Sunday, October 11, 2009

BIAW Weekend Edition

Today and tomorrow mark the end of the Seekerville BIAW.

We hope yours was successful.

When your SBIAW ends please post a closing comment on Sunday or Monday and be sure to come back to take the Seekerville BIAW/Birthday Survey which can be found on the right hand column of Seekerville. Survey ends October 18. Once again, posting a word count is not a requirement.

Everyone who registered and followed up with a post BIAW comment will be entered into a drawing for BIAW birthday prizes.

We'll announce the winners in the Saturday October 17, Week End Edition

We have winners.

Starbucks Via winners from last Sunday's Fantabulous Weekend Edition:




The winner from Cheryl Wyatt's BIAW Day 2, Productivity post is Vince. He's won a copy of Noah Lukeman's, The First Five Pages.

BIAW Day 3, Glynna Kaye' winner from her post, Writing, the Day Job, and You, is Leigh Delozier. Leigh is the winner of a copy of Victoria Lynn Schmidt’s Book in a Month: The Fool-proof System for Writing a Novel in 30 days.

Myra Johnson posted, Your Face is Familiar, but... on BIAW 4. Winner of her debut release, One Imperfect Christmas is Jen Chandler.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Join us for (a Seekerville secret,) Plan B. (How to Get Off the Island.)

Tuesday: Genesis Winner, Lacy Williams is our guest.

Wednesday: Seeker and Revell author Julie Lessman shares The Write Word.

Thursday: Multiple Golden Heart finalist, Pam Hillman is your hostess.

Friday: Tina Russo posts on, Writing Guy ... with a little help from her Seeker pals.

Save The Date:

Tina James, Senior Editor of Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense and Love Inspired Historical, is coming to Seekerville!!!

Tina will join us on November 12, hosted by cub reporter Ruth "Jimmy Olsen" Herne.

Send your questions, thoughts, or things you'd like Ruth to ask Tina (thereby removing the onus from YOU) to

Let's give Tina a rock-your-socks Seekerville welcome of great food, great fun and totally awesome conversation! We've also got some great giveaways in the works, so stay tuned.

Debby Giusti, Tina James, Missy Tippens, Janet Dean and Glynna Kaye

And There's More!

October 20, Margie Lawson, counselor, speaker, and writer with many hats is in Seekerville.

October 23, Erica Vetsch, and The Bartered Bride are with us.

October 29,
Daddy, Needs Decaf, Walt Mussell will be with us.

October 30, Genesis Winner, Christy LaShea, visits.

November 2, Pièce de Résistance, Sandra Byrd is coming!

November 10, Revell author, Dan Walsh, The Unfinished Gift, will be here.

November 11, Judy Gann, author and speaker appears in Seekerville.

November 13, NCIS aficionado, Lisa Jordan is our special guest.

Seeker Sightings:

Camy Tang will be at Girls, God, and the Good Life on the 14th of October.

Next week, Oct. 14th, Mary Connealy is on Inkwell Inspirations talking about One Sentence Pitches. Stop by for a chance to win Cowboy Christmas.

You can also win a copy of Cowboy Christmas through Monday on Trish Perry's blog.

Julie Lessman can be found, October 16-22 -- Bad Boys Gone Good, at A Sequence of Continuous Delights Blog. Vote for your favorite Daughters of Boston hero and leave a comment to be entered into a book giveaway for your choice of signed book in the Daughters of Boston series OR a signed copy of Katie's story when it releases Sept. 2010.

Friday October 16, you can find Glynna Kaye at, Much Cheaper Than Therapy.

Tina Russo will be blogging at Nobody Writes It Better on Tuesday, October 13th. Join her for Do What You Are, a discussion on the balancing act of life.

Random News:

From Cindi Myers Market News: (Anyone can sign up for the newsletter by sending a blank email to
  • Pocket Books will now focus solely on mass market paperback titles. Pocket Books staff will now acquire for both Gallery and Pocket. Jennifer Bergstrom, an editor formerly with Simon Spotlight, will be editorial director of the new group. Lauren McKenna will be executive editor and Mitchell Ivers senior editor. The group also includes editors Patrick Price, Kathy Sagan, Micki Nuding, Jennifer Heddle, Abby Zidle, Ed Schlesinger, Emily Westlake, Jaime Costas, and Megan McKeever.
  • Editor Diana Ventimiglia has left Silhouette Books.

Check out Harlequin's Vintage Collection and the 2010 Romance Report.

More on the FTC ruling at PRNewser: FTC Clarifies Blogger Guidelines: 'We've Never Brought a Case Against Somebody Simply for Failure to Disclose'

Writing a story set in Canada? You ought to know the Top 5 Canadian Slang Words. Check it out here.


  1. I've loved doing SBIAW :) I'm still planning on doing some writing today after church (which starts in 30 minutes... I really need to get off the computer) and lunch though, so I won't post my results and take the survey until tomorrow ;) Hope all of you have a wonderful Sunday,


  2. Tina, EXCELLENT weekend edition of BIAW...

    Oh my gosh, this has been so much fun.

    I'm still working today, and wishing everyone a great Sunday of faith, fellowship, food and, oh yes...

    Writing. :)

    And baseball. Football.

    I'm TOTALLY ignoring the rooms that desperately need cleaning.

    And just FYI:

    YANKEES BASEBALL TONIGHT, YANKEES VS. TWINS AT METRODOME, TBS, 7:00 EASTERN TIME START. The Dodgers beat St. Louis last night, winning their division. Boston is down 2-0 to the California Angels of Anaheim (that is the dorkiest baseball name ever invented. First they were the Los Angeles Angels, then the California Angels, then the Anaheim Angels (are ya' kiddin' me????)and now the official name is the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, but you hear announcers call them all kinds of things (nice things, of course, they are ANGELS, after all), but that's understandable because they've changed their name more often than I change laundry detergents.

    We'll just call them the Angels from this point forward. And hats off to California for TWO teams that are workin' it in the playoffs. Pretty amazing.

    And the Rockies vs. Phillies cancelled due to SNOW. Oh my stars.


  3. Tina, I second Ruthy's comment -- excellent weekend edtion AND excellent week of hyper-writing for all who were brave enough to sign up. I didn't, but the rest of you have inspired me to get up early and get crackin', so THANK YOU!!


  4. Good Morning, Tina and everyone,

    I really enjoyed the SBIAW. I'm going to a head and post my final word count now, which hasn't changed since Thursday. I know I won't get anymore added today because I have six hour drive ahead of me.(I'm at a children's writing conference in Grand Forks, ND).

    So, I wanted to get at 4000 words written by yesterday and got 3925, so I'll consider it a success.

    Thanks for all the fun posts and everything you ladies do to get us all movitated to write.


    PS One a side note, some of you may know Janet Spaeth who writes for Heartsong Presents. She's doing the Minnesota state series and she gave me her two latest releases...can't wait to read them!

  5. Rose and Arianna. WTG!!!! Woo hoo.

    I do know Janet Spaeth. Please tell her Tina who used to be Novinski, says hi.

  6. Good morning, Tina! And thank you for another rockin' weekend edition! Looks like a lot of fun coming up!

  7. All -- don't forget to complete the Seekerville Survey that Tina pointed out in today's post! We want to hear from YOU!

  8. Woohoo! Looking forward to trying that coffee out! Thank you! Can't wait to read all the interesting posts this week too!

    xoxo~ Renee

  9. Renee you got your Treasure Hunt, prize package already?

    Wow that was fast.

  10. Thank you so much! My hubby is so excited to try out the Starbucks VIA coffee! =)

    ~ Lori

  11. I'm stunned the US PO is so efficient. Thank you mail carriers everywhere.

    Seekerville thanks the friends of Seekerville too!!

  12. Hi Tina!

    No I didn't get any of my prizes yet, the P.O. isn't that efficient after all :-P But I sure hope I get that coffee soon, I can see the bottom of my Folgers coffee can...that's not good!Hahahaha!! Thanks again for all these great posts and contests!

    xoxo~ Renee

  13. Renee, go buy coffee. These are only one cup servings. You should never be without chocolate, coffee, Seeker books and an internet connection.

  14. Well, I said I wouldn't post my SBIAW results until tomorrow, but I'm done with writing for the day and heading to bed, so I figured why not do it now? :)

    I wrote a little over 17, 000 WORDS! Whoo-hoo! Doing a happy dance :) :) :) I've never written so much in a week before!

    I am so incredibly happy with my results. I originally set a goal of 7, 000 words. I knew it'd be a busy week, and I didn't want to set a bigger goal and then disappoint myself by not reaching it. So the fact that I passed that goal by 10, 000 words is so amazing to me, and I'm in awe of what we can accomplish when we ask God for help, and work as hard as we can :)

    Thank you all for your encouragement and help during the BIAW. You guys are awesome!


  15. Thanks, Seekers, for hosting BIAW! It was fun, even though it was a horribly busy week and I had little time to write. I did write SOMETHING every day except one. It actually gave me hope that I can still keep writing at a pretty good pace even though I have to go back to work. I wrote 629 words on my WIP this week. But since this was one of the worst weeks--probably THE worst week of my whole year--for trying to write, I am pretty happy with that. Plus, it's a brand new WIP. I always write slow in the beginning. But I started with 1,930 words and now have 2,806.

  16. What a great week. I'm still working and plan to keep working, but it's been a wonderful boost of energy

    Can't wait to do it again when I have more time to write. Yipee!

    And thanks for all the good eats. I have chocolate swirl and strawberry cheesecake with hot chocolate to offer for this afternoon. Any takers?

  17. Congratulations!!! One word or 100 thousand. You did it.

  18. Gals, that's awesome!

    And Pepper, I'm so in on that food. Yum.

    I'm peeling potatoes. They're not writing related, but they're necessary.

    Arianna, that's a wonderful bunch of writing. Seriously wonderful. Oh my goodness, I'm so proud of you!

    And Mel, you stayed the course on a tough week, and tough weeks happen when you're contracted so it's a great way of testing your limits, seeing what has to give. And I promise, once you're used to working outside again(I mean this so seriousl), you'll be much more time efficient and amaze yourself, your friends, and small dogs everywhere. Promise.

    Or you'll kill someone, thereby gaining lots of time. :)

    Although computer access is severely limited in high security prisons.

    What a fun, learning-filled, totally-together week this has been!

  19. I really enjoyed the BIAW project, but I am ready to polish my rough draft by unleashing my internal editor! My goal was to write 12000 words and I met it with a total of 12035 words. I posted about my progress each day at my blog. Thanks for helping me kickstart my ideas!

  20. ROCK ON, MARY BAILEY!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! George would be so proud!!!

  21. 1806
    family for the weekend
    665. Grandmothering really cut into my word count.

    total 7054, surpassed goal.
    thank you Seekers and SBIAWers.

  22. Debra!!! Go ice those fingers babe. They are SMOKIN'!!!!!!!!

  23. Hey ladies. Had a great week.
    I got so much writing done I'm completely pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. WOW on the word counts! Way to go everyone!!

  25. Phew! I was using every bit of the weekend to try and get my word count up. I had a rough week, but managed to do 40 pages. The BIAW was sooo helpful! Thanks for the wonderful posts each day . . . y'all made it really fun.

    Congrats to all! We rock.

  26. Congratulations on everyone's personal best this week. Wow! I love reading about what you guys accomplished.

    I love seeing how much can be accomplished when you prepare ahead of time, and are ready to roll.

  27. This may surprise you Tina...but I can live without chocolate...the others, not so much!

    xoxo~ Renee

  28. It's Capt'n Jack, checking in lasses.

    I have the first three chapters or 300 pages of me memoirs written.

    I'm trying not to edit but every now and again I re read this fine literary piece and it brings a tear to me eye.

  29. Hi BIAWers.:

    It’s 9:00pm Sunday and I am shutting down.

    My goal was to see if I could actually start my WIP after compiling over 100 pages of notes and instructions to myself.

    Monday I just complied 10 more pages of instructions. Then on Tuesday I just started writing by the ‘seat of my pants’, no actually it was more like pilots who fly by ‘dead reckoning’ and I never ran out of anything to write the whole time. My totals starting on Tuesday grew as such: 3879, 7735, 12,674, 18,576, 20,475, 27,325.

    This is probably one fourth the book. I hope to do 13,000 more words before November 1st and then make the second half of the book my NaNo project. There is no doubt that SBIAW gave my book a jump start that it would otherwise never have enjoyed.

    I just told my wife that I wrote over 27,000 words this last week and she said, “Wasn’t it great to meet Myra on Saturday.”

    Yes it was.

    Thanks everyone for the event. I guess the survey is tomorrow.


  30. Survey is up now Vince. But take it when it is convenient.

    Congratulations on meeting Myra. And on your pages.!!!!!

  31. Tina, you always amaze me...I bow to you *bow before Tina* GREAT edition, girl!

    Life's been crazy, I agree! Lol! My word count as of yesterday night was around 6,000 words I think. : / Not sure how that fairs with the big leaguers who write here...but I think it's okay for someone who's never really written much fiction...I don't know! Lol!

    Ruthy, I answered you yesterday and you didn't reply! Lol...ah well, everyone's busy!
    Thanks so much!

  32. Vince! That word count is awesome.

    I admit that I didn't participate much this week...Work schedule just didn't permit, and not enough prep to try a BIAW on the new wip.

    Honestly, I thought Cheryl was the only person in the world who could really write that many words in a week, and that the numbers could be greater the 2nd, 3rd, 4th days, etc.


    But I'm a believer now!

  33. I'm so late to the conclusion party, but decided to post anyway. I loved doing the SBIAW. It was the incentive I needed to move forward with the revisions on my manuscript so I can get the full in the hands of the agent who requested it.

    When I went to the ACFW conference, my WIP was not complete. The story was down, but it needed A LOT of editing. Through SBIAW I managed to reclaim my voice and revise 7 out of 18 chapters. Since I work full-time, I consider that a huge success!

  34. It is a huge, success Lisa. WAY TO GO. And you are not too late.

  35.'s my comment after BIAW. I mentioned prior to signing up that life had been coming at me hard lately. and it didn't slow down during BIAW. In fact, it picked up (ironic, right?). now, at the end of BIAW, i had at least a rough plot outline for my next "therapeutic romance" and a plane ticket to head back to california to interview for about 3 jobs in a week (so you can imagine all the behind-the-scenes to accomplish this feat from 3000 miles away). so...hopefully this doesn't disqualify me. no actual writing was done. yikes. [hangs head] but the plot outline is a step forward, at least!

  36. Hey, BIAW was a great success for me. Proved I can still write. LOL

    I averaged 2500 words per day which is super. Now to keep that up. And I loved getting away from the left brain editor for a week. Now she's back and busy cleaning up what I did last week. smile

    Thanks to all of you who participated. This was great inspiration and motivation. Hugs, Sandra.

  37. Me and my head cold and girls illnesses blew the BIAW challenge. I only got a measly 2500 words in and my head still feels awful.

    I must try this again on my own when my health returns and my girls get back into school consistently.

  38. Thanks Seekerville, for the BIAW challenge. Another week could easily have gone by in which I lived out my usual routine, and wrote little to nothing. But because of SBIAW, I challenged myself.

    The first day or two was easy. Then there was the day when I just wasn't in the mood to write. The day when no computer in the house was available before 10:30 pm. The day when I almost fell asleep without writing. The day when I wrote just under 800 words, and the day when I wrote nearly 4k. And yes, there was one day when I didn't write. Not one word. Nor did I mind.

    All in all, I managed to get down almost 16k words, all inspired by SBIAW. Rough, oh so rough, but there they are. I plan to continue on in this same vein.

    On another note...

    Yankees won, Yankees won! (Waving to Ruthy, 'cuz I had to wait until the last out Sunday night before I sat down to write one word!)

  39. You guys are way too hard on yourself.

    Eileen, hope you feel better. And that measly 2500 words looks lots better than 0000.

    Jeannie, you had your head in the right place. And that plot outline puts you one step closer to THE END.

    Patricia darling, you nailed it. It is a self challenge and you called the shots!!! Way to go.

  40. Okay, I'm checking in for SBIAW. It was Family Day today at our house because of our Canadian Thanksgiving.

    I had one of those good/bad weeks because I got sick. Very sore throat and hacking cough that made my head feel like it was splitting.

    My word count wasn't high for me but I edited as well as wrote new stuff so I ended up with some quality writing.

    Thank you for this opportunity. I enjoyed being a part of it.

  41. Thank you for being a part of SBIAW, Anita. Prayers winging to you for a speedy recovery.

  42. My Seekerville package arrived today! Thank you so much, ladies! =)

    ~ Lori


    Hi Seekers and fellow BIAWers- thank you all for a wonderful week of encouragement and fun. I enjoyed the messages and pep talks so much.

    I didn't write as much as I had hoped but now have things in perspective for my WIP. BIAW helped me get all my ducks in a row ready to write NaNoWriMo next month, so I'm really pleased. I didn't think I'd participate but now I will- s o thank you again!

    Well done to all the BIAWers

    God bless

    Ruth Ann

  44. Ruth Ann!!! Way to go. You did it and that's what matters.
