Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ruthy double finaled in Finally a Bride

From the words of the tyrant herself:

Hey, I got an e-mail today that my inspy entries "Seeking the Garden" and "Running on Empty" both finaled in Finally a Bride.

Terri Weldon was the third finalist.

Nice news. Another desk, another shot at immortality.



Congratulations, Ruthy!!!


  1. Hey Ruthy, AWESOME news, girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super congrats!!!


  2. YAY, RUTHY! Just a matter of time, lady. . . and I strongly believe that time is growing shorter & shorter before you're signed up on the dotted contract line. I know I LOVE the manuscripts I've read of yours, and future readers will, too!

  3. Congratulations, Ruthy!!!! And to help you celebrate, I brought you some fudge brownies right out of my oven *grin*.
    Patti Jo :)

  4. Gimme the brownies, Catmom.

    Hand 'em over nice and slow and no one gets hurt.

    It's late, I'm doing Atkins as a pre-emptive strike at a calorie riddled November and December (and so I look good for my dil's baby shower in November because it is, after all, all about ME, right?????) Okay, kidding.

    Wanna hear something cool? Baby's name is Logan...

    After my mother's family. Sweet.

    Chocolate brownies would be just the ticket right now, Cupcake! I'm a hungry contest finalist.

    Thanks guys. This is very exciting and I just heard from Terri. She's tickled pink as well.

    And win or lose, a shot at an editor's desk is where it's at. A double shot makes me grateful and humble.

    Part of that humility might be blamed on the carb-restricted diet.


    Love you guys. What a nice, nice way to end the day.


  5. Congratulations, Ruthy! Thrilled for you!

  6. Ruthy's wonderful news has us partying in Seekerville!!! Come on, gals. The DJ is playing the Electric Slide! We'll burn off those brownie calories!!!


  7. WOO HOO RUTH! I do believe you are the official Seekerville contest Diva...and Tina's close behind you.


  8. YAY, Ruthy! Congrats on your double final! :)

  9. Yay, Ruthy! That's so cool! Immortality is just around the corner--the literary kind, of course. :-)

  10. Yay, Ruthy! This has been a great year for you in Contestland! Here's hoping you are TOTALLY INELLIGIBLE in 2009!

    Oops, careful, Janet! It is not a good idea to do the Electric Slide while carrying a brownie and mocha latte.

  11. I just returned from a writers retreat held in the mountains of North Carolina, so I'm late with this. Congratulations, Ruthy! That's wonderful. I'm very happy for you and for Camy as well.

    And if this works, here's a photo I took during the retreat. It hardly does God's creation justice!

    Autumn in the NC Mountains
