Saturday, May 16, 2009

Seekerville Weekend Edition-Kudos!

A little celebration music for today's KUDO'S EDITION!

Seekerville wants to give a congratulatory shout out to the 2009 ACFW Genesis finalists--and a loud and enthusiastic woo-hoo to those finalists who are friends of Seekerville! We're looking forward to the ACFW Conference in Denver, where we can personally congratulate you.



Sharon Ball
David W. Fry
Jennifer Griffith
Ane Mulligan
Patty Slack


Cathy Bryant
Kathleen Haynes
Lisa Jordan
Christy LaShea Smith
Eileen Astels Watson


Nancy Herriman
D'Ann Mateer
Christina Miller
Sandi Rog
Christine Schmidtke

HISTORICAL ROMANCE (six finalist entries due to a tie, but one is a
double finalist):

Jody Hedlund (double finalist with two entries)
Lisa Richardson
Connie Stevens
Gina Welborn
Lacy Williams


David Fry
Anne Greene
Dineen Miller
Lynda Schab
Alan Schleimer


Mary F. Allen
Wenda Dottridge
Danica Favorite-McDonald
Kelly Ann Riley
Janet Warren


Valerie Comer
Megan Ebba
David Fry
Suzanne Krein
Lisa Tuttle


Cathleen Armstrong
Marie Wells Coutu
Candee Fick
Julie Garmon
Ashely Weis


Kasey L. Heinly
Gretchen Hoffman
Susan Miura
Diana Sharples (double finalist with two entries)

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Steeple Hill, Love Inspired author, Missy Tippens is your hostess today.

Tuesday: Hurry Up and Wait with Tina Russo.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill author, Margaret Daley will visit Seekerville wearing her ACFW Conference, Volunteer Coordinator hat.

Thursday: Strong Emotional Reactions, Part I with Zondervan, and Steeple Hill Suspense author, Camy Tang.

Friday: Strong Emotional Reactions, Part II with Zondervan, Steeple Hill Suspense author, Camy Tang.

We have a winner.
Congratulations to EC Spurlock,
who won a copy of Courting The Doctor's Daughter
in Janet Dean's Monday, A Dose of Love blog post drawing.

Seeker Sightings:

Mary Connealy can be found at a panel discussion and book signing at the Mayhem in Midlands conference on May 22 & 23rd, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Omaha, Nebraska. Check her blog for the schedule.

Mary is also is giving away a free copy of her soon to be released romantic-comedy cozy mystery, Nosy in Nebraska, to one lucky new newsletter subscriber. Sign up here.

Southern charmer Missy Tippens will be on the Five Scribes blog, hosted by Audra Harders, Monday, May 18th.

We spotted Janet Dean's Courting Miss Adelaide in the Thorndike large print hardback edition. Beautiful cover!

You can catch up with Julie Lessman here:

May 16, LifeWay Bookstore in St. Louis, Missouri -- 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM she'll be book signing with Irene Hannon, award-winning author of romantic suspense.

May 15-17, catch the review of A Passion Denied and book giveaway at ...Just A Thought blogspot.

May 18-22. An entire week of "Pure Passion" with a series giveaway and individual book giveaways and a writer's critique at My Friend Amy's blog.

May 18-23, interview and book giveaway at Patty Wysong's blog, Patterings.

Tina Russo can be found washing dishes on Unpubbed Island.

Market, Industry and Etc. News:

Good News! You can now eat chocolate and save the planet. Check out Endangered Species Chocolate.

From Galley Cat:

Amazon Opens Kindle to Bloggers

", Inc. has created a self-service method for bloggers to add their content to the Amazon Kindle--offering writers a 30 percent cut of a subscription price that Amazon will determine.

Any blogger with an RSS feed can participate after filling out an online form--the blog should be available within 12 to 48 hours. Kindle users can subscribe to the blog, and content will be automatically updated via Amazon's wireless system."

And...did you know Cheryl Wyatt (Ready-Made Family) is running a Kindle Contest from April 1, 2009 through June 15, 2009? Winner will be notified on Independence Day of this year. Only her newsletter subscribers will be eligible to enter. To join her newsletter, visit her web site and sign up in the newsletter space provided. Cheryl respects your privacy and will not share your e-mail address with a third party.


Murdoch on paid content: "The current days of the internet will soon be over"

"Charging for online publications is looking more appealing among publishers as we see News Corporation, and The New York Times Company leaning towards the idea of putting up pay walls either for part or all of their websites. Tough advocate for paid online content, Rupert Murdoch announced News Corp is considering charging within a year. "That it is possible to charge for content on the web is obvious from the Wall Street Journal's experience," he said in reference to growing subscription revenues. He said that they might start the moves in the next year."


  1. Congratulations to all the Genesis finalists! What great news. And Janet's Thorndike cover of Courting Miss Adelaide is gorgeous.

  2. As I'm sure most of you Seekerville women were judges, I just wanted to thank all of you who took the time and energy away from your books and busy schedules to judge. My entries were judged by a total five different judges. I'm amazed at the thoroughness and thoughtfulness that went into each of my entries. I wish there was a way to personally thank each judge who read mine. But since the judging is anonymous, I still wanted to say THANK YOU! I hope one day I'll be able to do the same for others!

  3. Jody, DUDETTE, just make sure you invite us to your first book signing.

    Now, pass the waffles.

    Morning, Keli.

    Happy Saturday Seekerville.

  4. GENESIS FINALISTS ... YOU ROCK!!! Super congrats to every one of you.

    Janet, the cover IS gorgeous, like Keli said.

    Tina, great job, as usual. Now, get back to those dishes ... NOT!!


  5. Tina,

    I have to say you caught my attention with the photo of the cover of The Saturday Evening Post. I have a feature story in the May/June issue and I thought maybe you were in there.

    Thanks for all the info. and for keeping us on our toes.

  6. Cathy, that's a vintage issue. But I sure am going to be on the lookout for the 2009 edition. Congratulations!!

  7. Congrats to all the Genesis finalists!! May this be the door opening to your publishing dreams! In 2006 my entry finaled and won in its category--and this year my first book is being released in October! So it CAN happen!

  8. Tina, you cracked me up with the doing dishes on unpublished island and that picture! The weekend edition is always a treat!

    Congratulations to al the Genesis finalists.


  9. Thanks, Rose. You thought I was kidding I'm sure. Someone has to do the grunt work in paradise.

  10. Tina,
    I can't believe you have dish duty. You poor thing!
    How about I send over some takeout? Maybe some pizzas too?

  11. Jessica!! You have Pizza Hut hovercraft delivery on speed dial?

    Yes. Two large deep pan shrimp and pineapple pizzas please and thank you.

  12. Oh, Janet, congrats on Adelaide's debut with Thorndike! Love the cover.

    Congrats to all the Genesis finalists! How exciting!

    Oh Lord, please don't talk about pizza. I'm drooling here...

  13. Congratulations Genesis finalists! Double congrats to those with two finalist manuscript. Waving at Jody.

    Thanks, ladies, for your compliment on Courting Miss Adelaide's Thorndike cover. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

    Cathy, how exciting to have a feature story in the Saturday Evening Post! Congrats!

    Tina, will the budget allow for paper and plastic?

