Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Looking Back . . . Moving Forward

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

A year ago--December 2008--I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that by January 23, 2009, I’d have received the long-awaited “Call.” That by August I’d be holding a copy of my very first published book in my hands. Never would have imagined I’d have received my first glowing reader letters shortly thereafter.

Now here on the brink of 2010 as I near completion of my second Steeple Hill Love Inspired, I marvel at how, in the twinkling of an eye, dreams can come true.

To be quite honest, 2009 has been a rollercoaster blur. The Call. Art Fact Sheet. Dear Reader Letter. Bio. Revisions. Line edits. Seeing the sweet book cover for the very first time. Final proofing of the author copy sent out the door at April’s end.

Then came a professional photo and website design. Brainstorming and getting approval on another book proposal. Seekers & Seekerville friends at American Christian Fiction Writers in Denver. First book signing. And throughout the past five months heartwarming letters from readers telling me how much they loved my first book!

Whoever would have thought a year ago that all this could happen?

Right now you might be thinking “what could she possibly have to look forward to next year?” Well, besides entering a few published contests, I hope to soon have my second book contracted and a be off and running on a third.

Most of all, however, I’m looking forward to becoming a writer who can meet the expectations of a growing readership! If you really and truly love to write, that’s the beautiful thing about our profession. You never learn it ALL, so things stay interesting, challenging, no matter where you are along the journey: unpublished, newly published, multi-published, old-hand-at-it published. In each phase there is always room to learn, room to improve. New techniques to employ, new aspects of the writing craft to master.

Moving forward into 2010, I’d encourage all of you to look back over this past year. Count your blessings. Thank those who’ve helped you along the way. Celebrate what you’ve accomplished. Then look prayerfully, hopefully, faithfully, and courageously to what the new year may bring. Remember, a year ago I had NO idea I’d be a published writer in 2009. Maybe that will be YOUR story to share with us a year from now!

Wishing you the many blessings of this season!


An ACFW "Genesis" and RWA Faith, Hope & Love "Touched by Love" award winner, GLYNNA KAYE'S first published book Dreaming of Home (Steeple Hill Love Inspired) is now available!


  1. Coffee made.

    Careful out there people..we heard the news report here on the island.


    Glynna, what a lovely post. Congratulations on a great year.

  2. Thanks, Tina! It's been a wild year for certain! You just never know what may be just around the corner. Hoping 2010 brings an empty island!!

  3. Wow, Glynna, you summed up the year and you're right. A rollercoaster ride for sure. How fun.

    I'm right there with your reader fans. Your first novel is a winner. I loved DREAMING OF HOME and can hardly wait for the next.

    Thanks for the coffee Tina.

    SNOW. That would be at Glynna's. Surely not on the island.

    But Hey, Let's make a snowman.

  4. Hey, Island Snow is something to be coveted. Like a blue rose. The beauty of an ice storm.

    Snow on sand.

    I'm totally into that scene, schematically speaking of course.


    Glynna, I loved Dreaming of Home and I will forever after celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day.


    And I brought some Christmas cheer. Eggnog, to toast the loveliness of the holiday. Sweet cider to tempt the palate. Sweet breads and kuchens to grace the morning table, layered with jams, jellies, good things of all sorts, and cheese spreads divine.

    Oh Holy Night approacheth!!!


  5. Mornin', Glynna ... really enjoyed your post today ... uh, needed it, actually. Because "counting your blessings" is something we all need to remember ... over and over again.

    I have a dear Tennessee friend who had to travel to Texas two days ago because there is a cancer hospital there that is one of the few that can handle the extensive cancer her husband was just discovered to have -- cancer in the thyroid, lymph nodes, larynx and spine ... not to mention a heart problem that cropped up. His surgery took almost 14 hours yesterday, but he is holding his own, praise God. Or ... God is holding his own! But nonetheless, a quick prayer for Mike and Joy would be greatly appreciated.

    My, how Amazon ratings, rejections, contest losses, massive revisions, editor stalemates and 1-star reviews can suddenly slip to the lowest rung of priority!! NOTHING is more important than counting our blessings -- gifts from God, all, because focusing on our problems will only take our eyes off the One who will see us through each and every one, risking embitterment and the blockage of blessings waiting on the other side.

    Sorry to be so philosophical this morning, but let's blame it on the fact that I need breakfast, and two days before Christmas, there is nothing I'd rather have than coffee and Christmas cookies. Russian teacakes, spritz, iced sugar cookies and fudge are some of my favorites, so I brought them along today. And, gosh, if enough people bring their tastiest tidbits, we just may have enough for a cookie exchange ... along with our blessing exchange. :)

    A blessed Christmas Eve Eve to all and may you get every present wrapped, every decoration hung and every dish prepared in record time!


  6. Glynna, I also loved your book and I'm anxious to read book 2! This was a great year for you--for several of us, in fact. And I hope next year will be spectacular for those on Unpubbed Island!!!

    I'm having a second latte this morning.

  7. Thanks, Sandra! So glad you enjoyed it!

    Yes, snow at Glynna's. 2 feet a couple of weeks ago. Close to another foot in the past 24 hours. Haven't made a snowman in FOREVER! Too busy shoveling it!

  8. Good morning, Ruthy! Thanks for bringing the morning's goodies. Yep, Talk Like Pirate Day will always hold a special place in my heart! :)

  9. Good morning, Julie. Doesn't take much to put our own troubles into perspective does it? Prayers for your friend. Especially hard for families around the holidays.

    With you and Ruthy both on the ball this morning, guess I'd better share freshly baked molasses cookies!

  10. Hi Cara! I probably shouldn't be speaking to you this morning, having just shoveled out AGAIN while you sip your latte and gaze out at the palm trees! But it IS the Christmas season and you DID love my book, so I will graciously refrain from pouting. :)

  11. Glynna,

    Don't feel alone on the scooping out...we are expecting a two day blizzard here in South Dakota so our Christmas festivities will include "scooping out" in addition to a late celebration and that's okay because I want my family safe in their homes and not stranded in a vehicle! That's a huge blessing to count!

    Thanks for an inspirational reminder that dreams do come true!

    I will add chocolate waffle cookies and Chex mix to the potluck table. They are my most requested Christmas treats.


  12. Hi Rose! Thanks for making me feel better. I don't feel so all alone if you're having a blizzard (we had one 2 weeks ago, but looks like we'll be clear for the rest of the week/weekend).

    Chocolate waffle cookies? I think we may need the recipe for that one shared here! And Julie's Russian Teacakes--although I think those may be what we call "Mexican Wedding Cakes" in this part of the country.)

  13. Mornin' Glynna! What a fine celebration of 2009 you are enjoying!

    I'm so proud of you and your first book! Heartwarming and fun, Dreaming of Home is a real winner. I can't wait for the next book!

    Is the snow flying in your neck of the woods? It's falling in big fluffy flakes here in Longmont.

    On the island? Well, I prefer buckets of sand to buckets of snow : )

    Blessing to everyone this merry Christmas eve eve!!

  14. That's a wonderful story, thank you for sharing. Though I am waiting on God for the moment of publication, it is so encouraging to hear from those who have gone before and had a contract out of the blue! Maybe 2010 is my year, maybe it isn't, but this post was very encouraging for me. Thank you!!!

  15. Well, I had Twining Christmas Tea for breakfast and a couple of frosted Santa shaped sugar cookies for breakfast.

    That was fun.

    I might need protein though.

    Great year for you Glynna, for Seekerville, too.

    Ho Ho Ho :)

  16. Thanks Glynna. I love a good reminder that 'next year might be the year'...

    And I love having Christmas cookies for breakfast. TIs the season of just too darn many goodies within reach.

    Merry Christmas and a new year full of joy, health, love, sales and fun to the Seekers, followers and groupies.

  17. Hi, Audra! You're probably getting some of what we had yesterday -- looked like a scene from one of those old-time Christmas movies or a well-shaken snow globe!

  18. Casey -- it really CAN happen! I'm living proof. 2008 was another year just like many before it -- writing, learning the craft, entering contests. Then WHAM!

  19. I like your choice of breakfast items, Mary! And yes, indeed, 2009 has been a very active year on the Island! Hoping that at this time next year we'll be fixing up ALL 15 of the VACATED huts as a writer's retreat property!

  20. Debra -- YES, next year could be the year. You just never know. I sure didn't!

  21. Awesome, Glynna! I could feel your excitement in this post! And I know you worked hard for this for a long time, so I'm doubly happy for you. And I got to meet you in Denver! I think I met all the Seekers in Denver! And I didn't even realize at the time that Cara James is from my own home state! Just at the opposite end of it, but still!

    It's been an exciting year. I wasn't even supposed to go to that conference, but I got a scholarship at the "last minute." Well, a couple of months before the conference, but after I'd already given up hope! God is so faithful.

    And the book I'd given up on garnered interest from a great publisher. A month or two ago I never would have believed my first book, THAT BOOK, would be coming out in October of next year, but it is. Although it's not official yet, so shhh. It'll be our secret.

  22. Congratulations, Glynna and thanks for the encouragement. Your story inspired me. :)


  23. MELANIE! So excited it's close to being official!! The Seekers have been holding our collective breath, wondering when we'd get to celebrate your setting sail from Unpubbed Island! Congratulations! Just like me, a year ago you didn't have a clue as to what what the coming year would bring! Happy dancing for you! Can't wait to hear more! And yes, of course...shhhh. :)

  24. Thanks, Susan! It really and truly can happen in the blink of an eye!

  25. Thanks, Audra and Glynna. It truly feels like a miracle.

  26. Lovely, encouraging post, Glynna! Your sale was a dream come true at warp speed. :-) And who knows, January may bring a repeat performance for you and lots of us. Praying so!

    The year has been very good to me. A new book, a new agent, good health for our family. The list is long and wouldn't be complete without the name of Jesus, the greatest blessing of them all!

    Merry Christmas!

  27. (whispering congratulations, Melanie)

    Oops, too loud. Oops.

  28. HI Glynna,

    congratulations on your accomplishments in 2009...wishing you the best in 2010.

    I'm asking Santa for your books.

    Merry Christmas.


  29. Glynna, thanks for this Christmas story pick-me-up. I can sure use a vicarious victory whoop in the middle of adding word count and revisions. : )
    I will be praying for Mike and Joy, and for his complete healing, Julie.
    Merry Christmas to you all here at Seekerville. Thanks for a great year of fellowship and encouragement on unpubbed island. Can't wait to launch Melanie's medieval-type romantic boat and watch her sail off toward her great future! : )

  30. Thanks you, Karen! Hope Santa comes through for you! :)

  31. Kathleen -- Sounds like you're as busy on your WIP as I am right now! I get to reward myself for a day or two--Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day family time--then back at it again! And hopefully NO shoveling for few days! :)

  32. Awwww! Glynna! And I am SO happy for you getting published, too! : ) I absolutely loved your first book and can't wait to read your next! I didn't even know that you had another this one carry on the story of anyone that we met in the first? That would be kinda cool. Missy does that, which I've enjoyed : ) Cheryl has too!

    It's funny you should talk about the year as a whole. My mom was looking over something the insurance company had sent her and she told me, "Hannah, I'm so glad I have great insurance because you've cost A LOT in the past year!" I was like geez mom thanks a lot! Lol! But I hear what she's saying...Nevus Sebaceous removal surgery, double Carpal Tunnel Release surgery, tons of therapy appointments, new migraine specialist for migraines, and LOADS of various doctors appointments! I know she's okay with the carting around when it comes to mine and my sister's health, but I'm sure I've caused her to age some this year...not to mention getting my driver's license and college applications! I've certainly been a headache ; )

    Anyway, congrats on the success of your year, Glynna! I look forward to reading so much more from you!

  33. GLYNNA, gosh, I forgot to put in my 2 cents about your wonderful debut book. You already know how much I loved it because of the review I posted, but this is to tell everybody else that it was one of the best LIs I have ever read ... and it's a first book -- YIKES!!

    MELANIE!!!! We are SO incredibly proud of you here at Seekerville, girl, and cannot wait to get our mitts on that debut book ...

    KATHLEEN ... thank you SO much for the prayers for Joy and Mike -- VERY appreciated!!

    HANNAH ... holy cow, what a year for you girl, which only means that next year is definitely going to be better ... in Jesus' name!!


  34. LOL Julie : ) Yeah, I think my mom's hoping so too! And to think I'm only neighbor was telling me today to never get old. I hate to think about what that might be like for ME : / Yikes!

  35. Thanks, Hannah! So glad you enjoyed my first book. I'm diligently trying to wrap up the second one! It's about Joe's "rival" Trey Kenton and Meg's college roommate, Kara Dixon. Also set in the mountain community of Canyon Springs, Arizona. :)

    You may be expensive, Hannah, but I suspect your mother is more than happy to pay whatever it takes to keep you happy & healthy!

  36. One of the bsst LI's you've ever read, Julie? Now you're making me blush! :) But thank you!

  37. What an exciting year Glynna! Thank you for reminding me that every moment is special and we never know when things will change and be different.
    I hope you have an awesome 2010!

  38. Glynna, Tina, Julie, Ruth and all the rest...just wanted to pop in and wish you all a Merry Christmas from Cindi and I way down here in Daytona.

    Very encouraging post Glynna. Julie, we'll say a prayer for your friends (and you're right, instantly resets our perspective).

    Thank you all again for the wonderful time I had with you a while back. The book has been doing really well, much better than I expected (then again...I have no reference points for any of this).

    You all take care, whether you're having a white Christmas, a gray Christmas, a sunny Christmas, or a wet one like they're predicting here.

  39. Hi Glynna:

    I agree with Julie that “Dreaming of Home" “…was one of the best LIs I have ever read.” My review goes into a lot of detail but what I liked best was that the ‘inspirational” elements were woven into every fiber of the story from start to finish. This is what I look for in an LI, I can’t remember anyone doing this better. LI is my favorite line of romances.

    I do believe that you are going to become another one of the many Seekers to have her first book nominated for a book of the year award.

    The really amazing thing about the Seekers is not that they are getting the ‘call’ but that the first books are of such high quality. Maybe Seekerville is like Paris in the early 1920’s.


  40. Thanks for stopping in Jessica! It can happening in a twinkling!

  41. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Dan! We loved having you here in Seekerville! I immediately ordered your "The Unfinished Gift" and it will be a "reward" for me when I finally get this next book done!

  42. Thank you, Vince, for your praise of "Dreaming of Home!" It means so very much when readers take the time to tell me that they enjoyed it. But I've received so many kind and encouraging words about it that I'm REALLY paranoid about this second one. :) Don't want to disappoint!
