Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We interrupt this regularly scheduled posting to give you a new and delightful breakfast treat....

Skillet frittata....

Grab some shredded hashbrowns... I use a lot because I'm Irish and love potatoes...

Toss some oil in a BIG SKILLET on the stove or electric. I find turning the heat on to be beneficial at this point (note to readers: I don't write cookbooks for this very reason. Too much attention to detail.)

Add hash browns. Throw in a handful of country sausage patties or links. Add some chopped or dehydrated onion. Be generous. This is a country breakfast. No cholesterol or carb counting allowed!!!!

Chopped green peppers can be added now if you like 'em. Yum.

Stir often. Cook. Stir more. Break up sausage into little bites once cooked. Potatoes should be starting to brown.

More Yum.

Add some whisked eggs, 1-2 per person.

Stir and cook while eggs scramble.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Oh my stars, throw some toast, bagels, muffins, etc. with this and THIS is a breakfast a man comes home to.

I'm so serious. I think the American divorce rate could be halved by food this good on regular occasions.




  1. I don't drink coffee, but I might have a little instant coffee I could stir up! :-)
    Thanks for breakfast Ruthy. It looks so good, I think that's what I'm making tomorrow.
    You know the posting is late when I'm the first one here. LOL! What happened? Someone forget? :-)

  2. Ruthy ... I have peach oatmeal every single morning of my life (unless I go out to breakfast), so this was very, very cruel ...

    Potatoes are also my favorite (I'm only a quarter Irish, so apparently I don't like them as much as you) and bumpy eggs with everything thrown in but the kitchen sink are like ambrosia to me, so thanks a bunch. I am actually scowling at my peach oatmeal this morning which NEVER happens ...

    And, yeah, I'll print it off -- thanks!


  3. That looks delicious, Ruthy. When I think of fritatas, I think of Scarecrow and Mrs. King. (I know I'm showing my age.) I remember it was the one thing Lee Stetson could make.

  4. Yum, Ruthy. Not only does it make my mouth water, but your vibrant personality brightened my day. A bowl of fruit would be nice on the side.

  5. LOL, can you imagine a cookbook by Ruthy? "The Big Girl's Guide to Cooking--Stop Whining and Do it!" It would have puppies and children on the cover. I'd buy it!

    Love the recipe. I think it would make a great evening meal for those of us who need fast and easy, yet hearty meals.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Good morning ladies.

    I have a peanut butter sandwich every morning for breakfast.

    I use good peanut butter and good break because if I don't I won't be able to shove the boring thing down my throat.

    I eat it in my car of the way to work, hint, don't toast the bread. I prefer the bread toasted and the peanut butter melty and hot. But it drips. Ick. My car has never been the same.

    Yes, I do feel sorry for myself. (I sensed you all asking that question)

  7. First...


    NO ONE IN SEEKERVILLE feels sorry for you with your gazillion and one contracts and your brilliant mind...

    My theory is if you can't manage eating peanut butter toast while driving, you were raised on the wrong side of the Mississippi. I can eat, drive, listen to the radio and put on pantyhose in a STANDARD car. No automatics for this country gal.


    It's all about knowing when to move what. And having a Clorox stain stick handy!!!!

    Mel, Cheryl had computer problems with Internet service today, so her post wouldn't load up...

    I'm happy to be bumped if she gets service restored, LOL!!! I told her to pay those bills.


    Mel, this comes out so great, but I did forget about the cheese...

    We usually add some shredded cheddar to it at the very end and top it with American or Swiss slices.

    A meal in itself. Pepper and Jen, thanks for reminding me about the cheese!!! I was rushing because...

    Slight pause here...

    I had to go to Country Max to replace Taylor's beloved rabbit...

    (remember Taylor from a few months back, the seven-year-old who dedicated her first 'book' to me????, totally dissing her wonderful mother???)

    Well, Taylor's family went to Georgia for a wedding and asked if I'd watch Wilbur.

    I said, sure. Of course. Why not???

    Wilbur the bunny died of heart failure Saturday morning while I was working at the bakery. It seems two great big Golden Retrievers chasing you around the kitchen is too much for a rabbit. Who knew????

    So today we replaced Wilbur (who was a nippy critter anyway) with a beautiful tawny 9 week old bunny. A female because girls are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than boys.

    Kidding, Vince. :)

    And Jules, peach oatmeal??? Instead of brownies? Cake? Pie???

    Oh my word, I know it's good for you, but Jules, REALLY?????

    Lorna, that was such a fun show!!!! I'd forgotten that, LOL! So good to see you here this AM.

    Lisa! Hey, girl, we've used this for supper often for just those reasons.

    And I love the cookbook title! I could have some serious fun with that. Maybe we'll venture that way once the readership's established and can understand and/or overlook my humor.

    How much fun would that be????

    And I brought some REAL CREAM for our coffee, caramel syrup and a dusting of cocoa.



  8. To be honest, I had blueberry cream pie for breakfast!!! My kids and husband picked the blueberries. LOL

    Sorry, Mary! I couldn't resist. And how do you keep from choking? Just peanut butter and bread? I hope she have a full mug of coffee.

  9. I have to agree Ruthy. I don't know many young women, married or not, who bother to cook or want to learn. My one son does the cooking and my son-in-law has learned to survive.

    As the Pennsylvania Dutch slogan goes.
    kissin wears out, cookin don't.

    PB on bread warning.
    Last year I splurged on a new down coat and only days later, I found my peanut buttered toast stuck to the side of it when I went to eat it in the car on the way to church.
    Honestly it was on the arm rest when I got in the car! but ended up glued to my coat.

    lots of Dawn dishwashing liquid treatments and sprays with the shower head and it's as good as new!!

  10. Ruthy,
    You crack me up! I'm trying to imagine your driving acrobatics at the moment, so can you talk on the phone too ;-)

    I'm trying to finish my blog about 'first lines' in books and how they 'hook' us..so halfway through the write, I'm reading your post Ruthy and start typing PBJ and bunnies for other words. Gee, it's probably a good thing I don't try to do more than 3 things at a time while I drive ;-)

  11. Fat is the answer...I know you didn't ask any questions but.......Your breakfast is yummy because of all the fat..but a girl can't write on oatmeal alone...she gets all cranky.....You didn't mention how big a portion of your fritatta was....Saw Julie and Julia last nite, a preview...now that Julia Child wasn't afraid of butter was she. BTW it took her eight years to write that first cookbook...There is inspiration everywhere...

    Bon Apetit!!!


  12. MAREVA SAID: But a girl can't write on oatmeal alone...she gets all cranky..."

    Uh, you been talkin' to my husband, sweetie???

    "Not Cranky Yet, But Workin' On It" Lessman

  13. Yum-O.

    Much better than toast with grape jam.

  14. Yum! But where's the cheese? I'll bring some. Hmmmm, colby jack is pretty good!

  15. Yes!!!!

    I've got Deb believing me about the whole happy marriage thing. You rock, woman!!!

    And Pepper, I think a great first line stems from all things food related...

    Or Bunny related. :)

    Pep: Just got my first cell phone, same day I got my new "do"...

    AND it has a Bluetooth so of course I can talk on the phone, put on pantyhose, shift, eat, drink a Starbucks and listen to the radio.

    Piece of cake!


    Mareva, you hit the nail on the head! Too much oatmeal helps cholesterol but lowers hormonal surges. Jules, take note. We'll chat it up with Keith in Denver and see if she follows our advice, though she looked so SMOKIN' HOT in her last blog that I bet the oatmeal thing's part of an all-around good health kick that looks mighty good. BRAT.

    Gina! Where've you been, girlfriend? VBS is over, isn't it? Missing your snarky humor. So nice to see you here.

    And Jess, yes!!!!!!!! I forgot the cheese and Colby Jack would be GREAT with this.

    An old neighbor of mine had a kid called Colby and a niece called Brie...

    And neither one thought of cheese when picking the names! How funny.

    I kept urging them to name their dog "Cheddar" but they didn't think I was nearly as funny as I thought I was.


  16. Hi Ruthy:

    I don’t think you intended this way but I found the last lines of your post to be hilarious. :)

    “Oh my stars, throw some toast, bagels, muffins, etc. with this and THIS is a breakfast a man comes home to.”

    Where’s the guy been all night?

    “I'm so serious. I think the American divorce rate could be halved by food this good on regular occasions.”

    Are you implying that bad cooking ‘alone’ causes half the divorces in America? I think you are going to hear from NOW. (LOL)

    I just love reading your posts! (Sorry: I just couldn't help myself.)


  17. Vince!!!!

    Can you tell my sweet husband works nights sometimes?????

    Oh mylanta, I never thought of that because Dave coming home in the A.M. is NORMAL for us...

    But you're right, at most houses, he'd have some 'splainin' to do!


    I'll take on NOW... And whoever else thinks a good cook (male or female) isn't essential to a happy married...

    Or a limitless bank account that allows a lot of eating out, LOL!!!

    Thanks for stopping Vince. Glad I made you grin.


  18. Divorce rates will decrease. I don't see younger generations getting into marriage. They watch families get torn apart through divorce financially and emotionally. Also, religiously, sexually, and verbally we more open. So, we fight the pressure of the wisers not to disrespect but to add our own culture to the mix of repetitions so that it can be genuinely valued in the heart.

  19. Cooking with Sister Ruth today.

    Ladies, spatulas up.aprons tied?

    Now let's whip up a little box of poptarts.

    Writer's don't cook do they?

  20. Tina,
    We cook up great stories ;-)

  21. That's right, Pepper, you said it. And I'm a whole lot better with stories than I am with food. :)

    Who guessed there could be so many funny comments out of breakfast? Your books must be a kick, Ruthy!

  22. Ruth,
    My hubby would love to have you in the kitchen each morning! :) I serve toast and/or cereal. Poor boy. Luckily, he didn't read your blog!

    Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday when Missy posted. (Too tired and trying to catch up on laundry and housework -- UGH!) I'll add my reflections on RWA 09 next week in my post. Photos as well.

    Did want to piggy-back on Missy's comment about your book and what the editors said. Melissa mentioned she'd found this wonderful new author. The manuscript had arrived on a Friday. She read the story on Sunday, from home, and cried. Monday AM she told Joan they had to buy your wonderful book!!! Whoo-hooo!!! Well deserved praise. I'm so excited you're in the Steeple Hill family, as Joan so sweetly called us!

    Congrats again, Ruth!

  23. Sorry, had to work last night, so I'm just back now!

    Sam, Sam, Sam....

    Some of what you say is true and thought-provoking.


    I'm an old fashioned gal who thinks that marriage is here to stay because eventually people will realize that commitment to God and commitment to other people (through marriage, work, ethics, morality) are hand in hand.

    Hey, did you try some of this fritatta???? Sam, dig in.

    And grab some coffee, kiddo. Or a cappuccino. You and I can agree on one thing...

    Starbucks is a wonderful invention.

    And God rocks.


  24. Ayrian, I'm having you and the Pepster over for a little cooking lesson...

    Good food...

    Good conversation....

    And no small amount of flirting.


    It's like the frosting on the cake...

    Or the cheese on the fritatta!


  25. Deb, I'm so psyched that Melissa talked about 'finding' me!!!

    I didn't even know I was lost! :)

    I'm going to have a ball with you guys at Steeple Hill AND some of you will actually think I'm funny.

    Others will cringe.

    And cringing is REALLY BAD for your face wrinkles, so we'll bring them around, 'kay???

    And Joan, Melissa, Tina and Sara are a great team. Oh my stars, it's like an editorial who's who.

    Love this opportunity.

    And I'm narcissistic enough to LOVE being used as a good example.


    As opposed to the other, LOL!


  26. Ruthy,
    He..he...I do prefer cooking up good stories, but I can cook with REAL food too...sigh. With a large family, eating out isn't an option often (except when grandparents come to visit ;-)
    I'm a 'learn-to-cook-from-your-southern-granny' cook, though, so the food comes out fried, buttered, and/or ladened with sugar ;-)
    I'm still all up for that cooking lesson though, Ruthy. I'll bring the homemade chocolate cream pie - along with my best flirty smile ;-)

  27. Pepper, sounds good! I'd do anything for pie.




    We'll do that someday, girl, to have fun with readers. Have a cookoff or sponsor a meal cooked by inspy authors.

    How fun would that be?

