Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Productivity. How to get the editor off your shoulder to spit out the first draft

This week we declare war.

Cheryl here. This is one week when it is OKAY to ignore an editor. I’m talking that internal editor (IE) in your head who mercilessly pokes your brain with the business end of an imaginary red pen at all the mistakes in your manuscript. That perfectionist creature in you who (rightfully) aims for excellence in fiction. Said editor will be a wonderful, crucial asset at the self-editing stage. But for now, for the purpose of attempting to double-handedly type an entire book in a week, ignore it.

Read: your IE is hereby deemed The Enemy. For one week fight it.

Great links to articles on disabling your IE:

Turn Off Your Internal Editor and Write Your First Draft Faster

Use Three Words To Bypass Your Internal Editor

How To Bypass Your Internal Editor

Internal Editor

My added advice for BIAW:

Be brutal with time management

Abolish perfectionism.

Break the bonds of your backspace key. Deem it off limits.

Unshackle your ability to free write. Use prompts if needed.

Wipe out weapons of mass distraction. Stay offline.

Seek and destroy incoming schedule missiles. Tell everyone you’re unavailable for a week and then do not answer the door or phone.

Tell your family to call ONLY in the case of a life-threatening emergency. Tell your teenager the fact that they forgot their PE clothes is NOT an emergency. If they have to run their mile in flip-flops, they’ll remember their tennis shoes next time, guaranteed.

Eat and sleep right.

Schedule the upcoming week’s blog posts in advance. Send message explaining you’ll be MIA for a week in order to do BIAW.

Type in the dark. I’m serious. Then you won’t see what it is you feel the compulsion to fix. LOL.

Write on an Alphasmart if you have one or borrow if able.

Type with noise-cancelling headphones on to drown outside distractions.

Type with music on to block IE’s voice unless music distracts you.

Think forward. Type forward. No looking back. No going back over the work either mentally or by reading/proofreading. Push the forward momentum. Watch your work snowball into a story you never thought you could write that fast.

Writing well will happen after you complete your mess draft.

Give yourself a strenuous daily word count. For instance, to write a 70k BIAW, you need to write 10K words a day. Figure your necessary daily word count and meet or exceed it.

Sound impossible?

The average typist masters 2000 words per hour at leisure. If you work 5 hours a day without distraction, you’ll meet your goal. Or write 6 hours per day and take brief breaks.

If you work, getting a book out in a week would be worth taking a few vacation days. Just a thought. How desperate are you to publish?

I didn’t watch TV for three years before I sold. I gave TV time up and became brutal with my online time. I disabled IM and went “no mail” on most loops. What can you give up this week in order to have uninterrupted hours to write?


Spend it wisely. Don’t waste it on unproductive activities. I’m serious, people. Playing games on Facebook will NOT lead to a book contract.

If it makes you feel better, stick a note on the door that says, “Warning. Deadline house.” Then ignore laundry, dishes and cleaning chores screaming for attention. Learn the art of ignoring. At least for this week. Say no to everyone who tries to infringe on your time unless God taps you on the shoulder and tells you to pay attention or break free. Literally, clear your schedule and warn your friends and family that you are hibernating for a week and can’t be disturbed.

No exceptions. No procrastination. No excuses. I wrote three books in a two month time period with all the tendons injured in my hands after a car wreck when my hands went through the steering wheel but my fingers didn’t. I also had two surgeries in the midst of that. If I did it, you can too.

Give yourself permission to write messy. Aim for edit-free writing.

After you’ve been writing for about four hours straight, something begins to happen. The more you write, the faster the words will come. Here is a daily word count for the sixth book in Wings of Refuge:

4,218day 1 total

9,765 day 2 total

15,153 day 3 total

23,829 day4 total

36, 306 day 5 total

49,405 day 6 total

64,708 day 7 total

Cut to 58,900-final word count

So you see that the more days I wrote, the higher the word count happened each day. Don’t look back. Don’t look around you at everything that needs to be done. It can wait a week. Trust me. Don’t let anyone cut out in front of you as you race to the finish line for this BIAW.

Cook a week’s worth of meals for your family or clean your house top to bottom before you start if that helps ease your guilt factor. Secure safe childcare for your children and attend to anything they may need that week early. Free yourself up.

Those totals broken down by day:

Day 1 approx 4k

Day 2 approx 5k

Day 3 approx 6k

Day 4 approx 8-9k

Day 5 approx 12-13k

Day 6 approx 14k

Day 7 approx 15k

You can cut or add later.

My point in showing you this is to demonstrate how, once you’re immersed in your story for hours and then days, how your word count will snowball. Not only will you be upping your cumulative word count, but you will be upping your average daily count too. Stay immersed! Do. Not. Edit. No matter how tempted. Do not give in to internal or external distraction. Blow through the story and fix later. If your piling-up laundry or dishes bother you, get thee out of the house. Stay with a friend who will respect your writing time. Or check yourself into a hotel (with no Internet access!) for a week. Then come out with a completed book. I’m serious. You can do this! Knowing you finished a book in a week will be worth the time you set aside.

Focus on finishing. Don’t stop to edit for anything.

It’s possible to write 70k in a week. Once you get going and become immersed, you’ll be surprised at your productivity.

Happy writing!


Today I'll be giving away a copy of Noah Lukeman's, The First Five Pages to one Seekerville poster. Winner will be announced Sunday in the BIAW Weekend Edition.


  1. Hi Cheryl:

    I love the PJ poster. It makes me want to re-up. Your totals are awesome. I spent Monday mostly going over my 91 pages of what needs to be in the novel. I managed to get that up to over 100 pages. I guess I would be called an outliner. Today I have to make up on my word count.


  2. Thank you for this post, Cheryl!

    I often struggle with that annoying editor during my first drafts, so thanks for the reminder that it's OK to leave the editing until later!

    And your amazing word counts have inspired me to work much harder on my writing. If your hands were injured and you went through two surgeries, but STILL managed to write that much, I think I can probably write way more than I thought possible ;)

    Well, no time to write this morning... I'm off to the city. But I'm planning on trying to get quite a bit done tonight :) I hope ya'll have a great second day of BIAW!


  3. Cheryl, you touched on so many good points.

    Using time wisely. Giving up TV. Focus.




    Coffee's on Seekerville, and yes, I hit the snooze once so it's 4:30 here...

    And Panera's doing breakfast for us because Ruthy's stove and oven are turned OFF. I have to light candles to pretend someone's baking pies. Cakes. Cookies.

    But I'm up now and so anxious to see how my hero's going to jump this initial hurdle. And he's so doggone cute and sweet that I wouldn't be surprised if the heroine finds a way to help him.

    Manning the keyboard!!!!


  4. Hi everyone
    Guess most of you except for Vince and Arianna - hi you two!- are all snuggled up in bed fast asleep while I'm enjoying a beautiful spring morning. I wonder if your characters are running through your dreams.

    Hey Arianna and Vince- what say you we make breakfast for everyone?

    I'll make omelette- all fluffy with a three cheese and mushroom filling and a sprinkling of chives. The coffee's percolating already, mmmmmm.

    Cheryl thank you for all the tips and links, I'll check out those articles after BIAW or else I won't get any writing done. Your word counts are amazing! And with injured hands!

    Happy writing everyone

    Hugs and prayers

    Ruth Ann

  5. Hi Ruthy- you're up and about early!

    It's 10.49am here!

    Here's mug of coffee and a couple of rusks to get you started

    Ruth Ann

  6. Mmm... Rusks.

    Ruth Ann, oh bearer of the same name, THANK YOU!!!! These are yummy with coffee.

    I've gotten nearly two thousand words done this morning and need to get ready for children now. I made a BIG pot of red sauce and meatballs on Sunday. Other than sandwiches, that's what Dave and I are munching on all week unless he cooks (HAH!!!) or orders in. But I love pasta. And there's no Yankee baseball until later this week when the playoffs start so I've got to buckle down double time these early days.

    And Cheryl's word counts make me shudder in envy. God love her, I can't do that and don't even try. My head fries if I go more than two hours at a stretch without a break. My ideas start repeating themselves, like a bad loop of grocery store 60's music...

    "My baby takes the morning train, he works from 9 to 5 and then, He takes another home again, To find me waiting for him!!!"

    Grrr.... If they insist on playing loops of music, it could at least be GOOD music!

    Back to work. Keep writing!! You guys rock all around the world! Seekerville has attained an international flavor! YAY!!!

  7. Wow Cheryl, that was like a MacArthur speech preparing us to storm the enemy's front. I am motivated to the next level. One of my loops is having BIAW also, so we have a fair number of people mustered for duty!

    How many have signed up for this week?

    May God bless our work and our bodies, families and homes so that we can learn more about our call to writing and lean on Him as we press on.

  8. Cheryl, great post! As I mentioned yesterday, that darn IE is always bugging the crud out of me everytime I start writing. But I'm giving myself permission to ignore her for just this week so that I can push through.

    I love the smell the coffee even if I'm not a big fan. Mind if I get my morning boost with a Coke over ice?

  9. Great post! Thanks for the motivation and the links. They'll be a great help!

  10. WOW Cheryl. Awesome post. I hope someday I get to try this!

  11. Thanks for sharing your secrets with us and showing the inner drive you've had to become published. You guys are all great for letting us see how authors do it. I've always wondered and I know there are many different ways. I appreciate this peak into your techniques.

  12. Wow, do you guys sleep?

    Welcome to Day 2 of BIAW.


  13. 41 have signed up, Debra.

    Thank you Ruth Ann for making coffee.

    I NEED IT.,

  14. Great motivating post, Cheryl!

    I discovered something when I wrote my last book. I write much faster when I'm listening to music. But I cannot edit while listening to music. It drives me crazy.

    Yesterday I only got 300 words. Sad but true. But it's the first words I've written on this WIP in weeks, so I'm still glad. Today I'll not only be gone all morning and all evening until after 9 p.m., I'll be gone all DAY and all evening until after 9 p.m. No alpha-smart, no laptop. Not sure if I'll get any words in. It's just not the week for BIAW, and that makes me mad!!!

  15. I feel for you, Melanie. We had a week's worth of accidents, illness and oopses (the car plates expired when??) yesterday.

    But you still made forward motion.

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  16. Good morning! Cheryl, you're word counts inspire me. I have a few new scenes to write per my revision letter, so I'm ready. Unfortunately my husband Jim will be gone all morning so I have 3 yr, old grandson to watch. He likes constant interaction. But I'll try for a few words anyway.

  17. Inspiring post! Love the tip about the backspace button being off limits! I really need to try that!

  18. Wow, Cheryl!!! Were you a cheerleader in high school? :-) You've even got me raring to go and my internal editor and I are joined at the hip. I've definitely got some surgery ahead of me.

    Even knowing you're a BIAW pro, I'm blown away by your daily word counts! I'm still plotting my story, but once I've got it in hand and my editor gives a thumbs up, I'm doing my own BIAW.


  19. Another great post about turning off that darn internal editor, which I had trouble doing yesterday and only logged 805 words on my WIP.

    I'll try harder today.


  20. A lurker comes out to play. Welcome, TerryLynn Johnson, Seekerville follower. Lovely to have you here.

  21. Thanks for the boost, Cheryl! I've been faithfully alphasmarting every spare minute I get! (Keeps me away from the internet & email)

  22. Cheryl -- great post!! Almost makes me wish I was doing BIAW!!

    Man, would I love to turn off my IE, but nothing would get done because she is ME!!


  23. Wow, fired up from that Cheryl.
    I better get back to work. I'm using my daily morning dose of Seekerville Pep Talks to get myself jazzed up and keep me in my desk chair!!!!!!!!!

  24. Great advice. I used Dr. Wicked yesterday and that was a wonderful tool for me. EXCEPT I kept writing more then I scheduled my time for and then when it did the little "hooray" it broke my groove. Today I am doing something differently with it.

    But I see what you mean.

    The more you write the quicker the words pour out.

    Thanks for a great post!

  25. Happy writing to all you BIAWers out there in seekerville! I will enjoy reading about your progress! Rasisng my mug of coffee to you all! Great post Cheryl!

  26. Okay, I admit it. I shy away from BIAW because I am afraid to confront my internal editor!!! I find it almost impossible to move forward if any little nagging thing I've already written is begging to be fixed. If I fix it, or at least plan how I'm going to fix it, then I can move ahead with a clear (or at least less troubled) conscience.

    My humble opinion: Whether you're ready to jump feet first into BIAW or not, just accept the kind of writer you are and make the best progress you can. We're all wired differently in the creative department, and what works for someone else--no matter how appealing it may seem--may not work for you.

  27. No book needed. I recently received a copy of "The first five pages." The first five chapters are severely dog-eared.

    I see that I'm trailing Ruthy this morning. This will never do. My IE was in overdrive this morning. Will kick that sucker to the curb.

  28. by the end of the week, someone will have to bring in stretchers for the walking wounded. Ruthy and Walt. Competition can be dangerous!

    Thanks Tina, for the count. That's a great number.

    May I offer a suggestion. Sometimes it's easier for me to turn off the internal editor when I write long hand on a yellow pad. I find it freeing. Go to the library or another room and just mix it up. This works best for new scenes I suppose.

  29. Oh man, isn't Myra nice????

    I'm not nice.

    Rarely do I get accused of being nice, and when I am accused of such, they're generally mistaking me for someone else.

    And not nearly as good looking, either!

    But Myra makes a very good point, that writers are different and that's good. We vary, and that's crucial to variety in style, voice, content, brevity and levity in our books. (Note use of TWO SAT words in one sentence)

    So if you're doing revisions, working a new piece, slaving on an old one, or wishing it was next week, DO NOT BE AFRAID.

    If you need BIAW next week, e-mail me at loganherne@gmail.com. I'll work with you, spur you, jump start you and you can do the same to me. Sometimes we just need a motivator, an internal buzz that says: Get up, Get out, Get typing...

    And nobody wants to disappoint the Ruthmeister. Really. Truly. Years of being an Irish Catholic mother have perfected my persecution-by-guilt maneuvers.

    And yeah, Myra's nice about it which is why we love her. I pretend to be nice, but if you make excuses FOREVER, I'll kick some serious booty.

    But I brought cookies, and that's never a bad thing. :)

  30. Thanks, Vince. I love the poster too!

    The Amazing Tina found it.

    Awesome job on your progress!


  31. Arianna,

    I'm glad you were inspired. I wish you the best in your progress and in booting that IE out of your head.

    Thanks for coming by and for participating in BIAW.


  32. Ruth, thanks for the coffee. YUM!

    Sounds like you're having fun with your characters. That's great because that means we will too when we get to read 'em!


  33. Ruth Dell, great point about checking out the links later. See, you're learning already!

    I'll be you're great at writing setting in story. Your morning sounded gorgeous enough I wanted to come out of bed sooner.

    Great job!


  34. Thanks also Ruth D for bringing rusks and assiting the other Ruthie at the coffee bar. ;-)


  35. Wow, those word counts are mind-blowing. I look forward to reading the articles on slaying that inner editor.

    And I already have the Noah Lukeman book, so no need to put me in the drawing.

    Happy BIAW, folks!

  36. Hi Debra,

    I'm not sure how many signed up but we have a great turnout which is fabulous.

    Anyone know how many we have on board this BIAW cruise ship?

    Excellent prayer Debra! Love it.


  37. Patty, sure! Pop open any beverage you like.

    Happy writing!


  38. Jill, I'm glad you found it useful. Thanks for coming by!


  39. Jessica,

    You can do your own BIAW sometime. This week I had planned to do proposals on a new series but my revisions came yesterday so I'll have to switch gears and use BIAW for my revisions instead.

    So any project you wanna do is totally fine.

    Thanks for coming by!

  40. Cathy, you're quite welcome. You all inspire us too!


  41. Tina,

    Thanks for providing the numbers. Here's a refill on your coffee since you do so much for Seekerville, we've assigned you your very own waitor today in the form of Cap'n Jack.

    Just raise one eyebrow and he'll be at your beck and call for food, drinks, or carrying you over his shoulder for latrine trips. He's your man today. ;-)


  42. Melanie, 300 words is nothing to sneeze at. Even if you can eek out that much a day, you'll have something by the end of the week.

    I encourage you all not to get discouraged if your word counts don't match others.

    It's about doing your personal best and it sounds like you're doing what life is letting you this week. I applaud you!


  43. Ann, it's so true that life intrudes.

    The moment we decide to dig in stuff happens. LOL!


  44. Cara,

    I have one thing to say regarding the three year old:

    Veggie Tales Video. LOL!

    Won't hurt him to watch one or two a day. That'll buy you 30 or 60 minutes a day.

    Yes, Bob and Larry baby sat my girls for a half hour each day so I could write. I wrote three books that way when all mine were @ home with me before they started school.

    What you're doing in taking care of that little one is more important than any book project. God will repay you the time and I'm praying He puts His hands over yours on the keys and lets those scenes flow and multiplies your time.


  45. Rose, I think if you keep digging in your word count will keep going up each day as far as how much you get done. 800 is fabulous!

    Keep up the good work,


  46. TerryLynn, welcome out of lurkdom! Great to have you.

    Yes, put a big red sticker dot on your backspace key and draw a black skull on it if you need to remember not to use it. LOL!

    Or stick a plastic spider on it. You'll start to go there and trust me that'll stop you. LOL!

    Thanks for participating!

  47. Janet, no I was a troublemaker in highschool. I was the farthest thing from a cheerleader you could find. LOL!

    I was the one getting pulled over by cops for drag racing my sportscar behind the highschool...and winning against all the guys.


    But I'm glad you feel motivated to write. Sweeet!


  48. Glynna,

    I love my Alphie too. That's how I can make those great strides in word count.

    Great job!

  49. Julie, LOL! I can TOTALLY see that.

    Maybe you should try the two-glasses of wine for breakfast thing. Subdue yourself aka IE. LOL!

    I heard from an author yesterday whose book comes out soon. The excerpt blew me away. Took her five years to write it.

    Well, to CORRECT it. And man was her effort worth it. I don't care for the genre but the book was so good it haunted me. The way she says things. Her writing just blew me away. The book & author is The Last Will of Moira Leahy by Therese Walsh.

    Just remember this BIAW is your FIRST draft.

    Then comes the fun part of making the story shine through that initual mess draft. That part needs to take as long as it needs in order to make your story the best it can be.

    Just aim for a rough draft, not a polished product and that'll help.



  50. Mary, LOL!

    Branded is more like it. LOL!

    You'll no doubt blow by me by noon. LOLOL!

    What do you put in your coffee? I want some.


  51. Hi Jenny,

    I'm glad the snowball principle is already working for you. It'll get bigger and bigger and bigger each day. Keep up the great work!

    LOL about Mr. Wicked.


  52. Hi Kerri,

    Thanks for your boost of confidence and encouragement!

    Thanks for coming by,


  53. Those word counts blow me away, Cheryl. Wow, what if I could REALLY write a book in a week.


  54. We have 41. Look on the front page of Seekerville. Right hand column. All your names are there. If not, let me know.

  55. Thanks for this, Cheryl. When you say, "Type in the dark. I’m serious" I totally agree. I actually close my eyes a lot while typing --- yep. It totally works.

    It's kinda funny, too, later when you go over it during edits....all the typos. But for the most part, it really works!

  56. Ruthy said, "I pretend to be nice, but if you make excuses FOREVER, I'll kick some serious booty."

    She is serious. Believe me.

  57. Myra,

    That's true but sometimes it's also good to step out of the box and try something new. I think if people really press through, and keep doing it each day, they'll break through to a writing realm they may have not reached ever before. Sometimes that's when the good stuff starts coming out. After hours and hours of submersion in the story.

    I'm not saying my way is the right way of course, but I DO encourage people, just for this week to write as much for as long as they can and see something magical happen by the fifth day.

    But for sure we don't want anyone to get discouraged if their number doesn't match someone elses.

    Progress is progress and we're so proud of everyone for trying.

    As someone so well stated once before...

    Just do YOUR personal best.

    We are SO proud of you all for even trying.

    Now quit reading comments and WRITE! LOL.


  58. Hi Cheryl and Gang, Wow, What a word count. That inspired me. I was thrilled with 3,000 words first day but see I'm going to have to up that.

    I'm so like you Julie. I'm so left brained its killing me not to edit. But I get more writing done that's for sure. All I can say is that one week of "mess" draft (I love that term Cheryl) will result in 10 weeks of editing and revising. LOL

    Thanks for the coffee.

  59. Erica and Walt, I can offer an alternate craft book if you'd like to be entered in the drawing.

    Or I could toss in a free copy of one of my books if you'd rather read fiction.

    Just lemme know.


  60. Myra, ROFL about Ruthie.

    I see her and Walt showed up with boxing gloves on today.


  61. Yes and Mary, that book took me longest to write. Most others I average in 3-5 days. All of my Wings of Refuge mess drafts were written in under a week.

    But then came the REAL work that made the stories strong.

    I have to blow through the mess draft or the end product is disastrous.

    Some people do better to prod along and that is totally fine.


  62. Debra,

    Great advice about the yellow pad. I know authors who write all of their first drafts on paper. That blows me away because I'd never be able to read my own writing. LOL!


  63. Lynn,

    I ditto that. LOL! Some of the mistakes I find are hilarious. Especially when the autocorrect key changed a mispelled word to the total wrong word. What a hoot.

    Great job!

  64. Sandra,

    Glad you're inspired. Hope it pays off! I know it will.


  65. Anyone, if I forgot you...SORRY! I did read all the comments. I'm on two other blogs today so I'll check back in later...after I get some work done on my revisions.

    Don't feel compelled to read all the comments. I'd rather you spent that time writing on your projects.

    GET TO WORK! Wink.

    Nice job everyone!!!!

    Stay the stride.


  66. Always open to craft books. I'm back in.

  67. Wow. That's all I can say, Cheryl. My max in a day is 5k, so it looks like I need to move even faster! I think it's my IE that slows me down. Definitely some great suggestions!!

    Again. Wow! :)

  68. Hey, Vince! It's great to see you out and about. :)

  69. Walt,

    You're in.

    Missy, thanks!

    Back to work,


  70. I'm loving your motivation and ideas. An AlphaSmart is on my wishlist but, in the meantime, I've been known to type with my eyes closed. Whatever works.

    While I'm not doing BIAW, I am researching and planning my next book. I was thinking about doing NaNoWriMo to get a huge jump start but just remembered that my boys have the last week of October off from school (Fall Break). Maybe I could farm them out to their grandparents and rack up word counts during a week instead? Hmm. Possibilities.

  71. Hi Candee,

    I hope you get an Alphie for Christmas. They are WONDERFUL and keeps me SO productive.

    Thanks for coming by!

  72. Walt, glad to see you stepping up to the plate, my boy...

    Good on ya'!


    Had to stop for some boughten fudge from Watts Farms, got it at the Apple Fest on Sunday... Oh, Walt, you don't have any????

    Here, I'll share even though I have no...



    And no, I wasn't swearing, sob meant just that... Tears. Crying jag. Whining.

    And when my husband realized how busy the daycare was today, and BIAW and revisions and no food, he fixed the flat tire on his truck and headed to the woods.

    See a WIFE would never do that.

    This is why we write heroes. We are victims of overactive imaginations underfed by actual circumstance.

  73. Sorry I missed the morning festivities, but I did see the word 'fudge' somewhere and new I had to take a 'job' break to join in.

    Inspiration, thy name is chocolate.

    Wow, what wordcounts, Cheryl. I really wish sunconscious 'word counts' worked - wow, I'd be right up there with you.

    Since I'm a speech-language pathologist, I'd love to 'count' the words my little kids said at work this morning. That would be up there :-)

    Taking my lunch break to write instead of grade tests....so here goes

  74. Go Pepper go! Praying God multiplies your time.

    What your'e doing in teaching those little ones is infinitely more important.

    More power to you!

  75. Awesome poster. I also like the advice and word counts. That's really helpful information.

  76. INCOMING!!!!!

    Whew! Cheryl, your Facebook comment got me "write" between the eyes. Ouch! You are so right, girl! Thanks!
    I didn't sign up for this week's BIAW because I missed the post yesterday. However, I have two short stories I need to finish today (deadline is tomorrow! Yikes!), and maybe I'll take the rest of the week & see if I can't churn out the rest of the novel I've been working on since before the JulyWriMo on eharlequin. I have the IE problem, too, so just cutting loose & writing is the best thing I could do. (Novel project is one that began with one of your story starters: "What a strange way to end the year." First line has changed somewhat, but it's that one.)

    I just finished reading SOLDIER DADDY today after breakfast. Loved, loved, LOVED it. I laughed. I cried. Mom's turn now. :-) Thank you!!!!!

    hope_chastain [at] yahoo [dot] com

    Hugs, Hope

  77. woohoo! put me in for a Cheryl Wyatt book. :)


    ericavetsch at charter dot net

  78. Therese Walsh is the president of the new RWA Romantic Women's Fiction chapter, Cheryl.

  79. Hey all!
    I was soooo happy and couldn't wait to come on today and get pumped for another night of writing! Lol....

    I got about 1000 words written last night, give or take some. I'm pleased with that. Especially since I didn't get to start until 10pm! Lol...

    I have to head out to work on money "stuff" for my project....starting in one week! Ahhhh! But I'll be back later!

  80. Between your word counts and your writing two books with injuries, I'm inspired too. I was going to be happy to "show up" and write every day this week, without regard to word count (although I'm keeping track).

    Now I'm going to challenge myself a bit more.

    Maybe I'll "type in the dark."

    PS -- Don't enter me in today's drawing, Cheryl. I have that book. (Probably should read it.) :D

  81. Laura, I agree. Isn't that poster COOL!

    Now I want a real copy of it.

    Thanks for coming by!

  82. Hope, LOL!

    I'm tasking you to a mission. RESCUE THAT WIP! LOL.

    Just kidding...happy writing, girl!


  83. Ruthie...that's so sweet about your hubby. Now that's what real heroes are made of.



  84. Erica, you got it! LOL. Well, you're ENTERED. Put it that way.

    Thanks for your exhuberance...it made my day. ;-)


  85. Tina, that's cool about Therese. I just can't say enough good about her writing and that's saying something considering I don't like that genre. That I could have a favorite author in my least favorite genre is really saying something.

    I'm serious when I say that this author is someone to watch. I'll bet that book rockets to the big bestseller lists in no time.

    Her writing is just...honestly sublime the way she words things and evokes emotion seamlessly. I literally was in angst over the characters and I cannot stop thinking about that excerpt. I'm definitely ordering the book even though I know it's going to haunt me. I can't not read it.

    Her prose is lyrical and magical without being purply or over done. Plus I love swords to that aspect is very intriquing considering I also have a story written around a sword...a real one that my dad got from a Nam sniper.

    I told my dad, I don't want him to kick off or anything, but soon as he does, that sword is mine.

    I found it very interesting that the sword in Therese's book is very similiar (without the hole) to the one on my dad's wall.

    I love her voice, the way she words things. I can't say enough good about it.


  86. Hannah, good for you!

    We'll have you turned into a fiction writer in no time. LOL!

    Everyone, Hannah's journal is a must-read. She's one talented young lady.


  87. Patricia, no guilt meant. LOL!

    But I KNOW you have the talent and drive to make it.

    Keep trudging onward,


  88. Patricia, I'll do you like I did Walt and Erica and anyone else who has a copy of Lukeman's book.

    I'll offer an alternate prize if your name is drawn.


  89. Cheryl, those daily word counts are amazing. I want to be like you!!!

  90. Thanks Cheryl!
    I really love blogging, even if it is only for my thesis project. However, I find it peaceful to write in it : ) I also get WAY too excited when I have good news about the project. LOL! I immediately want to go on and just let everyone(who cares or might read my blog) know what's up.

    Lol about the writing! Do you know...I have been told more times than I can count that I should be a fiction writer!? : O I always tell them that I'm a reader not a writer : )
    P.S. I have to agree with everyone, Cheryl. Your word counts *whistle* Man, they're good!

  91. Thought I'd stop in here one last time before going to bed. I love this writing challenge because so many people are all working towards similar goals, and encouraging each other the whole time. Love it :)

    Since I was gone the whole day, I didn't get as much writing done as I did yesterday, but I still accomplished a number I'm happy with. Each and every word gets me one step closer from finishing the first draft, so I'll be happy with whatever word count I have at the end of the week :)

    OK, I'm off to bed, and setting my alarm so I can get up early tomorrow for devotions and then more writing. Yay :)


  92. Eileen,

    Those words counts are out of a sheer necessity and TRULY a gift/ability from God. Probably because He knows the complexity of my life and how important family is to me and that I wouldn't be able to write any other way.

    So, truly all of the credit goes to Him as far as the ability to write so fast. I never ever want to take it for granted because it's a gift I treasure and use.

    Thanks so much for your kind words. Kudos to God on that one.

  93. Hannah, readers make the best fiction writers.

    All writers are readers...hint, hint.


    But you and you alone can hear from God. No matter what you do, I know you will be successful.

    And everything you have gone through will only serve to enrich your gifts.


  94. Hannah, readers make the best fiction writers.

    All writers are readers...hint, hint.


    But you and you alone can hear from God. No matter what you do, I know you will be successful.

    And everything you have gone through will only serve to enrich your gifts.


  95. Arianna, welcome back!

    Great job on your progress. May it multiply Eph 3:20 tomorrow and every day after.


  96. Great smokes! What a day!

    Cheryl, you deserve the "Most Encouraging" Reward for the day. Wow! All those wonderful ways to pump up the word count with your optimism and energy.

    How much of Ruthy's coffee did you drink today? :-)

    The kids are heading to bed in 15 minutes and I'll be off to more writing. Thanks to Tina's great tips and Ruthy's Benedryl, I'm almost finished with my editing. Woohoo.

  97. Oops...did I say editing...um...I meant, rewriting. Yep, that's it. Editor is off. Right. :-)

  98. Love the poster. Great post.

  99. Pepper, LOL! Thanx 4 the award. I'll take it. LOL.

    Yes, this is a NO EDIT ZONE.

    Nice job everyone,


  100. April, isn't it?

    Thanx for coming by!


  101. I got three of six editorial pages of my revisions done! If I can get the other three done tomorrow, I just might have room at the end of the week to write my proposal!

    Did I mention that my REAL editors are brilliant?

    Those are the ones you don't want to tune out. LOL!

    Night all who are turning in.

    I'll check back in before I crash.


  102. Lol Cheryl...that is very true. I know all of you guys must read as much as you can in your spare time! I don't know though...I mean I honestly have every ambition to becoming a writer, I'm just not that creative. However, I can get completely caught up in a story/book whatever, like that! Lol....I love being able to go for the ride and try to figure out what will come next.

    You know what book had me quite literally on the edge of my seat constantly? Final Warning by Sandra Robbins, I believe. It was LIS in September. It was phenomenal! I did not see the ending coming at all and she had so many great twists and turns : ) I absolutely love the LIC, but sometimes I just have to shake it up a bit and go for the suspense.
    Really great job today, Cheryl! Hope to talk again soon : )

  103. Final Warning (I think is the title) is on my TBR list. Thanks for the recommendation, Hannah!

    Night troops!

    Get some sleep and be ready for Day 3 BIAW Roll Call in the morning.


  104. Hello Cheryl,
    I like how you figured out how to increase word count.
    Thanks so much for the information.

  105. Hi Jan,

    Thanks so much. It was out of sheer necessity because I worked full time and had three little ones under the age of 4 at home. So I only wrote on Saturdays when I had a mother's helper come in.

    I learned to draft a book in under 7 days that way. LOL!

    I'm thankful to God for the ability because I know it can only come from Him.

    Thanks for coming by!

