Saturday, September 12, 2009

Seekerville Weekend Edition NEWS

There's so much going on in Seekerville right now even my lists have lists.

The ACFW Conference is this week. That means the winners of the Genesis and Book-of-the-Year will be announced Saturday, September 19, 2009.

In Seekerville we will be cheering for the Seekers who finaled in the following categories:

Debut Author
A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman
Courting Miss Adelaide by Janet Dean

Single Sashimi by Camy Tang

Long Historical
Calico Canyon by Mary Connealy

Of Mice ...And Murder by Mary Connealy

Short Contemporary
Buffalo Gal by Mary Connealy
Clueless Cowboy by Mary Connealy
Her Unlikely Family by Missy Tippens

Short Contemporary Suspense
Countdown to Death by Debby Giusti

We'll also be cheering for all our friends who are BOTY and Genesis finalists!! Good luck!


The Seekers will be meeting in Denver, Colorado, for our first big reunion. The last time we were all together was August 3, 2005 when we first landed on Unpubbed Island. And that was a virtual get-together. Truth is, we have never all been in the same room at the same time. Watch the skies for fireworks over the vicinity of the Continental Divide.

We promise lots of photos from our get together, from the Friday Night tour into Denver and from the ACFW conference will be posted this week and in weeks to come.

Ten Day Weather Forecast: Note to Self: Pack Small Umbrella and sweater!

Tuesday September 15: Partly Cloudy, Hi 78°, Low 52°.

Wednesday September 16: Isolated Thunderstorms, High 75°, Low 49°

Thursday September 17: Scattered Thunderstorms, High 72°, Low 50°

Friday September 18:Isolated Thunderstorms, High 72°, Low 50°

Saturday September 19: Few Showers, High 71°, Low 48°

Sunday September 20:Partly Cloudy, High 74°, Low 48°


If you haven't heard about the Seekerville Treasure Hunt, you're a day late and several gold doubloons short. Giveaway starts September 16 and end October 1, 2009. Check it out here.

And we're going to give you just enough time to recover from conference before Seekerville starts their first ever Book-In-A-Week, October 5th. Check out Friday's post on BIAW
for more information.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday:New York Times best selling author, Shirley Jump returns to Seekerville.

Tuesday: This just in...Kimberley Woodhouse will be today's special guest.

Wednesday: Love Inspired Suspense author, Debby Giusti posting in Seekerville.

Thursday: Zondervan and Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense author, and ace reporter, Camy Tang will bring you an insider peek into the Seeker reunion in Denver, CO.

Friday: Live From's SEEKERVILLE!!! More insider photos and notes from Lois Lane Russo.


Congratulations to Milissa who won a copy of One Imperfect Christmas, the giveaway from Myra's post, Identify Your Most Common Fiction Mistakes-- and Fix 'Em!

Cheers to Holly who won the giveaway from Julie Lessman's post, Conference CPR. Her prize was win a signed copy of her choice of one of the three books in The Daughters of Boston series

Seeker Sightings:

Be sure to check out the ACFW Conference Book Signing, Saturday, September 19th, from 4-5:30. The following Seekers will be signing, and you can get your Limited Edition Seeker Bookmarks from any Seeker signing.

Mary Connealy

Janet Dean

Debby Giusti

Myra Johnson

Sandra Leesmith

Julie Lessman

Missy Tippens

Cheryl Wyatt

Don't forget, if you would like to be part of the Seeker Dinner Excursion into Denver on Friday, September 18, 2009, meet Audra Harders and Tina Russo in the Marriott lobby at 6 p.m. Bring cash for the light rail, funds for dinner and wear walking shoes. Dress is casual. Spouses, roommates and friends all welcome. Please bring a sweater or jacket, it gets cool at night. WE GO RAIN OR SHINE!!

Myra Johnson will be appearing on Romance Your Spouse, Thursday September 17.

Save The Date:

September 21, Belle Books editor, and New York Times best selling author Deborah Smith Seekerville extravaganza. Deb will be giving away a dozen books, see our special note below.

September 22, Private Eye Duo, Colleen Collins and Shaun Kaufman are sleuthing in Seekerville. They're bringing goodies too!

September 25, Our guest is Love Inspired Historical author, Winnie Griggs.

September 28, two-time Golden Heart finalist Anne Barton is back in Seekerville.

September 29, Barbour Publishing author, Marcia Gruver returns to Seekerville.

September 30, Cool Beans! NavPress author Erynn Mangum will be here.

If you didn't get to ACFW or RWA this year, don't despair, we've got editor, author Deb Smith coming to Seekerville. You've got a chance to win lots of books, including, her new urban fantasy, Soul Catcher, BelleBridges new thriller, Primitive and the new Mossy Creek novel, Critters of Mossy Creek.


  1. First one awake in Seekerville? Well, that's because *smart* people are sleeping like they should be on a Saturday morning. My brain wouldn't let me sleep, too afraid I'd sleep through the 5:30 am alarm for an all-day training. There should be a law against rising so early on a Saturday...I'm just saying.

    Okay, mini rant is over. Coffee is made and ready to be turned on by the first *normal* Saturday morning riser. I made non-fat chai lattes for those of you who need to wake up your taste buds. There's an assortment of fresh fruit for smoothies. Blender's on the counter--help yourself!

    I'm off to learn how to do my job better!

  2. Lisa, who needs an alarm? Don't you have a dog?

    I guess I'll stay up to work on my one-sheet which is too synopsisish and not blurby enough.

    Coffee's on.

  3. Good morning,
    Thanks for all the great info. I can't wait to hear about the reunion. What a wonderful treat! and Good luck to all the finalists

    Lisa & Debra,
    Who needs an alarm or a dog when you have children? ;-)

    Just finished some great regency novels this week so, I'm bringing some of my BEST 'piping hot' British tea with milk and sugar to offer. I didn't realize how to make hot tea until England, so... here you guys go. Robust, aromatic, and creamy...

  4. Awesome line up you have!
    And you guys are having a reunion? That's awesome!

    Thank you for posting the weather info. Now I know I'm bringing a sweatshirt. But are we allowed to bring umbrellas on an airplane? I didn't know that.

    Can't wait!!!!!

  5. Good morning, early birds. I have penciled in late October for sleep.

    Coffee, coffee, thank you, Lisa!!

    I love that you guys are so self sufficient. Breakfast even!!

  6. Tina, thanks for so much useful information, especially the weather forecast. Coming from Florida I sometimes forget fall is almost here.

  7. Grin ... I woke up this morning thinking to myself ... I need to check Denver weather, I need to check Denver weather. But, being the delinquent I am, I checked Seekerville first. I should have known that Tina would one-up me again. Thanks, sweetie ... we would be LOST without you!


  8. Wow! Congrats too all the finalists! That's so impressive how many of you are finalists.

    You keep making me more and more jealous of not going to Denver! Wish I was going, but instead I will be sitting in school!

  9. Jessica -- just pack your umbrella in your suitcase.

    Tina -- you have me worn out already with all that's going on and all that's going to happen! Thanks again for the great weekend edition!

    P.S. Has everyone heard that Seekerville's favorite Captain Jack will be starring in a NEW "Pirates" film in 2011?

  10. I heard about the new Pirates film yesterday. Woohooo!!

  11. Wow, the weather's going to be kinda chilly for this MS gal.

    I just added my suede boots to my packing list. I didn't realize it would be so cool this early.

    Thanks for the heads up, Tina!

  12. We didn't realize it would be so cool so fast. That's Denver. Ninety on Monday and snow on Thursday. Who needs seasons.

  13. Thanks for another super update, Tina! I started going through my closet yesterday trying to decide what to take. I'll pretty much be hotel-bound for most of the time, but you know how unpredictable AC systems are!

  14. Each Saturday, I don't think your Weekend Edition can get better...and then it does!!

    Tina, you are an extraordinary gem dropped onto Unpubbed Island -- and are we castaways glad you were!!

    Superb Edition!!

    Yes everyone, Denver has been known to go from nineties to snow in the same week! Gotta love the unpredictable. Pack an assortment of clothing or, go shopping!!

  15. Awe, thanks, A.

    I vote for shopping.

  16. I can't wait for the update from the ACFW conference, since I can't go at least this makes me feel included!

    I hope everyone going has lots of fun.


  17. A new pirates film!? Woohoo!!! I hope all the same people are in it though because after the 3rd a lot were saying that they did not want to do anymore movies...

    I'll go do some research and get back to everyone!

  18. Thanks, Hannah, our intrepid roving reporter.

    Rose, I have my reporter badge and I won't let you down.

  19. Lol Tina! By the way thanks to you and Ruthy for visiting and commenting on my blog! I was really surprised to see that, lol! And they were on the same day too...

    Okay the Pirates movie: As far as I can tell, Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley WILL NOT be in this movie. Reviewers have claimed that it did not work between the couple and Depp in the 3rd movie anyway. I don't understand that! Anyway, it is supposed to air in the summer of 2011 focusing on Captain Jack Sparrow's story. There were rumors of this happening right after the 3rd movie aired, but now it is becoming a reality. The title for the 4th movie is "On Stranger Tides", I guess we'll have to wait and see what that means! There are trailers on Youtube for the film, but I am doubtful at how real these are or whether people just made them.

    There really isn't much out yet for this movie, since it's still in the really top secret production stage! Hope this helps some people!

  20. Thanks, Hannah.

    Captain Jack lives on!!!!

  21. Lol! Hopefully it'll be good.... *fingers crossed*

  22. By the way Tina, I responded to your comment on my blog...if you care! Lol...just thought I'd let you know.

  23. Oh, wow. Have you gals ever got a lot on the go. I can feel the excitement sparking off every word you say, Tina. I leave on Mon as I'm driving down and checking out Montana and Wyoming enroute. I just can't wait!!!

  24. Well, you outdid yourself again woman.

    You are the Derek Jeter of the Seekerville Blog World.

    Totally consistant and awesome and SO DARN CUTE!!!!

    Do you look good in pinstripes, Tina???

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Love this.

    Love you.

    Brought Sunday night fun football kickoff food.

    Wings. Buffalo style, of course. Like there's any other kind????

    Taco dip, that multi-fun-layered thingie.


    Football and soda.

    It's just a thing.



  25. Buffalo style. My favorite.

    A final word of warning.

    Last week we had the AC on in Denver.

    Yesterday we turned on the heat.

    Don't come unprepared.

    This is Denver and it really can go from 80 to 40 in one day. That's why everyone has a cracked windshield.

  26. Oh...



    Dying here in Upstate NY where it also ranges from hot to snow in spring and fall.

    So funny.


    Dress warm, honey. You're a Southern girl, not accustomed to our extremes in temperature and genetically pre-destined to gentle ways of speech.

    Whereas we Northern girls just say it outright!!! :)

    Hannah, you're amazing. Great Cub Reporting, Jimmy Olson.

    And I gotta agree, I didn't think the story line in the last Pirates worked. Too threesome-ish.

    I'm glad that Jack's maintaining the starring role and that they're building around that.

    And then they can bring Orlando (YUM) back with Kiera in a cameo appearance a few films down the road.

    So glad Hollywood and I see eye-to-eye.



  27. Got it, Ruthy! I'm coming prepared, and what I forget will fit on a credit card quite nicely.

    See you in Denver!

  28. Ruthy!!
    Lol! I love Jimmy's character on Smallville. Mmmmm...he's sooo cute! Lol...maybe I shouldn't be him? Maybe Chloe : )
    Do you know Smallville at all?
    By the way, I responded to your comment on my blog. Looking forward to seeing you on there again(hopefully!)!!

  29. Hannah, you're so stinkin' cute.

    And smart.

    And savvy.

    Okay, the Jimmy Olson thing:

    gender non-specific.

    Nope, haven't seen Smallville. No TV time with work, writing, family and that God guy.


    I bug my kids for info. And smart chickies like you.

    And Tina, of course. :)

    Gotta stay up on the cool stuff of the day.

    Sound "connected".

    So much better than sounding old, LOL!


  30. Lol Ruthy! You should totally try and check out Smallville. They will be starting their 9th season and Jimmy doesn't show up until like the 7th, BUT it is an excellent show! really crack me up.... : )

  31. Under "Save the Date" on Sept. 21 you should also have my birthday!!! :-D I can't wait, looks like some great interviews are coming up!!

    XOXO- Renee

  32. Well, how did I miss that, Renee. Silly me!!!! Happy Birthday ..EARLY!!
