Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Last Weekend Edition of 2009

Wow, another year is closing and 2010 is upon us. Are you ready for this trip?

We Have Winners!

Monday: Winner of Missy Tippens latest release, A Forever Christmas, from her Monday post, Checking Your List and Checking It Twice, is
Kerri C at CK Farm. Please email your address to Missy at missytippens at aol dot com.

Tuesday: Meet Margaret Brownley was our post and we have two winners of A Lady Like Sarah:Carrie Turansky and Melissa Jagears.


Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Seeker Pam Hillman leads Seekerville today.

Tuesday: Steeple Hill Suspense and Zondervan author Camy Tang shares today.

Wednesday: Barbour author Mary Connealy is posting. Stop by for The Husband Tree giveaway and New Year's Resolutions for Writers.

Thursday: Let's get this party started! Madame Zelda's Rockin' New Year's Eve Party.

We'll look at last year's predictions, what's coming up in 2010, and share some of our new year guest list. You can count on give a few giveaways announced at midnight. All you have to do is show up!

Friday: January 2010 Contest Update with a little something from the prize vault too!

Random News:

  • It's not too late to enter these unpublished contests:Great Expectations. Deadline December 30, 2009. Mailed entry fees will be deposited January 15, 2010. Entry consists of a single page query letter and 25 manuscript pages. Marlene Awards:Deadline January 15, 2010. Entry is synopsis and the beginning of the manuscript up to 35 pages total.

It may only be December 26, but January 1 is exactly 5 days and a few measly hours away. What's your plan for 2010?

(Fail to plan. Plan to fail.)

Here's an inspiring first look at New Year's Resolutions:

A Full New Year's Resolution This New Year's by Danielle Bullen


  1. Tina:

    Looking forward to Madam Zelda's predictions, as well as upcoming posts.


  2. Thanks! I am looking forward to reading Margaret's book! Thanks for all the great tips, wisdom, and fun blog posts. I enjoy stopping by Seekerville each day.

  3. Fail to plan, plan to fail.....

    I'll use that as my motto this week as I chart my goals for 2010.
    It's my plan to review the goals I set last year and start focusing on what I want to accomplish in the coming year.


  4. Happy December 26th. Snow flurries here in Denver. Nothing compared to what hit Nebraska. Praying you are all warm and safe.

  5. Oooo, I LOVE Madame Zelda's predictions, too, Helen!!

    Tina, thank you for ALL the wonderful Weekend Editions that helped to make my weekends more special. And mega thanks to all The Seekers for their amazing friendship this year AND all the very cool Seekerville friends who help make this site as fun as it is.

    A blessed new year to each and every one of you, filled to the brim with writing and success.

    I just have one observation. If a book entitled Pride and Prejudice and Zombies can make it to the bestseller list AND become a movie ... dear God, there is hope for us all!


  6. Happy Day After Christmas to everyone! How are the Christmas Day food hangovers doin'? ; )

    Sounds like lots of fun coming up! However, I think I'm in denial for 2010!

    I LOVE Natalie Portman and hadn't heard this news yet! Thanks for letting me know : ) And Glee's Last Christmas is pretty good...not one of my faves of theirs. Anyone watch the show? We tried watching the first couple episodes and didn't like it at all, there was barely any music. We had heard a lot of good things about it, so the last couple weeks we watched it...not sure if we'll continue with it or not, but the music's good! Alicia and I got the first CD for Xmas : )

    Hope you all had the happiest of days yesterday! Talk to you later,

  7. Hi ladies! I have only been on Seekerville for a short time, but I am simply loving every minute I spend here. Great information! I have presented your blog with a couple awards. You can pick them up here at my site:

    God bless and Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks for the awards, Casey. BTW love that photo on your blog. BEAUTIFUL!!

    Hannah. It's good to remember that Glee is totally tongue in cheek and a parody of teenage movies. So the story line is pretty out there.

    I watch it for the music. Got both CDs for Christmas. LOVE THEM!!

  9. Merry Christmas, everyone. Hannah, yes, I definitely have a food hangover! I don't think my diet can wait for New Year's. :)

    Thanks for all the funny, informative, inspiring posts of 2009. Can't wait to see what you ladies will accomplish in the new year. Seekers rock!

    I'll be raising my chapmagne glass to Madame Zelda on New Year's Eve. Who needs Times Square? ;)

  10. Lots to look forward too,

    Madam Zelda will be offering predictions

    New faces and dear friends will be joining the pages of Seekerville.

    We will be gifted with more weekend up dates from Miss Tina

    We will learn and grow and be challenged to plan and write or try to write.

    And Natalie will be running from flesh eating Zombies.

    That is some deep information.

    Now, I have something to share.

    I placed third in my category for the Phoenix Rattlers, Does Your Story Have Bite contest, with my story Counting Tessa. It will now go to Diedre Knight for final judging.

    I never would have sent it without the encouragement and the hiney kicking from you all at Seekerville.

    So thanks.

  11. Good afternoon Seekerville! I'm vegging out at home.

    Got a pot of soup on.

    Cleaning out my overflowing inbox...

    and eyeing that monstrosity of a tree, trying to decide if I want to take it down.

    Not today though. I'll enjoy it a couple more days, then tackle the job.

  12. Tina P. congrats!!! That's SO exciting! You have to watch out for those Seekers....they're pretty encouraging : P

    Lol Tina! I do really love the music from Glee. However, my choir director says that it's not really them singing...I try to block him out, but he knows his stuff! I don't know though....I love Proud Mary! One of my absolute faves!

    Anne....oh my goodness! I can't even begin to think about New Year's food...much less TALK about it!!! Lol! That'll have to wait a couple days : )

    Boy, Seekerville is waking up! More came after me : )
    Talk to you later,

  13. Hiney kicking is one of our favorite things to do, right up there with making writers walk the plank and eating chocolate.


    Way to go, dudette.

  14. They are all lip syncing but it is them. There was one song where they did it live, and it was one of the hip hop songs.

    From Answers dot com

    Yes, the cast of Glee really sings and is credited on the soundtrack.

    Observations from other WikiAnswers contributors:

    •If you look them up on, usually people are not credited with songs if not really singing them. Glee on IMDb and under the trivia section it says "All cast members do their own singing and dancing."
    •You can tell its their real voices, just listen to them talk and then sing. They record those songs in a music studio, then sync it while they are acting it out.

  15. Hey there. Only 364 shopping days left until Christmas. :)

  16. Hi All:

    Does anyone know if ‘Sense and Sensibility and Shape Shifters” is taken as a title?


  17. I Googled it and nothing. But you can go to the Library of Congress site and search too.


    Hey last year at this time we both entered the Marlene and didn't final. WANT TO TRY AGAIN??

  18. Hi Tina:

    When’s the deadline for the Marlene? I’d want to enter something that I’ve not entered anywhere before. Perhaps the first chapter of my WIP. I’d need some time to do this.

    I entered four contests last year and I never entered the same story twice. However, I did better each time. This time I’ll actually have a manuscript – even if it’s just a first draft. I’m ready to try another contest.


  19. Poor Nebraska.

    Seriously. Talk about a snow-filled Christmas! Sending love and prayers to all you guys in the snow belt. Crazy time to be snowed in. I'd love to hear some of THOSE stories, wouldn't you guys????


    And check the birth records come late August, 2010, LOL!

    Tina, I love 'fail to plan, plan to fail'.

    Sweet. Succinct. Solid. And thank you once again for a great holiday weekend edition, sweet thing! The road signs... PERFECT!

    I'm loving Sense and Sensibility and the Shape Shifters, Vince, baby!!! This could be the NEXT BIG THING!!!! :)

    I've got to watch Glee... Check it out. Beth bought me the first season of Castle for Christmas on DVD so I'll finally get to see it. Every time I try to stream it into my laptop, it stutters. My family says it's me...

    I'm not so sure they're wrong, LOL!


    "How to Marry a Millionaire Zombie"

    Totally stealing from Kerrilyn Sparks, but she's a nice girl and she won't mind.

  20. Congrats, Tina P.!! Woohoo! Nothing like placing in a contest to end the year with a bang.

  21. Vince the two closest upcoming contests are listed in....drumroll..this WEEKEND ED.

    The Marlene and Great Expectations..scroll down near the bottom.

  22. Ruthy! Lucky you with the Castle DVDs!!! I only get to see the new ones when my mom and sis have fallen asleep...otherwise, they won't let me watch it because they don't want to! I'm outnumbered, what can I say!

    We just got home from seeing The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling was. great!! Has anyone seen it? You definitely should!!

  23. Tina, I'm changing my former prediction of not entering any contests next year. I predict instead that I will enter the RITA in November! WOOHOO!

    Looking forward to Madame Zelda's insight. :-)

  24. Lol Melanie...we knew you couldn't stay away ; )

    I am very curious indeed to meet/see this Madame Zelda...does she do predictions for everyone or just you lucky Seekers? Just curious...

  25. Melanie, it's time for you to come out of the closet, or the bed, or where ever you are hiding that contract.

  26. Click on the link next to Madame Z and you can recap her last few visits.

  27. Tina, when the details are worked out and I am cleared to announce it, you Seeker girls will be the first to know! The book comes out in October, that much I know already. :-)

  28. Hi Tina:

    I think I can meet the January 15th deadline on the Marlene contest. I’ll enter the first 35 pages on my WIP “Characters in a Romance” and see what happens.

    By April, when they announce the finalists, I should have a full manuscript fairly ready to show – if a miracle happens and I’m asked to sent one!!! : ).

    So, let’s do it again this year. Oh, and good luck.


  29. Okay, Vince. Let's give it a go again.
