Saturday, November 7, 2009

Time For The Seekerville Weekend Edition

Don't Miss Seekerville's First Ever

Work Day Giveaway,

November 12, 2009.

We'll be giving away a book an hour from

9 to 5


as we host Hard Working Editor

Tina James, Senior Editor

Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense
and Love Inspired Historical.

Next Time In Seekerville:

Monday: Love Inspired Historical author, Janet Dean is your hostess.

Tuesday: Revell author, Dan Walsh, The Unfinished Gift, will be here.

Wednesday: Judy Gann, author and speaker appears in Seekerville.

Thursday: 9 to 5 with Steeple Hill Senior Editor, Tina James.

Friday: NCIS aficionado, Lisa Jordan is our special guest.

Winner Time:

The chocolate winner, from Audra Harders, Thursday post, Mentors, is CK Farm, aka Kerri.

November 2009 Contest Update winners are Shauna (of Treasure Seekers Blog!!!) and Helen Gray.

If you haven't been contacted, please contact us by Saturday November 14. Thanks, and congratulations. Tina at TinaRusso dot com

Time To Save The Date:

November 19, Putnam, YA author Lara Zielin is coming!

November 20, Heartsong Presents author, Erica Vetsch is here for an encore.

November 27, Marlena Fortune returns and just in time for the first Christmas shopping
trip of the year.

November 30, Seekerville welcomes Bethany House debut author, Jody Hedlund.

December 2,
Seekerville welcomes Barbour author and editor, Aaron McCarver.

December 9,Medical Romance author, Candace Calvert comes to Seekerville.

December 11, We are honored in Seekerville to have RITA Award Winner and Christy Award Winner, Tamera Alexander as our guest.

December 31, Madame Zelda's New Year's Eve Rockin' Party.

Time For Seeker Sightings:

Julie Lessman:

November 1 through 30, Julie is featured at Exemplify Online & Magazine.

November 2-8: Interview and book giveaway on Margaret Daley’s blog.

November 5-11: Interview and book giveaway on Trish Perry’s blog Reading, Writing and the Stuff In-Between.

Myra Johnson:

November 9,
find Myra at Barbour's Edit Cafe.

November 12,
she's at Faith and Fiction on Fire, discussing Who's Got Character.

Missy Tippens:

Nov. 4-10, A Pen For Your Thoughts

Nov. 9-13 , Margaret Daley's blog.

Nov. 12, at Myra Johnson's Writer at Random

Join her at The Romance Dish (a new blog!) Review Nov. 11, Guest blog Nov. 20

Nov. 11, Novel Journey

November 14, 10:00 am-5:00 pm, you can find Missy signing books at the Christmas in the Country Arts & Crafts Festival (books will be available for purchase) at
Winder First United Methodist Church.

Mary Connealy:

Sunday (tomorrow)
you can find Mary at Lena Nelson Dooley's blog for and interview and a giveaway of her recent release Cowboy Christmas.

November 9, find Mary at Faith and Fiction on Fire, discussing Who's Got Character.

Camy Tang:

Nov 12th, Camy is on talking about Shoes

Nov 14th you can find Camy on Girls, God, and the Good Life talking about inexpensive Christmas gifts

Debby Giusti: Just in time for Christmas. Don't forget to preorder Debby's holiday Love Inspired Suspense release, Yule Die in the Christmas Peril release.

You can find Debby at the Southern Magic Readers' Luncheon, in Birmingham, AL, today, November 7th with a book signing following. The day starts at 11 AM. More info here.

November 11, Debby will be blogging at CRAFTIE Ladies of Suspense. Join her for a tribute to our military, in honor of Veteran's Day.

Glynna Kaye: Today Saturday, Nov 7th Noon-3:00 pm Join Flagstaff's own for a book signing at Hastings on Milton. (Hastings Books Music & Video, 1540 South Riordan Ranch Street, Flagstaff, Arizona)

Cheryl Wyatt newsletter naming contest.

Cheryl's newsletter used to be called The Acorn Connection. Due to the other ACORN being in the news, she has opted to change her newsletter name. Cheryl would love your thoughts on a new name. If she chooses your name, you will win a free bundle of books—the first 5 books in her Wings of Refuge Series from Steeple Hill. E-mail your name ideas by 12 Midnight CST Dec. 30 CST to and please put “Newsletter Name Contest” in the subject line. This contest is only open to her newsletter subscribers. To subscribe to Cheryl's newsletter click on this link.

Random News Time:

NaNoWriMo week one comes to a close. How'd you do?

From Publisher's Weekly Online: Third Quarter Profits Jump at Harlequin.

A Few Words on Royalty Statements:


  1. Tina:

    I just read my name in your article. Sent you a message. Let me know if it doesn't come through.


  2. Good morning, Helen. Got your message and we are ready to roll.

  3. BTW happy Saturday..and you know how I was bemoaning our snow and 22 degree temps?

    Thursday it was 78 here in Denver.

    Go figure.

    So how's everyone's NaNo going?

  4. 78 degrees...

    After a foot of snow.

    Honey, that's wrong on so many levels, LOL!


    Although we tend to do that here in the spring, the HUGE effect of Lakes Ontario and Erie on WNY temps.

    Big thanks for weekend edition, Toots! I got up early to get my writing time in because I'm going to a craft sale today sponsored by a Catholic school for the developmentally disabled, The School of the Holy Childhood.

    While that might not seem momentous, this is the FIRST time I've been able to go because I've always had to work on Saturdays this close to Christmas and Thanksgiving. Time off wasn't an option.

    A few writing contracts changed that so I'm totally psyched to be able to head to this very sweet school and support their sale.

    SO HAPPY!!!! :)

    And then back to work this afternoon after I stack firewood in the garage. Does anyone really put cars in their garage? What a novel thought.


  5. Hey, guys! Some great guests coming up. Can't wait!

    I only tried NaNo once, and that was two years ago. I got writer's block for the first time in my life, I don't know why. It was horrible. I may never try NaNo again. It's weird, because I love doing BIAW or BIAM. I think it was because I tried to leave my current WIP behind and start a new WIP, and my subconscious mind can't handle not finishing something. That's my theory anyway, not that anyone would care!!! LOL

  6. I totally agree, Melly. We get invested in what we are working on, and it is hard to switch gears emotionally.

    I am doing a modified NaNo to finish my WIP. So while I bent the rules for moi, it works.

    I can't see spending a month writing drivel I don't care about. Since frankly, 12 months of the year are NaNo in my world. I am just doing it faster than usual in November.

  7. "Good mornin', Good mornin'"
    Thanks Tina for the post.

    Julie's article in Exemplify was great, thanks for sharing the link.

    Gotta question:
    Any of you guys ever had 'one of those books' where each chapter was like ripping your eyebrows out with duct tape?

    When I write my contemps, the chapters seem to flow pretty well, but my wip is a historical (and very dramatic), so for some reason when I finish a chapter I feel like I've accomplished something brilliant - like donating a lung or something.

    What is that? It's a first for me, but I've been writing this novel in my head for 8 years. Just curious if I'm going crazy, or other people know this feeling ;-)

    You don't have to admit to being crazy like me, of course.

  8. Yes, Pepper, I wrote one of those books. It took me the longest time to write it and it was my shortest book. I love it, but it was hard to write. The research was hard, the scenes were hard to write, and yet I think it turned out well. It was kind of a "darker" and more emotionally wrenching type of book than I like to write. Maybe that was why it was so hard.

  9. Thanks, Melanie.
    I think that's what it is. A darker and somewhat more emotionally intense book.

    It's a book I HAVE to write, though and I love the research, but the research is even intense.

    anyway, I keep forging ahead and when I finish a chapter (you know, the 5th version of that one chapter), I'm pleased with it.

    Crazy, I know!!

  10. Hi Tina:

    My Nano as of Friday is 13,235. Like you, my Nano is Book 2 of my current WIP. I did Book 1 for BIAW at 58,500. I think the book will finish at 120,000.

    I also have had no luck doing NaNo with a new book when my current WIP was at least half written. Dropping a current WIP, and giving your undivided attentions to anther, is like cheating on a spouse. (Not that I would know what that is like.)

    Remember: those other characters are still in your head. They see what you are doing and they don’t like it! Those other characters have shot down three of my past NaNo attempts. At least they didn’t ask for a divorce.


    P.S. “Holy Childhood” is a wonderful name for a church. I’ve never heard this name before. I hope everything goes well.

  11. WAY TO GO, VINCE!!

    To tell you the truth, Pepper, all my writing except short stories are like giving birth, the hard way. Nothing is easy. I think it is because I am basically an internal person and writing really forces me to dig deep into emotions and places I often don't visit or revisit.

    I am easily affected by my environment too. That bleeds over into my writing.

    I can't even watch the news, especially when I am writing.

    Friday I passed by a crime scene, on the way to work. I have been really tormented by that since then. How the victim died, how his family feels, how the person who discovered the body feels and how this affects his entire life.

    I think we writers are a different breed and not many people understand that.

  12. Love the new layout and header :)




  14. Can we do sound on a blog? I feel a desperate need for pounding surf and seagulls.

    I think I'll go see if I can find that on youtube.

  15. Thanks Tina
    I think you're right about the 'mindset' - and boy is it nice to be among 'like-minded' people :-)

    I'm with Arianna and Mary - the new Header is lovely. Very fantasyish.

  16. Mary, that'd be really fun! And I is really nice : )

    Nice edition, Tina! There are some good guests coming up!

    Ahhhh....can't type today. Hands are bothering me : / Stressed! Busy! Doing physics homework...had to take a break : ) My sis, grandma, and I went to Friendlys for lunch today. No one else is around today except the 3 of us, so we decided we "wouldn't be around" either : D Lol! We also went to a bookstore, JC Pennys, and TJ Maxx. It was fun!

    "Okay...back to work now..." she said begrudgingly (I hope I spelled that correctly).

    P.S. Prolly gonna post a new blog post on my blog tonight! It's been a long time....too busy!

  17. Hi Tina:

    Your new header is pure 'torture'. I’ve been to islands like those but I don’t know if I’ll ever get back again. Time is not unlimited.

    I know how the sand feels resting between my toes and how the water is so clear and buoyant that it’s impossible to sink. I can still hear the waves, feel the breeze, and smell the tropic flowers mixed with the scent of sea salt.

    And then the unkindest cut of all: the rainbow. It looks more like the launching of a dream than the end of one. I just spent a half hour this morning looking at Audra’s ‘Circle D Ranch’ rainbow -- wondering if it were real or just someone’s darkroom vision. I dare you to look at this picture, full size, and tell me you’re not inspired.

    I have the opposite of writer’s block: inspiration overload. I’ve got to get to work. Bless you.


  18. Well the new header is not is the creation of Seekerville's very own graphic artist, whose name we keep under wraps, lest someone steal him away from us.

    Thanks mystery graphic artist.

    Seekerville loves you.

  19. I almost said our very own artist's name too.

    But, maybe we should. Maybe it would drum up business.

    Wow, do we need a poll on THIS NOW?

  20. :)

    Go here:

    Surf and Sean Gulls

    Click on the speaker under Seagulls with Surf in the Background, then get Seekerville opened back up on a separate windown. Well worth the waste of a few minutes of your life. :)

  21. Well rats. Didn't work.

    I'm on a mission now.

    Surf and Sea Gulls
    Surf and Sea Gulls

    If that doesn't work, copy and paste this link.

  22. LOL Mary!!! I totally agree : D

    That was lovely!

  23. Hi Mary:

    I played the sound clip. Soooo good. It made me think of one of the first times I ever came to Seekerville. I believe Tina had a link to Kokomo. I was hooked after that.


  24. I'm so glad to see the beautiful new banner!! I so want a beach vacation!!

    Pepper, I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing about your pulling out your eyeballs with duct tape!!!!! Such a great description. :)

    And yes, I've felt that way on certain scenes. In fact, sometimes I've avoided scenes, trying to do some sort of summary. Then I realize I have to go back and write it. I can't just breeze past it. And often, I can do it when I'm in a better frame of mind.

  25. Ladies, I LOVE your new look! How I wish I could buy a ticket to your island and curl up in a hammock.

    As for NaNo... It's NaNOT for me, I'm afraid. I really meant to do it this year, but life said, "Oh no, I don't think so." Still, I could always do my own private one in January. Hmmmm....

  26. Oh, I love the new banner. Why would anyone want to leave unpubbed island?

    Vince, LOL on cheating on your characters. I never really thought of it like that, and now I'm feeling oddly guilty.

    Pepper, also LOL at your lung donation metaphor. Too funny and too true.

    Thanks for a great weekend edition, Tina. It's always packed with info and good stuff.

    ps -- Can I just say that I cannot *wait* to party with Madame Zelda? Will she have a crystal ball or tarot cards or something?

  27. Tina:

    I just want to wave a banner at the new banner. It's great.


  28. Hi Seekers, I love your new header! I agree with Mary, add some sound - I can hear the rush of waves and the seagulls squawking in the background. I'm ready to set my sun umbrella up, and sit a spell...

  29. Anne, she's a church going gypsy specializing in characterization. But she still loves her crystal ball--very useful device for applying makeup. Check out her last year predictions for 2009 by clicking on her link.

  30. Hey.
    I followed Mary's link to the sounds of the sea. Nice.
    Very nice!!

    I could swear the girl playing keyboard today had it set to steel drum band during one of our worship songs! Hmmm. I was ready to start a conga line but no one else was tuned in. I think it's the Seekerville influence.

    Ruthy, how did you do at the sale? I thought of you. I just need two saturdays a week.

    Nice job, Tina. As usual!

  31. Are you saying Seekerville is making you hear things?


    Sea gulls?


    Talking heads?

  32. Hearing things, Tina?

    or SEEING THINGS? Even in teeny, tiny font.

  33. Love the new header!! =] Makes me want to stay awhile. =[ I'll get over it.

    I'm looking forward to this week's line up! Especially Thursday's!! What better way to celebrate a birthday? LoL

  34. Happy Birthday, Thursday, Patty W!!!
