Friday, September 12, 2008

Be Kind To Writers and Editors Month Celebration

You've probably noticed we're writer focused here in Seekerville.
(Writing and food and beverage focused.) Today we will be off topic and we will be exploring, and celebrating the


So welcome to the party. Stick around and comment and you could win one of these wonderful EDITORIAL prizes:

  • A copy of Self-EDITING For Fiction Writers: How to EDIT yourself into Print by Renni Browne and Dave King
  • Red pens. Lots of red pens will be given away today!

Let's start our celebration with some random EDITOR stuff.


Approaching editors is for me similar to that scene in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy approached the GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ.

Unfortunately I don't have the courage or the stamina to kill the Wicked Witch of the West and bring back her broom so I can have an audience with the Editor. Instead I enter contests. Coward that I am.

How about you? Do you suffer from EDITORPHOBIA?

Symptoms: sweaty palms, nausea, brain farts, incoherent babbling.

A support group will be forming in a cyberspace near you very soon.

Talk of editors would not be complete without mentioning Maxwell Perkins.

Max Perkins: Editor of Genius by A Scott Berg (Sept 2, 2008)

(Description from Amazon) The man who invented the modern profession of book editing finally got his due, 31 years after his death, when this revelatory biography appeared. A. Scott Berg's detailed explication of Maxwell Perkins's work on the manuscripts of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, and a host of other important American writers shows how much the Scribner's editor contributed to their books, all the while maintaining that he only helped his authors find the best in themselves.

A Day in the Life of An EDITOR.

Ever wonder what it's like to be an EDITOR?

Do they really open their closets and pick out a black suit and black shoes from a closet filled with black suits and black shoes? Is it true they read on the subway home and never read manuscripts at work?

Are slush piles truly high enough to be considered fire hazards?

How about that urban legend about the editor whose puppy piddled on the author's manuscript, thus guaranteeing the author a SALE?

Is any of this true?

I stand clueless on it all, although I did stumble on this from Confessions of a Slush Pile Reader

Some publishers consider reading slush a waste of resources and no longer accept it; some bribe their assistants to read it by throwing slush-and-pizza parties (presumably figuring that nothing makes cheesy fiction go down easier than a little cheese and pepperoni). My publisher welcomed all slush and handed me the reins. Thus for two years, in addition to fulfilling my normal editorial duties, I hired freelance readers, generated form rejection slips, evaluated the rare promising submission and fielded phone calls from every would-be Frank McCourt with a manuscript in his drawer and an Oprah's Book Club Pick in his dreams. I wish I could say that serving as a conduit between the publishing elite and the uncorrupted masses taught me valuable lessons in compassion and grace. Instead, it convinced me that the world is full of lunatics.

As for an editor's life-- if you insist upon reality, then here is an interview from Vault with Russell Davis of Five Star and a day in his life as an editor,

or check out Kate Duffy's day in the life interview on A Romance Review.

Ode to An Editor

An editor is someone who separates the wheat from the chaff and then prints the chaff.
Adlai E. Stevenson

Editors seek out the first novels with the seductiveness of Don Juans; the pleasure of discovery is one of the obvious reasons.
— William Targ

The job of an editor in a publishing house is the dullest, hardest, most exciting, exasperating and rewarding of perhaps any job in the world.
— John Hall Wheelock

The publisher is a middleman, he calls the tune to which the whole rest of the trade dances; and he does so because he pays the piper.
— Geoffrey Faber

Finally, what would a party be without some party games?

How About --Pin the Name on the Editor-- to end the day?

I have posted the pictures of some very big name editors in the romance field.

Hey! Talk to the hand.

No whining.

If you write romance, inspirational to steamy, you better know who you are sharing an elevator with at that national or local romance conference.

Take a guess. Answers will be posted at the end of the day along with random prize winners.



C .








More interviews

Novel Journey's Interview with Cynthia DiTiberio, Acquisitions Editor, Avon Aspire

Editors Who Blog

Edit Cafe: Barbour Editors Blog

Avon Romance: Blogging Editors at Avon

Isabel Swift: Wouln't You Like to Know


  1. Thanks, Tina. I loved the confessions of a Slush Pile Reader. I'm heading to a conference next month, so we'll see how much of a bumbling idiot I become.

    LOL Happy Friday!

  2. I love that quote from Adlai Stevenson!

    Thanks for all the great info.

  3. I know 'em all except D, F, and G.

    A. Melissa Endlich - Steeple Hill

    B. Charlene Patterson - Bethany House

    C. Karen Ball - Broadman & Holman

    E. Barbara Scott - Abingdon Press

    H. Emily Rodmell - Steeple Hill

    Been rejected by three of them, thank you very much. :-) But they were all very kind and professional.

  4. What a great post! A little something for everyone. I was struck at National last year how much time editors spend not editing.

  5. GOOD MORNING!! Thank God for editors!!

    You're good Mel. Very good.

    Hope you all have a profitable Friday.

  6. Hey Tina, FUN post ... and BRAVE!!

    Okay, I will come out of the closet to say that I suffered from Editorphobia with the best of them. I sorta viewed my editor like The Great Oz, leaving me full of fear and trembling. UNTIL I met her and sat down to talk with her. Suddenly, editors become people like you and me, and that changes everything ... pulse, breathing, perception. Of course, that's not to say the palpitations don't blip here and there at a line or two in a stern e-mail, but it's so much nicer working with anyone after you meet face to face.


  7. Good morning, Tina. I'd recognize that snark anywhere. :)

    Although once in a while I'm wrong, I admit. There are lots of sassy broads on Seekerville.

    Unlike me, Mild Manners writer that I am. :)

  8. Great post. I'm just a avid reader and wouldn't have a clue which editor was which.

  9. Red pens? Love 'em! I have to agree with the Wheelock quote - an editor's job has incredibly dull and pull-your-hair-out moments, but there's nothing like the second the lightbulb goes on and you realize exactly how to fix a dilemma. Then there's the day that baby (aka book) rolls off the press. Nice!

  10. Um, I won't cheat because I only knew one of these editors (Karen Ball) by their pictures, but I was easily able to deduce all their names with a glance and one Google image search for a last name. How?

    Mouse over the image. Look at the bottom of your browser window. The name appears like magic! :)

  11. Tina, you frontloaded a whole week's worth of info in this blog. God bless you, woman, at my fingertips is an in depth look at all kinds of editing, houses, thoughts...

    Thank you!

    I love Seeking with you.


  12. Mary, you are under the delusion that you are mild mannered. NOT!

    Julie, why is it I can have a steady hand to put chemo in a shunt in someone's head but quake with fear when confronted with an editor? Both are equally life threatening situations.

  13. Katie!!!!!!

    Who knew? You are brilliant!!

  14. Working hard at work so I can play next week at ACFW, but I recognized *5* of those eds right off the bat.

    What'd I win? Huh? Huh?

  15. Confession: I quake at the WORD 'editor'
    AND I don't know ANY of these ladies. If I could meet them and not know they're editors I just might do okay...might. Otherwise they'd simply shake their head at me and say 'next!' LoL. But I've got plenty of time to practice and do my homework.

  16. Lots of red pens in your future, PAM!

  17. Great post Tina, The quotes were terrific and so were the photos. I always love knowing who I'm submitting to. That's great. And its true. Editors can make a writer's work even better. A good editor that is. Its too bad they don't have the time to work with an author like they used to. I find it amazing they accomplish as much as they do.

    I'm like Pam, I recognized most of them. Do I get red pens too. LOL

    Tina you're always so creative. Thanks again.

  18. HEY! That cursor thing works. Cool.

    I have learned something today.

    My atrophe-ed brain is screaming in protest but I think the info got in anyway.

  19. Wow, Tina, super post. As usual! I recognized 5 or 6 of the editor photos, but I'm kinda partial to Editor E (Barbara Scott). ;>D She told me yesterday that she's already hard at work on my macro edit. YIKES!!!!

  20. Yes, red pens for you and Mel and Katy and Pam.

  21. Good stuff! Matter of fact I'm going to come back and try to digest it a little at a time.

    Editing must be a hard job. Like, you'd have to be organized or something. (shudders)

    I had to click on the pix then the names came up. But it did work. Thanks for the tip.

  22. Great post!

    I'm sure an editors job can be boring and pull-your-hair-out just like every one else's jobs LOL.

    I love my ediors!

    In fact, my editor @ The Wild Rose Press is also my cover artist and she does an excellent job on both.

    Very informative post, though. :-)

  23. Okay, that quote about the confessions of a slush pile is really scary considering that I've got a ms in a slush pile for over 8 mos now.

    I only know a couple of the faces so I'm not going to hazard a guess at the rest.

  24. Anita Mae you have a new photo. Very nice!!

  25. I also got the names by mousing over the pictures;

    Melissa Endlich
    Charlene Patterson
    Karen Ball
    Wanda Ottewell ?
    Barbara Scott
    Cynthis DiTiberis
    Kathleen Scheibling
    Emily Rodmell

  26. Okay, are you guys emailing your answers? I only see two posts with answers but a whole bunch of red pens went out.

    Thanks for the tip with the cursor. I'm gonna print it out and match it up for next week.

    Tina - about the photo - uh - thanks but I was desperate and my teen took it. I'm a photographer not a photographee.

  27. Yes Robin you got them all correctly by mousing around :)

    Current Official Titles:

    A. Melissa Endlich, Editor, Steeple Hill.

    B. Charlene Patterson, Managing Editor, Fiction, Bethany House.

    C. Karen Ball, Executive Editor, Fiction, B&H Publishing Group

    D. Wanda Ottewell, Senior Editor, SuperRomance.

    E. Barbara Scott, Sr. Acquisitions Editor, Fiction, Abingdon Press.

    F. Cynthia DiTiberio, Editor, Avon Books (Avon Inspire).

    G. Kathleen Scheibling, Senior Editor, American Romance.

    H. Emily Rodmell, Assistant Editor, Love Inspired.

    Thanks for being with us in Seekerville today as we celebrate editors. Hope you all have a great time at ACFW next week.

    If you would like a red pen email me your addy. One red pen winner will receive a book (Self Editing) in their envelope.

  28. Anita, click on the Slush Pile Reader link and check out the entire article.

    There were some new faces in Seekerville today. A big hello and thanks for being here.

  29. Tina...this has to be my favorite Seeker post EVER. LOL! I can't imagine you being akeeered of editors. But I have that phenomenon plus agentitis too.

    This was a very informative post and the picture thing was FUN!


  30. great post, Tina! I'm sorry I missed it yesterday. I knew 4 of the editors by face. So thanks for the others! :)


  31. Hey Tina
    I just wanted to let you know that this was a lot of fun.

    Melissa Endlich
    Charlene Patterson
    Karen Ball
    Wanda Ottewell
    Barbara Scott
    Cynthis DiTiberis
    Kathleen Scheibling
    Emily Rodmell

    In case of a red pen giveaway:
    Janet Kerr
    2563 - 152nd Street
    South Surrey, B.C.
    V4P 1N4

  32. Hey there Janet!!! Thanks for partying with us.
