Thursday, July 3, 2008

Contest Update

Contest Update for July.

Happy Fourth of July from Seekerville to You. We will be closed Friday due to the holiday.

A reminder that the second quarter of the 2008 Challenge is well under way.

The second contest has no beginning, but ends August 31st and requires evidence of a manuscript completed in 2008 (not necessarily begun in 2008). The winner of a random drawing will receive $50 to assist their manuscript entry into the 2008 Golden Heart competition. This contest may be entered once per completed manuscript; however, there will be only one winner.

Melanie D won the first challenge and received Godiva chocolate. Are we going to let her take challenge two also? Heck, no!!

RWA Contests:
  • The Golden Gateway Contest. All entries and payments must be received by July 18, 2008. This contest for unpublished authors is for the beginning of your manuscript and synopsis..UP TO 55 pages. Wow. That's a lot of bang for your buck. It is an all electronic contest.

  • The Golden Rose is another unpublished contest that really delivers a great opportunity for your contest dollars. The competition is designed to prepare you for the RWA Golden Heart contest. Therefore it follows the same formatting rules and category structures. The contest is open to any RWA member who has not been published by an RWA recognized publisher in the last five years. An entrant must not have accepted a publisher's offer as of the August 3, 2008 deadline. Also an electronic contest.

  • Where the Magic Begins. Another all electronic contest (seeing a trend here) with a great line-up of judges, including Krista Stroever for the Sweet Contemporary Category. Deadline August 18. An entry consists of the first 25 pages of manuscript and a one-page synopsis (unjudged).
  • Black Diamond Romance Writers presents...The Good, The Bad and The Toilet Paper. MY KIND OF CONTEST!!! And electronic contest for published and unpublished authors. Deadline August 15. COME ON LET'S ALL ENTER THIS BABY!!
All published or unpublished authors may enter the Black Diamonds’ synopsis contest in either our published or unpublished categories. If the author has not been published in the last two (2) years, he may enter either category. If the author is published but not PAN-eligible, he may enter either category. If during the contest, the author becomes PAN-eligible, author must notify the contest coordinator immediately. Author will be moved to the published category, if possible, or remain in the unpublished category if judging has already commence. Final judge, Elaine English or Jessica Faust!!

Other Contests: (Okay, summer is slow for other contests!)

  • Deadline is August 31,for the...Wow! Women on Writing Quarterly Flash Fiction Contest.

    WORD COUNT:Maximum: 500, Minimum: 250 OPEN PROMPT! Last quarter we enjoyed reading your diverse stories, so we’re doing it again! That’s right, this is your chance to shine, and get creative. You can write about anything, as long as it’s within the word count and fiction. So, dig out those stories you started way back when and tailor them to the word count.

    We’re open to any style and genre. From horror to romance! So, get creative, and most of all, have fun. The winner not only gets cash and goodies but an agent read!!


  1. I have a question, Tina. For the purposes of contest entry, is "unpublished" defined as having not published a novel-length work? If one has published short stories or novellas, does that count as published?

    Happy 4th of July, everyone!

  2. Patricia, my experience is that it depends on the contest, but most, it would be considered unpubbed for short stories. I'm not sure about novellas. I would check the guidelines very closely and email the coordinator if in doubt.

    I had to do that when I was pubbed in short story form.

    Tina, thanks for the info! I'm dying to see what that toilet paper contest is about! LOL


  3. Happy Fourth of July to everyone!

    Give your military heroes lots of hugs and let him know how much we appreciate their service to our country!

    God bless the USA!!!

    Hugs going out to Tina and Cara!

  4. Patricia, the only RWA contest I have ever noticed that mentioned published = short stories is the Maggie. They used to have it in their fine print.

    Most other contests are referring to an RWA recognized publisher and that would be novel or novella length.

    Some contests do specify that they also include subsidy press not RWA recognized. Check the rules

    In the old days you could be grandfathered into PAN by proving you had sold 10 short stories, but no longer.

  5. I'm glad I didn't enter the Maggie, then! I never knew short stories counted in any contest.

  6. Thanks for this contest update. I'm going to attempt to enter one of these this time.
