Saturday, October 17, 2009

Seekerville Weekend Doughnut Edition

Thanks to my husband's boss, Nanci and author Lara Zielin for pointing out that October is National Doughnut month.

We Have Winners-SBIAW Winners!
(please email tina at tinarusso dot com with your addresses by October 24.)

Winners of Seeker book sets (2 each):
1. Ruth Ann
3. Anne B
4. Pepper
5. Mary Bailey

Winners of No Plot, No Problem by Chris Baty:

1. Arianna
2. Rose
3. Debra
4. Melanie
5. Tina Pinson

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the first
Seekerville Book-In-A-Week.
You're all winners!!!

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author and Seeker, Missy Tippens on Alicia Rasley's The Story Within Guidebook: Interactive Guidebook to Plotting Popular Fiction.

Tuesday: Margie Lawson, counselor, speaker, and writer with many hats is in Seekerville.

Wednesday: Love Inspired Suspense author and Seeker Debby Giusti posts today.

Thursday: Thomas Nelson author and ACFW BOTY finalist, Golden Keyes Parsons is our guest today.

Friday: Heartsong Presents debut author, Erica Vetsch shares with History Geek Speaks.

Save The Date:

Tina James, Senior Editor of Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense and Love Inspired Historical, is coming to Seekerville!!!

Tina will join us on November 12, hosted by cub reporter Ruth "Jimmy Olsen" Herne.

Send your questions, thoughts, or things you'd like Ruth to ask Tina (thereby removing the onus from YOU) to

Let's give Tina a rock-your-socks Seekerville welcome of great food, great fun and totally awesome conversation! We've also got some great giveaways in the works, so stay tuned.


October 29, Daddy, Needs Decaf, Walt Mussell will be with us.

October 30, Genesis Winner, Christy LaShea, visits.

November 2, Pièce de Résistance, Sandra Byrd is coming!

November 10, Revell author, Dan Walsh, The Unfinished Gift, will be here.

November 11, Judy Gann, author and speaker appears in Seekerville.

November 13, NCIS aficionado, Lisa Jordan is our special guest.

Maple Bars from California Donuts

Seeker News and Sightings:

This one deserves a five doughnut!

Seekerville is positively-absolutely-amazingly thrilled to announce
that Steeple Hill has just contracted a third book from Ruthy (Ruth Logan Herne-see doughnut above) who has obviously fooled them into thinking she's not only adorable and way too pretty for her own good, but has some writing talent. (Huge, toothy grin inserted here...see doughnut above.) Made To Order Family, a third book in the North Country series, is the story of two recovering alcoholics, people who've paid their dues to the school of hard knocks and grab a hold of God's shirttails to see them through. That's if their classic human stubbornness and frailty doesn't derail them along the way...

Made To Order Family is slated for a September, 2010 release. Ruthy is super grateful to Melissa Endlich, Wendy Lawton and the staff of Steeple Hill for making this dream a reality, and is sincerely hoping they don't see the possible error of their ways any time soon!

Camy Tang will be blogging at Faithchick on October 22.

Have you signed up for Julie Lessman's newsletter?

Julie is currently running a contest for newsletter recipients to not only win a signed copy of book 1 in her next series (Katie O'Connor's story), but a chance to have a character in her next book (Sean and Emma's story) named after you or a loved one. Simply sign up for the newsletter to see the contest rules.

October 16-22: "BAD BOYS GONE GOOD" at Carman Boley’s blog, A Sequence of Continuous Delights. Win a signed copy of Katie’s story, A Hope Undaunted or your choice of one of the three books in the “Daughters of Boston” series when you vote for your favorite “Daughters of Boston” hero and leave a comment.

Random News

  • Last weekend for the Seeker Survey. Check out the right hand column of Seekerville.

  • Don't forget the 2009 Phoenix Rattler Contest ends October 31. You do not have to be a member of ACFW to enter. Cost is $20 and entry consists of the first ten pages of your manuscript. This is an e contest.

  • For those of you who love Victoria Magazine, it's also online at, and the November/December issue on newsstands has a great photo/article on Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg.

  • You have less than 30 days and 17 hours (CST) to register for the Golden Heart Competition. The deadline for the full manuscript to reach RWA offices is December 2. No Guts. No Glory. No Risk. No Reward.

  • Our friends at Petticoats & Pistols will announce details of their holiday contest, Cowboy Under the Christmas Tree, on Sunday, October 18th. So be sure to go check it out and then get yourself right back here to Seekerville.

Finally, we at Seekerville hope all your doughnuts are fresh and wish you a great writing weekend. We leave you with this quote found on the Pen To Paper website.

"If you wait for inspiration you're not a writer, but a waiter." -Anonymous


  1. Oh My. I just can't resist donuts. (notice my spellling). I can smell them just looking at the photos. I'm taking the maple one, thanks.

    Wow, you Seekers know how to reel us in with your subjects and guests and news. Not sucking up. Really. It's like a little surprise box to open each morning. As one of the Seeker groupies, I want to thank you all for this blog. Tina--Weekend editions should win some sort of award.

    Mmmm, those donuts are so fresh they melt in your mouth.

    Congrats Ruthy. on #3. Never apologize about white space, again. I only use the Itouch for emergencies. I love you just the way you are.

  2. Good morning!
    What a great way to start a weekend. Donuts and a win :-)

    Especially since I'm in a hotel room with my 5 kids in a rainy Pigeon Forge TN.

    Donuts...and maybe something stronger is in order. (Just kidding, from the way I rant you're going to think I don't like my kids. They're great -, and loud, and determined to cause some sort of physical harm to each other)

    Btw, the talk yesterday about guys was a hoot! What fun! Gee, I wish I'd gotten in on it sooner.

    Thanks Tina - as always


  3. This is what happens when you hang with writers. They are always critiquing. I mean it's like an addiction. Like say, mine to maple bars.

    –noun 1. a small cake of sweetened or, sometimes, unsweetened dough fried in deep fat, typically shaped like a ring or, when prepared with a filling, a ball.
    2. anything shaped like a thick ring; an annular object; toroid.

    Also, donut.


    1795–1805; dough + nut Unabridged

  4. What is this, Pepper? A field trip? To Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

    Please feel free to give us a guided tour.

    Bathroom, bedroom, ice machine.

  5. he, he...It's a family suite - ha!

    2 queen beds and a fold out couch - so thanks to the fact that my three youngest are still small, they can all fit on one bed ;-)

    Flat screen t.v., frig, and microwave, PLUS whirlpool bath (funny story here)
    My youngest got into the bath last night and I didn't fill the water up to the jets, just because I wasn't planning on using them. 2 year old pushed the button and proceeded to shoot water ALL over the bathroom.

    I mean, there was water on the mirror above the sink even. AHH! After the horror of it - I started laughing so hard I cried. It really was hilarious - especially after I mopped the inch-deep water from the floor and changed into my third blouse in an hour.

    Anyway, it's GOT to go in a story sometime!! :-)

    Anyway, we're headed to the mall this morning, which will probably be as exciting as shooting jetts. :-) Woohoo!

  6. Get behind me, Tina!!! Donuts are sinful and one of my deadliest downfalls, so I am dashing this note to you and hightailing it out of here because I suspect the Krispys are still warm ...

    If you wait for inspiration you're not a writer, but a waiter." -Anonymous

    Dear Lord, I wish I'd said that ...

    SUPER CONGRATS to all the BIAW winners and to our very own Ruthy for her third sale -- you go, girl!


  7. Ruthy -- Congrats on Book #3 coming out in 2010! WOW!

    Tina--you've knocked our socks off again with another fabulous weekend edition.

    And thanks for the link to "Victoria" -- I used to read that magazine regularly, but haven't found it in years so thought maybe they were no longer publishing.

  8. Hi, I'm Rose. I am a Seekerville groupie.

    Hey, I figured if Debra could admit it I could too. Since I always look forward to your Saturday additions. Fortunately, I had donuts in the house so I didn't have to eat a virtual one!

    Congrats Ruthy on another sale. I'll not only be looking for your books on store shelves but also donuts with your picture in the middle! You're on a roll....pun intended!

    Tina, thanks for all the info and great themes you plan for the weekend edition.

    And thanks for the book ladies, I'll put it to good use.

  9. My internet is finally working again (hah, for now anyway), so I was all excited when I saw I won a book! I'll try to get my address to you later on today.

    Wow, Ruth! That's awesome about the third contract. Yay! I get so excited for writers when they get good news like that :)

    Well, it is officially cold and snowy here in Romania. In October. Ew. I spent the week reading by the fire, to get into the winter-y thing going on here. But hey, books make anything better, right? :)


  10. Arianna..I read your blogpost. Snow in October may seem like a crazy Romanian thing..but we had it here in Colorado too. Last Saturday it was 22 and today it will be 67. I keep moving the plants in the house and outside the house. So you are not alone. I understand they had a dusting of the powdered stuff in Pennsylvania too.

  11. Oh Ruthy,
    Forgive my post family weekend trauma. Congrats on the Steeple Hill Contract. Woohoo for you!

    I knew your face couldn't be stuck in the middle of a donut for nothing :-)

  12. That doughnut frames Ruthy new hairdo perfectly! Stroke of genius!!

    Ruthy, super big congrats on selling book number 3!!! So, when is the FIRST book coming out???

    Congrats to all the winners of SBIAW! Enjoy the bounty!

    Doughnuts and coffee on a Saturday morning. What could be better????

    Another great Weekend Edition, Tina!!

  13. Well, since I crave Krispy Kreme doughnuts roughly 7 days out of 10 anyway, I won't blame you, Tina, for making me want one today.


    I read that Sabrina Jeffries blog post. A little depressing, but hey, I love to write, so I'll do it even though it isn't likely to bring much profit.

    Still feeling the pressure of my OCD to enter the Golden Heart, but I'm determined to resist. Oh, yeah, I have to. I have no money to enter.

  14. Thanks for the fun post, Tina,


    Okay okay, LOL well what can I say, congratulations over and over...

    Oh and I don't think I'll ever look at donuts the same way again.

  15. Wow oh wow, Ruthy! Congratulations!!! :)

    And a huge THANKS for my Seekerville books. I'm really spoiled. But I love it. ;)

    Great weekend edition, as usual, Tina. Thanks again.

  16. We were lax Audra. We made sure Ruthy tasted Chik fil a while she was here but we totally spaced La Mars donuts.

    There's always next Seekerville reunion I suppose. Until then she is in a LaMars for posterity.

    Congratulations, Ruthy!!!

  17. Tina!!!

    I look good in doughnuts!!! Or donuts...

    I don't care about the spelling as long as the cake is sweet and filled with some kind of high calorie fruit or cream goodness. Yum.

    Thank you so much for the shout out about book #3!!!


    I Love This Series Of Books. The North Country Series...

    Oh my stars, I love these people, the area, the fun mix... If you guys totally hate 'em when they come out, you can tell me. Seriously. I've whacked Seekers for whining over tough reviews, so I can take it... Breathing in... Breathing out...

    Really. I can. I'll just put my chin in the air...

    And SAY!!!!!!!

    "the sun'll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...

    There'll be sun!"


    Well there's no sun here, but I'm thrilled to death ((sounds like a Deb Giusti title, doesn't it???)that Melissa and the great folks at Steeple Hill Books contracted this third story. What a great way to hit the stands, three books in seven months.

    I'm also honored and humbled in all honesty. Humbled that I have the opportunity so many long for and deserve just as much, and honored for the belief Steeple Hill has shown in my work.

    And I LOVE revising. I seriously do, I AM NOT sucking up, it's just fun to incorporate other ideas into a good piece of work to make it better. Stronger.

    Great, wonderful, marvelous experience, totally.

    Can you see the teeth gleaming from there, because the grin is firmly in place, LOL!!!

    Thank you so much for the congrats, guys. A blessing to be off the island, but I love to stop in now and again. Check out the old hut. Feed the water rats.



  18. We missed LaMars!!!

    We did, dagnabbit! BUT: I am a huge Chic-Fil-A fan now. That was so much fun.

    Going to the drive-through in my jammies.

    I loved it. I have never had so much fun as a grown up girl in my life.

    M&Ms, fried chicken, and jammies.

    And Tina and Tom make the world's greatest coffee. Yum...

  19. Plain, glazed donuts for me every time.

    And Krispy Kremes?


    RUTHY! Congratulations!!!

  20. Boy, there are a lot of exclamation marks going on around here today. Must be one of the consequences of eating too many donuts :-)

    I'm with you, Ruthy. "Eat mor chikin" - then chocolate, then donuts. Yum

    Time to go cook dinner

  21. RUTHY!!! I almost forgot to add my congratulations! Congrats on the third contract! I have a feeling you're going to be like Mary, getting fifteen contracts in two years. All those years of writing are paying off.

  22. Tina. I haven't had a donut in maybe seven months, even though they are one of my favorite foods. Because of you ... and this blog this morning ... I have had 2-1/2 donuts this morning ... after a Egg McMuffin meal, and then I finished it off with Huhot left-overs, which pretty much means it's a toss up as to who will groan louder tomorrow morning ... me or my scale. Thanks a lot.

    I blame it on helping my son and daughter-in-law move out of our house into their own ... totally worth celebrating with donuts, I suppose ...

    Sign me: Fat and Sassy in St. Loo

  23. Why am I suddenly hungry for something sweet and doughy and just the right amount of greasy?? Huh?? Gee thanks, Teenster!

    And seriously, thank you for all the great market info links! I'm off to read...

  24. And congrats, Ruthy!! I can't wait to read them!

  25. Congrats to Ruth! That is awesome!

    Krispy Kremes are my downfall - well, one of them. lol

  26. RUTHY, RUTHY, RUTHY!!!! YAY!!!!!! Lol....soooo happy for you! Now, maybe I'm behind the times or something but when are books 1 and 2 coming out? I want to know so that I can be prepared and ready to buy know camping outside the store the night before, so I can race in and beat everyone else in line to buy YOUR book : )

    It is incredibly ironic that you posted about donuts today! My mom made "Golden Puffs", which are like a donut hole. The difference, you just drop as much of the batter as you want and let it cook in the fryer : ) My mom likes to make them big! Woohoo! As soon as we get up in the morning, we know she's making them because we can smell them and run right downstairs to eat them while they're hot...mmmmm....good times!

  27. Yum, Hannah!!!

    I think Ruth is like March, July and Sept 2010. Check out her web page. Her name and dot com

  28. Ok thanks Tina! March is my birthday month....happy bday to me!!

  29. Thanks for the awesome news and links, Tina!

    Mega congrats, Ruthy, on your third contract with Steeple Hill!!!

    I'm craving donuts! So not fair, Tina!


  30. Doughnuts or Donuts, I'm happy either way! It was great to read the "weekend edition" and hear the good news (congrats to the winners and to Ruthy--yay!). Plus, I just LOVED seeing all of those doughnuts/donuts, Tina!! Hope you all have a great week :).

  31. Thanks Marilyn (According to Jane)!!!!!

  32. I bought a donut on the way home from church today.

    Later, watched Pride and Prejudice while doing housework this afternoon.

    I blame this all on Seekerville, y'know.

  33. Yes. It's all our fault and we are proud of it. Come over to the dark side, Debra!!!

  34. Mel, thanks, kid. I'm totally over the top, so forgive me for ringing my bell or my horn or whatever it is I'm ringing here, BUT...

    You've got to celebrate good times in life and business. We commiserate over the crap and we celebrate the good. That's life in Seekerville and I'm so grateful for the congrats and cyber hugs. Food, too. :) Was away researching on Sunday and had a good field trip/road trip but forgot M&Ms.

    How on earth did I do that???

  35. Hannah, thank you my friend!!!!

    And I want your honest opinion when they come out because I really, really, really want to attract some younger readers to my stuff. DO NOT BLOW SUNSHINE AT ME.


    I'd much rather have the truth because your demographic is exactly where I want my readers to start. You let me know, okay?

    Book One comes out in March. Winter's End.

    Book Two in July. Waiting Out the Storm

    Book Three in September. Made To Order Family

    Book Four???? :)

    Who knows what happens next, right???

    Hugs to you, kid.

  36. Marilyn of "According to Jane"...

    Which I will never confuse with another book again, I pinky-swear it...

    Thanks, kiddo!!!!


    Can't stop smiling here. My teeth are getting lots of fresh air, way more than they need!

  37. I love having Debra on the dark side.

    We're so radical here.

    Chocolate. Good movies we watch repeatedly. Hunky heroes.

    And an amazing God.

    Heavens to Betsy, I love this place.
