Friday, September 5, 2008

Contest Update


The dramatic finale of 2008!

Four months until the new year.

So what exactly have you accomplished this year?

It's not too late to revise this chapter of your writing life.

Here in Seekerville there are only seven of us left on Unpubbed Island.

While I admit the accommodations are a bit more spacious in the huts, and there are more coconuts to go around, without the other eight Seekers---not to mention one of those gals who left SNORED... I'm still very anxious to get off this island.

Speaking of sales, and or lack there of...Hope you were around for the interview with Barbara Scott,
Senior Acquisitions Editor for Fiction from Abingdon Press.
It's not too late to check out the Seekerville post here.

We knocked our Seeker stats out of the water thanks to Ruth and Ms. Scott-- and folks we've had some stellar guests here. But the bottom line is everyone wants to get off that little island and we appreciate the information we get from great interviews like yesterday's.

And did you notice, Laurie Viera Rigler stopped by and said hi in Seekerville on Tuesday? She is the author of Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict. Check out her site and her great
Campaign video. You will love it!

The 2008 Challenge just closed the door on contest number two.

The second contest had no beginning, but ended August 31st and required evidence of a manuscript completed in 2008 (not necessarily begun in 2008).
The winner of the random drawing will receive $50 to assist their
manuscript entry into the 2008 Golden Heart competition.
And the winner of a $50 cash prize is....Margay.
Margay is a diligent Seekerville Lurker.
Congratulations--this is no small feat.

My favorite Jack Bickham quote seems appropriate here...

Writers write. Everyone else makes excuses.

Remember the final contest of the 2008 Challenge has begun. The Seekers
(minus myself) on Unpubbed Island are eligible to enter too!

The third contest has no beginning but ends December 31st and is a double header. Simply submit a complete (not a partial) manuscript to an editor or agent in 2008, send me proof, and you will be entered in a random drawing for one of two prizes: a box of Godiva chocolate or $50 to offset your writing expenses for the year. One entry per unique manuscript submitted to an editor or agent. There will be two winners.

Now on to the Contest Updates!

RWA Contests:

  • Hot Prospects: Postmark Deadline-September 24, 2008,E-Submit Deadline- September 26, 2008. Contest requires a synopsis (3 pp max), beginning of ms (20 pp max). Categories include: Historical/ Regency-- Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal-- Romantic Suspense-- Contemporary-- All Other (ChickLit/Women’s Fiction/Inspirational/Young Adult/Erotic Romance) GRAND PRIZE - WRITTEN CRITIQUE! The single highest scoring first place entry across all categories will receive a written critique provided by an editor or agent.

Okay, I have to tell you I am not crazy about the OTHER-- everything but the kitchen sink-- category in this contest, but I do like the final prize.

  • Pitch Perfect: "We want to help you perfect your pitching package by providing feedback on a short synopsis, long synopsis and a query letter. Want to know the best part? The grand prize winner will receive free registration to the Romance Writer’s of America National Conference from July 15 to July 18, 2009 in Washington DC. Multiple categories including inspirational! Inspirational - Kim Moore, Harvest House Publishing. Contest Deadline: Sept. 30, 2008.

For a chance at free registration to Nationals even I will write a synopsis.

  • The Suzannah: This year the contest has gone all electronic. Entries must be received by midnight CST on October 1st, 2008. Entry should be a maximum of 25 pages including synopsis. The contest will be closed after 120 entries are received. All six finalists will have their entries evaluated by the full panel of agents and editors. These include:

Michelle Grajkowski - Three Seas Literary Agency
Leah Hultenschmidt -- Dorchester
Margo Lipschultz -- HQN
Alex Logan -- Grand Central
Erin Niumata - Folio Agency
Leis Pederson -- Berkley
Dr. Julie Nelson, sponsor of The Suzannah

Grand Prize Winner will receive three hundred dollars in cash, donated in memory of romance author Suzannah Nelson Davis, and a trophy.

Okay, is it just me or is this awesome?? No categories. The true test of a manuscript!

  • The Beacon Award: has gone all electronic. Deadline is October 1st,11:59 pm EST. Enter the first thirty (30) pages of the manuscript.
Historical / Regency
Long Contemporary / Single Title Contemporary (over 70,000 words)
Contemporary Series (All except Suspense and Adventure)
Romantic Suspense / Contemporary Series: Suspense and Adventure
Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal
Chick Lit / Women’s Fiction / Mainstream
Erotic Romance

The Beacon has a great line up of judges, with several surprise editors we haven't seen on the contest circuit.

The Emily-Now in its 20th year! Deadline is October 7, 2008. Entry: first 35 pages. The contest has an editor and agent judge for each of the four categories: Contemporary Single Title, Contemporary Series, Historical and Paranormal.
The Best of the Best manuscript will be selected by booksellers from the first place manuscripts of each of the four categories. The winner will be awarded a detailed critique of the first three chapters and synopsis by Leis Pederson of Berkley.

A good deal for your buck--no synopsis and an impressive judging line up.

Just For Fun:

That's it for this month...see you in October.


  1. Tina, You are ALWAYS such a wonderful source of information. What we love about you is that you are such a sharing and caring person. Thanks again for great info.

    Hugs and chocolate for you.

  2. WOW, thanks for the contest information!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  3. Lots of great info, Tina!

    Congrats, Margay!!


  4. I didn't leave for good. I simply went out for supplies after I reached into my travel trunk one day and my hand came back empty (how did Ginger do it???) I'm still writing though. As a matter of fact, I've been wrestling with a stubborn chapter for over a week now. I'm also reading books on the craft, studying scene structure, and keeping up with these and other wonderful blog posts. A lovely crit group is teaching me even more and next year, when this sabbatical is over, I'll be back on Unpubbed Island, lounging in my lagoon. So save my spot.

    Oh hey, wait. I left the island, so why is a tropical storm heading for me???

  5. Okay so who knows the Gilligan Island song?

  6. Oh goodness, my manners. Thank you for the blog post, Tina. That's some great info. Entering another contest is now more tempting than a piece of Ruthy's coconut cream pie.

    But no--I'll stick with the plan for now. It's always best to practice the Hula before going to the Luau, eh?

  7. Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale. A tale of a fateful trip. That started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship.

    The mate was a mighty sailing man. The Skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour.

    A three hour tour.

    (BANG, ZOHNG!)

    The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost. The Minnow would be lost.

    The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle, with Gilligan (do, do, do, do do), the Skipper too (do do do do do do do), the millionaire and his wife. *whispers* The movie star, and the rest (I'm a purist) are here on Gilligan's Isle!

  8. At least I can work on my tan.

    Thanks for the heads-up on the contests!

  9. Thanks Tina. I like all your extra insights when you post the list.

  10. Is that THE Lovey?

    What an honor, Mrs. Thurston Howell the Third.

    Welcome to Seekerville.

  11. Tina, you rock. Great info and I love all of your live links...

    Thanks so much for taking the time out of your crazy work schedule to plug this in for us every week. You're a blessing.

    But you knew that.


  12. Lovey was here???

    Oh my goodness gracious sakes to Betsy, I missed her visit! And I so wanted to know how she kept her hair looking SO good for all those months on the island.

    Where's a good hair care consult when you need one?


  13. Hi Anita!!!

    Ruthy, I do it monthly hon.

  14. Y'all could have fun on an almost deserted island.

    Oh ... I forgot, we ARE on an almost deserted island.

    Ruthy, pass the coconut juice.

  15. Yeah THE Lovey. Lovey Dominici of Brooklyn. Nice place yous got here.

  16. He he he...welcome Lovey!!
