Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weekend Cowboy Edition

July 25 th is National Day of the Cowboy.

The National Day of the Cowboy resolution has again been sponsored in the U.S. House of Representatives by Arizona’s U.S. Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords. H. Res. 322 encourages Americans to set aside the fourth Saturday in July as a day to celebrate their pioneer heritage and cowboy culture.

Seekerville salutes the cowboy, and we tip our collective Stetsons in their honor.

Music for the trail: Here's some of my favorite cowboy music. What are yours?

Should Have Been A Cowboy by Toby Keith.

My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys by Willie Nelson.

Amarillo by Morning by George Strait.

This Cowboy's Hat by Chris LeDoux

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Multiple Golden Heart finalist, Pam Hillman is our hostess.

Tuesday: Welcome to Denver! Part I presented by Tina Russo.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense author, Debby Giusti posts.

Thursday: Dorchester Western Historical author, Caroline Fyffe is our special guest.

Friday: Time for a Contest Update already? The prize vault is open today!

Save The Date

August 5, Jane Austen's number 1 fan, Melanie Dickerson.

August 7, Seekerville welcomes April Irwin.

August 14, Tammy Barley, Whitaker House author blogs.

August 21, Christy Finalist, Pamela Binnings Ewen joins us.

September 2, Dorchester debut author, and Starbucks aficionado, Marilyn Brant will be with us.

September 18, LIVE FROM ACFW it's Seekerville!

September 25, Our guest is Love Inspired Historical author, Winnie Griggs.

September 30, Cool Beans! NavPress author Erynn Mangum will be here.

Outstanding Contest Results!!

Congratulations to the 2009 Book of the Year Finalists, especially our very own Seekers and friends of Seekerville.

Here are the Seeker finalists.


A Passion Most Pure (Julie Lessman)
Courting Miss Adelaide (Janet Dean)
Every Good and Perfect Gift (Sharon K. Souza)
Hero, Second Class (Mitchell Bonds)
In the Shadow of the Sun King (Golden Keyes Parsons)


Faking Grace (Tamara Leigh)
Picket Fence Promises (Kathryn Springer)
Single Sashimi (Camy Tang)
Sweet Caroline (Rachel Hauck)
Truffles by the Sea (Julie Carobini)


The Apothecary's Daughter (Julie Klassen)
Calico Canyon (Mary Connealy)
Deep In the Heart of Trouble (Deeanne Gist)
From A Distance (Tamera Alexander)
I Have Seen Him in the Watchfires (Cathy Gohlke)
My Heart Remembers (Kim Vogel Sawyer)


The Case of the Bouncing Grandma (A.K. Arenz)
Death on a Deadline (Christine Lynxwiler, Sandy Gaskin, and Jan Reynolds)
Drop Dead Diva (Christine Lynxwiler, Sandy Gaskin, and Jan Reynolds)
For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls (Nancy Mehl)
Of Mice . . . and Murder (Mary Connealy)


Buffalo Gal (Mary Connealy) Clueless Cowboy (Mary Connealy)
Family Treasures (Kathryn Springer)
Her Unlikely Family (Missy Tippens)
White as Snow (Janice Thompson)


Bayou Paradox (Robin Caroll)
Broken Lullaby (Pamela Tracy)
Countdown to Death (Debby Giusti)
Forsaken Canyon (Margaret Daley)
Killer Cargo (Dana Mentink)

Congratulations to Debby Giusti. Countdown to Death finaled in the 2009 Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Awards for Published Romance Novelists.

Seeker Sightings

Julie Lessman, can be spotted signing her Daughters of Boston series this weekend:

Saturday, July 25, 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM
Book Signing at Paducah LifeWay Christian Store
Kentucky Oaks Plaza
3480 James-Sanders Boulevard
Paducah, KY42001

Saturday, July 25, 3:00 to 5:00 PM:
Reading/Book Signing/Book Giveaway at Metropolis Public Library
317 Metropolis Street, Metropolis

Also, check out this photo from a recent luncheon Julie gave for some of her online bloggers and friends.

From left to right, Julie, Christy McGraw, Margaret Chind , Missy Tippens and Patty Smith Hall.

The Camy Tang, Deadly Intent Blog Tour schedule is up!

7/25 Camy is at Prairie Chicks Write Romance talking about how Camy gets by with a little help from my friends.

7/25 An excerpt of Deadly Intent is up on the FIRST Wild Card blog tour.
7/27 Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt ask what Camy's biggest fear is.

7/28 Writers, read about the Basic Building Blocks of Good Story Structure at the blog of contemporary romance author Cheryl Wyatt.

7/29 Friend and fellow Love Inspired Suspense author Janet Dean reviews Deadly Intent.

7/30 Camy is blogging about her continuing journey as a published author on her friend Tasra Dawson’s blog

7/30 Deadly Intent hero, Dr. Devon Knightley, talks about his own spiritual battles on Laura Domino’s blog

7/31 Laura Domino reviews Deadly Intent.

8/1 Camy is guest blogging about what inspires her to write her books on Heidi Strawser’s blog, and she also reviews Deadly Intent.

Random News and Information

  • Check out Wordnik. Everything you want to know (and probably more than you want to know) about words.

  • From GalleyCat:In a breathless report, Apple Insider speculates that Apple will release a 10-inch Apple tablet-device in early 2010, a super-sized iPod Touch-like device that could be the fabled "Kindle-killer."

  • Eoin Colfer to pen the sequel to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

That's it for this Weekend Edition. We hope you didn't miss this week's exciting news. Seeker Cara Lynn James SOLD!

Happy Trails!


  1. Woohoo, I get to be first! I REALLY shouldn't have had all that iced tea at supper when I know that caffeine makes me levitate. So here it is, four in the morning, and I'm bright eyed.

    Congratulations to ALL the Seekers in the BOTY contest! How splendid to see all those Seeker names on the list.

    Again congrats to Cara on her sale!

    And yay for cowboys!

    All the friends of Seekerville will be throwing confetti.

  2. Erica, have I mentioned that I LOVE your picture. It rocks. Beautiful!

    Hey, Oh My Stars, what a wonderful thing to wake up to.

    That pic of Daddy cowboy and little wrangler???? I could hug 'em both. Wonder what Jeter looks like in chaps????


    Great update. Oh mylanta don't you get like the triple, mega gold star award for being totally on top of things and clever.

    Love you! You amaze me even though I know how blasted brilliant and together you are.

    Thank you for doing this. You rock.

    My job is simple comparatively. Food. AND...........

    Since it's Erie Canal Days in neighboring Spencerport, let's do festival yummies today.

    Starting with coffee. My rooster is crowing bright and early these days (YAY!!! Talk about a joyous noise unto the Lord!) so coffee, strong and plentiful. AND caramel and chocolate fudge syrup to flavor it up a bit...


    lovely cream. Real cream. Sweet cream. A dusting of cinnamon or nutmeg. Frous-frous coffee at your fingertips for pennies. So Nice.


    Now, food...... Stuffed croissants, to begin. You can be sensible (remember your goals for Denver... Eat in Seekerville... price is right and NO ONE gains weight. Then grab a Diet Snapple and pretend it's food)...

    Okay, back to sensible... A croissant stuffed with a quiche-like filling, as you wish, I'll short-order cook them for you. Mushrooms, peppers, cheese (your choice) sausage, bacon, onions, shrimp, spinach...

    I'm getting hungry.

    And how about a Danish tray straight from Jackson's Bakery in Rochester NY, a great little place with to-die-for, reasonably priced treats.

    Very Long Island right here in upstate.

    And did I mention that I love COWBOYS?????

    And that romance editors LOVE COWBOYS?????

    Just sayin'. :)

    Okay, coffee's here and food's on. It's the weekend. Grab your suit, towel and let's chat it up.


  3. LOL, Erica!! And from the looks of Ruthy's comment, you're not the only one legitating from caffeine overose! :)

    By the way, Erica, I like your new photo!

    Tina, thanks for the update. Fantastic job as usual.

  4. I think Erica and Ruthy sucked their energy straight out of my blood stream. I'm moving slow this morning.

    I like to check in and see if Tina has any idea what I'm doing, cuz I sure don't.

  5. Morning Peeps.

    I see the Usual Suspects are here.

    Mare, sorry, I was under the influence of Dayquil and couldn't find your schedule.

    I have to tell you, I had a ton of fun singing by myself at midnight to all those cowboy songs.

  6. Cowboy songs...



    Cute boys.

    Ah, yes.

    How about the Chicks, "Cowboy, Take me Away"...

    Great song.

    And George Strait's "How 'Bout Them Cowgirls" as a tribute to our cowgirl heroines??? Gotta love a girl that's not afraid to run ragged over men on horseback.


    I borrowed your energy for the A.M. It's on its way back to you because I have afternoon bakery detail.

    No cowboys there. Sigh.


    Luckily, I have an active imagination. Do you know how much I'd have to pay in RENT if all these people in my head were REAL????

    Staggering concept.


  7. Congratulations to all the BOTY finalists, especially the SEEKERS!

    Denver is going to be so much fun, and it's less than 2 months away!

    BOTY is an acronym for ACFWBOTY for anyone who doesn't know: American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year. you know why there's an acronym!

  8. Oh be still my heart!! Tina! Cupid has no finer aim than flinging an arrow at a cowboy!

    Chris LeDoux! My son stole my CL collection of cds BUT was nice enough to make copies of my cds for me : ) Have you heard Chris sing ballads?? Mercy!! After popping in a cd on the ride to work in the morning, I'm singing to myself all day long!!

    Whatcha Gonna Do With a Cowboy?
    Silence On The Line
    8 Second Ride

    Oh, I could go on and on.

    Don't even get me started on George Strait....

    Out west here, Cheyenne Frontier Days is wrapping up. They had an exceptional line up of talent this year. Bummer, couldn't make it to a single concert.

    Deep sigh.

    Aw, well, PBR rodeo season is well underway, and that is some mighty fine viewing : )

    Love,love,love the theme, babe!!!

    Excellent, outstanding work on the weekend edition -- as usual!!!!!

  9. I heard Sawyer Brown was there and Taylor Swift. I have never been to Cheyenne Frontier Days. I so want to go!! Oh and Kenny Chesney was there too.

  10. Thanks, gals, about the picture. It took an army of professionals. :)

    Dunno what was in that iced tea I had, but boy howdy, after three hours of sleep, I woke up raring to go. Bet my caboose will be dragging when I get to this afternoon.

  11. Seekerville Gals are rockin'.

    Wow. So many stories out there. So many plots. Heroes. Heroines. Great messages. How neat so many of you all have finaled this year in the ACFW contest. Wavin' my cowgirl hat right now!

    Congrats all!!! And glory to the One who's behind every soul-inspiring work of art. :)

  12. I'm late to the party. I checked out the George Strait video 'cause I love that song and I'm thinking he looked awfully young there.

    Well, people. Here's your source for all the important things. Seekerville weekend edition! Thanks Tina.

    Summer finally came to upstate NY. Drove by the Ontario County Fair. Had I known it was Cowboy day, I might have stopped. (Of course our NY Cowboys are . . . heck, it's just not the same.)

    I'm so excited to see the BOTY winners. Someone made some pretty good choices. That Mary really knows how to clean up! Congrats to all these great authors and the much-to-be-admired Seeker winners.
    Sigh. A Force to Be Reckoned With!

    Congrats again to Cara!

  13. Oh, we need more weekend food. Good stuff to have on hand for our buds...

    And Deb, yes, that one day WAS summer in upstate this year!!!

    Except I'm getting a thunderstorm right now.

    For the rest of you non-upstaters, we've been deluged with cool temps and rain. Very Seattle. In fact in SEATTLE they say they're having "Rochester" weather, that's how cloudy/wet/cool it's been.


    So... Food... Let's see...How 'bout classic Saturday night summer supper...

    White hots (made by Zweigle's Hots here in upstate, TO DIE FOR...So good), fresh rolls, potato salad (I made it, reallllllly good), mac salad, red hots for the chickens who won't try a white hot dog, Jell-o jigglers for the young at heart and the young in general and Texas Sheet Cake.

    Oh my word, it's not a picnic without either carrot cake, Texas Sheet Cake, Mary's Lemon Cake or Grace's Oatmeal cake around here.

    Sometimes more than one. There is no such thing as too much cake. Seriously.

    Grab some chow, sit back, enjoy the night.

    Anybody want to do late night ice cream later?


  14. Congratulations to all BOTY Nominees!

    So many Seekers and so few categories.

    Couldn’t you all just pick a different category?

    You sure make it hard on a fan.


  15. Tina,
    You are amazing! This is a great list. Thanks. The Seekers are busy, aren't they?
    I grew up sitting on the couch with my dad watching John Wayne movies, but like I've said before - my favorite cowboy was Hugh Jackman in Australia.

  16. This has nothing to do with cowboys or anything, but I just realized that Ruth is a New Yorker, too! Oh, my! Erie Canal days? how cool is that! I am from the Elmira, NY area, and we had the Chemung Canal, which fed into Erie somewhere. Sorry, had to give a shout-out to local history!
    ; )


  17. Hey there Kathleen, I'm from the Buffalo area. Do I count?

  18. Thanks, Pepper. Happy Trails to you too.

  19. Wow, Tina, I feel surrounded by greatness! so, do you gals ever do book signings at that big Christian bookstore in Amherst? The name escapes me. . .
    If you ever have a writer's get together, I'll bring the sweet and sour cocktail meatballs and a pan of lasagna.
    ; )

  20. Well I have to sell a book first, Kathleen.

    I live in Colorado at the moment but I will ask my mom about that bookstore.
