Wilamenia. :-)Once you get on your feet, you'll be able to buy a ticket. So enjoy the ride. Just don't burn down the train building fires to keep warm.

    Sorry about your daughter's wrist. Glad I'm not a wrist taker. Oops, risktaker.


  67. Thanks, Janet. I had several good discussions today via email and at my group meeting, and I'm coming up with a plan. The first thing I need to do is start trusting myself again so I can enjoy the art of writing. After that? Learn more writing stuff. Dan Case's post on today's Blue Ridge conference blog was mighty timely. The faculty member critiquing my work pointed it out after I admitted I was considering canceling my reservation.

    Hmm, that last line doesn't sound right, but it's too late in the evening to fix it. So I claim the disclaimer that mistakes are left in to prove authenticity.

  68. Okay, y'all have to quit chatting when I'm gone. You leave too many things to comment back to.

    Missy, you got RAVE reviews. Then again, I was giving them and I always give rave reviews to books I enjoy. Plus, the other staff wives were quit impressed that you are a pastor's wife. I can safely say the gal I gave the books (I also gave her Camy's SUSHI FOR ONE, which I raved about too) will buy your next one. And she'll pass the book on to someone else she knows who loves to read.

    I feel I should clarify that the third book I gave awau (a SHLI) was NOT written by any Seeker or anyone who I know has visited Seekers since I've been loitering around. In fact, I've never met the author, whom I'm sure is a nice lady because I've heard someone and her brother say nice things about her. Too bad her story wasn't something I could rave about.

    Mary, I did debate gong to the plastic surgeon. But the burn is seven to eight inches long and five inches at the widest point and three inches at the narrowest point. I'd even say it's borderline 2nd and 3rd degree. Me, I wouldn't care about having a huge scar, so since our insurance will cover the visit to the plastic surgeon, I'm going to pray and hope for a positive evaluation.

    I know you weren't really being sadistic. ;-) Not any more than I was when I told him to go to school and have the nurse put something on it becuase I didn't want to look at the burn any more than touch it. Plus I figured we could save some $$. Then the silly boy had to puke in the bathroom before passing out.

    I'm praying God will ease Matt's pain and spead the healing. And thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. I'm sure when he goes to school tomorrow, he'll love the attention his injury will bring. He is a boy, after all.

    Lorna, LOL. Yeah, I think my hubby likes to push the "in sickness and heath" vow. He gives me little sympathy when I'm sick. And when I'm healthy...well, I do like to sleep at night. Plus I really don't want any more kids because if I did have another people would stop believing me when I said I'm not Mormon, Catholic, and I don't home-school.

    No offense to any Mormons, wonderful Catholics who e-cook way to much food, and home-schooling mamas. :-)

    Then again, no one ever blinks an eye when I just say we're just irresponsible. Hmmm.

    I do like my kids. It's other people's kids...especially those nose-picking ones. Yes, I helped out in the nursery on Sunday. Fortunately I don't have to help again for another month. Praise you, Jesus!

    Oh, staff wives' dinner was yumm-O. We had scissor-snipped salad with spritzer dressing, salmon with relish topping (a Rachael Ray recipe), and strawberry-topped cheesecake. And then we prayed and talked about foul language. I told them my deacon nightmare. Our pastor's wife told how her oldest son said "you bas****s" in church in front of the entire senior adult membership.

    Those pastor's kids and their dreadful potty mouths. Glad my kids aren't like that.

    BTW, my middle child had his mouth washed out with soap last week. Paternal DNA at work there.

    Oh, Janet, you will be happy to know my wordverification looks like nothing this time. So sad. Then again, if I spoke Chinese...

  69. LOL, Gina! How many kids do you have? Big Christian families make me smile. I figure we need more responsible youth in this country to pay the bills for the oldsters. :-) The couple down the street have several kids. I've lost count. They're all so cute. And yep, home schooled. Why is that? If I'd taught my kids, I'd want fewer and I was an elementary teacher. But then I had one of those strong-willed kids books are written about. But out in public and with others, she was a gem. I was always grateful. Now she's a wonderful mom and responsible adult. Thank you God.

    I'm sorry your boy is suffering with this burn.

    And that you couldn't see a word in your verification. :-) When I do, I'll let you know. Don't hold your breath.

