Saturday, December 19, 2009

Weekend Edition-Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from Seekerville,
(including Unpubbed Island) to all of you.

We hope your holidays are wonderful.

We Have Winners!

Monday's winner of The Substitute Bride (a February Steeple Hill Historical release), from Janet Dean's post Giving: The Secret to Success is KARIN!!

Tuesday we were thrilled to have editor Jeff Gerke stop by Cheryl Wyatt's post, Seek and Destroy Sneaky Telling, and give away a copy of his book, The Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction. The winner is Walt Mussell.

Wednesday, Debby Giusti and Margaret Daley hosted, Two for the Price of One: Christmas Peril. The winner of Christmas Peril is Karen K.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Our very own Steeple Hill Love Inspired author, Missy Tippens is our hostess. She'll be giving away a copy of A Forever Christmas.

Tuesday: Thomas Nelson author, Margaret Brownley will interviewed in Seekerville, and there will be copies of A Lady Like Sarah to give away!

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye will be sharing today.

Thursday: Thomas Nelson debut author, Cara James posts in Seekerville today.

Friday: Merry Christmas! Seekerville is Closed Today!

Save The Date:

December 31, Madame Zelda's New Year's Eve Rockin' Party and join us for her 2010 Seekerville Predictions.

Madame Z will also share a peek at our 2010 Guest List.

Seeker Sightings:

Join Missy Tippens this week as she shares the first chapter of A Forever Christmas on Vicki Hinze's new site, Chapter 1 Zone.

Ruth Logan Herne
will be at Faith and Fiction on Fire, December 21. She's the featured guest on Pepper Basham's blog series on conversion scenes in writing; that dawning moment of realization many protagonists face. Drop by, comment and win a chance for Ruthy's debut novel Winter's End.

Cheryl Wyatt has a continuing Friday series at Seriously Write blog on Staying Grounded as Your Career Soars. Check out this Friday's post (December 26) called- Giving. You can also catch up on the last few Friday's posts which are: Friendship, Humility, Mentoring and Growing.

Debby Giusti will be blogging at the CRAFTIE Ladies of Suspense on Wednesday, December 23rd.

Random News:

  • The Great Expectations Contest e-deadline is December 30th. BTW it's a query letter and first 25 pages contest! More information here.

  • And...Just for Christmas, free expedited shipping from Kindle. Check it out here.

  • Putnam Books for Young Readers president and publisher Nancy Paulsen is launching an eponymous imprint, Nancy Paulsen Books, with the first titles landing in 2011. Paulsen, who has led the division for 15 years, plans to publish 12 to 15 picture books, middle grade and young adult novels annually. Read the story online at PW here.

  • From PW: Good Morning America will feature these authors on Christmas Day: Pastor Max Lucado, football player turned pastor Miles McPherson, novelist Francine Rivers, and Catholic priest Edward Beck.

  • What do you think? Is this CRINGE-WORTHY? or is it a GREAT IDEA? Romance novel video games. Check it out here.

A sneak peek at what's coming in 2010
that will appeal to the romantic (or the joker) in you.


  1. Love your photos from unpubbed Island.

    If we're carrying Christmas in our hearts, I think we could celebrate on a warm sandy beach and not miss this white stuff at all!

  2. Sounds great! I'm going to check out a few of those links.

    Congrats to the winners! I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. :-)

  3. Lovely Christmas pictures from the island.

    Merry Christmas, Everyone.


  4. Oooooo ... Francine Rivers on GMA??? Thanks for the heads-up, Tina!

    Have a great weekend, everybody, and here's hoping we all get all the errands out the way so we can really enjoy the season.


  5. Letters to Juliet sounds wonderful! We saw the preview when we saw New Moon.

    Sounds like exciting times in Seekerville. I'm so honored to be a guest!!

    I can't wait to talk to Missy about A Forever Christmas. It made me laugh, cry, and ultimately feel all warm inside : ) I finished it last night...scratch that! This morning around 12:30. It was just too good to put down!!

    Okay, I'm headed to Boston for David Archuleta's Christmas from the Heart Tour concert!! YAY! We'll head to the House of Blues for 6pm. Making some shopping breaks on the way down, though, so we're leaving shortly.

    I hope you all have a superb weekend(before Christmas!!)! I'll see you tomorrow : )

  6. HANNAH!! I am soooo jealous. Have a lovely time.

    You all have a great weekend!!!

  7. Merry Merry Christmas.
    We have SNOW!! We dont' get it that often, so the kids and I have been outside making two giant snowmen and a snow reindeer. LOADS of fun!!

    Tina, as usual you do a fantastic job with the Weekend Edition. Thanks so much.

    Seekers, I am incredibly thankful for you guys this year. It's my first full year 'out there' as far as my writing and contests, and you've been a WONDERFUL group of encouragers.

    Thank you.

    Pepper The Red-Nosed Spicegirl

  8. Tina, thanks for the updates, announcements, links...and those adorable photos! You're the best!! Hope I remember to watch Francine Rivers at GMA Christmas Day.

    Hannah, have a fabulous time in Boston! I love that city!

    I'm peering at a winter wonderland outside my window. Tiny flakes have been falling all day. Makes me want to go out and play. I feel a snow angel trying to get out. LOL

    Have a fun weekend!

  9. Thanks for the great info, Tina! As always!

    Merry Christmas! Finished my Christmas shopping and sent my Christmas cards out today! I'm definitely in the Christmas spirit! Now I can relax and enjoy. Oh, yeah, except I'm making some goodies for my kids' teachers, and I have to go to a class party Monday for my youngest. But other than that, I think I'm good!

  10. Well Melanie, let me say that despite your obvious tendencies to be organized, I still like you.

    No. Really, I don't care what the other procrastinating slackers in my group say. I still like you.

    I'm off to START Christmas shopping.

  11. Debra, I am with you.

    Snow is highly over rated, unless it is 50 degrees and it is melting.

    I just finished decorating my hut and it looks very festive.

  12. I'm really looking forward to reading Cara James' post. Got any tips about Thomas Nelson for me? I got a full request from Natalie Hanneman since she was a final judge in the Launching A Star contest, and I would LOVE to hear any advice you have. : )


  13. Good evening all! I got most of my shopping done today with my sons. That was fun, getting to spend most of the day with them...even if they did empty my wallet, my checking account, and any hope of retirement...ever.

    The house is as decorated as it's going to get, and we had our Christmas play tonight, a comedy.

    And we have a new baby to enjoy this Christmas. My nephew's 6-week-old son. It just adds a whole new dimension to Christmas when there's a baby in the family.

  14. Kathleen, here's some insider info for you...straight from Madame Zelda. We have a Thomas Nelson editor coming to Seekerville in early January. More details on New Year's eve.

    Best of luck and prayers for your submission.

  15. Hannah, so glad you enjoyed my book!!

    I can't wait to hear how the concert went!! :)


  16. Thanks, Tina! I'll be looking forward to that. Please send my regards to Madame Zelda for the tip. : )

  17. Me? Organized? Tina, you obviously haven't seen my house, my desk, my car, or my purse!

    Pepper, send some snow down here!

  18. An Editor from Thomas Nelson oh my...
    It's hard to believe Christmas is this week and another year is upon already.

    I say this every year I'm sure, but it's so true, where did the time go.

    Congrats to the winners,
    Thanks for your post, Tina. And to all the teachers of seekerville, thanks for your encouragement, and the allowing me to share in your knowledge.
    I know I'll return next year.
    It feels like home...

    I left a Christmas card at my blog site at http:(forward slash)

  19. Just wanted to pop in quick to wish Tina and everyone in Seekerville a very Merry Christmas!! Here's hoping for good healthy and peace in 2010 :).
