Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Knowing the Score (Sheet, that is)

A tremendous sigh of relief thundered through the Harders’ household last Thursday when I finished judging the last of my entries for a contest we all know and love, but shall remain nameless : ) It’s been a tough first few months of judging in 2008. I normally judge for 5 contests over the course of the year, and this year, 3 of them converged upon each other, and two of them needed a lot of entries scored.

Whew! It’s all done until August when the next one is due.

So since I tend to dabble in judging cross-romance-genre, and at one time was not picky about who I judged for, let’s talk about what made me picky. . .

SCORE SHEETS!!! Most contests have their score sheets nailed to the minutest detail in order to showcase comments and feedback in the best light. . .

And then there are those that don’t.

My greatest pet peeve: contests that offer an extensive score sheet and a written critique. These elements are great for the contestant, you really get a lot of attention for your writing dollar. When these pages are coupled with entries that ask for no more than your first chapter, it’s Tylenol- time for ye old judge. C’mon now. A four page score sheet AND a page critique on a 25 page entry?? How many times can you rephrase: "The story sounds good, but dialogue would be nice," or "Who’s your hero?" or "The pacing need to be kicked up a notch" etc. These score sheets are my worst enemy. Even I get bored reading my own comments. A simple "where’s the romance?" ofttimes was ‘nuf said.

Running a close second are the contests that offer no score sheet, but offer an in-depth analysis of your opening. Not a bad thing if you were one of those students in school who loved essay tests. Without the back up of the multiple choice score sheet to cover all your bases, the poor, tired judge needs to come up with 250 - 500 words about someone else’s mss, when they could be creating for themselves. One would think that since the judges are all novelists, this method would be a piece of cake. In some respects, it is; in others, it’s almost easier to pull out the purple ink and start critiquing from page one and hope your editing says it all.

Finally, there are the contests whose criteria has evolved, but the scoring system hasn’t. Take for example, the small town contest that has grown from simple Contemporary and Historical entries to offering every flavor of sub-genre under the sun, yet, they haven’t revamped their score sheets to reflect special features like fantasy, suspense, or mainstream elements. You’re given a score sheet that asks if H/H are delightful people and if it has a happy ending. Boom, you’re done. Well, not quite that simplistic, but you know what I mean. Where am I supposed to ask what species of extraterrestrial creature they featured on page 5?

Remember me? I'm the one who loves to judge? I want to give writers an opinion based on my knowledge. Not a pounding into the ground; not a thesis of my opinion; not expounding dated profiling in response to today's excellent writing talent.

Now, if you want an example of a well-done score sheet, among many stellar others, look at this year’s Genesis (ha! Couldn’t resist the plug, LOL). 15-pages and an optional synopsis, and the scoring system reflected the simplicity of it all. Straightforward, informative score sheets and the opportunity to add tidbits of advice on a separate page made for narrative response. Loved it.

Look through the contest section in the RWR and take note of all the different contest opportunities offered. Many new contests have been formed and just as many have disappeared off the radar. Now look at the choices again and realize how many contest have withstood the test of time. Many elements come into play when the average, everyday author searches for contest fame. Some go for the final editor reading their work. A few go for the prestige of a coveted medallion or plaque.

And then there are those who truly enter for the feedback.

Money is tight all over. God help me as a contest judge, I don’t ever want to short-change anyone.
Keep Writing!


  1. I can soooo relate. It is April 2 and I have judged 4 already. How did this happen??????

    There must be more contests or less judges or I am a pushover.

    One thing I noticed is that it really helps to read them thru and set them aside. I print out even the electronic ones and mark them up and when I come back to review them I can be much more objective.

    I have mellowed by then.

  2. dpqtujvHow true, Tina. I read the entries when I first receive them then usually don't get back to them for a week or so, depending on what's happening in the rest of my life.
    But when I do sit down to score them, I have a running idea of what I'm up against.
    And I'm happy to say it again, the talent out there is phenomemal!!!

  3. I love hearing the "judges" side of things here! It is very enlightening to me to learn what other authors process when they read contest submissions.

    Truly ladies, this site is a schoolhouse. Thanks for sharing yourselves and all of your knowledge!


  4. Audra!

    You're alive!!!

    Dahlings, come quick, our Audra-kins is here, alive and well, judging waaaaaay too many contests unless she's magically finishing manuscripts that I know not of....


    But, girlfriend, you are soooo right on with this stuff. I really appreciate the contests whose score sheets have evolved to reflect the number of sub-genres they're judging. That's huge when you're an experienced judge who enjoys the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between inspy and FF&P....

    Jetliners being swallowed by space aliens?

    Silent heroes being shackled by an Amazonian society?

    Even just the allowable space of time for romantic development varies greatly from short contemp to single titles, or mainstreams with strong romantic elements (which reads: Single Title to this simplistic reader/writer)...

    Great eye-opener, kid, but here's the rub.

    Tina said Mama Rosa's was catering today's affair, and I see nothin'.

    Not a smidge.

    Has Mary been here?

    And Pam?

    Those food bandits, I want a cannoli, for heaven's sake. Or cassata cake, which is really a cannoli in tender cake form, and a taste to die for...

    And Mama's lasagna?


    Garlic bread?


    Come on, ladies, it's almost noon here on the East Coast.


  5. Hi, Audra!

    Ruthy, you're making me hungry. I'm supposed to be on a diet.

    I just finished judging an entry. At points it was brilliant. At other points it was ... so Not brilliant. But I think I gave her a lot of objective comments that will help her.

    I'm judging secular stuff for the first time, and I'm learning a lot. Who was it that said you should judge outside your genre because it would make you a better writer? So true.

    But I have to say, all this judging and judging talk makes me nervous about my own entries! Who's judging them? Does my entry stink compared to the other stuff they're judging? Will I final or bomb out? I know. I'm a worrier.

  6. I'm judging three contests this year. Just got entries for two, one of which is due back by the 17th! I anticipate that a third set are awaiting me at the post office.

    For one contest, I got three entries in three different genres. Interesting approach. I guess they want to ensure that judges don't compare entries within a single genre when scoring.

  7. This is the first time I have seen a contest from the judge's viewpoint. And I thought the contestants had it tough! Thank you for this enlightening piece. It does, however, send a warning. We contestants need to bring you our best. Thanks for that inspiration.

  8. What I am trying to say is I can no longer decide if writing is good or not.

    I just can't decide.

    If the author makes you feel what she wants you to feel that's talent, right?
    But what if, what you feel is, ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

    Now how am I supposed to judge that?

    And what's a good score?

    90 out of a 100 seems real good, but do winners all have 98s and 99s? That seems kind of absurd to me. Absolute perfection is necessary to win.
    But is there such a thing?

    I can't decide anymore.

    This has to be somebody's fault. I have decided to blame Myra.


    Those last two posts aren't DARLENE. They're ME!

    God have mercy on my computer illiterate soul.

  10. Mary,
    I just read through a judging manual that said to just judge according to the scoresheet. If the scoresheet asks if the heroine's external goals were apparent, you give them a score on that one thing. And down the line. If the entry made you go ewwwww, but there's no category for that on the scoresheet, you don't count off points for it. However, if the entry made you go ewwwww, then maybe there wasn't enough motivation, too much narration, dumb dialogue, or something else that you can take off points for that ARE on the scoresheet.

    AS IF I SHOULD PRESUME to tell Mary anything! But there. I said it. Mary, maybe you just need a break.

  11. Thank you, Melanie. Please feel free to give me orders. I take orders well...I blame that on my two big sisters. I give orders well...I blame that on my four little brothers and sisters.

    It's thinking for myself that always trips me up.

  12. Mary, how could you possibly reveal our SECRET CODE NAME FOR YOU in public like that????

    After you promised????

    Oy vay, what am I going to do with you, girl????

    I need a venti caramel/mocha frappuccino, and I need it NOW.

    Or a diet soda.


    (Empathizing with Melanie, here, and the eventual constant counting of stupid, moronic calories day to day...)

    Darlene, aka Mary, you weren't really whining, you were making a logical, understandable observation.

    I've watched good manuscripts get flushed in contests (yeah, including some of mine) because of differences in opinion on either what a genre is wanting (and who are we to presume that????) or what we personally think is right as judges.

    Gag me now.

    I can totally get jiggy with the whole idea of differing opinions on content, but if you can't deal with that without bias, then you shouldn't judge.

    But that won't stop those people from judging, LOL! Shoot, it'll probably spur them on.

    But here's the thing:

    We enter contests for information initially, then to final, right? Of course, right!!!

    At some point, it should become a little less important to you what an obscure, who-knows-what judge says or does because you've developed a web of self-confidence around that previously tissue-thin skin.

    Now, if you land on that editor's desk (and as Tina so kindly and very firmly pointed out to me last week as I was wallowing in the depths of contest despair, ending up a finalist IS A CRAPSHOOT depending on the likes/dislikes/capabilities of your judges and that's just how it is, welcome to writing class 101, boys and girls) THEN you should pay close attention to what the paid professional is telling you.

    Now, I'm not naysaying contests or judges, because I think they can play a vital role in strengthening our work and presentation, but Mary, you of all people should trust your gut.

    Garbage is garbage. Say it nicely, but say so.

    Good is good, even if it's not OUR brand of good.

    Say that, too.

    And when you see that weak manuscript final elsewhere, knowing there wasn't time for it to be tweaked, then it's just a good look at the microcosm of the readership world and what audience a given author is seeking.

    Entries should vary like an audience varies, and I think if you nip a little more of that garlic bread, oozing with fresh, farm, melted butter, you'll feel better.

    And pass me another slice, would ya'? The boys aren't here today so I don't care if mah old jeans look a bit snug.


    Sometimes, snug is bettah!



  13. Ruthy said: but Mary, you of all people should trust your gut.

    Why would you say a thing like that? It's like you want to trick me into're coordinating a contest aren't you? You need judges.

    I'm onto you.

    I will now run screaming from my computer...or Darlene will, not sure which. Very tired.

  14. Ah, good, had to scroll down and take a quick peek to see who I was.

    I'm me. For now.

  15. A couple things I have learned from contests.

    1. I HATE TIMES NEW ROMAN. Editors must hate it too. I mean I see it and I cry.

    That said now that I know it is going to unduly make me a DISCRIMINATING (and not in a good way) judge. I try to read those a little at a time. (BUT I REALLY HATE IT)

    2. I try to think of what I would think if I got my contest judging feedback BACK as a contestant.
    So I do often go back and remove comments that might be construed as harsh to the tenderhearted.

  16. Tina said:

    So I do often go back and remove comments that might be construed as harsh to the tenderhearted.

    Yup, I can see that. It's hard to separate the way we critique one another from how you should critique a contest entry, not knowing the person personally. I mean not everyone understands that I make fun of them to HELP THEM...

    Thin-skinned little goats.

    They see my jokes as disturbing, and sometimes life-threatening, but isn't life-on-the-edge better than dull, mundane every day so-so???

    I mean, come on, people! Loosen up!

    Judging is an honor and a privilege, really and truly.

    It's also a way to get even with every snarky judge you've ever had.


    Did I say that out loud????

    No, stop! Quick!! Erase that last sentence!!!!!!!!!

    Too late. Fingers are too quick, I guess.

    Ah, the truth comes out.

    I think I'll just grab a chocolate/almond bisciotti and a hot cup of joe and contemplate life from a quiet, cozy nook where no one can find me until forgiveness is mine.

    Either that or make brownies. Thick, rich, chocolaty brownies oozing with random, melty chips and peanut butter.


  17. AUDRA!!!!! Alive and well and so is your post!! And, man do I relate. So much so that this last round of contest judging had my saintly husband drafting a contract for me to sign specifying NO CONTEST-JUDGING until you are mature enough to handle it. I didn't sign. Sigh.


  18. Thanks for the post, Audra. Reading these posts about the challenges of judging has helped me not be so nervous about entering contests. I think I thought of the judging process more like going to the principal before. Now, I consider it more like letting a frank and honest friend read your work.

    Tina, everything I've read says you have to use Times New Roman. Is there another font your prefer (just in case)?

  19. I only have had to judge books done by Garden Clubs in my district. They changed the judging format on me with no explanation of the changes. It drove me crazy. I wasn't sure I was giving credit where credit was due. Cindi

  20. One thing I'd like to announce here, for all our readers is:

    You know, email and comment things like this, well, they're tricky. Have you noticed that, especially email I think...the fact that we're writers should mean we are good with words...but NO!

    So The Seekers made a deal at the very beginning that we would assume good intentions of each other.

    So, if I send some email that seems to be insulting, rude and hateful...chances are...I was just trying to be funny.

    So that's the rule.

    So when Ruthy called people Thin Skinned Little Goats, she is joking hahahahahahaha........

    So silly, such wit!!!!!!

  21. I think I've only judged two contests this year. But since I'm coordinating the long and short contemporary categories of the Touched by Love, I feel like I've been swamped in contest since I took down the Christmas tree.

    Wait. The thing is still up. Drat.

    Tina, you and pushover don't really work for me in the same sentence. Not any more than Ruthy and the gift of compassion, but then I don't have the gift of compassion so is that like the pot calling the kettle round?

    Audra, great post! I've passed on a couple contest as an entrant and as a judge because of the crappy scoresheets. I'm really nervous about what the TBL scoresheet will look like this year. My prayer is the board took my brilliant suggestions. We'll see. Hmm. Now that I think about it, do I ever give non-brilliant suggestions? I thought not.

    Darlene, *gasp* you are reading my mind. When I first read over my Genesis entries, I wasn't overly impressed. Then I scored them, waited a few days, pondered my scores, skimmed the entries, then tweaked my scores and comments.

    In almost all, one thing affected the entire entry. Either the story began too soon, the story had no conflict, the scene painted the heroine in an unfavorable light, or whatever. The commonality was that all the entries left me wondering what happened next (especially the one of that evil entrant who didn't include a syno).

    We use scoresheets as a rubric for goodness, for quality writing, but the reality is some things can't be graded by a scoresheet. So scoresheets have comments sections. Yet the day we finished school, we breathed a sigh of relief over not having to write any more analytical essays.

    Garbage is garbage. Say it nicely, but say so.

    Good is good, even if it's not OUR brand of good.

    This should be included on EVERY judge's orientation sheet for every contests every year.

    Tina, I used to hate judging TNR entries. I mean HATE. But then my agent told me to change my ms font from Courier New to TNR. My first concession was going to TNR14, but then she said 12 was okay (except with Steeple Hill, they like Courier).

    Anyway, now when I read Courier, the words look all spread out to me and I'm actually conscious that I'm reading someone else's manuscript. For me, TNR lulls me into thinking that I'm reading an actual book.

    On a side note, one of my TBL entries is in some other font than Courier or Times New Roman. It's not Ariel. Nor do I think it's Bookman. But whatever, it's actually very pleasant to read.

    I used to think entrants who used TNR12 were cheating by using a smaller font that allowed them to include more of the story. But I figure that was because I thought a manuscript had to be written in Courier. Once I got past my mindset, I stopped noticing font. Isn't that weird? I could probably read an entry in Disney Print and be fine.

    I used to be the same with underlining verses italics and using # # # signs verses some other usage or no usage at all.

    BTW, if anyone wants to volunteer to judge the Touched by Love...

  22. Wonderful post, Audra. I can relate too. I took a break from writing and my crit group, and have judged 6 contests since January. Pubbed and unpubbed and even some NF.

    I print out the chapters too and go over each ms. a couple of times. Some more often. There really are good score sheets and bad. I think some score sheets make it difficult to be fair to the entrant. That's when some specific comments are helpful.

    I find myself applying the criteria all these score sheets lay out to my own writing. What a learning experience!

    I'm finishing my last contest--pubbed--this month and I'll be ready to get back to my own writing. This judging experience has been fun, tedious, frustrating...and encouraging. There are some wonderful unpublished writers out there, and just as many who still need to learn their craft. I hope they don't feel they've wasted their entry fee. I pray all my comments are helpful to them.

  23. So when Ruthy called people Thin Skinned Little Goats, she is joking hahahahahahaha........

    Drat! Now I just wasted $10.95 on buying the Ruthy voodoo doll with extra pointy pins.


    Someone needs to tell me when Ruthy is joking. I have only so much pocket money to waste on revenge.

  24. COURIER, LORNA!!!!

    Courier is your friend. Dark Courier is your BFF.

    They are so much easier on the eyes.

    I have never, ever seen a contest that didn't give you the option of TNR or Courier.

    I think of some poor editor reading msc's day after day from a looming pile. I mean wouldn't you just be a cranky, pissy mess if you were reading teeny tiny print in a dark dungeon of a cave all day long? or perchance on the subway?

    And since we are mentioning it I did have a very nice Steeple Hill editor tell me that my plans to impress with my pristine high quality slightly heavier knock your eyes out white paper was not appreciated.

    It is much too heavy. Think of them hauling six manuscripts home to read over the weekend. Mine is the heavy one.

    Lesson learned. Who knew. Regular paper is just fine. (Cheaper too)

    Thank you nameless editor.

  25. Hey Audra, loved your comment about judging cross-genre. Great idea! And probably a nice change of pace.

    I agree that judging can be tideous. But I'm with you about the Genesis -- I really enjoyed judging it this year. And, I found a winner!!! Yes, a manuscript that stood out from the crowd. It made me realize how thrilled the editors must be to find that superlative piece of work. This gal did a fantastic job, and I wanted to read more, more, more! I've got my fingers crossed she'll be a finalist . . . she has to be! I'll let you know when they're announced!

    Tina, I'm anti-TNR as well!

  26. I have to admit, I love Times New Roman because it allows me to get more words in when I enter a contest! When I judge a contest entry that used Courier instead, I wonder why they didn't take advantage of getting in more words. I always want to fit in one more hook, one more exciting event or revelation.

  27. Okay, since the topic actually is scoresheets and not FOOD like Ruthy keeps mentioning. I've finally had to find a piece of gum to distract my brain from thinking my belly was hungry.

    First, let me say I think the Genesis scoresheet was one of the finest ones I've ever had the honor of using.

    I did, though, spend a few moments pondering a few questions.

    Does the story hold your interest to the end of the entry?

    This was a difficult question for me because I had several entries that didn't capture my attention until the end. So how do I score that?

    Do inspirational elements grow organically out of character or plot?

    This is probably the BEST phrased inspirational thread question I've ever seen on a scoresheet.

    Is the author’s voice distinct and unique?

    I didn't like this question. I still don't like it. If an author's voice is distinct and unique then it seems to me the author's voice is stronger than the POV character's. Hmm. Plus, how many published authors will say they have a distinct and unique voice? If you took a random page from one of Nora Roberts's books, could you tell immediately that she wrote it?

    Isn't it more important that an author's voice is unobtrusive and/or appealing?

    One of my entries had a chapter that was written so distinctively differnt than the rest of the entry that I actually wondered if another person wrote it. And that's probably not the case, but how does one score that on this question?

    Are the characters’ voices distinct and appropriate for the setting (time period or scenario)?

    This queston gets me in every contest I've ever judged. Is it possible to have every character speak in such a distinctive style that the reader immediately knows who is speaking without a dialogue tag or action beat? Maybe. How many authors write that distinctive of voices?

    Look at one of your published novels or unpublished manuscripts. Delete everything from the scene EXCEPT for dialogue. Can you tell you says what just from the words, from how the character talks?

    Most of the time when judging I see one character with a distinctive voice. Could be a lead. Could be a lead's best friend. As a judge, I feel that as long as either th ehero or the heroine has a distinctive voice, then I'm okay with the other lead not having a distinctive voice.

    When I read Camy's Only Uni, one thing that really stood out to me was I could tell when Trish (the heroine) said something. That sounded like Trish. And when Venus would say something, I thought "Wow, that's exactly how I'd imagine Venus would respond. Trish would have said xxx, Lex would have said xxx."

    Yet the question didn't say "does at least one of the leads have a distinctive voice?" So how do you score that?

    Call me crazy, but I've learned that judging outside-the-question-box makes me a happer judge. I just wonder if it annoys contest coordinators when the see things like "I think this question is stupid so I'm giving you a 5. But see my comments on xxx." or "This question is redundant to the question on xxx so I'm giving you a 5. But see my comments on xxx."

    So what is your least favorite contest scoresheet question?

  28. JESS!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey there woman, you just were a finalist in a contest, YAY JESS!!!

    Tell us about it...better yet, be a guest blogger.


    I'm Darlene. It's my secret identity. You fell for it, so sad for you.

    Think Wonder Woman and (oh, for pete's sake I had to go google Wonder Woman to find out what her secret identity was--too much work for a joke) Diana Prince.

  29. Mary, do you just enjoy yelling my name or yelling at me?

  30. I recently agreed to judge my first contest. Thanks for all the advice on how to judge.

  31. Gina said: "I just wonder if it annoys contest coordinators when the see things like "I think this question is stupid so I'm giving you a 5. But see my comments on xxx." or "This question is redundant to the question on xxx so I'm giving you a 5. But see my comments on xxx."

    LOL I do this too. I think it is better to give a contestant the benefit of the doubt.

    And comments are what it is all about. If you can't give comments then don't offer to judge.

  32. Mary said:

    So when Ruthy called people Thin Skinned Little Goats, she is joking hahahahahahaha........

    Oh, pooh, Mary's right. I do things, thinking I'm a laugh a minute, and then end up offending half the universe, ironically it's the half Mary HASN'T offended that day, so between us, we pretty much disparage and discourage everyone, including ourselves, small children and innocent canines.

    But aside from that, we have lots of fun!


  33. Gina and Tina,

    (Gosh, that's just too cute for words, like badly named Italian twins....)

    I'm totally with you on that outside the box idea and remedy for scoresheet questions that don't allow latitude. I do the same thing, up or down, then offer an explanation.

    I remember a now-published Seeker's work which showed hints of skill and talent, but the timeline was messed to where the heroine was doing things she was supposed to have done a week before, etc.

    And yet the writing was wonderful so I explained in detail why I did what I did.

    Turns out this author hadn't been able to figure out highlight/copy/delete/paste and so when she did the above, she was inserting things outside her timeline...

    One of my theories is that good writing will stand out, above the technical weak spots, and an editor that's drawn to a certain style or a certain person, will put in the time to 'grow' that person.

    Now I know you hear that ain't so, but I'm a firm believer that it is and I don't see a big problem with it because the editor is the one who HAS to deal with the author on a regular basis.

    So part of our job is to write wonderfully and well.

    Another part is to be the person that editor wants to work with.


  34. First, you offend thin-skinned goats.

    Next, it's canaries. Those poor critters.

    And now it's badly named Italian twins.

    For shame. For double shame. And if I had a lick of Italian blood in me, I'd get my Uncle Luigi to hunt you down. He can use my Ruthy voodoo doll for identification purposes.

  35. Good insight for a non writer into the world of judging.

    Tina, i agree with tnr i really hate it when i get emails in it cos its hard to read.
    I admit i go Ariel mostly but on my webpages courier and Verdana are also a choice.

    Just finished breakfast so not hungry Im learning to be eating when reading.

    Oh and if anyone has an extra prayer mum is having a bad time again she was hulucinating again last night and we are waiting for the dr to ring back.

  36. I'm curious as a reader I know there are different contests out there and some use readers to judge rather than authors, editors, or agents who sometimes judge alot of the contests. Does anyone know do the reader judged contests use a different "scoring/rating" system or criteria than the ones judged by those within the industry and if so how would you say those scoring methods compare to the good or bad ones you are familiar with in the professionally judged contests?

    Bibliophile's Retreat

  37. Reader contests are only for published books. Those have much less of a scoring sheet and tend to be a ranking system with room for comments.

    1-5 for example
    1-didn't care for this

    5-Fabulous it's a keeper.

    The organizations that sponser reader contests for published books generally do not allow writers to participate in judging-only readers or some are only booksellers.

    For everything I say there will be an exception of course.

    Unpublished contests tend to by far fall into two categories:

    First tier judging is done by hopefully contest judging trained unpubs and the FINAL round is EDITOR/AGENT.

    or First tier judging is done by a published author and FINAL round is by an EDITOR/AGENT.

    Unpublished contests have vary but this post discusses the most frequent variety out there (

    Score sheets for unpublished contests really vary and that is why it is a good idea to ask to see it before you plunk your money down.

    I promise this weekend I will learn how to do links in comments per Harry's instructions.

  38. Very insightful. And I can relate! You ladies are a lively bunch aren't you? Your comments are quite entertaining.

  39. You did a nice job summing up some of the problems I've seen as a judge and as a contestant. Here is one you didn't mention. When they advertise trained judges and you happen to be a judge but nobody trained you other than sending you the scoring guidelines. Now when I see this in the advertisement, I roll my eyes and say, trained judges-right!

  40. It's good to see things from the judges' point of view.

    And thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Petticoat Ranch.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  41. Wow Audra...I wish you would have judged my unpubbed entries. LOL!

    I do think the complexity makes it hard to get judges.

    And I prefer to judge hardcopy...and most contests are going electronic. Easier for the coordinator and less of a chance to lose entries...but least there's Track Changes. LOL!




  42. You are a judge come true. :D I can't enter or judge the Genesis this year, lol, but I do love the contest.
    If any of you judged in it, I thank you most graciously from the bottom of my wee little heart.

    Great post.

  43. Fret not, the barrista is here. Black coffee ... check. Caramel mocha topped with whipped cream? Got it. Chocolate-peppermint steamer? No problemo.

    After reading your-all's comments about judging I feel like I should get started on thank-you notes already no matter how my entries were viewed.


  44. Once again many comments. I love it. The feedback here is great. I am judging my first contest now, so I am looking forward to the experience.
