Sunday, September 7, 2008

All About The Story

Zondervan and Mount Hermon Writer’s Conference
Sponsor Competition for Aspiring Fiction Authors
Winner Receives $10,000 Publishing Contract

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., September 3, 2008 – Unpublished Christian fiction writers, get your manuscripts ready. Zondervan, a world leader in Christian communications, today announced
All About the Story, a writing competition for first-time novelists.

The winner will receive a $10,000 publishing contract with Zondervan, and all finalists will have their works recognized during the Christian Book EXPO in Dallas in March 2009.Sponsored by Zondervan and Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, All About the Story is open to any unpublished writer who has attended a past Mount Hermon Writer’s conference or who is registered for the 2009 conference.

In addition to the opportunity for their work to be published by Zondervan, the winning author will also receive valuable feedback from editors and experienced judges, including bestselling Christian fiction authors Karen Kingsbury, Terri Blackstock, Brandilyn Collins and Noel Hynd.

“We know there are many talented Christian fiction writers who just need an opportunity like this to get the break they need to become a published author,” said Dudley Delffs, vice president and publisher of Trade Books at Zondervan. “We are pleased to partner with Mount Hermon to uncover top writing talent just waiting to be discovered."

The All About the Story contest will be judged in three stages:

1. Synopsis and the first 5,000 words of work will be judged to determine semi-finalists.

2. Semi-finalists will submit a full manuscript to be judged by Zondervan editors to determine finalists.

3. The winner will be determined by a panel of bestselling authors.

The grand prize winner will receive a publishing contract with Zondervan including a $10,000 advance on royalties. Finalists will be recognized at the Christian Book EXPO in Dallas, Texas, March 20-22, 2009.

The winner will be announced at the 2009 Mount Hermon Writer’s Conference on Saturday, April 4, 2009.

All first-round entries must be received before November 5th, 2008. For additional information, and contest rules, visit

or email

Thanks to Rachelle Gardner's blog--CBA Ramblings-- who posted this info.


  1. Oh I want this with a passion. I wonder if I'm considered pubbed or unpubbed when I cross markets and pub houses. What's a recognized publisher in Inspy?

  2. Oh.

    Be still my heart!

    Move over Kelly.

