Saturday, November 21, 2009

Java Weekend Edition

November 21
, and NaNoWriMo is almost over, and your GH entries are in the last stretch of edits or ...gasp...completion.

Sharing the java love to keep you moving.

We Have Winners!

Monday: Copies of her Love Inspired release, A Forever Christmas, from Missy Tippens' post, An Early Christmas, goes to Ausjenny and Bookie.

Tuesday: The critique winner from guest Danica Favorite-McDonald's (and Cheryl Wyatt and Camy Tang's) Live Brainstorming Session, is Dianna Shuford.

Wednesday: Winner of her latest Love Inspired Suspense, Protecting Her Child, from
Debby Giusti's post, Giving Thanks, is Karen K.

Thursday: The winners from guest blogger, YA author, Lara Zielin's visit are: Heather Bernard, who won a copy of Donut Days and Deborah, who won a Starbucks gift card.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Pam Hillman is back with another rousing Seeker post!

Tuesday: Seeker Sandra Leesmith is here with, What's In A Name? She's also giving away a Seeker book of the winner's choice.

Wednesday: Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye, is your hostess today.

Thursday: The Seekers will be starring in a Thanksgiving production in their very own kitchens. Hope you too have a great holiday. No post today.

Friday: Marlena Fortune returns to take you shopping on Black Friday.

Save The Date:

November 30, Seekerville welcomes Bethany House debut author, Jody Hedlund.

December 2,
Seekerville welcomes Barbour author and editor, Aaron McCarver.

December 9, Medical Romance author, Candace Calvert comes to Seekerville.

December 11, We are honored in Seekerville to have RITA Award Winner and Christy Award Winner, Tamera Alexander as our guest.

December 31, Madame Zelda's New Year's Eve Rockin' Party and join us for her 2010 Seekerville Predictions.

Seeker Sightings:

Cara Lynn James: Here's a sneak peak at the first book in her series.

Julie Lessman:

A Passion Denied is listed at Borders as one The Best of 2009...So Far:Your Favorite Fiction!

November 1 through 30, Julie is featured at Exemplify Online & Magazine.

Missy Tippens:

November 21,Petit Fours and Hot Tamales (review)

November 23-24, Critty Joy Loves Books

November 24, Come Meet AusJenny

November 28, Prairie Chicks Write Romance

Myra Johnson:

Signing at Katy Budget Books, Saturday, November 28, 11-1 (that's in Houston, Texas).

Camy Tang:

November 25th, Love Inspired Authors

November 26th, Faithchick

November 27th, Girls, God, and the Good Life

Debby Giusti: Just in time for Christmas. Don't forget to preorder Debby's holiday Love Inspired Suspense release, Yule Die in the Christmas Peril release.

Cheryl Wyatt: You can preorder this January 2010 release. This is sixth in the Wings of Refuge series.

Janet Dean: Sometimes Happiness Takes a Leap of Faith. You can preorder this February 2010 Love Inspired Historical here.

Ruth Logan Herne: You can also preorder this March 2010 release.

Random News:

Check out Robert Lee Brewer's Twitter Cheat Sheet for Writers. And then be sure to follow Seekerville.

From The Huffington Post, iTablet Beta Tester Breaks Embargo. (It's coming, it's coming!)

Amazon releases The Best Books of 2009 :The Top 100 Editors Picks and the Top 100 Customer Favorites.

From Publisher's Weekly Online: Vamping Up: Christians Bite Into Vampire Market.

From the NYT, Cellphone Apps Challenge the Rise of E-Readers.

Free Coffee? Be Still My Heart!

Dunkin Donuts

Shelbourne Falls Coffee Roasters

Register your Starbucks Card, for a free drink on your birthday.

Post in Seekerville this weekend for a chance to receive a Starbucks Via Ready Brew. Two winners will be announced next Saturday.

Finally, Seekerville wishes you a blessed Thanksgiving holiday
...and we remind you-
Don't Stop Believing!!


  1. WOW! I Love Cara's cover art! That looks smashing!

    Thank you, all you wonderful Seeker-peeps. You make this writing life so much more joyful.

  2. Does ANYONE sleep anymore??

    Erica, lets make popcorn!

  3. What a great line up next week! Tina, thanks for the coffee and links. Love the new Seeker covers!!

    I'm off to a football game. The weather is decent for spending a November day outdoors.


  4. Awesome weekend edition, Tina!!

    And Cara--your new book cover is delightful!!

  5. I must join in on the kudo's on Cara's book cover. Awesome!

    Looks like a great line up for next week.


  6. Great weekend edition, Tina, as always!

    And DOUBLE WOW on Cara's cover -- ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!

    Happy Weekend, all!


  7. Woohoo congrats on being the best Julie!!!We all already knew that and didn't need Borders to tell us that!

    Oh yeah that cover is awesome for Cara's book! That is soooo on my wishlist as of now!

    xoxo~ Renee

  8. I still haven't gotten Debby's book! I keep checking the stores!!!

    It is TIME.

    Love the new cover, Cara. And TINA!!!! Where did you find the hilarious coffee posters. Love 'em.

  9. Great lineup!!!

    Cara: still loving your cover!

    JULIE: Top 10 at Borders! Let's blitz the 'net so people rush the stores and buy this book!

    Sleep? I was up half the night as well, Tina. So thankful today's Saturday though.

  10. Thanks again Tina for the weekend edition.

    Congrats Julie. A Passion Denied IS a GREAT book.

    Cara and Ruthy, Love your debut covers.

    And if you haven't read Myra's Autumn Rains, its GREAT. I'm almost finished.

  11. Tina, thanks, sweetie, for posting the Borders thing ... I still think it's a hoax!!

    Renee ... You are SUCH a doll -- thanks for the kind words, my friend.

    Pammy ... hey, not a bad idea!! :) And why were you up so late ... writing, I hope???

    Thanks, Sandra! And I can't wait to get to Myra's book either ... I'm almost done with the one I'm reading now, so can't wait!!


  12. Starbucks Via Ready Brew is something new to me; with all the ads for coffee up today on this site and must go and have my cuppa for the day, lol.

    I too love the cover art. Awesome.

    congrats to the winners listed and a great line up coming.

  13. Hiya Robyn.

    VIA is dangerously good! Great to keep in your purse or backpack.

  14. Woohoo! Can't wait to read donut days!
    What an amazing lineup for next year! So many additions to my must read list. Congrats Julie!
    Just got the scoresheets back from my first writing contest ever and let me say, What a rush!! Can't wait to get back in the game and enter another one!(I am glad I live so far away from Vegas) Have a great weekend everbody,

  15. Have a great weekend all!
    Watching Jack Sparrow steal back the black pearl...again lol!

  16. Heather don't forget to send me your snail mail address-

    tina at tinarusso dot com

  17. I always look forward to seeing what great stuff Tina does with the weekend edition--and I'm NEVER disappointed! You rock, girlfriend!

    Sandra, thanks for the kind words about Autumn Rains. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  18. Hey everyone!!
    Tina, you rock! This is a GREAT COFFEE edition! I am in love with Hazelnut Coolattas at Dunkin Donuts!!!! WOOOOO! Lol....Plus(and this is just for Lara!), did anyone know that DD has a NEW donut?! It is a chocolate mint donut, yes, you heard me right! Chocolate and mint on a donut! It has crushed up candy canes on top. I tried one tonight, thought of Lara the whole time, and it was pretty good! Just had to tell you that.

    Ruthy and Cheryl's covers have totally caught my attention! I LOVE them both! They are beatutiful and I love the purple on Cheryl's cover!!! Woohoo! Can't wait for all of you guy's new books coming out!

    Thanks and *hugs*

  19. Cara, I just love your cover!!

    Tina, thanks for another great update. Now I'm off to check out the iTablet.

    Oh, but first! Julie, congrats!! I'm so thrilled to see you on that list!! :)

  20. Tina,
    Thanks for the update.
    Cara, your new book cover looks fantastic.

  21. Tina--

    These posts are the highlight of my weekends. Loved the Glee video! :)

    Congrats, Seekers, on all the new releases, gorgeous covers, and prestigiuos rankings. Y'all are amazing!

  22. That's my new favorite motivational tune, Anne. :)

  23. Love this weekend 'coffee edition.' Thanks for the posting the schedule of all to come. Can't wait.

    Cara, great cover!

    Julie, planning to read your series next...looking forward to it.

    I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee now :)


  24. Hi:

    How are all our NaNo writers doing? By bedtime tonight the on schedule quota is 36,674. Good luck.


  25. At 17,409 I am thinking I better type faster.

  26. A post about coffee. Always needed, whatever time of day it is.

  27. I hope this is still the weekend so I can try for the prize :)

    I loved the links to the PW story on vampires in Christian lit. Found Tracey Bateman's comment interesting, where she kind of had to defend herself for writing about vampires. She said she came up with the idea before Twilight happened.

    I don't think it matters. If the book's good, who cares if it was spawned by the Twilight phenom?


  28. With all this coffee being talked about, Tina, you know exactly how to reel in coffee addicts like me! (No need to enter me in the VIA drawing, though! I know it's good. :)

    LOVED watching that clip from "Glee" again--I think that was my favorite of all their songs.

    Hope everyone in Seekerville who's celebrating Thanksgiving this week will have a wonderful one!

  29. It's the weekend until Saturday.

    Hiya Marilyn!!!! Happy TD to you toooo.
