Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fantabulous Weekend Edition

Time to pre-empt this post with a Tina goof up. I forgot Myra's sightings!!

Myra Johnson will be appearing....

Wednesday, 10/7--Christian Authors Network blog

Thursday, 10/8--Relz Reviewz and of course Seekerville

Friday, 10/9--Inkwell Inspirations

AND . . . She's signing at Steve's Sundry, Books & Magazines, 2612 S. Harvard, Tulsa, OK on Saturday, 10/10, 2-4 p.m

BTW I used to live in Tulsa for 13 years and Steve's is my favorite book hangout. They used to serve food at the bar in the back and every week I'd come in hoping for a new Dixie Browning or Debbie Macomber book. ~~Tina

Not only is this a jam packed and fantabulous weekend edition, but....

Today is also the last day to register for the
Seekerville BIAW. Check out Friday's post for more details and the prize list.

The SBIAW starts tomorrow. We want to see your name on the BIAW list.

Next Week In Seekerville: It's BIAW!

Monday: BIAW Day 1, Camy Tang presents, Right Brain, Left Brain.

Tuesday: BIAW Day 2, Cheryl Wyatt presents, Productivity. How to get the editor off your shoulder to spit out the first draft.
Cheryl will also be giving away a copy of Noah Lukeman's, The First Five Pages.

Wednesday: BIAW Day 3, Glynna Kaye presents, Writing, the Day Job and You. Glynna will also be giving away of Victoria Schmidt's Book in a Month.

Thursday: BIAW Day 4, Myra Johnson presents,
Your face is familiar, but . . . Join Myra as she expands her novel planning Excel workbook into the area of characters. You learn how to keep track of character details and descriptions. She'll also be giving away of her current release from Abingdon Press, One Imperfect Christmas.

Friday: BIAW Day 5, Mary Connealy presents,

Pedal to the Metal-or-Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Saturday: BIAW Day 6, Ruth Logan Herne
presents, Persistence: Tapping Your Inner Moabite Princess

Sunday: BIAW Optional Day 7 and reporting day. Weekend Edition.

Monday: BIAW Conclusion and reporting day. Take the survey. Tina Russo presents Plan B.

We're excited to stretch our writing muscles and see what we can accomplish this week.

Write On!

Today is also the day Captain Jack Sparrow announces the winners of the Seekerville Treasure Hunt.

Jack will also be available for a limited time today to chat in Seekerville.

And now without further ado..

Born To Be Wild with Captain Jack
, and .....our winners.

Winner of the $50.00 gift card:

Connie Marquise

Ten Winners of Seeker book sets (two books per set):

  1. Christy James

  2. Edna Tollison

  3. Lori Anne Smith

  4. Rae Byuel

  5. Cynthia Chow

  6. Shelly Dixon

  7. Robyn Lee

  8. Renee Chaw

  9. Cathy Shouse

  10. Michelle V.

Winners of The Fire In Fiction by Donald Maass

  1. Walt Mussel

  2. Lisa Jordan

  3. Susan Mason

  4. Patricia W.

Congratulations and thanks for being friends and readers of Seekerville.

Please contact Tina at tina at tinarusso with your snail mail address asap unless she already has it.

Seeker Sightings

Join Mary Connealy
at a booksigning at Parables in Omaha, NE on Saturday, October 3rd from 2 - 4.

She'll also be at Trish Perry's blog on Monday, October 5.

Mary be appearing on Dawn Kinzer's blog, Seriously Write, on Friday October 9.

Glynna Kaye can be found:

Monday, October 5 & Tuesday October 6 at Margaret Daley's Blogspot. Join her for a chance to receive a copy of Dreaming of Home.

Thursday, October 8, she'll be doing an interview and book giveaway at Romance Writers on the Journey.

Friday, October 9 Glynna will be posting with the eharlequin community.

Enter for a chance to win Missy Tippens upcoming release, A Forever Christmas, until Oct 18 in The Creative Madness Blogoversary Celebration!

Attention BelleBook winners. The mailings are still being compiled but expect to hear from Missy soon. Refer to our giveaway disclaimer for information on mailing parameters. Thanks for your patience!

Random News:

The Love Inspired Historical authors now have four ways for you to keep in touch with them:

Two romantic movies, one a drama, the other a comedy:

The Invention of Lying

Bright Star

  • From The New York Times: Simon and Schuster introduces The Vook.

Don't forget about the little side challenge we have going on:

Hook, Line & Sinker. Postmark Deadline, November 1. The first three pages of your manuscript. Cash prizes. Final judge is Brenda Chin, Harlequin. Contest is limited to the first 125 entries received. No categories.

I dare you! This contest is only ten dollars. That means you forgo two and a half Starbucks latte's to enter. Do your first three pages have what it takes? Good writing is good writing, no matter what category you write for. Once again...I DARE YOU!

  • Two amazing words: Starbucks VIA! Packs of 3 can be purchased for $2.95 at your local Starbucks. Currently decaf is not available. Stick them in your backpack and you have your favorite addiction, anytime, anywhere. Today I'm giving away a sample to three lucky posters. But you have to tell me you want it in your post. Winner announced next Sunday October 11 in the Weekend Edition.

The 11 Great Laws of Storytelling by Jeffrey Hirschberg. Excellent applications to novel writing.

Have you read, Embracing Your Inner Weird? by guest blogger Matt Mikalatos at Rants & Ramblings? I don't know about you, but in addition to my regular scribbles I am embracing my inner weird with a closet novel. GREAT POST, MATT!!

  • Romance Writers of America welcomes the new Romantic Women’s Fiction Chapter. Members interested in joining this chapter may e-mail Therese Walsh at


  1. Great lineup with posts! I hope you all have fun with BIAW! Congrats to all the winners of the Seekerville Map contest!

  2. Congrats to all Seekerville Winners! Woohoo & good luck with next week.

    Capt Jack - I'm a big fan and I always love the eyeliner, mate.

    Bacon, Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit, and good old scrambled eggs from my house this morning.


  3. OK, you can count me in for the BIAW :) This week is sort of busy for me, but I think I can still find time to do it. Yay, I'm so excited!
    I recently started the first draft of a book, and I'd love to get some serious writing done, so this is perfect :)


  4. Pep, breakfast is wonderful. Love it.

    I brought coffee and hot chocolate. It's cold and wet here in Upstate New York today, but I'm going to our HUGE local AppleFest anyway for a little bit, just to grab some cool stuff from the crafters (including my husband's family) and of course, apple-goodness food.

    Apples. Love 'em. It's no wonder Eve took a bite. It was probably a Crispin or a Honey Crisp, don't you think????

    Or maybe a Sweet Hush, the fictional apple of Deb Smith's book bearing the same name. In the end, it all comes down to apples.

    "Comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love."

    Tina, great Weekend Edition. Sweet. And MEGA CONGRATS to our giveaway winners!!!!


    I love freebies. BOGO deals. Prizes. Jeepers Creepers, that's good stuff!

    And Capt. Jack????

    That slightly roguish but warm-hearted, sly fellow? Don't we all want to be the one who reforms him???

    What is it with women and bad boys?

    Someone explain it, please.


  5. Arianna, good girl! Every step forward is a step taken.

    Jump in, both feet, the water's fine!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners!

    What a great week ahead for SBIAW! I'm so looking forward to this challenge.

    And I wanted to share--I told my husband about the SBIAW and him being the wonderful man he is, told me that I could use an empty office at his company if I wanted some place private to write. Isn't that a great and supportive husband?

    Off to church and then the grocery store to stock up for the week!

  7. great post. congrats to all the winners. great lineup. I look forward to reading more. Thanks

  8. Patty, that really is awesome.

    Here's to supportive families!!!

  9. Congrats to all the Treasure Hunt winners!

    Looks like a great week coming up in Seekerville.

  10. Good morning, Seekerville.

    I know who's buying lunch today. Oh, Connie, me lass, where are you?

    I have given it great consideration and have decided I will join you for your Book In A Week extravaganza. Time to write me memoirs. An epic tale, no doubt. Hmm, let me see. Where to begin.

    We were sailing off the coast of Malta, when I saw her...ripe and ready to plunder..

    the good ship, Santa Bella. Woefully off course...

    Hold it, just a moment..I need rum...

  11. Big congrats to our Seekerville Treasure Map winners! So great to meet many of you at the conference.

    You did it again, Tina. GREAT Weekend Edition!!

    Jack Sparrow writing his memoirs?
    A Walt - Ruthy write down?
    Giveaways for words?

    Oooo, can BIAW get any better?

  12. Cool! I do love to win books! :)

    Thank you!!!


  13. Pepper, me love..aren't you a spicy lass!

    Congratulations, Michelle, just keep reading those Seeker books. The more of them we get sold, the sooner I get back me island.

  14. Jack, luv...

    It isn't often someone gets to chat with a man who fights sea monsters and wields a saber...

    that usually only happens in my daydreams.

    My kids have read your Juvenila, but I'm all for hearing about your memoirs. I bet they're to die for :-)...maybe even twice.

    You know what I'd really like to see...a battle between Ruthy's wit and Jack's sword - both pretty sharp. :-)

  15. Aye, Pepper lass, Jack and I've gone round-about before. It wasn't pretty as many can attest, but in the end we had rum...

    Jack for his gullet, me for my Tiramisu.

    The tiramisu won, hands down. But I don't wear a scabbard or a rakish hat near as well as Jack, so he won that battle.

    Although I'm better at eyeliner than he'll ever be!

    So, Jack, darest you take me on? I think not, mate, not with my work cut out for me this week. I've already raised the gauntlet thrown by one wannabe...

    If'n you care to make it two, Jack, just let us know.


  16. See, now how on earth can Jack possibly battle against that 'rapier' wit of yours, Ruthy. LOL

    I suppose only Capt Jack can wear the hat, but I'm sure you'd put him to shame with your devilishly clever cooking.

    In all honesty, how can the man compete against a mom of...what is it...six? If you've withstood that test, no sea monsters, undead pirates, or revenge hungry privateers will stand a chance.

    He might as well give up now. :-)


  17. Thank you for the great Treasure Hunt contest! I'm excited to see what books I get!

    I'd love to try the Starbucks VIA! I just made my own "Starbucks" pumpking spice iced latte...yum! I <3 coffee...beleive it or not though I've NEVER had a coffee from Starbucks, not even the brew your own from the grocery store!!! Seriously, so I'd love to try this!

    XOXO~ Renee

  18. Ruth, you don't wear makeup. Drawing tatoos on your biceps with eyeliner pencil does not count.

    Renee is in for the VIA. I just had a cup. Awesome. Smoooth. Thanks to Marilyn Brant for the new addiction.

  19. Tiramisu? WHOT? Now if that's not a waste of perfectly good rum.

    Love to go a few rounds with you, Ruthy, my little gypsy, but there's no time. I have an appointment with destiny.

  20. Please sign me up for SBIAW. I will be adding 20,000 words to Emma's Outlaw and although I'm not starting from scratch, this is what I need to do. I wrote most of this ms about 18 mos ago during my writing group's BIAW so this will complete the circle. :)

    Yay Connie, my Inky sister! We sure had fun in Denver hunting Seekers full of treasure, eh? Thank you to Mary and Cheryl who explained the hunt and gave me the map to start this fun event.

    I've been having internet probs so not sure I can check in each night but will try my best.

  21. Anita Mae, you are in. We don't require you to check in each night nor to start from scratch. We only ask that you sign up and at the end say hi and how you felt you did. Not a competition, just an opportunity to go crazy for a week.

    He he.

    Of course Bruno the Enforcer is for hire, at your own risk.

  22. Thank you so much to all of the Seekers! I am excited to find out which/whose books I've won!

    My hubby is thoroughly addicted to coffee LOL I would love to win the Starbucks VIA for him! =)

    Thank y'all again!
    ~ Lori

  23. Got ya in the drawing Lori.

  24. Tina,
    I'm late getting into the BIAW!!! Spent the weekend at the Moonlight and Magnolia's Conference with Walt and Missy!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Had a great time.

    Congrats to Keli on her Maggie win!!!

    Came home exhausted but ready to write tomorrow.

    Good luck to everyone!!!

  25. I'll put my name in for the Starbuck's VIA. but wonder if I'm being greedy since I won in the treasure hunt.

    I had a great M&M (though I will now forever be remebered for an incident with a cell phone). Currently working on my partial request, my agent referral, and preparing for my bout with Ruthy.

  26. I'm in for BIAW.

    Not sure how much I'll get done but I'll give it a shot.

  27. I'm so looking forward to having Glynna as my guest at Romance Writers on the Journey this week. I've had the opportunity to read her debut novel, Dreaming of Home, and it's super. If you visit her post, not only will you have a chance at winning a copy, but you'll also learn five things about her even you Seekers don't know, including a unique item she uses as a Christmas tree decoration.

  28. Just read all the comments. Thanks, Debby, for sharing in my excitement. Since you were there when the announcements were made, you know I was stunned speechless.

    I don't even want to think about the way I bumbled my way through my cell phone-to-mic acceptance speech, which was made possible through the generosity of one Walt Mussell. Good thing none of my Toastmaster pals heard it. They'd have wondered if I've learned anything at our weekly meetings. :D

  29. Congrats, Keli.

    I saw your name on the list through Contest Divas. What fantastic news. I'm still learning about all the 'big' contests, but the Maggie is a name I'm familiar with.

    Yipee for you and blessings on your future writing.

  30. Hey all!
    Wow...I'm late tonight!

    Great post Tina!

    Hey Jack : ) Always wanted to meet you/talk to you! It would be really neat to be able to read those memoirs you're going to write *heehee*

    I'm excited for should be fun, but the crazy's already started! Lol...anyway...the lineup of posters this week is great! You can count on seeing me!

    By the way, I had my senior pictures taken today. The weather held up for us, thank goodness! Ruthy, I see that we passed on all of our bad rainy weather to you all. Sorry, but at least it was sunny for my pics!

  31. If it is not too late I’d like to jump in. I have over 90 pages of outline and notes on my new WIP that I’d like to turn into a rough draft. It’s not midnight in Tulsa, yet!


  32. Gotcha in there Vince and Debby.

    You aren't being a prize hog, Walt. It's every coffee addict for himself.

  33. Cathy S. you are in!!!

  34. Hey, it's only eight thirty in California. But, BIAW starts in twenty minutes for the East Coast.

  35. Dear Capt Jack,
    on behalf of the lady Connie Marquise, I respectfully submit that she is on important buisness for The Crown and will send her emissary to you as soon as she reaches her last port.

    Your ever devoted servant and lover of the high seas, Debra

  36. Thanks for getting my blog & signing dates in, Tina! Have I told you lately how much I appreciate all you do to keep the Seekers in line? AND such fabulous Weekend Editions on top of everything else you do? You're my hero!

  37. I love the Captain Jack theme today. As Piratequeen it's personal. Love it!

  38. Congrats to all the winners! Woo-hoo!!!

    Thanks Seekerville. You gals are the best!

  39. Debra??? She's on a boat? A ship?? Without me????? Well blow me down, lass.

  40. HEY! Thanks for the shout out and sorry it was such a long time before I noticed the link! I appreciate it!
