Saturday, December 5, 2009

Seekerville Weekend Edition

Welcome to a chilly weekend edition.

We Have Winners!!

Two winners of surprises from the prize vault from the December Contest Update are, PatJeanne and Edwina Cowgill.

The prize winner from Thursday's Taming the Beast post is CJ!

The Wednesday winner from Aaron McCarver's post Christian Fiction For Education is Jacqueline.

We have four winners from Tuesday's post, Postcards from Unpubbed Island: Krista, Pepper, Mary Bailey and EC Spurlock.

If you haven't been contacted, send your snail mail addy to

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Seekerville's own Mary Connealy is here with Research: In Grand Style.

Tuesday: Heartsong Presents and Abingdon Press author, Myra Johnson is sharing today.

Wednesday: Medical Romance author, Candace Calvert comes to Seekerville.

Thursday: Steeple Hill Debut author Ruth Logan Herne is your hostess.

Friday: RITA Award Winner and Christy Award Winner, Tamera Alexander is our guest.

Save the Date:

December 16, Our guest is multi-published Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense author, Margaret Daley.

December 31, Madame Zelda's New Year's Eve Rockin' Party and join us for her 2010 Seekerville Predictions.

We don't want to give away too much of our 2010 agenda just yet, but we have exciting news to share.

Francine Rivers will be visiting Seekerville in early 2010!

Seeker Sightings:

Missy Tippens is thrilled to announce a new sale to Steeple Hill Love Inspired!! The Bride Next Door (tentative title), release date TBA, is about the romance between a small town police chief and (surprise!) his next door neighbor.

Exemplify Online Magazine, December issue, pg. 20

Join Missy today, December 5th at Donna Alward's 12 Days of Christmas blog.

Mary Connealy:
Join Mary on Petticoats & Pistols Wednesday, December 9th for a post called Air Travel, Tuna and My Christmas Gift to You.

Julie Lessman:

December 9th Julie will be posting at Faith and Fiction on Fire, on Who's Got Character.

Debby Giusti:
Just in time for Christmas. Debby's holiday Love Inspired Suspense release, Yule Die in the Christmas Peril is available now!

Today, December 5, Debby is talking about inspirational market at the Georgia Romance Writers Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Wed, December 9, Debby will be signing Christmas Peril at Omega Book Center in Peachtree City, GA. Proceeds from the book signing will benefit Embracing Military Families, an organization that provides Christmas gifts and clothing to needy children of deployed military service members.

You're all invited to follow along as the Craftie Ladies of Suspense enjoy a little holiday fun. Starting Saturday, December 5th, they'll be involved in writing a continuing story called "The Christmas Mystery." Things will kick off and continue with a new addition to the story each day. We invite readers and bloggers to comment, add suggestions, or speculate on what will happen next. Tell all your friends to drop by and see what's happening with Zelda Parsons and her handsome new neighbor, Ben.

It's a mystery that begs to be solved before Christmas!

Debby's posting on December 8th.

Friday, December 11, Debby's blogging on Petit Fours and Hot Tamales and will feature Seekerville in her comments.

Myra Johnson:

Exemplify Online Magazine, December issue, pg. 15

Cheryl Wyatt: You can preorder this January 2010 release. This is sixth in the Wings of Refuge series.

Cheryl will be at Faith and Fiction on Fire, discussing Who's Got Character on December 11.

Janet Dean:
Sometimes Happiness Takes a Leap of Faith. You can preorder this February 2010 Love Inspired Historical here.

December 10, find Janet at Faith and Fiction on Fire, discussing Who's Got Character.

Ruth Lo
gan Herne: You can also preorder this March 2010 release.

Cara Lynn James: Did you see our sneak peak at the first book in her series?

Random News and Stuff:

  • Check out Novel-T's line of Literary Baseball Shirts here.

  • Irene Goodman (The Irene Goodman Literary Agency) is pleased to announce an eBay event that is auctioning off 25 critiques of partial manuscripts to the top 25 bidders, from Dec. 1st to Dec. 10th. All proceeds will go directly to the Foundation Fighting Blindness and the Deafness Research Foundation.

  • Read a free chapter of Noah Lukeman's new book, How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent here.
Finally, for you Twilight fans, some Bella Mittens to keep you warm.


  1. Oh wow, thanks for all those links. Sounds like a great up coming schedule!

  2. 2010 sounds like an exciting year! And congratulations Missy and Janet--I notice a couple of NEW titles from you girls!

  3. Applause, applause, applause!

    Seriously, I did clap when I read Francine Rivers!


  4. FRANCINE RIVERS!!! I am STILL in awe that our Ruthy has landed the big one with a guest blogger of this caliber!! YEAH, RUTHY!! YEAH, FRANCINE!!!

    Great edition, Teenster, as always! Happy Weekend, all!


  5. We woke up to the ground covered in snow here in North Alabama! Can you believe it? We were shocked. It's quickly melting, but my daughter made a tiny snowgirl (we don't make snowmen, we make snowgirl at our house. With two daughters, what can I say?) and our long-haired part-Great Pyrenees dog was loving it! She gets sooooo excited when it snows. LOL

    Anyway, thanks for the updates, Tina! You're some kind of wonderful, you know that?

    And I'm sooooo excited about Francine Rivers being here! Woohoo! How exciting is that?! Yeah! Love me some Francine Rivers.

  6. Snow is Alabama. Well I guess those mittens will come in handy. It was 27 degrees here last evening.

    Happy Weekend to you all.

  7. Snow in Alabama? How bizarre! Heard it snowed in Houston yesterday. Raining in L.A. so if that tracks due east, the high country of Arizona will be hit Monday/Tuesday with 12-24 inches of the cold white stuff.

    Thanks again for a great weekend edition, Tina!

  8. Thanks Patty! I'll be giving away a copy of The Substitute Bride in my December slot in Seekerville. Be sure and leave a comment. :-)

    I'm so excited about FRANCINE RIVERS coming to Seekerville!!! I love her books!!! Ruthy rocks!

    Thanks for all the info, Tina. The adorable mittens make me want to try to knit a pair. I could use them. It's cold here with highs in the 20s.

    I went to a cookie sale at a nearby church this morning and bought all these terrific looking cut out cookies. The easy way to domesticity. LOL


  9. It's cold here, but my husband has the fireplace crackling nice and cozy. Love it.

    Thanks for the links.


  10. Guys, we have had more requests for Francine than any other guest author, hands down without even a breath of exaggeration.

    And I knew she was busy, knew her personal life was in overdrive, and I didn't have the heart to ask her...

    But then I got seriously smacked upside the head by my good friend and yours, yeah, you guessed it...

    The good ol' Holy Spirit, he's one righteous Dude...

    And bless Francine, her name kept surrounding me. Even I'm not brash enough to ignore that many bonks on the head.

    And she graciously said yes, she'll come by in February.



    Seriously, how fun will that be?????

    I can't wait.

    And hello??? Did you guys notice that Melissa Endlich of Steeple Hill stopped by yesterday while I was being held captive in her office????


    We were discussing EXTENSIVE revisions to Made To Order Family, and have I mentioned out loud here that:


    And I mean that sincerely. Being a good writer isn't enough... Being a good writer who can trust their editor to know their audience, know their line and smooth things so that they flow seamlessly.


    I'm A-OKAY with that. :)

    So I'll be working on revisions the next few weeks, and firming up (I hope) my next LI series, the Allegany County series... Not sure what we'll call it yet, but I gotta tell you there aren't many places prettier on earth than the foothills of the Allegany Mountains along the PA/NY border.


  11. My oh My. My head is spinning. Seekers are everywhere. Books are coming out faster than I can count. Francine Rivers. Are you kidding me?

    An Allegheny County Series? Ruthy. Yes it's beautiful here in NY. You should all come and visit. Better yet, move here (help share our oppressive state taxes!). Heck we don't even have snow yet, and they are getting it in the Deep South.

    I'm also thinking what an awesome job Debby will have done today at the GRW.

    Congratulations to all the Seekers.
    Yes, my head is still spinning. You ladies are everywhere!

  12. Welcome back, Ruthy! I love doing revisions, too. Especially since we have a great savvy editor like Melissa. She really knows her stuff and makes it as painless as possible.

  13. Patty, thank you!!

    Great edition, Tina!

    We never did get the snow here. We've just got COLD!! Brrrr. We just got back from eating out, and it was mid 30's outside. Not fun.

  14. I'm sorry... my mind just blanked. FRANCINE RIVERS!!!! Eeek! *crazy fan scream*

    Okay, calming down...

    Congrats to the winners and I can't wait to read next week's posts. :-) You have a great lineup, as always. :-)

  15. Hi Ruth:

    Over on the Prairie Chicks site, Christine Rimmer is blogging on the Series format and it is very informative. Since you are working on a series plan, you might like to visit.

    Also, I’m encouraged that you have such a hard working editor. I once spoke with an established author who had a few mistakes in her book and I asked why the editor did not catch them as they were easy to spot. She said, “Oh, editors are so busy these days that they do not do very much editing any more. It’s not like it used to be in the old days.”

    I said to her: “You mean it’s not like Max Perkins and Hemingway any more?” And she just laughed.

    Be glad you have such a good editor.


  16. Sounds like a particularly exciting week in Seekerville, ladies! Crazy week this week, though! Tomorrow, my sis and I are auditioning for the District Music Festival and Tuesday is our school concert(I'm...erm...still memorizing the 2 jazz choir songs...yes I do need to know 'em because there's only EIGHT of us in jazz choir : /), so pray for us to have the strength to try our hardest! : ) Last year, Districts was SO much fun...

    CONGRATS on all the book sales, upcoming book releases, and just books in general! all are so busy and talented!!

    I'm very interested to see Madame Zelda(I think that's her name)...I wasn't here last year, as you remember. I didn't even have a blogger account yet! Now you all are prolly ready to get rid of me because I leave such long posts and I'm so LOUD! : D.... : S

    Okay, please don't shoot me...I have no idea who Francine Rivers is : / I suspect she's an author, but no clue!

    Hmmmm....maybe I can take another break from physics homework and research's still "homework" : P
    Hannah *thinking mischievous thoughts to get out of terrible physics homework*

  17. Hello all! Busy weekend here.

    Cancer benefit yesterday, then church. Got up this morning and cooked taco soup for dh's 91 yo grandmother's birthday dinner. Then church again, dinner, nap, and heading back to church soon.

    How exciting that we'll have Francine Rivers in a few months! She is such a mega-talented writer, but is humble and gracious at the same time. What a woman to emulate and admire!

  18. Francine Rivers
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Francine Rivers

    Born 1947
    United States
    Occupation Novelist
    Nationality American
    Writing period 1976 - present
    Genres Romance, Christian fiction

    Official website

    Francine Sandra Rivers (born 1947) is an American author of fiction with Christian themes, including inspirational romance novels. Prior to becoming a born-again Christian in 1986, Rivers wrote historical romance novels. She is best known for her inspirational novel Redeeming Love, while another novel, The Last Sin Eater has become a feature film.

  19. Her inspirational series, The Mark of the Lion, sold over half a million copies.[2] In 2007, her novel The Last Sin Eater was made in to a feature film , directed by Michael Landon Jr. and distributed by Fox Faith.[4]

    Rivers has been honored with many awards, including the Christy Award, the ECPA Gold Medallion, and the Holt Medallion. Rivers is also a member of the Romance Writers of America's Hall of Fame. She has won four RWA RITA Awards, the highest award given in romantic fiction. Her first RITA was for Best Historical Romance in 1986 for Not So Wild a Dream. Her subsequent ones, in 1995, 1996, and 1997, have been for Best Inspirational Romance.
