Saturday, October 25, 2008

Seekerville Birthday Edition Week Four : VOTE

Today in Seekerville we are entering the last week of our birthday celebration,
and our fourth weekend birthday edition (one more to come).

And for those of you have missed it (where have you been?),
to celebrate our One Year Birthday,
we are giving away a weekly birthday present through the month of October.
Random names will be drawn from our visitors and then announced.
Because it is a birthday present, of course what's inside is a surprise.

This week's winner is Marissa.
Marissa drop me a line at

There was no correct answer posted for the yearbook contest.

The random winner chosen was Joanne Sher.
Joanne drop me a line at

The order of Yearbook Seekers from left to right is:
Mary, Sandra, Ruth, Julie, Debby, Missy, Myra, Audra, Glynna,
Cara, Tina, Pam, Camy, Janet and Cheryl.

Oh, and thanks for your patience as we get these HUGE presents in the mail.
At any given time about half the Seekers are gone on a press junket
or off making the world a better place for our readers;
so it does take us time to coordinate all o
ur group activities.

As our birthday month continues we'd like to solicit your input for our upcoming year.

Tell us what you'd like to see in Seekerville.

Vote Now


  1. Hmmm. Is this like a wishing well, Tina? A Christmas list? I know what I'D like to see in Seekerville in 2009. Official announcements that ALL the Seekers--and many of our faithful visitors--have landed publishing contracts! :) But I have a feeling that's NOT what you're soliciting input for here, right?

  2. 15 PUBLISHED SEEKERS!! Is the world ready for this????


  3. Awesome thought, though. Yeah, I'm ready : )

    Seekerville is on the right track already. Thanks for all the humor and guidance along the way, Tina. We wouldn't be a fraction of splashy with you : )

  4. Oh, COOL! Will be emailing you shortly, Tina! Thank you for blessing me in yet ANOTHER way (besides this awesome site!)

  5. A round of publishing contracts for all of us!

    You guys are doing a great job with the posts. I'm not sure you could improve. I like posts on the craft of writing, and I like the personal experience stories. Also I like the updates on the publishing world and interviews with publishers.

  6. Loved the survey, Tina. But I had a hard time choosing my favorite Seeker. ;)

    Missy (who's home after a wonderful weekend away.)

  7. Yeah, it's not easy with all those choices. Welcome back to PARADISE.

  8. I'd like to see more of the same. Keep up the good work, peeps!

  9. Tina, will you handle all our Seeker parties? You're the best!

  10. Party at Tina's,'09, right???


    Tina, sorry I'm late to the party, I just couldn't do a thing with my hair!!!

    Oh my stars, I couldn't just show up looking... disheveled. Wouldn't do.

    Thanks for dressing us up for the big get together. And I'm totally in for the '09 contract push. Let's get 'em out there, get 'er done!

    Love you guys.

    Ruthy (who is not a Rottweiler)

  11. The worst part of having a party is the ending. Waaah!

  12. Missy I had a hard time choosing my favourite too so i choose all!
    sorry not around much but it owuld be great to see all 15 published.
    (still in Adelaide but mum has had had the leg operated on now)
