Saturday, August 23, 2008

Seekerville Weekend Edition

We're doing the Snoopy Dance here in Seekerville
because another Seeker made it off Unpub Island!!!

Myra Langley Johnson,
who is also a 2005 Golden Heart award winner,
has sold
One Perfect Christmas
to Abingdon Press.
It is a slated 2009 release!

Congratulations, Myra!

For those of you who want to know more about Abingdon Press, September 4, our own Cub Reporter, Ruth Logan Herne will be interviewing Barbara Scott, Sr. Acquisitions Editor, for Fiction at Abingdon Press.

More Cork Popping News!

For those of you who missed the announcement on August 9...
Camy Tang has sold to Steeple Hill Love Inspired.
Check out the details of The Sinister Spa here in Seekerville!!

Congratulations Camster!!


Have you preordered your copy of Julie Lessman's,
A Passion Redeemed
(The Daughters of Boston Book 2)
which releases September 1, 2008?


Remember to look for Janet Dean's
debut Love Inspired Historical
which will be releasing September 9, 2008.

Courting Miss Adelaide!


News from one of our Friends of Seekerville:

Take Your Book From Good To Sold: Ten Lessons Learned,
an online class, taught by New York Times Bestselling romantic comedy writer,
Shirley Jump, is coming to a cyberspace near you September 1-28. Check it out here.

The workshop will include discussion of the revision process and the various elements authors need to look for before considering their book ready for an editor’s eyes. Today’s editors don’t have time to sit down with a fledgling writer and teach her how to take her novel to that next level. This workshop will fill in that final gap for the writer who is just ten lessons away from a sale.


  1. Congratulatioins, Myra! Another success story about God's timing and persistence.

  2. WOOOO HOOO, MYRA!!!!!

    Another unpub bites the dust...the sale dust and off the island!!!


    BTW I just signed up for Shirley Jumps class because I want to be right behind you!!

  3. Myra, may I add my most since congratulations! This is wonderful news darling, and only the beginning for you. We must do lunch.

  4. YAY, MYRA!! God has great things in store for the writing gift he gave you. (And I'm beating Ruthy to the Irish blessing punch: May your Christmas romance become a "classic" -- and a Hallmark special!!!)

  5. That's wonderful Myra! Congratulations.

  6. MYYYYYRA How exciting. I am so happy for you. Congrats.
    Glynna, I'm right there with you for the Irish blessing punch.

  7. Congratulations to Myra. I love lots of authors on this site. Good luck to all of you.

  8. Whoo-hoo! Congrats Myra. Where is she anyway? Still celebrating, probably! And she should be! word veri sounds sorta like musical, phonetically.

    Cool, huh?

    Myra's sale is music to my ears!

  9. Wooooohooo! A HUGE congrats Myra. That is so exciting :)

  10. I'm so excited for all of you. I just saw the announcement on the ACFW loop about Myra, and I was so happy! Yea, Myra!

  11. Congratulations on making it off the island, Myra! Aloha-oe, lass. Until we meet again.

    *sniffs back tears of joy* I'm so delightfully happy for her.

  12. Like Melanie, I saw the good news over on the ACFW loop and dashed over here to get in on the celebration.

    A cyber high five to you, Myra, on your first sale. I'm thrilled for you. And congrats, too, on finaling in the Genesis.

    I know there are predictions of sluggish sales in these difficult economic times, but I have a theory: people are spending less on gas, staying closer to home and are READING. And they need books. Our books, right?

    Over at the GH loop, class of '08, seven of my Pixie Chick pals sold during the past two weeks, bringing us to a total of twelve sold out of sixty-four finalists and seventy manuscripts. And I'm not talking one book sales. Most are multiple-book contracts!

    So, keep on submitting, ladies. For those who are, like me, as-yet unpublished, there is indeed hope.

  13. Oh my stars, isn't this just absolutely, positively, rock-your-socks awesome!!!!!

    Yay, Myra!

    You go, girl!

    What a wonderful way to go into the weekend. And Myra!!!! Yay, oh yay, you get to meet Barb in person in Minneapolis!

    What a great conference this will be for you. The day has come.

    So Proud Of You!


  14. !!!!!!!!!!!MYRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I TOLD YOU that was a fantastic book, when I judged it in a contest.

    (inside joke, only Myra can tell the punchline)

    And I found CAMY'S BOOK
    In a bookstore, even though Amazon sez it isn't out yet.

    AMAZON LIES!!!!!

    But I hunted for Julie's book, A Passion REdeemed and
    Janet's Book 'Courting Miss Adelaide' and found NUTHIN'

    But I will continue my relentless pursuit of the books.

    By the Way, Singla Sashimi is fantastic. I posted a review on Amazon.


  15. Wow, sorry to be late for the party! It's been one thing after another since THE CALL came on Friday!

    Thanks to one and all for the congratulations and for joining in my celebration. This has -- literally -- been 25 years in the making! So anybody who has EVER considered giving up because it's taking too long ... DON'T!

    And you just wait, Seekerville's Unpubbed Island will soon be deserted, I just know it! The FOR SALE sign is waiting in storage under the community bungalow. Easy financing options, plenty of coconuts and mahi mahi. And it hardly ever rains. Much.

    And did I mention Barista Orlando & Cap'n Jack stay with the island?

    Hey, Marlena, if you hadn't already given up agenting for greener pastures, I'd certainly be knocking on your door. I'm good for lunch anytime. Just let me know.

  16. Congrats Ladies!

    Good luck and God's blessings on your books!


  17. I'm still clapping and dancing with excitement over Myra's sale!!!! Congratulations girlfriend!!!

    Hugs, Janet
