Monday, September 22, 2008

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

The ACFW conference is officially over and I’m flying home today. There were tears of joy and tears of sadness this week. Cheryl and I cried when we parted. Actually, we all cried as we prepared to go our separate ways. I finally just had to walk away from Mary, Myra, Janet, Camy, Julie, and Debby to keep from squalling all over them! With friends like the Seekers, who wouldn’t be sad to see them go? Our only consolation is that we will see each other next year and “see” each other online.

Isn’t today’s technology amazing? We can fly cross country in a matter of hours and spend a few days together…then when we’re apart, we can email, call and text to our heart’s content. Hmmm, wonder what the mail-order brides from the 1800’s would think about that? lol

While I’m kinda blue about the end of a wonderful conference where I ate way too much and didn’t get nearly as much sleep as I needed, I’m also excited about the days ahead. This year’s conference has energized me to dive right back into editing my latest manuscript, which I plan to do on the plane and during my layover.

What are some of the things that perk you up when the banquet’s over and you’ve said goodbye to all your friends? Do requests from editors and agents energize you and can’t wait to get home to send those puppies out? Do you brainstorm at conference with friends and spend your three hour layover plotting your latest masterpiece? Or do you buy tons of books at the book signing and wish that three hour layover would turn into an overnighter so you can finish that new romantic suspense or historical family saga you’re reading?

PS…I’m sorry that I won’t be able to post any comments today, but pray for traveling mercies for me. I’ll be back online tomorrow at the latest.


  1. Pammers, it's so good to have you girls back!!!

    And while we stay-at-homes fought envy that you guys had a conference together, we celebrated the good news of Seeker contest results.

    Hooray for a great conference, strong appointments, a WONDERFUL book signing at the amazing Mall of America (where my daughter Beth got to meet a whole truckload of Seekers and give them Ruthy hugs) and a sisterhood born in the spirit.

    Welcome home, ladies!


  2. Though the entire experience was wonderful, spending time with Seekers was the best part of the ACFW conference!! Marred only by the absent Seekers we missed.

    We had a blast with regulars at Seekerville! Waving to Melanie, Anita Mae, Pamela J and Tammy and others. What a thrill to meet you gals in the flesh!

    The book signing at the Mall of America was awesome!!! We were blessed by Ruthy's Beth's visit to my table.

    I attended several excellent sessions at the conference, too.

    I’m raring to go!!!


  3. Oh, I had so much fun meeting the Seekers at the conference! Well, I already knew Mary, of course, but I loved seeing her, too! She just missed getting cried on after my awesome editor appointment. Kim Sawyer got that honor, bless her sweet heart!

    Oh, Julie is just as delightful in person as in cyberspace! Such a bundle of energy and sweetness! An awesome prayer warrior, too! And Janet is a hoot--and they are both hotties! Their husbands are so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Is it okay to say that?) LOL!

    I regret I was too tired to stay up late with them on Thursday and Saturday! And that I didn't bring my camera on Friday night! But it was fun! You guys are the greatest! (You can tell by all my obnoxious exclamation points that I'm still on cloud nine from the conference.)

  4. It was so good to see everyone!! And so awful to say, "See you in a year." I hated that part!! I wish we could meet quarterly. Or monthly. Everyone want to move to Georgia?? :)


  5. Hey there, way to late to be checking in. I'm sorry.

    But I got to go visit my teensy newborn baby great-nephew today so that kept me on the road and charmed. He's almost regained his birth weight of 3 pounds.

    So tiny and precious and healthy, too. He's just doing so well, avoiding one crisis after another that can be so hard on pre-mie infants.

    Anyway, Hi. I should report details on ACFW conference. Maybe tomorrow.
    Love you all.

  6. What a great conference! I talked with several Seekers at the book signing, which was amazing.

    One of my favorite things after the conference, though, was seeing my hubby leaning against the wall, waiting for me in the baggage claim at the airport. After 19 years of marriage, my heart still dances at the sight of him. Without his support, I wouldn't have gone in the first place, plus he listened to me rattle on and on about my appointments, the friends I made, etc... I'm rejuvenated to get busy to revise and send in those proposals!

  7. Lisa, it was so great to see you at the conference!! I'm glad you're able to get back to your writing. :)


  8. Cool Pam!

    GREAT TIME getting to know you better at ACFW.

    Lisa..that's SO sweet about your hubby!

    It was great to see all of you at ACFW who could make it.

    I pray we all get to go next year!

