Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Party's Over

Thanks to all our friends and visitors who made our birthday month so special.

This week's winner of three Seeker author books from



Cindy Carroll

drop me a line at and I will
hook you up with the present fairy.

Again, thanks for your patience as we send out the p
resents. We have had Seekers
traveling the globe during October, so occasionally we get a little behind on our
to do list!

What's coming up in the new Seekerville year
as we continue on this writing journey?

First--thank you to those who took our survey. We are getting terrific ideas for future posts from your input. If you have not filled out the survey you have until Midnight MST November 4th to do so.

Following up on the initial survey responses for more diversity in romance genres and craft posts here in is a sample of what is coming this month and in early December. So mark your calendars!

November 5, Diana Cosby

November 13, Steeple Hill Editor, Melissa Endlich

November 14, Nancy Mehl

November 18, Marin Thomas

November 25, Rogenna Brewer

December 1 and 2, Seekerville will present our Query Letter Workshop. A two part, back-to-basics post, featuring query letters that hooked that editor or agent for Seekers!

December 3, Kathleen Y'Barbo

In between these guest posts, all 15 Seekers will continue to bring you more insights from their road to and of publication along with a few stories from Unpubbed Island!


  1. LOL
    The present fairy? Hehe, that gave me a chuckle.
    Thanks guys, though. I got quite a few goodies for which I'm super thankful. I'm looking forward to your future posts!

  2. It's been a great month. Thanks for being with us for the party!!

  3. Woo hoo! I love presents. That was totally unexpected. Great blog BTW. Tina, I sent you an email.

  4. Hey, there Cindy!!! Congratulations..and I love your blog btw.

  5. Hey, Tina. Thanks for the books. Can't wait for the present fairy. And thanks for checking out my blog.
