Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Two for the price of one--Christmas Peril

Margaret Daley
Debby Giusti

It’s my pleasure and honor to bring award-winning author Margaret Daley to Seekerville today. Many of you know her through ACFW where she served as volunteer coordinator this year. A mentor at heart, Margaret is always ready to answer questions or give encouragement or advice. When I published, Margaret opened her arms and welcomed me into the Steeple Hill family of authors. Now I'm thrilled to welcome her to this blog.

Until she recently retired, Margaret taught special education full time and wrote each evening when she came home from school. Despite her busy schedule, she has 66 books in print. Many of her stories have won awards, including the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year, the Holt Medallion, Golden Quill, the Inspirational Readers’ Choice, Winter Rose, and the Barclay Gold.

Last year, Steeple Hill inquired if I wanted to do a two-in-one Love Inspired Suspense with Margaret. Naturally, I jumped at the chance. CHRISTMAS PERIL is in stores now, featuring Margaret’s exciting novella, Merry Mayhem, and my story, Yule Die. Today we’re doing a joint interview, asking each other five writing questions. We’ll be online to talk about writing so leave a comment. Include your email address to be placed in a drawing for a copy of CHRISTMAS PERIL.

Now, let’s learn more about Margaret...

Debby asked : Margaret, you write for both the Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense lines and publish many books each year. How do you keep up the pace? What’s your writing schedule, and do you set a daily page count in order to meet your many deadlines?

Margaret: I usually write every day and I do have a weekly word count that I need to reach. I don’t like to set a daily count because I would get stressed when something came up and I couldn’t make it. Over a week’s time I usually can make my word count. One day I might not write much, but the next one I’ll make it up by writing more.

Debby: Did you find writing Merry Mayhem challenging and, if so, why? What about the word count? Did you change the story because of the shorter length?
Margaret: I had to strip the story down because the word count was half of what a normal Love Inspired Suspense story is. I found it harder to write because you have to weave in romance, suspense and faith. That can be hard in a normal Love Inspired Suspense, let alone try to do it in a LIS novella.

Debby: The end of the year is often a time of reflection. What did you learn in 2009 that helped improve your craft? Have you set writing goals for 2010 that you could share with the Seekers?

Margaret: I have two books that are due in the first part of 2010. After that, who knows? I’ll be coming up with some proposals and see what happens. The life of a writer is precarious. You never know when and where your next book will come from. I leave it in the Lord’s hands. He’s so much more capable of running my writing life than me.

Debby: How much time do you spend on marketing and what do you find most beneficial in terms of getting your name and book in front of readers? What marketing advice would you give newly published authors?
Margaret: The most important thing is having a web site. I also think being on some of the social networks can help. But I think you need to be careful and not spread yourself too thin or take too much time away from writing your book. I have bookmarks that list my next year’s books coming out, and I always send them out to my mailing list at Christmas. I also have a newsletter I send out four times a year through a yahoo group. Anyone interested can go to my web site ( and sign up for it. I have a blog where I feature Christian writers each week. I also write about various things during the week on my blog. In addition to my personal blog, I belong to several group ones.

Debby: Tell us about when you got The Call. How long had you been writing? Did you ever get discouraged? What advice would you give writers seeking publication?
Margaret: All I can remember is the shock and thrill when I received the call from my agent. This was back in 1981 so I have been writing a long time. I had an eight-year dry spell after selling twenty books. I didn’t give up. I kept writing (although I tried to quit and couldn’t). Then I sold a book to Kensington and that started my “return.” Since then I’ve sold forty-six books, but the best part is that I discovered the inspirational romance market. It’s a perfect fit for me.

Now it’s Debby’s turn to answer Margaret’s questions…

Margaret asked: Why do you like to write romantic suspense?
Debby: As an Army brat and Army wife, I traveled to many foreign countries and have met wonderful people from a variety of different cultures and backgrounds. Now that hubby’s retired from the military, I satisfy my wanderlust and need for adventure through my writing. With each book, I become totally enmeshed in my characters’ struggles and see myself actually battling the bad guys--all from the safety and security of my home, of course. Creating characters and helping them solve their problems – both internal and external – allows me to become that medical researcher or undercover cop. I’m confronting evil and winning, which makes for a good day in my way of thinking.

Margaret: What is the most difficult thing about writing romantic suspense?

Debby: My stories usually take place in a short time frame, often no more than a few days. Having a romantic relationship develop quickly is a challenge. The hero and heroine need to be attracted to each other almost immediately, and those feelings have to deepen into something long lasting throughout the course of the story. The pronouncement of love and commitment occurs at the very end of the story, and often I’ll add an epilogue to show them living happily ever after.

Margaret: What advice would you give another writer who is interested in writing romantic suspense stories?
Debby: Read extensively in the line you’re targeting, but also read best-selling suspense authors. Don’t shortchange the category or trade readers who want the same action-packed stories as the big name writers deliver in their single title hardbacks. Strive to be the best suspense writer you can possibly be and keep learning new ways to improve your work.

Margaret: What is the easiest thing for you to write in your story – romance, faith or the suspense element and why?
Debby: I started writing straight suspense and find that part comes naturally. Developing a satisfying love story takes more effort, and I’ll often expand the romantic elements later during the rewrites. The faith thread is woven lightly throughout the story and doesn’t demand as much effort, perhaps because I try to understand my characters before I begin to write. Since I have a deep love for the Lord, that Christian worldview transfers easily to the written page.

Margaret: What do you do to promote your books?
Debby: I love meeting readers so I do a number of events each year that bring me face-to-face with the public, whether at writers conferences, book signings, readers luncheons or community events. I have a big signing in my hometown to launch each book and always donate the proceeds to charity. The newspaper publishes information about the event, which increases interest in my local area. I have a group of faithful readers—many from my church community—who send books to family and friends across the country, which spreads the word about my work. That word of mouth means so much. I also take out an ad in Romance Writers Report for each new book. The magazine goes to 20,000 writers who are also readers. Maintaining an online presence is equally important. I’m blessed to be a member of the Seekers and have gotten to know so many wonderful people who stop by the blog. The Craftie Ladies of Suspense is another site where I can interact with readers and writers alike. I hope to start my own blog in the not-too-distant future. The focus will be on books, writing and the power of prayer. God keeps nudging me to move forward on that blog, and I hope to have it up and running in the early part of the New Year.

Margaret and I want to hear from you today. Ask questions, mention your writing goals for 2010 or tell us what you like about books in general.

Wishing you a joyous Christmas and much love in the New Year,
Debby Giusti and Margaret Daley

Need a stocking stuffer for friends and family? CHRISTMAS PERIL is on sale now, featuring two great suspense stories:

Merry Mayhem
by Margaret Daley
When single mom Annie Coleman unexpectedly arrives in Christmas, Oklahoma, police chief Caleb Jackson suspects she's hiding secrets. He'll be watching her closely. And his protection is just what Annie and her daughter need, as danger has followed them to their new home.
Yule Die
by Debby Giusti
It's hardly a happy holiday for medical researcher Callie Evans…until she discovers her ailing patient is her long-lost brother. And he's being watched by undercover police officer Joe Petrecelli. When the trio is abducted by a cadre of bad guys, Joe and Callie will have to fight to keep her brother—and themselves—alive.


  1. Margaret and Debby. There's a lethal combination!

    Loved the interview, ladies. Thanks.
    I'll start the coffee and then I'm going out to pick up a loaf of 'cranberry toasting bread'. Yum-oh.

    I finally have a full three inches of white fluffy snow on the ground. Preferable to an inch of sleet!

    Margaret, having a daughter who teaches special ed, I am amazed how you came home and had the energy to write. I guess there's a hidden reserve that kicks in.

    Debby, I look forward to your new blog venture. Having met you I can hear the warmth in your words, and we'd all be blessed to hear more about your faith and the power of prayer. When I have those inevitable doubts, I remember your words of encouragement. Thank you

  2. Hi Debra,
    Thanks for starting the coffee. Just what I need this morning. I brought an assortment of teas, hot chocolate and colas for those you get their caffeine in other ways. :)

    The breakfast bar is open. Today's selection includes biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage, fruit and sweet breads. Help yourself.

  3. Oh, my...

    Margaret Daley is HERE!!!

    In Seekerville.

    I mean RIGHT HERE!!!!


    I love Margaret Daley. Oh, I love our "Debster" too, but I get to hang with her all the time. She's wonderful, marvelous and oh, my...

    She brought Margaret Daley!!!! :)


    Here's a "Ruthy take" on Margaret.

    She's wonderful.

    We've met multiple times, she's quick, funny, dry-witted, adorable, doesn't look a day of her 49 years AND...

    Margaret NEVER COMPLAINS...

    I have never heard this woman (and Deb gave you a great idea of what her schedule is like, how totally focused she is but FLEXIBLE!!!) utter a complaint or a whine about deadlines, editors, changes, pacing, work, family, circumstances, life...


    I aspire to be a Margaret Daley/Debbie Macomber combo. These women do what needs to be done without wasting time blabbering about anything negative. Oh my stars, I LOVE that positive energy, straight from God. Totally. Indisputably.

    These are my role models in the writing world, the doers and shakers who do and shake without letting the world know about the knocks they take along the way.

    Oh my gosh, I've got special food today!!! Margaret, Okies are a little weird, we know that because we have Myra here AND Tina was an Okie (along with a host of other things, but that's a separate blog). I'm loading the buffet along the back wall with Christmas favorites.

    Spiral ham, glazed and roasted. Fresh farm-gathered, free-range scrambled eggs. (They don't range much once scrambled. They free-range PRE-SCRAMBLING. Sorry, had to explain myself there.)

    A fruit palette complete with kiwi, pineapple, strawberries and blueberries, bright and colorful to celebrate Margaret's 'color'...

    Seasoned home fries, fresh country muffins (pumpkin, blueberry and cinnamon apple), toast, a full tea/chai service (Deb Marvin, thanks for the coffee!!! Loving it, girlfriend and the cranberry toasting bread! You rock!)

    And I'll stop back later with lunch foods because the folks at Seekerville love food.

    And Margaret Daley!!!!

    And a book featuring you and our own Deb Giusti... Talk about a Win/Win.

    I'm loving this.


  4. Debra,
    I have a daughter who teaches special ed, too! A demanding profession that's really a ministry, which proves how giving Margaret really is!

    Meeting you at ACFW was such a joy, Deb! I still feel that connection.

    Have a joyous Christmas! And thanks for the yummy cranberry bread!

  5. Hey Ruthy,
    Sure you don't have a little Paula Dean in your family background? Thanks for ensuring the food won't run out! Hope everyone's hungry today. I've given up dieting until after the New Year. Too many wonderful treats to enjoy this time of year.

    Thanks for highlighting Margaret's beautiful positive spirit of self-giving. Plus, she's a fantastic author. I read and reread her work and always learn something new. Margaret paints a detailed picture with her writing that leaves me satisfied, happy and waiting for her next release. Of course, as prolific as she is, I don't have to wait long! :)

  6. Debby and Margaret--great interview. I really enjoyed the book. And I'm lucky enough to get to talk it up at the GRW meeting next month!
    Debby is not only an amazing author, she has been such a source of inspiration and knowledge to me. Praise God for her! And Margaret is also an amazing author. What a treat for you guys to pair up for the book. We are all blessed by that.
    Keep up the great writing, ladies.

  7. Hi Lindi,
    Thanks for your sweet comments and for stopping by Seekerville today! Lindi's my GRW PAL -- published author liason. She reads my books and then gives a short book review to the membership! You're the greatest, Lindi!

    Have a joyous Christmas with your family!

  8. Welcome to Seekerville, Margaret! I was fortunate enough to participate in your 2-session course at ACFW this fall. Just recently re-listened to it on CD during my daily commute.

    You're my hero -- coming home after a long day of work and writing! I know how hard that is. Do you have any tips for keeping yourself "in the story" when you can only write in a small daily window and your job doesn't allow for a single personal thought throughout the day to mull over story ideas? What weekly word count did your strive for in those working-full-time days?

  9. Good morning Seekerville!!!

    I am astonished that you two can weave not two threads but three and come up with a wonderful read. Truly a calling.

    Pass the coffee.

    Snow melted here, Debra. Thank goodness since our winter started in October with the first snow fall. Only three months of winter to go.

  10. Hi Glynna,
    Great questions for Margaret. I'm eager to hear her weekly word count as well.

    So how do you manage to write and work fulltime, Glynna? Your first LI was fantastic! I loved the story and was cheering the heroine on. Looking forward to your next book!

  11. Hello everyone...

    I enjoyed this posting this morning, while sipping on a cup of coffee.

    Thanks for the opportunity to read these wonderful stories. Please count me in.

    Have a fabulous day.


  12. Hi Tina,
    Denver was hit hard and early this year, wasn't it? I've lived in the north and battled the snow but am glad to be in the sunny South right now. It's cold in GA but no snow and looks like the rain has passed and we'll have sunshine today.

    You mentioned balancing the three story arcs for LIS--suspense, romance and faith. The plus side is having lots to draw on when we're writing the stories. I am never faced with wondering whether I'll have enough "story." The short word count keeps everything moving as well.

  13. Hi Karen,
    Thanks for stopping by Seekerville. Have a great day!

    You're in the drawing!

  14. It's 7 here in Tulsa. What time do you all wake up? I barely have my eyes open. And Ruthy, I want the coffee you drink. Your post energized me (and did you see the red glow from my face back East). Thanks for all the kind comments, Debra, Debby, Ruthy, Glynna,Tina, Belinda.

    Glynna, I reread what I wrote the day before to keep me in the story. When you write every day, you can get back into the story pretty fast. And it doesn't hurt to think about the story when you're not writing.

    I have to say what an honor it was to be in a book with Debby. I was thrilled Steeple Hill asked me to because she is such a great author. We recently worked together on a continuity coming out in 2010 and as usual she was so professional and gracious. Her book is out in February and mine will be in March so Debby and I had to tie ours together.

  15. Hey! It's Debby and Margaret! Great to see you wonderful ladies this morning!

    Margaret, I was a special education teacher, too! Did we know we had that in common with each other? My specialty was hearing impaired.

    Goals for 2010 are numerous. I have to get a website set up, for sure. I will be studying up on marketing, since I have a book coming out in Octo--oh, wait, I'm not supposed to announce that yet! Silly me! *blush blush*

    Anyway, I have four more books I want to write, mostly plotted out in my head, but I doubt I'll finish all four in 2010. Hopefully I'll write two. One's already started.

    Wow, Margaret, you've had a great career and only getting started good! Lotsa books! I don't think I can write fast enough to write that many before I die! Do we get to keep writing after we go to heaven?

  16. Oh my, what a WONDERFUL double interview!! And Margaret -- an eight-year "dry spell"and now you have forty-six books???? Talk about an encouraging story!

    Deb, writing suspense is definitely a gift that you and Margaret have. I don't think I could do it to save my soul, honestly. I'll tell you a secret ... I admire suspense/mystery writers more than any others because they have to have a pretty sharp brain to throw the reader off track. And although I am known to incorporate a few surprises in my own books, they mostly happen by accident as I am a seat-of-the-pants writer who doesn't always know what's going to happen. You can't do that with a mystery story, so I am in awe.

    Just started Christmas Peril and from the first few pages, I can already tell I'm going to love it!


  17. Margaret, you're being very gracious!

    Truth is, everyone, I was always emailing Margaret and asking how to make a continuity work. :)

    Margaret, maybe we can do another joint blog about the fine art of making six books by six authors come together into one over-arching theme. But we'll think about that after the New Year!

    It is an honor to have you with us today, Margaret! Thanks for saying yes!

    I'm off to Bible Study. I'll catch up on any posts as soon as class is over.

  18. Melanie,
    Congrats on your sale!!! Whoo-hoo!!! I'm thrilled. Know you are too!

    What a great Christmas this will be!

  19. Morning Debby and Margaret, I have been flying again so was totally entertained yesterday with YULE DIE. And today I'll be reading MERRY MAYHEM. I'm sure it will be great as I always love Margaret's writing.

    You ladies write wonderful suspense. And Debby it always amazes me how believable that romance is in such a short time. Great job. I think its how they almost have to be together because of the back story. For example Callie had been praying with Joe's brother for Joe for a long time before they met. Sweet.

    Thanks for the biscuits and gravy. Must be my Southern roots from Grandma's side because I love all that Southern food.

    Ruthy you're so right on about Margaret's self-giving qualities. She has been so much encouragement and help to me over these years of trying to break into the CBA. Thanks so much Margaret.

    Have a great day ladies. They've just called for my flight.

  20. Morning Margaret and Debby!! My book wish list has grown to astronomical's a good thing I made Santa's nice list!

    Great interview!

  21. Thanks for stopping by, Kerri, Sandra, Melanie and Julie.

    Melanie, congratulations on your sale!!!

    Julie, I mostly write by the seat of my pants, too. I work within a loose framework. Love your writing.

    Sandra, I hope you enjoy Merry Mayhem.

  22. Oh my, the talent that abounds on this site. First of the year. I told my doc to make me better by then cuz I have lots to do in 2010. And having a weekly word count, again, is one of those things! Thanks for the continued inspiration!

  23. Welcome to Seekerville, Margaret! It's great to have you here! I'm in awe of your generous nature, awesome productivity and terrific books. Plus you rock on the dance floor! :-) Missed you this year.

    Yule Die and Merry Mayham are great titles for your novellas. Love the cover too. I can't wait to read them. Christmas Peril is on my nightstand to be read as soon as I finish Shirley Jump's A Princess for Christmas. Shameless plug for my cp. :-) I love Christmas books!

    Ruthy and Debby, thanks for the spread in honor of Margaret's visit. Delicious!


  24. Loved this book guys! How you both packed so much story and heart into such a small word count awed me. Excellent job by two of my favorite authors.

    Margaret, I think Ruthy likes you just a little bit. LOL!

    SO great to have you here with us! Margaret is one of my favorite people too!

    Debra, SNOW! I'm jealous...I want snow. But like you, I could do without the sleet.

    Debbie, I was REALLY fond of the cop hero in this novella. He said so much without speaking but how you communicated his strength toward the heroine was really great.


  25. YEESH...I meant Debby, not Debbie. One of my best friend's name is Debbie so I'm used to typing the "ie" rather than the "y." Sorry 'bout that!

    Hugs all and hope you have a good day!


  26. I as in a Parables bookstore yesterday and it was so amazing...Seeker books EVERYWHERE.

    There was a Christmas fiction table and Myra, Debby (and Margaret of course) and Missy and I were all there. Then they had a great line up of Love Inspired books, not just this months. At least four of Cheryl's, Glynna's Camy, Janet's, at least one older one of Debby's.
    Julie's books were there and mine.
    No Ruthy or Cara yet, but we know they're on the way.

    It was such a joyful feeling to see you all there. Four more Seekers, and their books would fit PERFECTLY on those shelves, and will be there VERY SOON.

  27. Jenny, a weekly word count really has helped me. It's not as much pressure as a daily one. You have some flexible.

    Janet, plug away. I love Christmas stories, too.

    Erica, thanks so much.

    Cheryl, you are one of my favorite authors and don't you have a book coming out real soon?

  28. Mary, you must have been posting at the same time I was. That's wonderful when a store puts the holiday books in one place. I love hearing about all my friends with ones out.

  29. Hi Margaret:

    I believe I’ve read your first twenty books under various pen names. I was wondering if you still have at least one copy of each book you’ve written? If not, I might have a copy in my collection.

    I wonder about that eight year gap because your writing was very good from the start. Did you stop because you didn’t feel like writing or did you stop because books were not being accepted? And what snapped you out of your dry spell?

    I especially like it when you write about the Amazon and the southwest. I hope you have more of these coming.

    My wife is a retired special education teacher and we have met you several times. We’ll be looking for your next Tulsa area book signing.


  30. What a treat--the Margaret and Debby show!!! Just finished reading Christmas Peril this week. Two touching stories that neatly combine Christmas, romance, faith, and suspense. Congratulations, ladies!

    I truly am blessed to have Margaret in my local ACFW chapter. She's such an inspiration and encouragement to all of us.

    Um, Ruthy, what's so weird about Okies??? And BTW, I've only been one for a little over three years. As a native Texan, I tend to think of Oklahoma as FAR NORTH Texas. ;>D

    Ooooh, Mary, thanks for the Seeker book sighting update! Exciting!

  31. Hi Julie,
    Don't know how you write your lovely historical romances! And by the seat of your pants? Then to learn Margaret is a pantster too! Who knew? Amazing. I want most of the story in place before I begin writing. Takes me a few weeks to have all the pieces fit before I can more forward with the story.

    Have a Merry Christmas!!!

  32. Debbi and Margaret, what a double treat!

    My very first Steeple Hill was written by Margaret, I believe. My first LIS was also written by Margaret. More recently, I've come to love your books too, Debbi.

    Margaret, thanks for all your encouragement. You always have a kind, inspiring word.

    I haven't read this book yet. Is the first time Steeple Hill did two minis in the same book? I've seen double story issues before but I think they're typically reprints packaged together, two full-length stories.

  33. Hi Sandra,
    Thanks for checking Seekerville while you were waiting for your flight. Thanks for your kind words about Christmas Peril too. Hope the people around you were eyeing the cover and thinking they needed to buy the book! :)

    So you're a Southern Belle at heart? No wonder I love you so much! Serving any down home food for Christmas? Sweet potato pie? Cornbread stuffing? Pecan pie?

  34. Hi Kerri C,
    Glad to hear you've been nice! What's Santa bringing you this year? Tell us something about KC Farms. I'm getting a visual of a horse farm, white fences, maybe Lexington, KY?

  35. Hey Jenny,
    Prayers for a return to good health in the New Year!!! You'll get back to writing, I'm sure!

    I like Margaret's weekly work count suggestion. Seems doable and, as she said, doesn't tie her down to her computer each day. Sometimes it's nice to have time away from the office.

  36. Hi Janet,
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your sweet hubby and beautiful family!

  37. Hi Erica,
    Thanks for stopping by Seekerville today! Your red sweater looks so festive...perfect for this season!

  38. Hi Cheryl,
    Glad you liked Joe Petrecelli. I did too. Plus he was fun to write. But you've got the guy thing down with the strong heroes in your books. Love the military team. Macho guys with big hearts who rescue women in distress--what's not to love?

  39. Mary,
    Thanks for the info about the Seeker books you found at Parables! My local Christian store doesn't carry the Steeple Hill books. I keep hoping their buyers will realize their mistake! :)

  40. Hi Vince,
    I love reading an author's backlist and especially enjoy reading his or her debut. It's interesting -- at least for me as a writer -- to see how they have improved their craft. Sounds like Margaret started out with a bang and hasn't let up. Lucky for us!

    Thanks for stopping by Seekerville today, Vince. And thank your wife for all the children she's helped over the years. Special Ed teachers are wonderful!

  41. Hi Myra,
    So you and Margaret are almost neighbors! I love thinking of all the Seekers and Seeker friends scattered across the country. Glad this blog has brought us all together!

  42. Hi Patricia,
    If you stop back again, be sure to leave your email address so you can be entered in the drawing for Christmas Peril.

    Folks like Christmas stories so Steeple Hill usually publishes the two-in-one books in December. Can you add to that, Margaret?

  43. This was such a great post!! A nice midweek kinda post!

    I haven't read any books from either of you, but I do really want to! Lol...I think I have at least one book from each of you and they are definitely near the top of my list!

    Gotta run to a doctor's appointment, but I'll be back later. THis is still for the migraines that haven't gone away in 2 months or so now. Hopefully, he'll have me start a new medication to try : /

    Talk to you later!! Thanks for a nice breather in my day/week!

  44. Hi Debby, Hi Margaret!

    Thanks for the great insights into your writing careers and life!

    Wow, Margaret! That's a lot of books! I'm glad you haven't run out of stories to tell : )

    Debby, making your book signing proceeds a contribution to charity is terrific!! May your story ideas NEVER end : )

    Thank you both for sharing.

  45. What a wonderful double interview! Thanks so much for being with us today, Margaret!

    I agree on Margaret's generosity! She's helped me brainstorm in the past--and even called me to do so. Thank you, Margaret for being such a giving writer.

    I can't wait to read the new book! It's in my Christmas TBR pile. :)

  46. Vince, I still have copies of all my books. I will at least keep a few on hand to pass on to my son and his daughters. I'm not sure why my dry spell happened except for the last publisher I was writing for stopped doing series romances (Dell). I was orphaned and had a hard time finding another publisher. I also was going to school getting my masters as well as teaching. I finally sold a book to Kensington which started me on this latest streak. My Amazon book is the book of my heart. I have something planned in a couple of books for Love Inspired Suspense which will have a feel of that book and my Southwest ones--an adventure/suspense.

    Waving to Myra. I love that she lives near me.

    Patricia, Christmas Peril is the first 2 novellas in one book that Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense has done. They have had a couple in Love Inspired.

    Kerri, do you live around Lexington, Ky? I grew up there. Love the area.

    Hi, Hannah, Audra and Missy. I'm so glad you all stopped by.

  47. Margaret & Debby - what a great double interview. I'm even more encouraged knowing Margaret wrote books while working as a spec ed teacher.

    I work with kids on the Autism spectrum & teach college students by day, then take care of five of my own kids by night. You two are inspiring!
    I'm suddenly feeling empowered!! :-)
    Plus, I believe in miracles, so that helps too!!

    And the medication is great ;-)

    Thanks to both of you for sharing your encouragement.

  48. Pepper, I've worked with children who are autistic. I finally wrote a book with a little boy who was autistic as the son of the hero (Second Chance Family, Love Inspired). Sounds like you've got your hands full. Just keep at it.

  49. I alrady have a copy. It's a great mix.

  50. Hi Audra,
    You're right. Margaret is amazing with 66 books.

  51. Hi Missy,
    Always good to see you on the blog! Missy and I are Georgia neighbors! We live about 90 minutes apart, but at least we're in the same state!

  52. Hey Pepper,
    You're the one who's inspiring me! Don't know how you do it all. Sounds like you're in Margaret's league!

  53. Hi Walt,
    Have a wonderful Christmas. Bet Santa's going to bring your little guys lots of goodies!

  54. I'm so glad you enjoyed the stories, Walt.
