Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shhhh ... Library Secrets You Really Need to Know!

Mornin', Julie here. And because I haven't had my coffee yet, God help me (or you), and there's the slightest sinus headache throbbing in my brain (sigh, more rain in St. Louis), I decided to keep the subject matter a little quiet today. Although what you're about to read really needs to be shouted from the library rooftops because today's guest speaker will reveal some well-kept secrets.

I first met Judy Gann at the 2008 American Christian Fiction Writers Conference, and I swear to you here and now (where's my Bible?) that Judy's seminar on marketing to libraries was the BEST and MOST VALUABLE seminar I've attended in five years at ACFW. A librarian with over twenty-five years experience, Judy selects Christian fiction for a large library system in Washington state. She has presented “Behind the Stacks” library marketing workshops at writers conferences throughout the United States, including the Oregon Christian Writers Conference, Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, and the annual ACFW Conference. Judy is also the author of The God of All Comfort: Devotions of Hope for Those Who Chronically Suffer (AMG Publishers) and currently working on her first novel. You can visit her web site at Please join me in giving Judy a rousing welcome to Seekerville (softly, please).

Writer-Friendly Libraries

When you hear the words “public library’ what pictures comes to mind? Overdue fines? Hair-in-a-bun librarians guarding the books with their lives and shushing all who enter thro

ugh the hallowed doors? Yes, these may have been true of libraries in the past, but, other than
those pesky overdue fines, libraries today bear little resemblance to those of previous eras.
Today libraries view themselves as information centers for their communities. Their mission is meet people’s recreational and informational needs by providing a broad range of books and other materials. Whether you are a writer researching your current WIP, or a novelist seeking a new market for your books, the public library is the place for you.
Electronic Resources for Writers(The information on electronic resources is adapted from the article, “Public Libraries: Gold Mines of Resources for Writers,” Northwest Christian Author, vol. 21, no.3 (May/June, 2009): 1. ©2009 by Judy Gann)
The time to familiarize yourself with your local library is during the research phase of your novel. From online research tools to books on the craft of writing, libraries offer a wealth of resources for writers.
Today computers reign where the card catalog once held court. Online reference databases and other reference materials called Electronic Sources have replaced many encyclopedias and other heavyweight reference books. Electronic Sources (E-Sources) are searchable electronic resources beyond the capabilities and authenticity of popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Libraries pay subscription fees to provide access to these premium magazines, newspapers, and other reference books. The products of major reference firms, E-Sources are updated far more frequently than their print counterparts.
These resources are available to library patrons on their local library’s Web site. You will need to use your library card to log on to your library’s E-Sources from a computer at home or in the library. Instructions are available on the library’s Web site.
Some of my favorite E-Sources for novelists include:
· American Decades: A virtual reference book series, American Decades documents and analyses periods of contemporary American social history, with an emphasis on pop culture. Its companion series, American Decades: Primary Sources, provides full or excerpted primary documents, including photos, advertisements, and newspaper articles. Are you searching for information about 1950’s music? This is the resource for you.
· Associations Unlimited: This is a terrific tool if you are looking for experts on a topic or groups who may be interested in your book. This database is searchable by association, topic, location, and experts.
· Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion: An e-book on the history of clothing through the ages. Great resource for historical fiction writers.
· Greenwood Daily Life Online: Includes reference books, articles, and primary sources. This is a great resource if you are looking for information about life in pre-colonial days to the present. Be sure to check out the section “Tours through Time.”
· Information Plus: A series of books covering a range of social issues. Each volume includes statistical information relevant to its topic.
· Newspapers Direct: Provides instant access to daily editions and back copies for 800 newspapers, in 81 countries, in 38 languages. Has a newspaper article ever triggered an idea for a book? A newspaper article was the impetus behind the “what if” for my WIP.
· Novelist (Novelist Plus): This is a great tool for the “Competing Titles” section of a fiction book proposal. Use the “Read Alikes” option to locate authors and titles of books like yours.
These are just a few of the dozens of E-Sources available to you through the public library. The availability of specific E-Sources varies from library to library. Check your library’s Web site or talk to library staff to learn which databases and virtual reference books are offered by your library.
Reference Librarians Love QuestionsReference librarians thrive on finding the answers to questions—especially challenging ones. Librarians don’t know all the answers, but we usually know where and how to find the answers. Believe me, if I can find the cure for a chicken with a cold (actual telephone reference question), your research questions won’t seem silly or obscure.
A word of caution: Not all library staff are trained reference librarians. If you use a large library, ask for the reference or information desk. The hardworking staff at the desk where you check out books usually aren’t reference librarians, unless you are visiting a small library.
Marketing to Public LibrariesMonths (or years) go by. At long last you have a published novel. You’re doing all you can to get your book into the hands of readers. I encourage you to include the public library in your marketing plan. Contrary to popular belief, libraries aren’t in competition with books. The library serves a segment of the population that doesn’t purchase books—especially during tough economic times, providing you with new readers for your books. Other library users are great word-of-mouth promoters, checking out or books from the library and then telling others about them.
Independent bookstores are closing at an alarming rate and the big chains primarily stock bestsellers. We need to find creative new venues for our books. I encourage you to include public library in your marketing plans. Christian fiction is “hot” in public libraries at the moment. Just last week I noticed the covers of several Christian fiction books on a banner across the home page of a public library system in Missouri’s web site.
Remember the relationships you established with library staff during the research phase of your novel? Now is the time to build on these relationships to promote your book to the library. For details on how to market to public libraries (including the word you never want to use), please see my October 28 guest blog post on Novel Matters at
I have a homework assignment for you. Stop groaning. J Schedule an appointment for yourself at your local library this week. Meet the staff and ask about both book and online resources for writers. Or, tell them about your recently published book. Offer to teach a workshop on writing. I promise, libraries are writer-friendly places.


  1. I have been eagerly waiting for this blog, Julie.

  2. Yes, I know it's still night.

    Shut up. I'm an insomniac.

  3. Thanks for publishing Judy's great post, Julie. The list of electronic resources is wonderful.

  4. Ahhhh, the library. In middle school, I 'graduated' eighth grade with the "Library Award". (I still have it, a medal on a ribbon that I could pin on and wear).
    I was born to be a librarian. It's the perfect world. Quiet, Booky, All that neat organization! All that history and research at hand!
    did I mention books? free? I worked in the library during my study halls. Bliss!

    No, I'm not a librarian but it's still my favorite hang out. (What a great place to write, too!) Now that I have this great list of Judy's, I'll make myself more of a pest! Thanks Judy and Julie.

    PS I'm all about the hair in a bun, too!

  5. Oh Julie,
    Thanks for this. I've not used my local libraries much because to go, I usually have to take 5 kids along and then I become the research librarian for them :-)

    But the times I have gone, the staff have been so helpful.
    I've not even considered building a rapport with the librarians to help with marketing. Great thought!

    Two - thanks for the tips on research. So when I do get a chance to go to the library alone (or only with the oldest 2 kids), I'll have a host of new ideas to try.

    I've brought cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven and hot chocolate, flavored with French Vanilla, whipped cream, and choc syrup.

    Good morning...and I hope it helps your headache.


  6. Welcome, to Seekerville. Great post too.

    I have a spot in my heart for librarians and like to joke that I gave six years of my life and a portion of my left lobe to library cataloging. Not a librarian myself but as a cataloger (that strange breed) I was fortunate to work with the best of the best. Love librarians!!!! Love Dewey. Love
    AACR2 and love OPAC.

    See, you have made my day!!

  7. Thanks for all the great information! I tend to use Google for my researching needs, but I'll have to try the library's more high-powered research tools.

  8. Welcome to Seekerville, Judy! I needed this information. I write historicals and had no idea I could access my library's research books at home. Our library system carries the line I write for so I've been negligent in getting more involved. I'm putting a field trip on my calendar! Thanks!

    Julie, I hope the headache is better.

    Thanks, Pepper, for the lovely cinnamon rolls!


  9. What an interesting post. Thank you.

  10. Thank you for providing the excellant resources, Judy!

    I love to spend time in libraries just browsing the local history section and I'm not necessarily researching a novel either.


  11. Good morning, all -- I slept in this morning, which my husband always loves as I tend to be A LOT nicer when I get my sleep. :)

    Welcome, Judy, and THANK YOU, PEPPER, for covering my sorry carcass with cinnamon rolls this morning. You saved everybody from peach oatmeal!

    MARY ... eagerly awaiting this blog? Well, until I met Judy and heard her speak, that is the LAST thing I would have been eager for, but this gal has a wealth, no ... a kingdom ... of valuable information, particularly on the marketing side. I strongly recommend that anyone interested in the marketing aspect follows through with the "Novel Matters" link at the end of this blog -- great stuff!


  12. Judy, thanks for the great blog! I need to visit my library!!!

    So I can get into newspaper archives through my libarary? Great! Thanks for that tip!!!

    Happy Veteran's Day to all our military service members, their families and our beloved veterans! Thanks for your service to our country.

  13. Hey, KELI, you're welcome! I know that for myself, libraries have always been a little like hooking up a DVD and sound system for an HD TV ... I would walk in and literally stare, eyes glazed and NO CLUE where to look or how. I must have been daydreaming during library classes in school is all I can figure.

    But Judy helped demystify that for me and really has given us access to some great resources.


  14. DEBRA ... Born to be a librarian??? Mmm ... why didn't I get that when I met you at ACFW?? Maybe because you had the twinkle of trouble in your eyes, girl. Congrats on the Library Award ... gotta feeling it's only the first of many (awards) coming your way.

    And the hair in a bun? Uh ... maybe, if it's one of those cool messy buns that my daughter wears, WHICH, I might add ... I cannot do to save my soul. Sigh.


  15. PEPPER!!! You're a lifesaver, girl, with those cinnamon rolls -- THANK YOU!!

    And, gosh, I can't seem to find anything in a library when I'm alone, much less with five kids tagging along. You have my undying admiration, my friend.

    And marketing to libraries? Think about it -- there are over a million libraries in the U.S. (122,356 to be exact), and if every one of them bought a copy of your book, you'd be on the N.Y. Times Bestseller List!! That's nothing to sneeze at!


  16. Grin ... Tina, I must need more coffee. When I read you gave "six years of your life and a portion of your left lobe to library cataloging," I thought: Why would she give an earlobe to that? Does that mean she was a "slave" to it like in the Old Testament where slaves had their earlobes pierced?

    Duh ... obviously you meant half your brain, right? More coffee, please ...


  17. Hey, SARAH, I'm with you -- Google is my library of choice, but I'm finding that when you write historicals, it can take a LOT longer to find what you need on Google than it should. I'm definitely giving the online library a try.


  18. Thanks, JANET, the headache is better ... probably because it's finally sunny here again. October was the record-breaker for the most rain St. Louis has had in recorded history. But, boy, it sure popped the color on those leaves ...


  19. Thanks, JENNY ... I'm glad you found it interesting. I know I sure did, which is saying something for someone allergic to libraries! :)


  20. ROSE!! Do you really?? You must have a calm, philosophical mind. Me? Not so much. :)


  21. DEB!! That's right ... it's Veteran's Day!! Thanks for the reminder, and Happy Veteran's Day, all!


  22. Hi Julie and Judy, What a great post and reminder of our resources. We need to use the library because they tend to be one of the budget cuts when a town or county needs to cut. But if they are well used--they get budget increases. :)

    My library in Tempe takes paperbacks from local authors and has them rebound so they will last longer on the shelves. They are great supporters of local authors.

    And remember, building a readership is great. When someone can't wait for your next book, they go out and buy it.

    Thanks for the cinnamon buns Pepper. I have more coffee and some yummy lox, cream cheese and bagels if someone needs protein.

  23. I'm definitely keeping this one, Julie.
    Great blog.

  24. I remembering you coming out of this class, just jazzed, all fired up. You PROMISED to talk about it.

    I think that was the 2008 conference, darlin'.


  25. Thanks for bringing this exciting post to Seekerville, Julie, LOL. No really, I'm perfectly serious about this. Thanks for all your words of wisdom, Judy!

    The Dewey Decimal System is a lost art. Kids think they can Google everything. I hate to say it, but I haven't really done my part in promoting our local library since my kids started Middle School. Back then I wrote historical and really needed the wealth of knowledge...AND...I knew how to find it : )

    Thanks for the update on all the online resources, too.

    I love the smell of libraries. Makes me feel so smart : )

    Since I'm off work today in honor of our Veterans (loud applause), I took the time and baked a Mexican frittata complete with tobasco on the side. Yumbola! Get it while it's hot!

    Thanks Julie!
    Thanks Judy!

  26. Wonderful post, Julie! Thank you for all of those tips!

  27. I love, love, love the library. (Sorry if it sounds too exuberant, Julie, but I was nice and whispered)

    I used to live at our local library, took the kids and let them go to the children's story. But when they got older and in school, I pretty much wandered the rows looking for imformation.

    Don't get there as much now, spend alot of time on the net. But it's a wonderful place. Access is actually far easier than the net sometimes, especially when all the books are lines up and you can just go through them at will.

    I managed to get two books into the system with our local library as well.

  28. Thanks for the warmm welcome, everyone! My, you east coast people make me feel lazy. Pepper, please pass those cinnamon rolls. Thanks! I haven't had breakfast yet. Pepper, these are online resources. Check with your library (call them). You may be able to access these resources from home.

    Debra, congratulations on your "Library Award." You have all the qualities of a great librarian.

    Tina, you are brave to confess to a public services librarian that you are cataloger. :-) To the rest of you: Inside joke. Think "Farmers and the Cowmen" song from "Oklahoma." Seriously, I don't where we'd be without catalogers.

    Sandra, your local library is a jewel! This is the best example of the library supporting local authors I've heard yet.

    I'm going to take a break and get some breakfast to fight a sugar high from these delicious cinnamon rolls. I'll check back soon.

  29. Hi, Judy! We've run into each other at a couple of ACFW conferences! Great to see you in Seekerville! And it sounds like I need to order a recording of your workshop on marketing to libraries! Thanks, Julie, for the heads up!

    I have forged a relationship already with the librarians at my library. You see, I often order some pretty "strange" resources from the main branch, and I sometimes feel I have to explain to Katherine and Katie why the main library shipped me three CD's of medieval music. Or the history of the Holy Roman Empire, or a book about lynchings in the 1880's. Katie has even talked to me about promoting my books at the library whenever they (finally do) get published. :-)

    Needless to say, I love my librarians.

    And Happy Veterans' Day! My husband and children are going to the Veterans' Day parade today while I stay home and do research. :-)

  30. It's morning, here now, and I'm loving this!!!

  31. Ever since they cast the old maid Mary Bailey as the frumpy librarian in It's A Wonderful Life, librarians have gotten a raw deal.

    But I gotta tell you, libraries rock. Totally.

    And you library princesses?

    The best.

    The catalogers ARE STRANGE (in my experience, nodding to Tina) but lovable.

    And when I had to go into my library and excise some 'behind the counter books' to study umm..

    strategic marital malfunctions...

    I got some grins.

    and my husband got some looks of sympathy but IT WAS FOR A BOOK!!! HONEST!!!


  32. SANDRA!!! You are SO right when you said:

    "Remember, building a readership is great. When someone can't wait for your next book, they go out and buy it."

    Amen to that!! I've gotten letters from readers who said they read my first book in the library and went out and bought all three because they wanted to own the series. Very cool ... and probably wouldn't have happened except for the library ... or a friend lending them theirs.

    LIBRARIES INCREASE YOUR READERSHIP!! I've gotten lots of e-mails confirming that fact.


  33. MARE ... uh, yeah, I guess I did fall a little short on getting the info to the Seekers, but I actually did Xerox it and hand it out to some people, I swear!! I can send it to you if you want, but my notes are messy ... but readable. Let me know, okay?


  34. AUDRA ... grin, you " love the smell of libraries"??? The only thing I smell when I cross the threshold of a library is "fear." But, not anymore ... Judy remedied that!

    Yum ... fritatta!! Bless you!


  35. Thanks, JODY, and you're welcome. I knew a long time ago I wanted to get Judy on our blog, but as my editor is only now discovering, sometimes I can be soooo darn slow!


  36. Gush away, TINA! God knows I'm not a woman who's afraid of a little emotion ... even about libraries!!


  37. JUDY!!! Welcome, my friend! I actually thought you were an East Coast gal as well, so I just thought you slept in ... uh, like I did this morning as well.


  38. MELANIE ... three CD's of medieval music ... Really???? I mean I light candles and have to wear lip gloss when I write, but never have I played music to get me in the mood. It seems like it would be kind of draggy music it?


  39. Thanks, RUTH AND LACEY ... RUTHY, that's you, right, and your daughter???

    And, RUTHY, I forgot about Mary Bailey! Actually, Donna Reed was pretty cute, so that probably helped the librarian image, don't ya think?


  40. Melanie, this time I remember you. Believe me, I'll never forget your name again.:-) I believe the CD from my 2008 workshop is still available on the ACFW Web site. Sounds like you've already forged a great relationship with your librarians.

    Ruth, I'd forgotten about Mary Bailey! LOL Yes, movies have contributed to the stereotyping of librarians. A friend of mine in library school is named Marian. But she didn't want to be known as "Marian the Librarian" (Music Man), so she went by Marnie.

    I appreciate all the wonderful examples of ways you are building relationships with local librarians and promoting your books in libraries. Some of them may show up in my next workshop. :-)

  41. I, too, love librarians and libraries! We have a beautiful new addition to our original
    Carnegie library here, but still are missing some of the big city services. I had the joy of filling in for a year at the school library, and it was wonderful.What more could you ask, being surrounded by all those "voices" on the shelves and being able to push young readers to hear them all!

  42. Wow, what a tremendous post! I humbly confess, I join with Julie in our fear of libraries. Why is it so much less threatening to just click on the Internet icon and Google stuff I want to know?

    As for marketing to libraries, that's definitely an area I need to get more familiar with. I did write a letter to the library in the town I grew up in, though, and told them how much it would mean to me if they'd include my debut novel on their shelves. No reply yet. Hmmmmmm.

  43. Hi Judy:

    I am just discovering our neighborhood library now because I need large print books. Your post gives me many more reasons to explore library resources.

    My question is: “What is the most effective way to get your library to acquire a specific book which they would not likely acquire through normal channels?”


  44. I'm going to have to save this post. Wonderful information, especially for a historical writer who depends on research. Thank you, Judy and Julie!
    ; )

  45. Actually, Julie, a lot of medieval music is very lively and fun to dance to. I didn't use the music to get in the mood, I used specific songs in my WIP. I wanted examples of actual lyrics and songs that people danced to in the 1300's. I found some great stuff. All at my local library.

    One of the greatest research finds I got from my library was when I told my librarian I was trying to do research on the 1880's and what life was like in Alabama at that time. She directed me to a periodical called Old Huntsville. The library had stacks of back copies they were selling for ten cents each. I bought several. They were a gold mine. I used so many fascinating true stories from those magazines in my book, which is now being considered at two different publishing houses.

    And that's so sweet that you remember me, Judy. :-)

  46. Thanks for the great tips, Julie and Judy! I've done some research at our main library branch but know they have lots of treasures waiting that I have no idea about. Point in case -- all those wonderful E-sources you listed. Wow! I'll definitely be checking to see if we have access to some of those.

    I'm sure the cinnamon rolls are long gone and I'm ready for a snack -- maybe some microwave popcorn so the smell will drive the kids crazy when they get home. :-) And, of course, an ice cold Diet Coke to wash it down. Anyone else?

  47. Vince, great question! Most libraries have a procedure for requesting books that they don't own. Many call it placing an ILL (inter-library loan) request. Before borrowing the book from another library system, your library will consider purchasing it. Some libraries have "Book Recommendation" forms on their Web sites.

    BTW, authors, ask those on your influencer lists to request that their libraries purchase your book. Great way to bring your book to the attention of librarians!

    Myra & Julie, many people share your fear of libraries. Library staff realize this and are working hard to make libraries user-friendly places.

    Myra, forgive me if I'm confusing you with another author, but wasn't your book just mentioned in Library Journal or Booklist? If so, contact your hometown library again and let them know. I also saw an ad for your book in the Nov. issue of Book Page. Let the staff know about it, too. If you have further questions contact me through my web site.

  48. Totally agree with Judy.

    My home library is wonderful. Douglas County Public Library, Colorado and always buys what I request. I love them. They are also smart enough to buy Seeker books even many category romances.

    Patrons are important people to libraries.

    And what fun to go to the Library of Congress web site and see YOUR NAME, YOUR BOOK listed. Head rush I am sure!!

  49. Tina,

    it is a rush to see your book on the shelf. I especially loved walking down the row and directing people to the shelf.

    But an even bigger rush is when your book isn't on the shelf cause someone is reading it, and there's a bit of a waiting list for the your book.

    That I loved.

  50. Hi Myra and Judy:


    Your book shows up in the Tulsa library.
    Did you know they list your year of birth right after your name?


    Does the author have an option to leave the date of birth off the catalogue card?

    What does everyone think of libraries publishing the author’s date of birth?

    Why I might have to go and change my official photo. : )


  51. Vince, Don't blame the local library. Authors' birth dates are already on the book's MARC (cataloging) record when it comes to the library. MARC records are copied right into the library's catalog.

    Where's Tina, the resident cataloger? Would you like to explain this? Nothing like passing the buck, right? :-)

  52. Vince, date of birth and date of death. Not optional. Sorry.

    Talk to the Library of Congress with your complaint. Ha!!!

  53. Thanks for jumping in, Tina! Love your response. Can't you picture the Library of Congress suddenly inundated with complaints from authors who visited Seekerville today? LOL

    See why I'm not a cataloger, folks? I'll take working with the public any day. :-)

  54. I looooooove my little local library and librarians! They're super helpful and they don't even mind my 5 kids, Pepper! They finally told me to relax because they'd rather have the noise AND the kids than no kids! How cool is that?!! So my kids love the library, too. =]

    Judy and Julie, do I get brownie points for bringing extra postcards and bookmarks I have from ACFW writers into my library and giving them to the lady in charge of purchasing--who just happens to be a Christian? It's been great watching ACFW authors hit our New Fiction Shelf! hehe. I've even thought of mailing some of the postcards to neighboring libraries--now I think I will! =]

    Great post!! =]

  55. Judy it has been so much fun having you here. Thank you for all the information. Now that I am home from work I intend to explore them all.

    Don't be a stranger!!!!!

  56. Okay, Patty - I'm coming to your library ;-)
    Actually, our local library isn't as kid friendly, but the library near the university where I teach, it's wonderful - just out of the way.
    My question is:
    How do you navigate trying to do research when your kids span every section of the library EXCEPT the adult one ;-)

  57. PATTY!!! YES ... you DO get brownie points for taking ACFW bookmarks to your library -- what a brilliant (and nice) thing to do!

    Grin. Hey, I'll send you as many bookmarks you want, girl, so just give me the word!! :)


  58. Patty, you deserve a whole batch of brownie points! Wow! You are a marketing maven for ACFW authors.

    Thank you for all your comments and questions. It was a joy to spend the day with you.

  59. Pepper, I almost missed your question.

    Ask your library's reference librarians to help you with your research. Check to see if resource materials (such as the ones I mentioned) are accessible from your home computer.

  60. Judy, I'm late commenting. But I read your great post earlier. My internet froze up twice when I tried to comment! :)

    Thanks so much for this great info!! I'm so glad you joined us today.

    And now, I'm going to your other article to see what the no-no word is. I'm afraid I've probably used it! :)

  61. Libraries are wonderful places everyone should discover. They expand your mind and help you grow and learn. Be there. New teen read: Angela 1: Starting Over. If interested see

  62. I love the first job (while still in high school) was working in our local library...I still visit it when I'm 'home.' Julie...I am a huge fan of your books...I'm enjoying this hour.

    karen k

  63. Pepper, although we often spend way over an hour at the library, I have yet to do research there. (I WILL be talking with those wonderful ladies about the resources listed here!) My library is really small and that helps keeping track of kids, but more than that, they're all avid readers so they run in and stick their noses in books. The kids will also hit the computers if we're there for a long time (more than an hour).

    Thanks for the brownie points, Julie and Judy! I'll make a pan this weekend and tell the kids I earned them. LoL Think it'll work?

    Looking forward to sending out those postcards and bookmarks, Julie! =]

  64. Great information! Thank you, Judy and Julie!
