Saturday, June 13, 2009

Seekerville Weekend StarTrek Edition

Stardate: -315448.2

(Thanks to Steve Pugh and the JavaScript Stardate Converter for help with that.)

Starfleet Command has recently issued the photographs of
the crew of the USS Seekerville,
whose mission is to bring great romance novels to
the far corners of the galaxy, following the Prime Directive.

Vulcan Captains, Tina Russo, Sandra Leesmith, Glynna Kaye.

Romulans, Cara Slaughter and Myra Johnson and Janet Dean
and Mary Connealy.

Officers, Ruth Logan Herne, Audra Harders and Pam Hillman.

The winner of the signed copy (winner's choice) of one of the books in The Daughters of Boston Series, from Julie Lessman's Wednesday post, Caution: Hormone Free Zone! is Cynthia Chow. Congratulations, Cynthia!

Congratulations to Captain Debby Giusti, for her outstanding results in the 2009 Write Touch Readers' Award Contest.

Here's the Inspirational run down. Congratulations to our friends of Seekerville, who also placed.

Inspirational/ Traditional

First Place: Debby Guisti, MIA: Missing in Atlanta
Second Place: Debby Guisti, Countdown to Death
Second Place: Sandra Bricker, Love Finds You in Snowball Arkansas
Second Place: Trish Wylie, The Millionaire' s Proposal
Second Place: Carla Rossi, Almost Home
Third Place: Deeanne Gist, Deep in the Heart of Trouble
Third Place: Valerie Hansen, Nowhere to Run
Third Place: Roxanne Rustand, Wildfire
Third Place: Lisa Wingate, Talk of the Town

Next Week In Seekerville:When We Dock at Space Station Omarion.

Monday: Vulcan Missy Tippens will go boldly where no man has gone before.

Tuesday: Officer Cheryl Wyatt will warp back to Seekerville.

Wednesday: Captain Debby Giusti will seek out and contact alien life.

Thursday: Captain Camy Tang shares on assignment Earth.

Friday: Seekerville welcomes E.J. Slusher, who will be speaking in the Holodeck.

Seekerville Galaxy Sightings

Julie Lessman

May 31-June 15:
Review and Book Giveaway (winner's choice of one of the books in The Daughters of Boston series) at Janna Ryan's blog, Cornhusker Academy.

June 15-22:

Series Giveaway (win a signed gift set of all three books in The Daughters of Boston series) on Peg Phifer's blog, Sips 'n Cups Cafe.

June 15-23:

Interview and Book Giveaway (winner's choice of one of the books in The Daughters of Boston series) on Nora St. Laurent's blog, Finding Hope Through Fiction.

Missy Tippens

Harlequin/Silhouette Readers--contest June 1-15

Book launch and signing--Royalties donated to Jeff Duren's Bone Marrow Transplant fund
June 14, 12-2:00 pm
Winder First United Methodist Church Room 131. Email Missy for details.

Book signing
June 20 following the Georgia Romance Writers meeting
Details on website:

Look for these other Seeker new releases when you are out and about in the galaxy!


  1. Okay.... that was very odd. and very funny. :)

  2. I live for odd. Have a lovely weekend Katie.

  3. ROF, LOL!!!!

    I think I prefer myself this way.

    What a hoot!!!!!!!

    Tina, thanks for a wonderful weekend edition.

    As always.

    Bless you for all you do.

    And I'm going to tell you all that my husband's a hero, yet again.

    When I got home from work yesterday (pre-last night's rodeo fun)...

    Dave and my little crew had rounded up 5 baby Mallards from a just-hatched nest. Mama and Papa were nowhere to be found. Still aren't. My guess is they became coyote food or fox food. Both are prevalent in our woods and fence rows.

    So now we have ducklings in the garage pen that recently housed baby chicks...

    Tiny black and ivory ducklings.

    The joys of country living!

    Duck l'orange, anyone?


  4. OMG those pics are hilarious!!!! I would be tempted to say you have too much time on your hands, Teena.

  5. Okay, I was up late last night (putting the finishing touches on book 1 of the next series that I JUST finished YESTERDAY--THANK YOU, GOD!!!!) and a little blurry, so I don't know if it's the pictures or me, but I may be with Ruthy on this -- I think I may actually look better as a Vulcan that I do this morning ... WHAT A HOOT, TINA!!!!

    But, uh ... I may also have to agree with Camy ... you either have a wee bit too much time in your galaxy, or you DO NOT sleep!!

    Either way ... you are -- in ANY galaxy -- THE BEST!


  6. Tina--I have never been so creative outside of writing. Thanks for the fun pics and contest updates! Looks like Seekers are doing great!

    Julie--You're really starting another series? Sweet! When do we get to find out about the setting for that one? When's the first one going to be published? You know I'll be looking! :)

  7. Ruth--Baby ducks? My kids would love to visit yours! They're going stir crazy over here. No yard. Just an hour a day when I can get them out. So glad this summer will be with grass and wide-open spaces!

  8. Tina,

    You did it again...made basic information so much more enjoyable to read.

    The pictures are great!


  9. I prefer to think that I manage my time well. This week I work seven days, plus overtime. My next day off is the 20th. There are definite advantages to being A.D.D.

  10. Tina, you made me laugh! I'm not a Star Trek fan, but it didn't matter, this was so funny.

  11. wow...awesome photoshop work. tina, you are one creative chick. i love the weekend editions. then i can cyberstalk all the free book giveaways (and i will continnue to do so until i get all three of julie's books...heads up, jules). :) i'm poor with no job right now, and that's the only way i can justify getting new books. ha!

  12. Jeannie,that would be work.

    I am all about short cuts.

    I did it with the little old Star Trek converter. You too can be a Trekkie!!

  13. Thank you, Melly dear. Wonderful to see you!! Have a great weekend.

  14. Tina, loved the Seekers in StarTrek mode. LOL great fun!


  15. What a hoot, Tina! You're amazing. You made my day!

  16. lol - Too funny! I'll never forget when Tina elfed herself. That was hilarious!

  17. OMGosh! I'm not even supposed to be online. I'm supposed to be taking advantage of a rare full day to write in a quiet house.

    But instead I had to take a peek at Tina's post. And oh mylanta, as Ruthy would say, I just scared the dog with my gasping and wheezing laughter. :)

    Too funny!!

  18. You're a cute little Vulcan, Missy.

  19. Okay, I have to know how long did you take you to do this post with all the morphed photos! Seriously!!!! Amazing!!!

  20. Hi Tina:

    Is this from an episode where all the men disappeared? Seriously, do you think someday you can show photos of the significant others? Keep up the great work.


  21. Thanks, Sherrinda. I start on the W.E edition the week before and let it percolate until I feel my true creative self is coming through. The goal is to make you guys crazy with anticipation of what insane thing I will do next. Then I take my medicine and go back to the arts and crafts room.

  22. "Is this from an episode where all the men disappeared? Seriously, do you think someday you can show photos of the significant others?"

    Ha,ha! I can't speak for the other Seekers, but I have a strict rule about keeping my personal life and my writing life in two different galaxies, Vince.

  23. Tina, You are toooo funny. I too keep significant others in another galaxy, but had to show him this post. He's a startrek fan and he howled. Loved it.

    Thanks again for all the info. I'm heading to the store after church.

  24. LOL! Those faces are truly, truly scary! Ha!

    Congrats to all the contest finalists!

  25. Tina, you are a riot! I've been running crazy all weekend and just got a chance to hope online. So nice to end the weekend with a good laugh! :-)

  26. What a hoot, Tina!! Thanks for the tremendous laugh to kick off the new week : )

    You are truly awesome, girl : )

  27. This is hysterically funny!!!!!!

    Tina...where do you come up with this stuff.

    LOVE IT!!!!! LOLOL.

