Wednesday, January 20, 2010


By Debby Giusti

Shortly after my first book was published, I banded together with a number of Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense authors to discuss brainstorming our own continuity series. The challenge, we soon learned, was to create an overall story told in a six-book format. While each book contains its own suspense, a larger problem weaves through the entire series, which negatively impacts the characters and must be satisfactorily resolved at the conclusion of the sixth book.

Those of us who were new to the line didn’t realize the complexities unique to this type of long-term project and were hard pressed to imagine the twists and turns necessary to create a suspense that could sustain itself through six books, each written by a different author. Before long, we decided creating a continuity storyline was harder than we had first imagined and should be left to someone else.

With that background, last year when I was asked to take part in Steeple Hill’s 2010 continuity, PROTECTING THE WITNESSES, I knew I had a lot to learn. Luckily, a number of the other authors selected for the project had worked on continuities before and helped me through the process. I thought you might be interested in a behind-the-scenes peek at how our series developed.

PROTECTING THE WITNESSES, as the back-of-the-book blurb states, revolves around "new identities, looming danger and forever love in the Witness Protection Program." Chicago Mafia don Salvatore Martino is dying and his son Vincent takes over the family operation. Years earlier, the testimony of a green-eyed woman named Eloise Hill sent Salvatore to jail for murder. For her own safety, she was placed in witness protection in Montana, but the mob’s after her now, and in their attempt to find Eloise, innocent women end up dead.

Steeple Hill Assistant Editor Emily Rodmell was in charge of the project, and I applaud her patience in keeping us on track and ensuring each book fit into the overall vision for the series. Shortly after she invited us to take part in the continuity, Emily sent out the “bible,” a 31-page, single-spaced outline for the series. Packed with information, it included an overview of the stories as well as the major threads, settings and brief character descriptions. The continuity elements and teasers needed in each book were part of the bible, as well.

In an attempt to keep everything straight, I read and reread those pages, underlined important information, made notes in the margins and highlighted the traits of specific characters with colored markers. Incorporating the needed information and making all the pieces fit in a way that flows naturally from the story proved to be the most challenging part, in my opinion.

Luckily, my story was the second in line so I had fewer threads to pull together, in comparison to books at the end of the series. The final author has the most challenging task of wrapping everything up in a satisfying conclusion.

We set up a yahoo loop to ease communication and, after weeks of brainstorming, submitted our synopses and first three chapters to Emily. Once the proposals were accepted, we started writing, yet continued to keep in touch, often asking advice, clarifying information or specific details as well as determining when clues would be revealed and by whom.

The deadline for each book depended on its placement in the series, with book 1 being the first in line. Changes or rewrites affected the other stories so everyone needed to be kept up to date on revisions.

Looking back, I learned a lot about the continuity process and how to take an established story and make it my own. Working with the great lineup of authors was an honor and the highlight of the entire process.
I hope you'll enjoy reading the series as much as we enjoyed writing the stories.
Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti
Got an idea that might make a great continuity series? Leave a comment and your email address to be entered into a drawing for an advance copy of KILLER HEADLINE.

Look for the following PROTECTING THE WITNESSES stories wherever you buy Steeple Hill books:
TWIN TARGETS, by Martha Perry, Jan 2010
KILLER HEADLINE, By Debby Giusti, Feb 2010
COWBOY PROTECTOR, By Margaret Daley, Mar 2010
DEADLY VOWS, By Shirlee McCoy, Apr 2010
FATAL SECRETS, By Barbara Phinney, May 2010
RISKY REUNION, By Lenora Worth, June 2010

By Debby Giusti

Two women in the witness protection program have been murdered in Montana. The connection? The mob…and the victims' green eyes. Coincidence? Not according to journalist Violet Kramer, who's counting on her exposé to reveal the truth, protect women in danger—and establish herself as an ace reporter. Undercover cop Clay West thinks she's making a deadly mistake that could bring the mob to her door. And when the lawman with the piercing black eyes insists on protecting her himself, Violet knows she's already in danger.


  1. Hi Debby:

    This is my kind of series.

    Looking forward to it and appreciate the inside peek into the 'executing' of such a series.


  2. Hi Debby:

    I’m very curious about this process. I would think it would greatly increase the stress of writing a novel. Did you find it more stressful?

    Did you have backup plans if one of the writers could not finish the project?

    Would you say this type of project is not something for a ‘pantster’ to attempt?

    Was there any attempt to match stories with authors who lived in the various locations?

    Did the ‘bible’ dictate stylistic features like having similar chapter lengths, POV, inspirational elements, tone, epilogues, etc. so that all the books would have the same ‘look and feel’?

    I like the idea that the books come out a month apart. This way everything will be fresh in the reader’s mind.

    I’d like to see a historical continuity series in which a famous European comes to America to do a lecture tour, as many did in the 19th Century, and have each story involve people whose lives intersected during that tour. Use a real tour, dates, and locations. Oscar Wilde would be my favorite choice of famous person.

    It looks like a great series. I’ve read all the authors before except Shirlee McCoy. It should be fun reading.

    BTW, has there ever been a mob series without one of the characters being named Vincent? I don’t think so. : )

    Vinny ‘the black moment maker’.

  3. Wow Debby, I'm like Helen--thanks for this post about your continuity! This was really interesting to read about! I hope I get to do one someday!

    "Vinny"--you'll like Shirlee's books, she's a great writer!

  4. Is this the first 'continuity' series of this magnitude? If nothing else, it sounds like marketing genius.

    Debby, thanks for the back scenes look and reminding us that the series has just started.

    I agree with Vince. Sounds stressful!

    What's next for you? Any hints on new projects or series?

  5. Hi Helen,
    I understand a lot of readers enjoy continuities, but it's nice to hear a positive comment from Seekerville! Thanks for stopping by today.

    Remember to add your email if you want to be entered in the drawing!

  6. Hey Vince,
    Was writing the continuity stressful? Hmmm? Trying to pull all the details into a story that worked took time. The bible provides information that may, at first, seem random. The author's challenge is to build a story that encompasses all the bible elements in a cohesive fashion.

    I'm not sure if there was a backup plan, but barring a major catastrophe, the authors were all committed to completing the project.

    Good point about pantsters and continuities. They might be working outside their comfort zone, yet a writer writes. Given an assignment, she/he should be able to get the job done. Plus, the authors had some freedom in building the story, which would fit into the pantsters' mode of writing.

    No matching of locales, and none of us, that I know, is an expert on the Mafia! BTW, I did a lot of research on Montana and Missoula, where my story is set, which I added to some of the early scenes in the book. Regrettably, most of my research ended up cut in order to speed the pace of the story along. But, at least, I could picture the town and surrounding area, hopefully, giving the story more authenticity. (Amazing what you can learn from the Internet. I even had photos of downtown Missoula and the surrounding mountains.)

  7. Good morning!! This process is amazing and it takes a lot of hard work. I applaud all involved. The series sounds great and I can't wait to read the books!
    Thanks for giving us a glimpse into the world of continuity.

  8. More for Vince...

    Each book starts with a prologue, a memo from the Chicago FBI Special Agent in Charge. (BTW, Shirlee McCoy's brother is an FBI agent, and he provided great information for us, especially about FBI surveillance.) POV and inspirational elements were as in any LIS. The other stylistic features were left up to the author.

    As far as I know, the historical line hasn't had a continuity yet, but I'm sure it's planned for the future.

    Janet, have you heard anything?

    I like your idea about the lecture tour, Vince. My suspense mind is adding a murder in each town the speaker visits. He's suspected until the end of book 6 when the real killer is apprehended.

    And the love interest, Vince?

    Or is that Vinnie? Great name for a character whether he's a member of the mob or the hero!

  9. Great post, Debby. I'm impressed with what it takes to write a continuity. Lots of hard work and communication. I'd heard of the bible but you've given a great look at how this is done. Looking forward to reading Killer Headline!

    The coffee's on. The tea is steeping. Grab a cup and a cranberry muffin as we talk continuity.


  10. Camy,
    Your continuity will be set in San Francisco...Chinatown, perhaps.

    As you mentioned, Shirlee McCoy is a wonderful writer. Her DEADLY VOWS will be on sale in April.

    I was so fortune to work with all the authors. Martha Perry started us off with her great story, TWIN TARGETS, out this month. Everyone loves Margaret Daley. Her story, COWBOY PROTECTOR, follows mine. Barbara Phinney is book 5, FATAL SECRETS. She puts all the pieces into place for Lenora Worth's great conclusion to the series, RISKY REUNION, where the major characters come back for a powerful ending.

    Lenora's hero is FBI Special Agent Jackson McGraw. Shortly after we received our bibles, she sent us a photo of actor Mark Harmon, who she picked to be Jackson. I kept that photo in mind whenever I wrote his scenes.

  11. Hi Deb,

    Steeple Hill does a Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense continuity each year, as far as I know. That means lots of extra work for the editors. They're great and provide so much input. Not sure if they have a life outside the office though! :)

  12. Hi Lindi,
    Have a great day at work!

    Lindi's my PAL (Published Author Liaison) for GA Romance Writers, which means she reads my stories and reports on them to our GRW membership. Thanks, Lindi, for all you do!

  13. Hi Janet,
    Thanks for starting the coffee! Sorry, I slipped up on my hostess duties!

    Pastries and fruit on are on the breakfast bar. Enjoy!

    And I brought sodas for all the non-tea and coffee drinkers. You'll find them in the cooler.

  14. Oh, WOW, Debby, I already have enough trouble peeling my eyes open in the morning, but now, after reading your fascinating blog about what is to me, a truly mind-boggling project, my eyes are glazed over!!

    WOW. That's all I can say, because as a seat-of-the-pants writer (and a nervous one at that!!) I truly cannot imagine being involved in a project of this magnitude and something this complicated and premeditated without losing my mind.

    I had a continuity project like this in a fiction-writing class I took once, where six groups of classmates wrote a novel together, several chapters per each group. That was years ago, and I STILL haven't recovered! :)

    My hat is off to you, my friend, because suspense is hard enough (I truly believe it takes a lot more brain power than straight romance to come up with plots and twists & turns that can stump the reader), but to do it in a continuity format is, for me, too over the top.

    Stress? If I were part of this project, I'd have to write it in a padded room. With a lock on the door. Alongside cases of chocolate and wine.

    My hat's off to you, my friend. Can't write it, but sure can't wait to read it!!


  15. Hi Debby,

    What an exciting project to be involved in!

    Tell us how the time frame works for each book. Are they happening "simultaneously" or does your book pick up weeks or months after the events in Twin Targets?

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

    PS I also agree with Debra...brillant marketing idea.

  16. Hi, Debby! Your continuity series sounds wonderful! But it sounds so difficult to write--would you like to do anyone one sometime in the future?

  17. Deb, this is fascinating, and what a kudo to be asked to be part of it. Super job landing that level of respect and nod of approval.

    This is similar to the After the Storm continuity that LI did, and I was impressed with how well the separate authors handled the flow as well as avoiding the urge to dump too much info to guide the reader who may or may not have read any of the other books.

    What a trick. THEN to add the suspense thread....

    EEEE gads, woman, there's a reason I don't write suspense, you actually have to have functioning brain cells on both sides of your head to pull that all together.

    Oh my stars, I'm so impressed, and happy to report that I bought one of the last copies of Christmas Peril known to mankind.

    Which just tells you how slow and behind I am in the TBR column.

    But I'll get there. Awesome inside post, Debster.

    Oh. Food. We're naysaying the diet today and going TOTAL CARB LOAD...

    Planning for upcoming marathons, writing and running. Did you know you can watch marathons (Boston, NYC, etc.) from a recliner with a bag of chips????



    Potato bake, loaded with cheese and sour cream. Bagels. Donuts.

    With fillings, of course!!! Danish. Cheesecake, just because.

    Eggs and bacon on the side to provide a savory/sweet balance.

    Dig in. Seems we have a lot to talk about!


  18. I loved working with the other five ladies on this series. That's one of the best parts of doing a continuity series. Debby asked us to answer a question or two about the continuity series we were in with her. What are the challenges of writing a continuity series from writing a regular LIS?

    In a continuity you have to tie certain elements to the other five books in the series. Those elements are determined from the overview of the series. Certain aspects are decided for you whereas in your own stories that aren't part of a continuity series you control all aspects. What is challenging and fun is piecing a larger story together and seeing how you can fit your story into the other ones. It can really push your plotting skills.

  19. Debby, I loved doing the series. It was my first one, and all of you were so patient with me. I was scared to death that I would be seen as crazy with all my questions on which character did what, but when I met Debby at the Nataional conference in Washington, her first words were, "Aren't you glad we've survived that continuity!"
    Debby was so kind and nice and I loved her immediately.
    Yes, it was tough, getting stories straight, and Debby's story was very important to me because I featured her hero and heroine in my story quite a bit. I love her hero as much as I love my own!
    Vince, you asked some amazing questions. We're allowed to have our own voice, but it's the details we needed to get right. It was very stressful for a short time, but deadlines usually are, anyway.
    With most stories set in Montana all the time, we needed to know the area. Even now, my ears perk up whenever I hear about the area around Missoula. (Google earth is great!)
    While the 'bible' was invaluable, we were able to change things to make the logic adn story flow better, and we were allowed to slip in our own plot twist and such, so don't be expecting ordinary stories, everyone.
    Happy reading!
    Barbara Phinney

  20. Hi Debby, What an interesting post and look behind the scenes. We so often take for granted the books we so enjoy and series are fun.

    Thanks for the heads up too that this one is starting this month. I like to read them from book one to the end.

    I loved Christmas Peril and thought you and Margaret did a great job. So I know your books in this series will be dynamite.

    Thanks for the goodies.

  21. This sounds fascinating. I've read a few continuity serieses before, but they all revolved around Star Trek.
    I'm curious as to how this one will turn out. Debby, I will definitely be picking up your book.

  22. As hard as it sounds, I think this concept sounds like fun!

  23. What a great inside peek at the process. I love reading series like this.

  24. Very interesting, Debby! Thanks for sharing. And what an honor to picked for this! It shows trust in your talent and dedication.

    Congrats!! :)

    Vince, I mean Vinny, I'm still cracking up, thinking of you as a black moment maker. [grin]

  25. Hi Julie,
    I'm laughing after reading your post -- you who write such delightfully rich stories having trouble with a continuity? I don't think so!!!

    Maybe you hadn't had coffee before you read the post, eh?

  26. Hi Rose,
    The books take place in the month they come my story occurs in Feb, Margaret's is in March, etc.

    Thanks for leaving your email. You're in the drawing, Rose.

  27. Hi Cara,
    I think they rotate the continuities around so doubt I'll be asked for a few years or so. Steeple Hill has so many authors, many of whom I'm sure would like to take part.

  28. Hi Melanie,
    Thanks for stopping by today! Congrats on your own success! We're all so excited for you!

  29. Debby, An LIH author told me the following about continuities and LIH:

    They have a continuity connected to the LI continuity taking place in Alaska. I know they had a LIH continuity connected to the 'After Storm' LI continuity. I don't know if they have had an independent LIH continuity.

    Hope this helps.


  30. Hi Margaret and Barbara! It's great to get your perspective. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience with us.


  31. Hey Ruthy,
    Thanks for all the goodies!!! I love carbs in any form.

    You mentioned info dumps, which are big no-nos! Hopefully, none of us did that.

    Because the books take place in different Montana towns, each story seems more like a stand alone. Yes, the Chicago mobsters run back and forth throughout all the books, and we all rely on the expertise of two handsome hunks: US Marshal Micah McGraw and his half-brother, FBI Special Agent in Charge Jackson McGraw (think Mark Harmon). But every story centers on its own hero and heroine and the danger that surrounds them.

  32. Hi Debby,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to show the behind the scenes on this. It's lots more complicated than one author writing a series, isn't it? The story sounds fascinating -- being from N.O., I'm fascinated by stories centering around the mob.
    I'll be looking for this!

  33. Hi Margaret,
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing the challenges you see with continuities. Weaving in all the information the author is required to include takes creativity, and as you mentioned, "It can really push your plotting skills."

    At times, I felt it was like a giant 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle I had to put together. Early on, I was sure I'd lost a few pieces! :)

    Most of Seekerville knows how giving Margaret is. She answered every one of my questions -- probably more than a million of them -- and held my hand through the entire process. She's the best!

  34. Hi Barbara,
    Thanks for sharing your insights on continuities. We were the newbies, and I'm sure I asked many more questions than you did.

    Because Barbara had book 5, she needed to coordinate her story with the earlier ones, which makes the process much more difficult. As I mentioned earlier, I was lucky to get book 2. I included Martha Perry's hero and heroine and had that cute Mark Harmon wannabe FBI agent on the page, but the other main characters had off-stage roles in my book, making it much easier for me.

    Barbara, I hope we can work together on another project ... maybe something a bit less involved! :)

  35. One idea for a continuity series in present time.

    Six kids are kidnapped from a day care for teeage single moms (a place where the girls can leacve the kids while finishing high school and also learn parenting skills.) While the crime is never solved, the kids are sold off (adopted) out-of-state.

    Five years passes and the dying declaration of one of the perpetrators re-opens the case, sending the mothers and their eventual heroes into harm's way as the mothers try again to find their kids.

  36. Hi Sandra,
    Hope you're enjoying warm sunshine in the beautiful Southwest!

    Tina suggested the blog topic, so thanks, Tina!

    I remember hearing authors talk about a bible (lower case "b")some years ago and wondered what they were referring to. The ultimate challenge would be to write the six-book bible for a new continuity.

    Let's see...15 writers on an island...a dead body floats to shore...

  37. Hey Walt,
    Leave your email so you can be included in the drawing, okay?

    Star Trek continuities? Hmmmm?

  38. Hey Renee,
    That's the right attitude. And it was fun! Especially working with the other authors.

  39. wmussell[at]hotmail[dot]com

    Yes, Star Trek continuities. They're fun, though they seemed to come out on a quarterly basis.

  40. Hi Erica and Missy,
    Thanks for stopping by. Did you get some goodies?

    I've added cold cuts, cheese, French bread and condiments to the buffet. Chips as well.

  41. Thanks, Janet, for the information on the LIH continuities! I'll watch for them in the bookstore.

  42. Pamela,
    Your hometown would make a great backdrop for a continuity, wouldn't it? The marketplace, Cafe du Monde, Bourbon Street, the river...I'm feeling it! :)

    Yes, a continuity is more difficult than a series created by one author mainly because the continuity author needs to work within the parameters stated in the bible. Plus, including elements from the other stories adds to the challenge.

  43. Walt,
    Interesting storyline! So all the parents are scrambling to find their kidnapped children? Who's the main villain? And who dies?

  44. The dying declaration would be made by one of the henchman who pulled off the original kidnapping. He's stabbed in prison and it's the one regret he's had in his life before he dies, taking the kids away from their mothers.

    The girls had not so much given up on their children, but forced to move on after five years. The new info sets up a scramble to find the missing children. Each child went through a different "broker," who becomes a separate villain for each story. Each story ends with a clue as to main perpetrator.

    As for the main villain? Possibilities include:
    1) A doctor who used his position to "take advantage" of the girls and is the father. The children are gotten out of town to get rid of the evidence.
    2) A city councilman (brother) with gambling debts. The children are sold to pay off the debts.

    You could even make them brothers, with one protecting the other.

  45. Debby, thanks for the peek into what makes a continuity series work. And from the sounds of it, this is really work!

    I'm awed by the insight editors have in not only giving feedback on books, but the effort involved in developing and tracking a 6-book series.

    Boggles this poor little mind : )

    Way to go, Debby! Can't wait to read Killer Headline!

  46. Great post...and great sounding book! Please enter me. THANKS!!!

  47. Walt,
    I think you need to turn this into your own series. Sounds like it has possibilities. Find the kids, uncover the bad guys and the mastermind behind the whole operation. Lots of money exchanged hands and now certain people are being blackmailed. When they don't pay up, they're brother (?) after another.

    Good job, Walt! I like it!

  48. Hi Audra,
    Glad you liked the sneak peek! At RWA this summer, Emily told me she has 40 authors and is in charge of the continuity. That's a huge workload.

    Keeping all the continuity books straight is an editorial challenge for sure!

  49. Hi Jackie,
    You're in the drawing! Good luck and thanks for stopping by Seekerville today.

  50. Hi Debby:

    I just love it when you host. You give such interesting and detailed answers. I just got in the office this afternoon and everyone’s comments are so interesting, I didn’t want them to end! I hope these posts pass 100 by tonight!

    Does anyone know if a whole continuity series has ever received an in-depth review as a single entity? Writing such a review would be a mini-education in understanding the dynamics of the continuity format. What fun that would be! The reviewer would also need a review bible. Holy smoke!

    Will you have a ‘continuity’ interview with all the heroes and heroines, at one time, (as on an Oprah show), on the “Crafty Ladies of Suspense” website? That would be one super interview. I bet it would be an industry first. Think of it: a cross book interview. Wow.


  51. Hi Janet:

    I think a very interesting historical series could be centered around the establishment of ‘new’ hospital in Noblesville at the turn of the 19th century. This could be a kind of historical “House”. There could probably be twelve books in this series. You even have the characters for the first story. (Hint).


  52. Hi Debby:

    I already have a copy of “Killer Headline”. That’s why I did not leave an email address. :)


  53. Like Julie, I'm 100% SOTP writer and can't even imagine trying to do this!

    My hat's off to you too and I wish you the best of luck - this series sounds very interesting.

  54. No, Deb, I am NOT woofing you here -- this continuity idea with other writers would put me in the nut house, seriously. I am SO impressed, I can't stand it, and I was already impressed with you before ... So just let Pam and I sulk in the corner, okay?

    And, Walt, OMIGOSH, what a phenomenal idea!! If I wasn't such a baby about continuity series, I would go for that story. WRITE IT, SEEKER BOY, or someone else will!!!


  55. Hey Debby, this sounds like a great series and I'm looking forward to the books arriving in my eharl shipments. :)

    A 31 page outline? Yikes! I'd have so many post-it tags I'd never find anything.

    Good job taking on the challenge.

  56. Vincenzo? You'll always be Vinnie to me!!!

    I'm sure the continuity heroes and heroines will be interviewed when their books come out...but I like your idea of having a mega-blog featuring all the main characters. BTW, if anyone doesn't know, the LIS heroes and/or heroines post answers to a blog interview each SAT on

    A review for the entire series? Interesting! I'm sure the review would be good because of our stellar, established authors who are carrying the series. Remember Margaret Daley has over 66 books to her name. Lenora Worth is around that number as well. I'm sure Marti is the same. These girls know their stuff and have a following of readers who love them, which includes me!

    So glad you stopped back, Vinnie. I always love your in-depth comments. But you still didn't leave your email to be entered in the drawing. Think about it? Okay?

  57. Vinnie,
    You already have a copy of my FEB book??? THANK YOU!!!!

    Now tell us more about the hospital in Nobelsville? Are you online, Janet?

  58. Hi Pamela,
    I'm amazed how YOU do it. Seat of the pants? I couldn't. I need outlines and a detailed synopsis before I can write anything.

  59. Hey Julie,
    Walts on it! We've talked. He's roughing out the synopsis tonight and will have the proposal ready for tomorrow's mail. :)

    After watching all the orphan stories concerning the Haiti earthquake, I'm wondering if that could play in as well. Can't see how, but I keep thinking about it.

    Praying for all the folks in that poor, poor country! And for the safety of the Americans who have come to their aid.

  60. Hi Anita Mae,
    So glad you're in the book club and get the books sent to your home. I keep thinking I need to sign up...right now, I frequent my favorite bookstore to get my copies.

    Believe me, I had post-it notes attached to my post-it notes! And when in doubt, I reread the bible for the umpteenth time.

  61. It may take me until Saturday for a synopsis, though I don't know if I can blend in a Haiti connection.

  62. Hi y'all,
    Thanks to our hostess today!

    Is there any decaf tea left?
    Sleepytime sounds good about now.

    What an interesting project!! The more I hang out here, the more I see how much I don't know.

    Did anyone ever read "The Bridge over San Luis Rey?" I still recall the title from my (gasp) high school days.

    So if memory serves, it opens with 5 people crossing a bridge over a deep gorge in South America, and the bridge collapses.

    Subsequent chapters gave the reader insight as to how the people got to the bridge at the same time and why in the grand scheme of things it was their time to die.

    Perhaps I just made up some of that, but it's as I remember it. It was a fascinating read.

    Not the same as being written by different authors certainly, but this post reminded me of that book.

    See you soon. Thanks for letting me stop by!

  63. Hi KC,
    Yes, there's tea. Decaf? You bet! Help yourself!

    I read THE BRIDGE OVER SAN LOUIS REY, although I don't remember what happened. Wasn't it a movie too?

    I did a Google search. Here's what I found:

    Thornton Wilder's second novel, THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY, was published in 1927 to worldwide acclaim. The plot is deceptively simple: On July 20, 1714, "the finest bridge in all Peru" collapses and five people die. Brother Juniper, a Franciscan missionary, happens to witness the tragedy, and as a result, he asks the central question of the novel: "Why did this happen to those five?" He sets out to explore the lives of the five victims, and to understand why they died. Ironically, his quest will lead to his own death.

    The Bridge received the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Very nice!

  64. Hi Debbie:

    FYI, the Harlequin company family books are available on the eHarlequin website for purchase one month before the paper book is released. So I often get Seeker books at 12:01 am on the first of the month, the month before the paper book is available.

    I hope to get Ruth’s book on the first of February. For legal reasons this does not apply to Harlequin Medical Romances. These novels are not released early nor can one purchase all six books. Only four of the romances are made available as eBooks each month. This may sound bad but there was a time not long ago when these Medical Romance eBooks were not available at all in North America.

    With your medical background, have you thought about writing a Medical Romance? They are short and they do have a few American authors. These are wonderful fast reads heavy on medical information. A reader who likes House, should find these very satisfying.


  65. Wow, I missed Debby's post and came to see how everyone reacted. Very great posts, people. I've done several continuties for Steeple Hill and I have to say this was one of my favorites. I fell for my hero, Jackson McGraw the minute I read his profile. I just "got" him right away. Maybe because I watch NCIS every week and love Mark Harmon. And my cover for Risky Reunion is gorgeous. Perfect and so suspenseful. Debby did a great job of summing things up. In order to enjoy writing a continuity, you have to learn to "play well with others." I love the back and forth of organizing our thoughts and working out the problems or concerns in a continuity. And sometimes, we add little touches that the editor didn't think of. This job is way too much fun (most days.) I hope everyone enjoys our Protecting The Witness continuity. I'm already reading Marty's book. Can't wait to read the rest. Thanks, Debby. Sorry I didn't get by earlier. Deadlines, of course!
