Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Very Brief Weekend Edition

The biggest news to break in Seekerville,

is that Ruth Logan Herne SOLD!!!

So if you missed that, check out the celebration here.

The winner of a copy of, His Forever Love, by Missy Tippens is Carla Glade. Thanks to everyone who commented this week on Missy's post, Reward Them With Anticipatory Events.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Seekerville's own GH finalist, Pam Hillman is your hostess today.

Tuesday: Seekerville welcomes multi-published author, Laurie Schnebly Campbell, presenting Your Hero's Fatal Flaw.

Wednesday: Anne Marie Becker, 2009 Golden Heart Romantic Suspense finalist, will be in Seekerville. Join her for, "When Did I Join the Circus?!"

Thursday: 2009 Golden Heart Inspirational finalist, Seekerville's Cara Slaughter, presents today.

Friday: Taming the West, Two Hearts at a Time. Western historical writer, Tracy Garrett, is our special guest today!

Save The Date

June 29: Summerside Press, Abingdon Press author Sandie Bricker is our guest.

June 30: Barbour author, Kaye Dacus in a Seekerville encore visit.

July 10: Erica Vetsch , a good bud of Seekerville and a Heartsong author, is coming.

July 17: Writer Pepper Basham comes to Seekerville!

July 30th: Dorchester, Western Historical author, Caroline Fyffe joins us with a fun post.


September 17-20 : Seekerville LIVE (not just yearbook photos) at the ACFW Conference in Denver, Colorado.

October 5-10 : Seekerville's very first BIAW (Book-In-A-Week).

Seeker Sightings

Ruth Logan Herne can be found here for at least a week or two.

Missy Tippens can be spotted:

June 22, Reading Writing and the Stuff In Between: Trish Perry's Blog.

Have you seen the book trailer for One Imperfect Christmas?

Julie Lessman sightings:

June 15-22:Series Giveaway (win a signed gift set of all three books in The Daughters of Boston series) on Peg Phifer's blog, Sips 'n Cups Cafe.

June 15-23:Interview and Book Giveaway (winner's choice of one of the books in The Daughters of Boston series) on Nora St. Laurent's blog, Finding Hope Through Fiction.


  1. Still happy dancing for you, Ruthy! Melissa E hit the jackpot signing you!

    And I'm looking forward to a Wednesday Seekerville guest visit from my local RWA president and 2009 GH finalist, Anne Marie Becker!

    Congrats on another great weekend edition, Tina!

  2. What a happy place this is! I'm looking forward to all the fun that's on its way.

    Thanks for all your efforts and successes.

  3. Hi Shaddy. Good to see you again.

    Glynna, you have a new photo. Love it.

  4. Ruthy, still celebrating for you! Yay! I'll bet little Katie is already chanting *Grammy's the best!*

    Thanks for all the work you do for the WE, Tina! Gotta stop by and support the Seekers!

    Hey, do we have any snacks leftover from yesterday???

  5. Here Audra, have a coconut. Ruthy left a pile of them suckers behind her hut.
