Saturday, October 24, 2009

Seekerville Weekend Edition

Getting A Book Contract. So Easy, A Caveman Can Do It.

Think You Have a Book In You? Think Again.

"According to a recent survey, 81 percent of Americans feel they have a book in them -- and that they should write it." (NY Times)

Doctors Just Wanna Write Books

"... writing is hard, and not everyone can do it. Even if everyone thinks they can." (Tess Gerritson's Blog)

Ten Things Everyone Thinks They Can Do

"2. Fiction or non-fiction, I think most people think they have at least one book in them, just waiting for the right opportunity." (Brian Bailey-Leave It Behind)

I Can Write A Book In a Weekend And 5 Other Annoying Things Beginners Say

"5. “I’d write, if I had more time.”
You’ll never get more time; steal it. That’s what the rest of us do." ( Dara Girard)

We Have Winners!

Thank you to guest blogger Margie Lawson, who visited Seekerville Tuesday. Winners of her lecture packets are Adrianna, Pepper and Gina Welborn.

Congratulations to Roze Z who won a copy of Debby Giusti's latest release, Protecting Her Child, as part of Debby's Thursday post, More Maass.

Erica Vetsch our favorite history geek, shared on Friday and the winner of her debut release, The Bartered Bride is ....... Lisa Lickel. Contact Mary Connealy please, mary @

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Seeker and multi-GH finalist, Pam Hillman is your host today in Seekerville.

Tuesday: Seeker, Sandra Leesmith with
Do You Believe You Are An Author?

Wednesday: Love Inspired author, Glynna Kaye is your host and she's giving away a copy of her debut novel, Dreaming of Home.

Thursday:Walt Mussell holds down the blogosphere today and he's giving away a book! Join him for,
Of Course God Laughed. I Told Him My Plan.

Friday: 2009 Genesis Winner, Christy LaShea, is here with Last Try Draft.

Save The Date:

Tina James, Senior Editor of Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense and Love Inspired Historical, is coming to Seekerville!!!

Tina will join us on November 12, hosted by Ruth Logan Herne.
Send your questions, thoughts, or things you'd like Ruth to ask Tina James to Let's give Tina a rock-your-socks Seekerville welcome of great food, great fun and totally awesome conversation! We've also got some great giveaways in the works, so stay tuned.


November 2, Pièce de Résistance, Sandra Byrd is coming!

November 10, Revell author, Dan Walsh, The Unfinished Gift, will be here.

November 11, Judy Gann, author and speaker appears in Seekerville.

November 13, NCIS aficionado, Lisa Jordan is our special guest.

November 27, Marlena Fortune returns and just in time for the first Christmas
shopping trip of the year.

November 30, Seekerville welcomes Bethany House debut author, Jody Hedlund.

Seeker Sightings:

Lots of Seeker sightings coming up beginning October 26, at Faith and Fiction on Fire where Pepper Basham is asking, Who's Got Character?

Ruth Logan Herne will be interviewed at RomanceWriter's on The Journey on Thursday, October 29th.

Missy Tippens will be a guest on the Inkwell Inspirations blog on Wednesday the 28th and will be giving away a copy of A Forever Christmas.

Missy will also be trying something very exciting by appearing on the Red River Writers Blogtalk Radio Holiday Author Readings! On Thursday, Oct. 29, she'll be reading from her upcoming release, A Forever Christmas, live on the 8:00 pm Eastern time show.

On Friday, Oct. 30, Missy will be a guest on Sharon Ball's blog, A Break From The Norm, where she'll also give away a copy of her new release.

Julie Lessman is currently running a contest for newsletter recipients to not only win a signed copy of book 1 in her next series (Katie O'Connor's story, A Hope Undaunted), but a chance to have a character in her next book (Sean and Emma's story, A Heart Revealed) named after you or a loved one. Simply sign up for the newsletter to see the contest rules.

Tina Russo will be a guest on the F.A.I.T.H blog on Thursday October 29, discussing one of her favorite topics, MONEY! Join her for creative ideas for supporting your writing habit.

From Seekerville and those wonderful cavemen everywhere who are writing novels...have a great weekend!


  1. LOVE the cavemen, Tina!! That is just too funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning, especially the President of Seekerville picture!

    Can I just say, Seekerville is awesome! :)

  2. LOL...HA! Oh Tina, I couldn't read the post because I got distracted by those hunky, hairy men ;-)

    Thanks for the morning laugh. Cream cheese and strawberry danishes here with hot chocolate, the kind that has whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top. Mmm...


  3. Congrats to the winners!!!

    I love your line-up and can't wait to read all the great posts coming. :-)

  4. I must be in the minority. I find both the cavemen (and that gecko) annoying. However, I still love Seekerville.

  5. TINA!!! Another stellar weekend edition, my friend, and I'm with Jody and Pepper -- I practically spewed oatmeal on my monitor when I saw the cavemen!! Thanks for kicking my Sat. off with a much-needed laugh!!

    And, Walt, you are right -- the cavemen and the gecko ARE annoying ... but cute.


  6. So easy a caveman can do it. HA!

    I've done it four times, so I guess I'm at least as smart as a caveman! Although, I'm still not published, so what does that tell you? LOL!!! I'm as smart as a caveman but dumber than ... okay, I've already gone too far, I'd better stop there. :-)

  7. I wonder what the Cavewomen look like? Now that would be really scary?

    I'm suddenly reminded of Larry the Cucumber's line in Veggitales "Aunt Ruth has a beard"


  8. LOL--thanks for the saturday a.m. laugh! very nice:-)

  9. Just A Moment!

    Those are not typical cavemen. One invented fire, the other the wheel, and the cute guy invented the HEA. Of course they could write a novel. All three were finalists in the Novel In An Epoch Challenge. Don’t confuse these guys with the Neanderthals you find in bars.

    RUTH: The cover of your new book is so inviting I’d like to move there. Great Art!


  10. Another great weekend post! Just starts my day off with a smile. I'm not big on the cavemen either but they do work with the "it's easy to write a book" mentallity...

    Ruth, love your cover.

    Debby, can't wait to read your book.


  11. Somehow this post made me think of my Ex. I think it was the sweater.

  12. Good morning Seekerville.

    Hey Jody, I am enjoying your real live peek into the scary world of edits.

    Pepper, you gotta love a guest who brings food. Thank you.

    Debra! That's hilarious.

    I brought the cavemen in as a reminder of all the times someone has said to me:

    "I have this great idea. You write it and we'll split the profits."

    "Huh, a writer? Have you written anything I might have read?"

    "Do you have time to look at a book ______ (insert name or family member here)wrote? Just want a little feedback. Been writing it for 20 years and it's only 400 pages long."

    And I am serious. Examples:

    I have been stalked by a romance writing elderly teacher who was writing romance and found me at work to ask me to read her stuff.

    A coworker brought a tome from father. A memoir with pictures to look over.

    Once I realized I don't have to critique the world things improved.

  13. Tina! Thank you for yet another smile this morning!!

  14. Come on Tina,
    I have a book in me. Can you help me write it.

    I'm serious. then
    Can you read it and edit for me. I'll give you 55 percent of the take.


    Then Ruth, Julie and all you other writers can put in a good word of me. Cause I know people will want to read this book.

    This post is priceless.
    Thanks for the smile. Tina

    Now get ready...I'm sending the first 600 pages of my trilogy.

    Can you get them done by Friday.

  15. Yeah, no problem, TP. I'll have it back to you by the end of the day.

    Hey, I need your address. I have half the BIAW prizes mailed and still trying to track down some addresses. Also waiting on an Amazon delivery they promise is any moment now.

  16. A cave man, huh?
    That might explain the uni-brow I've recently begun to grow.


  17. wow! Ruthy's cover art is beautiful!!!

  18. Wow, I love the cover of your book, Ruth! Gorgeous :)

  19. A little reminder from the October Contest Update!!!

    Hook, Line & Sinker. Postmark Deadline, November 1. The first three pages of your manuscript. Cash prizes. Final judge is Brenda Chin, Harlequin. Contest is limited to the first 125 entries received. No categories.

    I dare you! This contest is only ten dollars. That means you forgo two and a half Starbucks latte's to enter. Do your first three pages have what it takes? Good writing is good writing, no matter what category you write for. Once again...I DARE YOU!

  20. And don't forget this contest :

    Gotcha! Contest. E Deadline November 4. Entry consists of the first 15 pages. 1 published author and 3 experienced, trained writers. Lowest score is dropped and 3 highest determine final score. Top 4 winners in each category are sent to an editor. Winners have 2 weeks to revise the 15-page entry prior to editorial review.
    Categories and Judges:

    Harlequin/Silhouette Series:
    Susan Litman, Silhouette

    Single Title/Mainstream Contemporary:
    Meredith Giordan, Berkeley/Jove

    Mystery/Romantic Suspense:
    Allison Lyons, Harlequin Intrigue

    Historical (Before 1945):
    Megan Records, Kensington

    Paranormal (Specialty/Time Travel/Fantasy):
    Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks

    Emily Rodmell, Steeple Hill

  21. PS I forgot to put in my Wow for Ruthy's cover. Ab Fab. I love the colors. A cabin? a horse? Love it.

    Vince, which one is the cute one, by the way?

  22. Whatever our cavement visitors are serving at the buffet--I'll pass.


  23. Dropping in late.

    Walt, they may be annoying, but all you had to say was


    and I (and 10 billion other people) knew EXACTLY what you were talking about.

    That's advertising at its best!

  24. Pam, great point about the gecko. And I'm in the minority, I love the little dude. I'd make a pet out of him in no time.

    Cover art kudos to the SH team!!!!

    I sent them pics and my thoughts on St. Lawrence County New York and they came up with a beautiful, inviting rendition of living along the base of the Adirondack foothills.

    And my New York cowboy, Marc, who runs his beef ranch with horses, Jeeps and trucks. Oh mylanta, that's hot in and of itself. :)

    Thank you for all the compliments. The cool dudes of Steeple Hill have been wonderful with this series. They've told me what they want to do with the next two books, and if they stick with it, it's a wonderful continuance.

    Sigh... :)

    TEENSTER!!! Love the Cavemen. And you cracked me up because an old fellow pulled into my driveway the other day. Heard I was getting published and he's been working on a non-fiction book about the reasons behind the Holocaust for almost twenty years, since he retired, and he's about six chapters into it.

    Did I know anyone who could help him????

    The local sheriff came to mind.


    My fellow Seekers gave me permission to say 'no' sometimes, although we still have to remind some Seekers of that premise.

    Love this, Tina! Thank you!!!!

    Must go tend the Mama Poodle and her 10 baby Doodles that came to live in our house yesterday EARLY morning.

    Yes. 10.


  25. Tina,
    I'm going to take your dare on the Hook, Line, and Sinker contest.

    I hope to send in my submission by Wed.

    $10 and 3 pages. I got that for this week. :-)

  26. Way to go Pepper!!!

    Ruth, are you still in the doggie biz?

  27. Oh my stars, yes...

    Except for our beloved Roxie, a gorgeous Golden Retriever who won't breed.

    That's got to be an oxymoron or something.

    Yup the Doodles are this year's addition to Hearthside Kennels and we hope we're expecting gorgeous red Golden Retrievers (and yet another oxymoron comes our way!) the first week of December.

    Writing quickly around here is a no brainer. There is no other option. Savvy?

    Hey, I just made coffee. I'm sharing. Jump in and have some if you need a mid-day energy boost.

  28. Great weekend edition again Tina! Love the cavemen!

    Ruthy!!! LOVE the cover : ) It leaves me longing to read it, girl!

    I'm not sure who I should address about this, so I'll just post it here....I have awarded Seekerville with the One Lovely Blog Award at my blog(Project Journal)! Whoever wants to accept it, can come on over to accept it.

    Congrats and talk to you soon hopefully!!!
    Hannah : )

  29. Here's the Hearthside Kennel's link. Ruthy is too modest to show it.

    The NEW babies aren't there yet, right, Ruthy?

  30. OH MY GOOD NESS LOVE THE PUPPY PICTURES!! Mary thanks for sending the link.

    Hey, Hannah, thanks. Be right over.

  31. Lol! Okay Tina! I really LOVE this blog, so it was a no brainer to include you guys in this award : )

  32. So, do y'all see how long it's been since I've updated Hearthside?????

    After two false pregnancies (the dogs', not mine) I was EMBARRASSED to post anything over there...

    Oh, and THREE writing contracts, LOL! Oh my stars, the poor dogs went on hold while I play with the gracious people of Steeple Hill.

    Mare, thanks for the link and Tina, yeah, those are last years Doodles and retrievers...Cute, cute puppies and all are doing well a year later.

    I'll update later this week, but Doodles ARE NOT PRETTY at birth. They look like labs. Seriously. Then about three weeks old their hair starts curling and they start toddling, looking like little black bears. Adorable!

    I'm prattling. Sorry.

    Hannah!!!!! Thank you, Toots! Love the award and your gracious nature. You rock, kid!


  33. Lol Ruthy! You guys can stop thanking me...the award to YOU was a thank you to YOU from ME! Lol...please it was nothing and you know it : P
    Congrats again!

  34. Listen, Hannah-kins, you little dweeb-meister, it IS something because it came from you.

    Honey, that's what it's all about, right? If you like someone or something, you give it a shout out.

    I'm cool with that. Or jiggy with it. Or pleased.

    Your choice. :)

    Sending you cyber hugs from upstate NY.

  35. Lol Ruthy! Okay...upstate NY is pretty close to me you know... : )

  36. What a scream!! I love it, Tina. You're a master! :)

  37. Isn't it Missy? Lol!

    Have you seen my comment on your blog? I awarded your Life with Missy blog the One Lovely Blog Award from my blog(Project Journal)!! I think that your blog is so great : )

    Congrats and come on over to accept your award!!
