Friday, October 2, 2009

Book-In-A-Week and Happy Birthday Seekerville

What happens when you take the Seekerville second year birthday celebration...

and add BIAW?

Fun and writing and lots of birthday presents, of course!

Seekerville BIAW Rules:

1. Register. Let all of Seekerville know you are up for the challenge. Registration opens today Friday, October 2, through Sunday, October 4, right here in Seekerville. All you have to do is post a comment telling us you are in. We'll list your name on our blog in the sidebar for the week of the BIAW. Many of the Seekers will also be participating in the BIAW.

2. Write. JUST DO IT.

3. When? Monday, October 5, through Saturday, October 10. Sunday is optional.

4. Check in on Sunday, October 11, or Monday, October 12 with your results, and take the BIAW survey.

5. Everyone who registers AND follows up with a post BIAW comment will be entered into a drawing for BIAW birthday prizes.

6. We'll announce the winners in the Saturday October 17, Week End Edition.

7. Stop by Seekerville daily for an encouraging post by one of our Seekerville authors during the Seekerville BIAW.

Not sure what a BIAW is? Check out our introduction post here.

Click on this printable calendar for a closer look at our schedule.

We've compiled some of our favorite writing recipes for our BIAW participants; to help make it easier to spend less time in the kitchen and more time writing. One for every day of BIAW .

1. Our Seekerville, all-time favorite recipe can be found here.

2. From Missy Tippens:

Put a pot roast in crock pot. Cover with one jar pepperoncini peppers (also called Tuscan peppers), liquid included. Sprinkle 2 packets of au jus mix ( envelopes found in the spice section). Cook all day on low or about 5 hours on high. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes, or put on hoagie roll with cheese for sandwiches.

3. From Glynna Kaye:

Chicken 'n Rice in a Bag
3 lbs chicken tenders
2 cups raw long-grain converted rice
2 cans (10 ¾ oz) condensed cream of chicken soup
2/3 cup water
1 envelope (1 ½ oz dry onion soups mix)

Rinse chicken and pat dry; set aside. Combine rice, soup, and water in crock pot; stir well. Place chicken in brown-n-bag; add onion soup mix. Shake bag to coat; puncture 4-6 holes in bottom of bag. Fold top of bag over chicken and place on top of rice. Cook 8-10 hours on low or on high 4-5 hours. Serves 4.

4. From Tina Russo via Denise Camp. (I make these all the time, they are delicious):

Baked Pork Chops
2 good sized chops, Italian bread crumbs, olive oil
Dip in olive oil and use leftover oil to grease casserole dish.
Use a Ziploc bag and dump the oiled chops in with the Italian Breadcrumbs.
Cook 40 minutes at 400 degrees, uncovered. Turn halfway thru.

5.From Camy Tang:

BBQ Ribs
4 pounds beef ribs, cut into individual ribs
1 cup barbecue sauce
Optional: broil ribs, turning once, about 10 minutes.
Put ribs in crock pot. Coat with 1 cup sauce. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or until ribs are tender.
This recipe pretty much works with any kind of bottled sauce. We've used a Chinese sweet and sour sauce with this recipe, too.

6.From Mary Connealy:

French Dip Sandwiches
1 rump roast
1 C. beef consomme (buy it canned in the soup section of the store)
1 can beef broth (canned)
1 C. water
1 pkg.. Good Season’s Italian Dressing
Put in crock pot for 8 hours on low.
Slice meat. Serve on hoagie buns. Use liquid for French Dip sauce.

7. From Audra Harders:

Burrito Casserole
1 package El Monteray Chimichangas (8-10 individual)
1 can Stokes Gr Chili
1 package shredded Mexican cheese (or whatever kind)
1 can sliced black olives
1 can green chilis
In a casserole dish, layer burritos on the bottom. Spread Stokes on top,
sprinkle cheese.
Top with olives and chilies.
Bake at 350F for an hour.
Great with sour cream, salsa and chips!

Tips for SBIAW. Remember it's not how much you write, just that you write, down and dirty and without editing. Many of us still have to work our day jobs, take care of our families and continue to pursue world domination..but, put all your extra hours into BIAW. Turn off the TV this week. Pretend you are on deadline.

And Write

More Tips and Ideas for SBIAW:

1. Consider investing in swimmer's earplugs. They're great for tuning out the world.

2. Try a new schedule. Write somewhere else for this week. Try an hour or two at the library or bookstore.

3. Use a kitchen timer. Put buns in chair and don't get up for an hour. Repeat.

4. Stock up on writer food: favorite coffee and creamer, water bottles, gum, mints, chocolate, nuts and fruit

5. Set reasonable internet limits. "I can check my email and Seekerville after I have written XXX number of words."

6. Ask for help. If your friend babysits for you this week so you can write, you could babysit for her next week. Enlist your spouse to take the kids out so you can write all day Saturday and give him a free day in return. Use the resources you have.

7. Give your friends and family fair warning that their access to you will be limited. It's only for one week.

8. Don't sacrifice exercise. After you have put in writing time, get up and take a walk around the block.

9. Consider Dr. Wicked, Write or Die 2.0. Thank you to Kat Sheridan who shared Dr. Wicked with us.

Remember: If you always do what you always do, you'll always get what you always get. Let this SBIAW be an opportunity to shake up your writing.

Do you have any strategies to share with Seekerville?

Here are some great posts from our archives to help you plan for the Seekerville BIAW:

The Timer is Your Friend

Hurry Up and Wait

Not Enough Hours in Your Day? Think Again

Susan Meier's Ten Minute Solution

Registered SBIAW participants will also have a chance to win one of TEN great prizes:

Seekerville will be giving away 5 sets (of two books each) of Seekerville books


five copies of Chris Baty's, No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days.

Chris Baty is the genius behind NaNoMo (National Novel Writing Month). If you survive SBIAW, you may be ready for NaNoMo. More information can be found here.

Questions? Are you ready to start your SBIAW writing engines?


  1. Coffee's on. I'm exited about M&M. And I'm entering my name in BIAW. However, given the incident of a few weeks ago (when I admitted to sleeping in one morning), is there a way to also go mano a mano vs. Ruthy? :-)

  2. You do not want to tango with Ruthy.

    If you do we cannot be responsible for the outcome.

    Ruthy? Walt thinks he can out word you.


    Pass the java. I'm in for BIAW too

  3. Count me in! Looking forward to this! The only drawback to doing BIAW this coming week is our church's mission conference is scheduled for Thursday-Sunday, so it will be a busy busy time.

    I'm attending a writer's retreat at the end of October, so I'll be prepped for Nanowrimo!

    Walt brought coffee, but I brought some homemade chai, which is great for these chilly NW PA mornings. How about some apple cinnamon pancakes with real maple syrup?

  4. (Gulp) I'm entering my name in BIAW. I've had a fun idea for a few months but never started on it, so... we'll see what I can do. :-)
    Pepper Basham

  5. Oh, goody! I've been looking forward to the SBIAW since you guys announced it. So yes, I'm all in.

    But please, keep the pastries away from me--I'm on a serious diet.

    Patty Hall

  6. Ok, count me in. I need to finish two books in about a week! LOL. But will be happy to finish one. So...I'm adding my name to the list...:) How motivating!


  7. YEEEHA!!! I love it. We have so many brave souls in Seekerville.

    You guys rock.

  8. I'm in and like just like Lisa, I have a really busy end of the week so I have to work harder at the beginning of the week and use all the free time I have for writing.

    Thanks for sharing the recipes, they sound yummy.


  9. Put me on the list please. My goal is 999 and when I write 1000 I'll feel like I've exceeded my goal.

    Time to send the inner editor on a little road trip without a map! See you later, loser!

  10. hahahahaha!! Debra you are a hoot.

    Rose, come on in, buddy!!!

  11. Count me in, but it's one of the worst weeks of the year for me to try to do BIAW! It's fall break and my kids are already thinking of all the things they want to do that week, and they all involve me driving them somewhere and spending time with them. Who'd a thought it? And our church does an outreach every year during fall break week, and I'm in charge of snacks, which means I'll be there every night for at least three or four hours. But I can still write for an hour every morning, at least. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

    But I just started a new book and I only have 7 pages written, and I'm excited about diving into it, especially after getting to know so much about my hero during the Donald Maass workshop at the conference. It was so great for brainstorming my new book. So even though my time and sanity will be limited next week, I'm excited about participating in BIAW. But can y'all do another one in January? Please?

  12. LOL, Melly, I feel your pain. I still have to work two jobs and do BIAW.

    So this is the real world..where you have deadlines AND life.

    This is great practice.

  13. Oh Melanie,

    I SOOO understand! I have to work at the university by day, take care of 5 kiddos by evening, and finish the final touches to a MS - but I'm determined to try. I've never done one before -so maybe we can encourage each other...right? That's what the Seekers are good at doing, so we can learn from the best ;-)

  14. You guys have made me duly ashamed of my whininess! I WILL write next week! Everyday!

  15. I'm definitely doing SBIAW. I'm setting a goal of really adding hard and fast to my WIP. I need to finish revisions on my last completed book, which I hope to do today, then really HIT THE GROUND RUNNING on the book I've got planned next.

    I'll tune in here to be cheerleaded onward. :)

  16. I'm in. Already tried out Dr. Wicked's site. Fabulous. Great tip. Oh man. I feel kind of giddy about this.

    Oh, and one of my favorite slow cooker things is baked potatoes. Wash 'em up well, poke 'em a few times with a fork, wrap them in foil and put in your slow cooker. Depending on size and age of potatoes on low for 8 - 10 hours on high for 3 - 4 hours. When they're fork tender just turn the cooker off and leave the lid on. They stay warm forever.

  17. No way am I going to finish my next book in one week! But I'm going to be putting every spare minute into it. And if nothing else, looks like if I follow Tina's "menu" I'll be eating quite well!

    And speaking of eating well, I posted a yummy Autumn fruit dip on this morning! The photo is one of the maple in my front yard. :)

  18. I'm in! Love the recipes, ladies! And here I thought it was good reason to just order pizza in for the week. Guess I'm not going to get to do that afterall.

  19. Since ACFW Conference prep is over, and NaNoWriMo doesn't start until November I've felt a little at odds... This sounds like just the thing to put me back on track.

    Count me in.

  20. i'm going to try this, ladies. life came at me pretty fast and hard this week and i have a feeling next week in particular will be a doozy. but i'm signing up with the best of intentions. prayer from multiple sources is always needed and appreciated!

    Where Romance Meets Therapy

  21. Oh, Walt.

    In your dreams.

    You think you can take on the Ruthster?

    The Ruthmeister?

    The Ruthinator?????

    Bring it, baby.

    I'll even give you a handicap and make the coffee. You bring the cream.

    Be afraid, Walt-baby. Be very afraid.


  22. I've been chewing on an idea for the last couple of weeks, twiddling my thumbs while Wendy cruises some warm water sea with her hubby while I wonder if SH is buying the third story or not.

    Yes? Or No? Yes? Or No??? I'm thinking YES because it's a great story, but I'm biased, SO: BIAW is the Perfect Way to Disengage, stop the waiting, and create a masterpiece. Or at least something readable by mere mortal men. :)

    Dig in, guys. This is so stinkin' fun. For one week pretend you need two hours less sleep (Allow an extra hour or ninety-minutes next Saturday morning because you have extra time during the day)...

    Develop a caffeine addiction (which I had kicked but regained when requests started rolling in last winter. This is why obsessive people should not drink alcohol or do drugs. Our self-control switch doesn't have an "off" button)

    I reminded Dave that he loves grilled sandwiches of his own making, and that there's plenty of baseball on TV...

    I've got coffee, creamers, Diet Snapple, Diet Pepsi, chocolate (thanks, Bethy!) and a great story idea in the raw. Wood for the wood stove. The electric bill's paid so barring some stupid storm, I've got light.

    We're good to go at the Herne place!

    Ruthy (again)

  23. You guys rock. And so many great recipes are popping up. Thank you.

    I just tossed a roast in the crock pot. I'm starting my BIAW early to accommodate my schedule. You can tweak yours however it will work best for you.

    And may the MUSE be with you....

  24. Hey, I'm in. I've been prepping in my head all week for ideas. Hope I can still find them. LOL

    Walt you are brave to take on the Ruthster. I've tried and lost. sigh.

    Yummy recipes, but I think this week sounds good to lose a few pounds. Soup and salad. Forget a big meal. It makes me sleepy.

    And I so understand all the other stuff going on. But as the Teenster reminds us. That is life.

    Happy writing everyone.

  25. I'm in. Won't be a whole book in the wee minutes I'll scratch out of the week, but it will be more than I have now. Much more. I love the energy of this type of challenge. Helps me bind my internal editor.

  26. My poor wittle brain is threatening to shut down,just thinking about all that mental abuse and clicking keys.(I've managed to catch the viral yuck that's going around and it settled in my head.) but I shall forge ahead and sign on to write as many words as I possibly can.

    Put my name in the pot, just do it quietly so my head doesn't know...

  27. speaking very quietly Tina P. praying for your recovery.

  28. SOME PAGES BEATS NO PAGES hands down Patricia.

    Way to go.

  29. Yes, count me in! I'll be at a Beth Moore conference on Friday and Saturday (woo hoo!), but will buckle down and write, write, write beforehand. I've been toying with rehashing the beginning of my WIP (again!) so I'll jump in and see what happens. Just making time to work on it every day will be an accomplishment.

    Thanks for the recipes, too! I love my crockpot -- use it at least once a week when we have packed afternoons and don't get home until supper. I'll have to add some of yours to my rotation. :-)

  30. Ok, I'm working with zero confidence here. I've hit a rough patch recently. Am I some kind of joke to throw my hat in the ring with all of you?

    Maybe I need this kind of challenge--Count me in!

  31. I'm in, too. I aim to finish the last stretch of The Great American Novel.

    This is good timing b/c the restaurant where I work is adding hours at the end of the month.

  32. So I have a question....are you planning on sharing the ideas and stories that you're working on or parts of them? Or is it strictly you writing and keeping it to yourself? What will be the final outcome? Is it to challenge yourself to see how much you can write in a week?

    Sorry if I'm just absolutely ignorant, but....I guess I am! : )

    By the way, Tina, I don't know if you've seen on my blog(probably not because the world is so busy right now! : ) ), but the parent letters and contracts have officially been handed out for my project. So far I have 5 signed up in the course of 2 days, but I know that at least 4 more contracts came back today *beaming smile* It's really going to happen! I'm so excited...I feel like I'm actually doing something now that it's not just on paper. So, for one class 6 out of 11 are signed up already. The contracts are due back by next Tuesday. So, yeah, I'm excited. Just thought I'd update you, so you don't have to waste time going to my blog. BUT if you don't care, which I'd understand too lol, then disregard all of what I just said in the past like really long paragraph and I'm sorry for making it so long!

  33. Leigh, welcome to the SBIAW!

    Mary B, we'll help you up off the ground and plump the pillows at your back. YOU CAN DO IT!!

    I just got some contest results back. Two judges think I am wonderful. One less than wonderful. Now let's think.. We have a 2-1 ratio here and yet what am I dwelling on? Sigh.

    Hang in there Mary B.

    Hannah, this writing gig is a solitary business. Generally you only share your writing with your critique buddies. So the goals are to stretch your writing muscles, find out what you can accomplish under pressure, get a lot of writing done in a little bit of time to either jump start or finish or get back in the saddle with your writing.

    This is one time we can cheer each other on and be insane for a week.

    Congratulations on your project. I will head over there this weekend!!!!

  34. Lol! always brighten my day(I'm sure many others would agree!) : )

    Take your time, really! You don't need to rush...I didn't even ask you to check it out in the first place and then one day I went in and you had left a comment! So, take your time. I appreciate anyone who is willing to take the time to stop in and see what my project is about, especially when they leave a comment! I love getting comments : )

    Okay, I think I understand about the BIAW now. So hypothetically speaking, there's no judging if a certain someone participates, but might not get as much written as some other people on here, hypothetically, because they might just have musical practice for a couple hours nightly.....hypothetically speaking of course! Because I think think that it sounds great, but I might just have the same problem as that hypothetical situation : O
    Thanks! Talk to you soon!


  36. Gotcha covered, Anne.

  37. Been waiting for this, Tina. I'm in!!

  38. New pix Ms. Audra.

    Go BIAW!!!!

  39. Audra!
    Thank you for becoming a Follower of my blog : ) More and more Seekerville people are coming and it's SO exciting! Lol!

    Thanks so much!

    Tina, I think that I want to try the BIAW...though I make no promises. This will be my first official writing "thing", so you all will have to bear with me : /

  40. Hannah, give it a try : ) Once you set your mind to it, you'll be surprised at how much you actually write.

    I love your blog. Your project sounds exciting.

    Aim high!

  41. Tina,
    I'm working toward that perfect pic.

    Not there yet : )

  42. You are in Hannah.

  43. Thanks Audra! All the encouragement certainly helps : )

    Okay Tina!

  44. I'm in.

    I think.

    Been editing tonight. I think I actually CUT 1000 words.

    My word veri is ouch!

    That's a good thing if it makes the story stronger.

  45. Mary Bailey!!!

    Oh my gosh, I love your movie! It's a Herne family classic. We can recite the entire movie, verbatim, WITH hand gestures.

    "I want a BIG one!!!!"

    God bless old man Gower. :)

    Okay, I'm scanning yesterday's posts and then moving to today... Saturday. BIAW, here we come!


  46. Ok Piratequeen here,
    Pass me that pot of coffee and let's get started. Or as one of my characters would shout, weigh anchor and prepare to cast off.

  47. YOU are IN PirateQueen!!!

  48. Thank you. I am grabbing my compass and ready at the helm. Can't wait to get started....Wait I need a Pepsi. I'll be back...

  49. I'm in. Just what i needed to get going again after the post conference slump and sickness.

  50. Cara you are IN!!!

  51. Hi!

    Please count me in for BIAW! My writing definitely needs a kick start.

    Looking forward to the week ahead.

    God Bless

    Ruth Ann Dell

  52. Ruth Ann you are for sure in. And you know how much we like to kick start people around here. In fact, kick in the fanny is our middle name. :)

  53. Tina,
    Your name gets longer all the time. :-)

    Tina "kick in the fanny" Russo Radcliffe. Wow! Isn't there another middle name in there somewhere too? ;-)

  54. Just Marie! We Italians like lots of names.

  55. ROFL! I'm trying to figure out whether to put my money or Ruthy or Walt.

    This SBIAW is going to be a blast, y'all!

    Glad to see how many of you are planning to get onboard.


  56. I'm a little late but count me in. Looking forward to the end result. Thanks for the challenge and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  57. Got Cheryl and Kirk K in just under the wire.

    Happy Birthday Seekerville.

  58. Hi,
    This is my first comment, so I'm just seeing if it works. I'm loving BIAW, and hello everyone.


  59. Hi Seekerville people,

    Thank you SO much for BIAW. You were right, the more your write, the MORE you CAN write. Thanks for the encouragement. Thanks, Tina, for your help with the registration, too. And my total words? 27,000 Great HONKERS!!! I know that comment dates me, but oh well. The writing went GREAT. Can we do it again this week? Smile. I think Ii sign in as anonymous, so if anybody wants to write me something, maybe you have to write me at

    Again, thanks.

    Gail Kittleson
    PS, I'm eating old-fashioned oatmeal w/soymilk, raisins, apricots, blueberrie, and walnuts this morning. I don't know how the food thing got started w/you all, but that's my menu.
