Saturday, November 14, 2009

Seekerville Wipeout Weekend Edition!

Cowabunga, Dude!

A little known fact is that after a hard week of writing, working and hosting Seekerville, the Seekers head to Unpubbed Island for a little...

And it's been a busy week!! Thank you to all our guests, Dan Walsh, Judy Gann, Steeple Hill Senior Editor, Tina James and Lisa Jordan.

We Have Winners!

Winner from Janet Dean's post, Author Speak is Heather Bernard.

The winner of The Unfinished Gift, from our day with Revell author, Dan Walsh is Stamped by Grace.

Winners from 9-5 with Steeple Hill Senior Editor, Tina James are listed here.

Next Week, Catch a Wave In Seekerville with:

Steeple Hill, Love Inspired author Missy Tippens is your hostess.

Danica Favorite McDonald will guest blog on Cohesive Critique Groups. Don't miss a live, interactive brainstorming session with Danica, and Cheryl Wyatt and possibly Camy Tang too.

Love Inspired Suspense author, Debby Giusti posts, and she'll be giving away a copy of her latest release, Protecting Her Child.

Putnam, YA author Lara Zielin is coming to Seekerville. It's a Donut Days giveaway event!

Heartsong Presents author, Erica Vetsch is here for an encore.

Save The Surf's Up, Date, Dude:

November 27, Marlena Fortune returns and just in time for the first Christmas shopping
trip of the year.

November 30, Seekerville welcomes Bethany House debut author, Jody Hedlund.

December 2,
Seekerville welcomes Barbour author and editor, Aaron McCarver.

December 9,Medical Romance author, Candace Calvert comes to Seekerville.

December 11, We are honored in Seekerville to have RITA Award Winner and Christy Award Winner, Tamera Alexander as our guest.

December 31, Madame Zelda's New Year's Eve Rockin' Party and join us for her 2010 Seekerville Predictions.

Seeker Surfer Girl Sightings:

Janet Dean will be talking about Courting the Doctor's Daughter at a book club luncheon on November 17.

Cheryl Wyatt:

November 19th Cheryl is blogging at the Steeple Hill Love Inspired Authors Blog.

November 20th, Joy Into The Journey Blog will feature a heroine interview from one of Cheryl's new releases.

Julie Lessman:

November 17: Guest Blog and book giveaway on Inkwell Inspirations.

November 20: Guest Blog and book giveaway on Annette Irby and Dawn Kinzer’s blog, Seriously Write.

November 1 through 30, Julie is featured at Exemplify Online & Magazine.

Audra Harders:

Join Audra November 17 on Pepper Basham's Faith and Fiction on Fire for more, Who's Got Character?

Missy Tippens:

For anyone northeast of Atlanta, Missy would love to meet you! And she'll be signing her new release. She's signing from 10 am-5 pm today, November 14, 10:00 am-5:00 pm, you can find Missy signing books at the Christmas in the Country Arts & Crafts Festival (books will be available for purchase) at
Winder First United Methodist Church.

Also, take part in Missy's blog tour this week for a chance to win books!

Nov. 11, review, Nov. 20, guest blog
at The Romance Dish (a new blog!)

Nov. 17
at ...She Reads blog...

Nov. 19, 8-10 pm eastern (no password needed) e-Harlequin Live Chat.

Myra Johnson:

November 16, Erica Vetsch's blog, On The Write Path,
plus Myra's giving away a copy of Autumn Rains.

November 19, Romance Your Spouse.

Join Myra on November 20, for a book signing at the Tulsa Cokesbury Bookstore, 11:00-2:00, One Imperfect Christmas.

Camy Tang will be guest blogging November 20 on Pepper Basham's Faith and Fiction on Fire for more, Who's Got Character?

Debby Giusti: Just in time for Christmas. Don't forget to preorder Debby's holiday Love Inspired Suspense release, Yule Die in the Christmas Peril release.

Random News:

RWA Golden Heart. Registration ends November 16, CST. THAT'S MONDAY!!!! You may register online. Manuscripts must be submitted to RWA by December 2. Entry requires a complete manuscript and synopsis. Categories mirror the RITA, Contemporary Series; Contemporary Series Romantic Suspense / Adventure; Contemporary Single Title; Historical; Inspirational; Novel with strong Romantic Elements; Paranormal ; Regency Historical; Romantic Suspense; YA.

Golden Heart Awards: 2009 Golden Heart Statistics
Contemporary Series Romance: 103
Contemporary Series: Suspense/Adventure: 29
Contemporary Single Title Romance: 111
Historical Romance: 107
Inspirational Romance: 40
Novel with Strong Romantic Elements: 152
Paranormal Romance: 141
Regency Historical Romance: 62
Romantic Suspense: 110
Young Adult Romance: 46

Total entries: 901

Seekerville shared the news about the launch of Carina Press with all our friends, but there's more information at the the Carina Press site and the Carina Press Blog!

Here's the official Press Release in case you missed it:

Harlequin launches digital-only publishing house
Carina Press™ currently accepting submissions

Toronto, ON (November 9, 2009) – Harlequin Enterprises Limited, the global leader in series romance and one of the world’s leading publishers of women’s fiction, announced today the launch of Carina Press™, a digital-only publishing house that will operate independently of their traditional publishing businesses.

Carina Press is a digital-only publishing house whose eBooks will be sold direct to consumers through the Carina Press Web site and numerous third-party Web sites. Carina Press will publish a wide range of women’s fiction—from romance to erotica, science fiction to mystery, family sagas to choose your own adventures, horror to thriller and more, including every conceivable subgenre of these categories.

“As a digital-only publisher Carina Press is a natural extension to our business; it builds on our digital strength and leadership position. We expect to discover new authors and unique voices that may not be able to find homes in traditional publishing houses,” said Donna Hayes, CEO and Publisher of Harlequin Enterprises. “It definitely gives us greater flexibility in the type of editorial we can accept from authors and offer to readers. As well, we hope to reach a new group of readers with niche editorial.”

Brent Lewis, Vice President Digital, is delighted to announce Angela James is joining Carina Press as Executive Editor. A veteran of the digital publishing industry, James is a well-known advocate for digital publishing. James has enjoyed a long and varied publishing career including senior editorial positions at digital-first publishers. “I have admired Harlequin's digital initiatives for years, and have always thought of them as leaders in the digital arena, so I'm unbelievably excited to join the Carina Press team,” said James. “I believe Harlequin can bring digital publishing to the next level for both authors and readers.”

Lewis added, “Angela has been a key player in growing the digital marketplace for romance. Her experience and insight is a tremendous benefit to the Carina Press team.”

Carina Press is currently accepting submissions in all genres of commercial fiction. Carina Press will consider shorter length stories, genre novels between 50,000 to 100,000 words and longer and complex narratives of over 100,000 words. Carina Press will also acquire books that have
been previously released in print form, but for which the author has either retained digital rights or had digital rights revert to them. All submissions should be sent to

Carina Press plans to launch in summer 2010 and will release new titles on a weekly basis. Between now
and the launch, readers and writers can follow the progress of Carina Press via their blog.

For full submission guidelines and more information on Carina Press please go to


  1. Tina:

    You Seekers do a great job of keeping this site fresh and informative. That's why I, and I'm sure many others like me, keep coming back to check up on you.

    Keep up the good work! (pesky exclamation sneaked in ther)


  2. Thanks, Helen. that means ALOT! And I love that picture of you.

  3. Tina,
    You are one totally awesome dudette.
    Thanks for the info.
    What a busy but fun week. There's been such great info shared on Seekerville this week.

  4. Btw, we're having a low-stress breakfast morning at my house, this morning. Anybody up for some blueberry muffins and fruit bowl?

  5. Thanks Pepper, I'll pop over for a muffin to take to the beach. After a go at the surf (it's up this morning) I'll kick back in my favorite hammock and enjoy.

    Tina, you're too funny. Love the youtube events.

  6. I could use a little surfing right about now, Tina, so thanks, sweetie.

    And, Helen, don't believe what anybody else tells you ... exclamation points are OKAY!!!!!


  7. Thanks, Tina, for hosting our Wipeout Weekend!

    Loved the blueberry muffins, Pepper. Thanks!


  8. Great info, Tina.

    I'm so glad, even though it was painful and I really wanted to enter, that I didn't plunk down money I didn't have to enter the Golden Heart. *wink, wink*

  9. Yeah, I thought about that too, Melanie. God often knows what is best. That gut feeling, eh? Oh that God, what a guy.

  10. God is awesome!!! Shout for joy, all his people. :-)

  11. thanks for posting 'the calender of upcoming events.' I look forward to spending time w/ you all.

    karen k

  12. Karen, thanks for stopping by. Hope your weekend is awesome.

  13. Seekers just want to let you know how much fun I had hanging out with you this week while working on my nanowrimo word count! Almost at 25000!


  14. Congratulations on Carina Press. I hope it does well. The island sounds wonderful. I'm ready for a vacation.

  15. Thanks CK and wooo hoo on your word count.

    Tara, pull up a hammock.

  16. Howdy all! Hey, Tina, thanks for the 2009 GH stats. That's the first year they've ever posted those that I know of.

    Cool beans.

    Mel, if I loaned you $50, would you enter? I mean, that's what friends are for, right? SWAK

  17. Hi Seekerville! Have been writing my little heart out for the past 8 hours & coming up for a breather. Thanks again for another great Weekend Edition, Tina!! Now back to the keyboard for a few more hours, then another lengthy session of decision-making at the wipe board where I post my scenes & move them all around for just the right fit. :)

  18. Hey, Pam! It's a generous offer, but ... no. It looks like I may never get my shot at the Golden Heart. How sad. *Very Big Grin*

  19. Well, just had 12 kids in my house, 11 and under. I think chocolate is in order.
    Anyone interested in some choc-chip brownies.
    Before and after dinner ;-)

    Are most of you guys era-hoppers in your writing, or do you mostly stick to a certain time-period/genre?

  20. Which one of you Seeker chicas is in that photo with the surf board at sunset?

    Pepper, I just read your comment last and I will say that I am going to stick to one "era" for at least three books. I've put a lot of time into researching it (historical) and then I will go back a few decades into the 'the colonies' b/c of the other stories I have in queue.

    Do all you anglophiles, history nuts, BBC fans, etc know that the movie "THE YOUNG VICTORIA" is coming to the US in December? I'm excited for a number of reasons, one being it's set in my WIP era, 1830s. In fact Victoria's ascension to the throne is one of the background events.

  21. I write contemporary.

  22. Debra-- I definitely fit the "anglophile, history nut, BBC fan" label, so thanks for the heads up on "The Young Victoria!" Please remind us as the date approaches!

  23. Pepper, I don't stay in one era for very long, either. I have a medieval series, an 1880 series, and I want to write a Regency now.

  24. I made the mistake two years ago of saying I'd never write a contemporary...and God laughed.

    After my contemporary won first place in a contest this year, I realized I'd better stop saying 'never' :-) and pray about what God wants me to write.

    Of course, He is the one who pricks our interests anyway - regardless of the era/genre, but I'm kind of ADHD with my choices.

    I have a juvenile fantasy series
    A few contemporary romantic comedies
    A WWI historical
    A medieval
    A 1620 - Plymouth story in mind
    But, for now, I'm ONLY sticking with four of them - and only one era
    Until I feel compelled to write the Regency story floating around in my head.
    But, for me, that's what's so great about writing. It's like my profession as a speech-path -
    there are SO many possiblities

  25. You changed your picture. Are you trying to confuse me? It worked.

  26. Is it coming to theaters, stores or PBS? Peppah????

  27. He..he.., sorry Tina.
    I'm thinking of changing it back because I look 'low on iron' in that picture. Gee, pale woman.

    I've never been one to hold a tan anyway, but it looks worse on the screen. I'm competing with Edward Cullen's complexion ;-)

    Debra's giving tips about the new movie - which sounds mighty cool, btw.

    I'm a BIG fan of BBC, and since there are so many movies in the WWI/Edwardian era (Mary Poppins, A Little Princess, Anne of Green Gables...etc), my research includes popcorn and movie nights. Yipee!!

    Okay - do you mind if I ask another question?
    How do you come up with your titles? I've only had two of my novel-titles 'fit' my story really well. One was immediate and the other came after two years of lame-tries. Is it just one of those things that 'happens'?

  28. Mine just happen.

    Lots of times in Seekerville we brainstorm titles for each other.

    Anyone else?

  29. Debra, that's me on the surfboard. Yep, my out hanging ten, dude. Every weekend.

    Uh....well, yes, I life in Nebraska, what's your point?

  30. Another little known fact: Mary is up for the role in the remake of Gidget.

  31. Titles: Hmmm, I usually have a decent title in mind by the time I've got 3 or 4 chapters written, but that doesn't mean it won't change.

    Marrying Mariah: my son and his friend (back when they were MUCH younger) helped me name the characters.

    They went to school with a girl named Mariah. Frederick, the villian, is the friend's midddle name. He thought that was cool! lol

    And, if I remember correctly, the boys came up with Marrying Mariah, and that's what it's been ever since.

    But if that ms. sells, it would probably get changed, and I'm totally okay with that.

  32. Helen, that pic rocks. Awesome, Dudette. And certain compliments almost REQUIRE exclamation points, don't they???

    Tina, great update! Bless you! Thank you!!!!

    Mel, you can't enter 'em all, can you, Sweetness???? :)

    And CK, great work! Totally wonderful. YEE HAW!!!!!!!!!!

    Pepper, they have those tanning oils now, honey, the ones that DON'T cause cancer.

    Buy some.

    It might help.

    Can't hurt.

    (being evil and laughing here, one pasty girl to another)

    Deb... Good to see you sweetie.

    I roll with contemps. Some inspy, some light inspy.

    And titles.

    Hmmm.... Whatever seems to fit. And that can change as a book progresses.

    What a shame you can't do the same with your kids. I mean what if a Missy really should have been a CJ or a Genevieve????

    And you just didn't know it at the time?

  33. LOL Pam!! That's a great story : D

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. The musical has been eating up all my time! Now it's over though :`( it makes me very sad and dread college even more.

    Nice weekend edition again Tina!

    Great surfing, Mary! I'm very impressed...think you can teach me? : P
    See you all later!

  34. As for titles... I used to spend a day or two on them. Literally! Now I just slap something on the file when I start a new book idea. Then once I'm into it, I try to pick one for real. (I can't bear calling it "Sheriff and Neighbor" or "Gabe and Faith" for very long.) On my last proposal, I asked the Seekers to vote on their favorite from a few I listed. And of course, they tossed out more ideas. :)

    I also do research to look at recent Steeple Hill titles so I don't copy. And I even look at sales numbers on Publisher's Alley to see if there are common key words in the top selling titles. :)

    Yes, I'm probably a little over the top. LOL


  35. Tina:
    Wipeout is nostalgic. It was a favorite in band. Boy, did those guys like to bang on those drums!

    Thanks for the pic comment. I've been hesitant to use one---getting so old and all.

    Julis Lessman:
    From what I read, I guess you and I are neighbors. I'm south of St. Louis. And you're right---sometimes you just can't say it without exclamation points!!!

    You're not alone. I decided against entering the GH. Have to spend those limited dollars where they'll get the most return. No feedback was a clincher.

    Like Tina, I write contemporary. Wrote one historical, just to see if I could do it, but returned to contemporary and never ventured into hist. again.

    Thanks for your ever flattering comments. You say the nicest things (I don't care what others say)!!!!!


  36. Julie, Julie, Julie

    Sorry about what I did to your name!

  37. Helen, you're right. Ruthy tries to act like a tough cookie (and we love to tease as if she is), but she's actually a marshmallow on the inside. :)

  38. Mary, I thought that was your silhouette. just checking.
