Saturday, September 5, 2009

Weekend Edition-Agent Recap

Here's a quick refresher on literary agent resources available in Seekerville.

Past posts:

Interview with Literary Agent Rachel Zurakowski

The Great Agent Hunt

Literary Agent Chip MacGregor on Contests

Marlena Fortune Answers Your Questions

Marlena Fortune Returns

Q & A with Marlena Fortune

Blogs You Should Be Following:

Nathan Bransford

BookEnds, LLC

Chip MacGregor

Pub Rants

Rachelle Gardner

Janet Reid

Books & Such

Things Not to Say to a Literary Agent at A Conference: From Miss Snark
1. What advice can you give me?
2. Are you having a good time?
3. You look tired.
4. Can I show you my manuscript/query letter/pages?
5. I know I'm not supposed to do/say this but....
6. Can I have lunch with you?
7. You rejected me but...
8. I sent you a query/email. Do you remember...
9. Remember me?

We Have Winners!

Our Ramping the Tension winner of Cheryl Wyatt's book, A Soldier's Reunion, is Ro aka Rose.

Winners of the Seeker books from the September Contest Update, are Walt and Seekerville follower Michelle V. Please send an email to Tina at TinaRusso dot com by Friday, September 11.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Come find out about the Seekerville Treasure Hunt with your hostess Vanna Russo!

Tuesday: Abingdon Press and Barbour author, Myra Johnson shares today and has a book giveaway. Her topic, "Identify your most common fiction writing mistakes--and fix 'em!"

Wednesday: Revell author, Julie Lessman joins us in Seekerville.

Thursday: Join Love Inspired debut author Ruth Logan Herne for a dose of witty repartee and her blog post, Opinions???? Walk Right In, Everybody's Got One!

Friday: October is Seekerville's 2nd year anniversary. We're kicking off the celebration with our very own Book-In-A-Week, filled with prizes and informative posts. Today we'll give you a sneak peak into all the fun.

Save The Date:

September 14, New York Times best selling author, Shirley Jump returns to Seekerville.

September 18, LIVE FROM ACFW it's Seekerville!

September 21, Belle Books editor, and New York Times best selling author Deborah Smith Seekerville extravaganza. Deb will be giving away a dozen books, see our special note below.

September 22, Private Eye Duo, Colleen Collins and Shaun Kaufman are sleuthing in Seekerville. They're bringing goodies too!

September 25, Our guest is Love Inspired Historical author, Winnie Griggs.

September 28, two-time Golden Heart finalist Anne Barton is back in Seekerville.

September 29, Barbour Publishing author, Marcia Gruver returns to Seekerville.

September 30, Cool Beans! NavPress author Erynn Mangum will be here.

If you didn't get to ACFW or RWA this year, don't despair, we've got editor, author Deb Smith coming to Seekerville. You've got a chance to win lots of books, including, her new urban fantasy, Soul Catcher, BelleBridges new thriller, Primitive and the new Mossy Creek novel, Critters of Mossy Creek.

Seeker Sightings and News:

Myra Johnson can be found:

Monday, 9/7
--Jennifer AlLee's blog, Musings on This, That and The Other Thing (includes book giveaway).

also --Cathy Bryant's blog, Word Vessel (includes book giveaway).

Thursday, 9/10--Jacqui Jacobi is reprising my Seekerville "Lessons from WICKED" post on her blog, Body Count Blogging, Inc. (includes book giveaway).

Check out Mary Connealy' s KNEO radio interview for Cowboy Christmas.

Click on the image of the MICROPHONE beside Mary's name.
Make sure the speaker on your computer is turned up.

AND you also have chance to win Montana Rose by Mary Connealy at Inkwell Inspirations. Click HERE and leave a comment.

Mary is also on Margaret Daley's blog on Monday, Sept. 7 doing one of Margaret's cool 'Character Interviews'

And next Saturday, Sept. 12, Mary has her first booksigning for Cowboy Christmas in Omaha at the Divine Truth Bookstore from 2 - 4 p.m. Check out Mary's blog for exact details.


  1. My heart is all a thumper just thinking of a Seekerville Treasure Hunt in Denver.

    As you can see I'm a morning person and I'll be watching for all your name tags at the Friday morning breakfast where I'll be hostessing. Please everyone, try to look like your online photo, okay?

    ( Do you have any idea how exhausted we introverts will be when four days of socializing is over?)

    Thanks "Vanna" for the weekend update. It's just not a Sat. morning without it.

  2. I am guilty of buying books just from the cover and I love the cover of Critters of Mossy Creek.

  3. Good morning, Seekerville.

    Debra Marvin do you EVER sleep in?

    Well Debbie no wonder you like Critters of MC. Look at your adorable self picture.

    Glynna, it's a three day weekend. Wahoooo!!!

  4. I love that list of things you should never say to an agent! LOL!!!

    I am so excited--almost hyperventilating excited--that we only have a week and a half until conference! EEEEEKK!

    Oh, Deb, I'm so sorry but I just got my hair cut and it so doesn't look like my picture. I think I should put the old pic of me back up. My hair is a wee bit shorter than I normally wear it. But we'll all be wearing nametags, and you'll be looking more at nametags than faces anyway!

  5. Wow! Thanks for the update : ) very exciting stuff!

  6. Debra E I look very little like my picture.

    I'm much thinner than that, and way younger and prettier too. Also, I'm smarter than I look but I don't suppose it'll help with identity unless you run a quick IQ test.

    Best to just read nametags.

    Can't wait to see you all.

    I'm not supposed to ask random agents for advice? Uhoh.

  7. Great stuff you have here, Tina!

    LOL, I think I've committed every agent sin mentioned...might explain why my proposals come back stamped -- Moved. No forward address.

    Hmm, look like my picture? Do you have any idea how long it took me to prep to have something acceptable to post???

    Okay, gotta post new pic. Hair short and gotta wear glasses now. It's nice to see again : )

    Oh wait! I'll be able to see all my favorite agents running when I show up.


  8. Apparently, I look exactly like my photo so you won't have any problem recognizing me, Deb.

    Mary's right - it took me at least 14 mins to guess who she was last year. Sometimes I pull my hair back so it doesn't fall in my soup but I can't seem to disguise my round face. And I don't like looking at women's chests, name tag or not, so if I seem to be ignoring you, I probably am out of ignorance. LOL

    Tina, thank you for the agent links. I'm hoping to have an appt with Natasha in Denver and missed Julie's post.

    Did someone say a Treasure Hunt? Yippee!

  9. LOL, this is so true.

    Nothing better than a couple hundred or better yet thousand women running around at a conference staring at each other's chest. Then there is the vanity factor. We all take off our glasses.

    Now we have to get close, stare at your chest and THEN realize we have no idea who you are.

    LOL. Let's take videos of this.

  10. Oh, Tina... as I read your comment, an image of the men at the conference doing the same thing crossed my mind... will we be getting those gorgeous ACFW carrying bags again? We could use them if we feel someone's looking too close. ROFL

  11. Deb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Totally greatest pic ever in the history of pictorial mankind!!!!!!

    How stinkin' adorable are YOU?????

    Man, I am SO not standing next to you in Denver. I already feel OLDER THAN DIRT just seein' that mop of curls. Totally rocks, woman.

  12. WOW! Lots of great stuff in September. Thank you for the prize! I just love winning books! :)


  13. Another follower comes out of hiding. Welcome and congrats, Michelle.
