Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eliciting Emotion: SHERLOCK HOLMES vs. UP IN THE AIR

Over New Year’s weekend we saw two movies: Sherlock Holmes and Up in the Air. I typically enjoy escapist movies like Batman, Indiana Jones, Spiderman, etc., and I expected Sherlock Holmes to be in the same vein. On the other hand, George Clooney flicks can sometimes be a bit too esoteric for my tastes, so Up in the Air wasn’t a movie I would have chosen to see. I only went because our good friends invited us.

Boy, was I surprised!

Usually even over-the-top action/adventure heroes have a touchingly human trait that makes them sympathetic and relatable, but the brooding, insensitive, pugilistic Sherlock as played by Robert Downey Jr. left me cold. Jude Law’s Dr. Watson was slightly more endearing with his hopes of marrying and settling down, but his brotherly concern for Sherlock seemed highly misplaced. The movie seemed far longer than its 2 hours and 9 minutes. I couldn’t wait for it to end.

Two days later we saw Up in the Air. The movie began with some unnecessary (to me, anyway) crude language as it introduced “downsizing expert for hire” Ryan Bingham (Clooney). Bingham flies from city to city, firing employees for managers who don’t want to do the dirty work themselves. He has no life of his own. His apartment, which he rarely inhabits, is devoid of anything personal. He basically lives out of his suitcase, and is on the preferred client list of just about every hotel and rental car agency. His one goal in life is to rack up 10 million miles on his airline of choice.

Likable? Relatable? Hmmmm . . .

But very soon things start to happen that bring out Bingham’s hidden humanity. It begins when he must show the ropes to a hotshot know-it-all newcomer. He forces her to see that these are real people they’re dealing with, people with families, mortgages, medical expenses. They don’t deserve what they’re getting, and Bingham treats them with detached firmness but also with respect.

Without giving away more of the plot, let me just say that as the story unfolded, I honestly grew to like this character. I wanted to see him happy. I wanted to see him in a fulfilling relationship. I cared.

As for Sherlock? Not so much.

According to Michael Hauge in his DVD “The Hero’s 2 Journeys,” the number one goal of storytelling is to elicit emotion. With the right kind of emotion, we create empathy between our readers and our main characters, which means employing at least two of the following:
  • giving the character undeserved misfortunes.
  • putting the character in jeopardy.
  • making the character an especially likable or good person.
  • making the character funny.
  • making the character powerful or especially good at what he/she does.
The only emotion Sherlock Holmes elicited from me was bored frustration. It seemed to me Holmes pretty much deserved his misfortunes. He came across as coldly self-centered, spending too much time feeling sorry for himself while abusing his dog with questionable experiments. He was too pathetic to be the least bit funny. About his only positive attributes were his brains (when he was alert enough to use them) and his martial arts expertise. Why Watson put up with him is hard to imagine.

Ryan Bingham, on the other hand, was definitely in emotional and relational jeopardy. He was also very good at his job, no matter how distasteful it might be. He was funny in a sad sort of way. I’ll leave it to viewers to decide whether he really deserved what happened to him at the end of the movie, but no one can argue that he came through it a changed man.

Think about a novel, movie, or TV show that stands out in your mind. Did the characters draw you in, make you care? Was it right away, or much later in the story? If the connection came later, what made you stay with the story that long? Were your reactions what you expected, or were you surprised?

Coffee’s on. Help yourself to a cranberry scone, and let’s chat!


  1. Hi Myra:

    I would select the movie “Mamma Mia!” The whole movie was about emotion. I liked all the characters from the very start. Each was a true individual. Each was motivated by different goals which were clearly delineated. Having two love stories, with four heroes and a total surprise ending, just amazed me.

    The economy of words, (saying the most with the fewest words), may be the best I’ve seen in a movie. I cared about all the characters including what was going to happen to them after the movie ended.

    Mamma Mia is a wonderful movie – even without the music.


  2. Okay Vince, you forgot to say that Meryl Streep was exceptionally adorable in Mamma Mia, too. You're such a gentleman! I wanted to be her best friend (and a free place to stay in Greece was only part of it.)

    Myra, I'm copying your blurb of Michael Hauge's words about character. I've been judging contest entries this week and that is exactly what I've been trying to get across in my comments. I want to invest in the character because I found them someone I'd root for. Boy, without that, I can see why submissions get set aside.

    And may I be the first to 'cheapen' your post by saying: 'but what about those beautiful bedroom eyes on Downey and Clooney?' Sigh

  3. I would select Greg House from 'House.' I'm sure anyone whose ever watched the show would say that he is the most disagreeable, most disrespectful man on the planet. Yet each week, we all keep tuning in to see what he's going to do next.

    I think it's because even at his ugliest, we sense a vunerablity, as if he's lost something very dear and he's on this massive search for it. While he's this great doctor, he's like a little boy lost, playing childish games as a way of showing the people around him that he DOES care.

    Would I have wanted him as a long term friend? NO(it'd be too exhausting) but I would love an afternoon of trading barbs with him just to see what he'd come up with.

  4. Okay, y'all, if you get a contest entry back with a judge's suggestion that you buy The Hero's Two Journeys, it's Debra!!! LOL

    Vince, I loved Mamma Mia the play. But for some reason, I couldn't get into the movie. Maybe it's because two of my kids were sitting here making fun of the songs and begging for us to let them quit watching. :)

    Patty, I LOVE House! Or maybe I should say I love to hate him. But sometimes I really do feel sorry for him and love him. The way you described him says it well.

    Myra, great post! I love to study movies to help my writing. But my family hates it when I sit there and comment and analyze! I'm not a fun movie-watching partner. (Well, I guess I would be fun for another writer, though! So y'all come on over.) :)

    I've got coffee waiting for me in the pot. I'll share! Starbucks Sumatra with Italian Sweet Cream creamer. Breakfast is still up in the air...

  5. Morning Myra, Great topic and so true. I haven't seen either movie, but I'm thinking of your characters in One Imperfect Christmas. Natalie had me from the start. I could soooo empathize with her and I wanted to read how she resolved the powerful emotions we could see tearing her apart from the first chapter.

    Vince I sooo loved Mama Mia. It was a fun movie and took me back in time. smiling to think of it.

    Hmmm the scones are yummy. I just picked a bunch of oranges off my tree. They taste yummy with walnuts and coconut tossed in. Help yourselves.

  6. Good morning, Myra, wonderful post. Haven't seen either of these movies, but I am a big-time Jude Law fan. His role in Cold Mountain--oh, be still my heart!
    I'll do Cold Mountain, both the movie and the book. It's old, sure, but powerful in eliciting character sympathy. Inman is a Civil War soldier who enlisted like thousands of his peers, thinking it would be a ninety day war. His youth is pecked away by the horrors he sees, and he longs for the innocence and simplicity of his life in Cold Mountain, and the promise of Ada's love though he hardly knows her. I found myself gripped by his longing for home and love as he recovers in the hospital. What's not to love about a sentimental war hero?

    In the spirit of the Civil War south, I'm bringing home fries with honey-glazed ham chunks and biscuits with gravy. : ) The coffee smells divine!

  7. And I was going to see Sherlock, hmmm maybe not now lol!

    For me when I think of movies and character growth it is my fav Sweet Home Alabama!! Love Reese Witherspoons character!

    For tv shows Patty is right on with House. The character you hate, but have to like, laugh, and feel pity for! his complexity is unique!

    Thanks for the fun post this morning!

  8. Loved ABBA, but Mama Mia didn't do much for me although it was a decent movie. I'm more of an "action" guy. Spider-man, cool.
    The Dark Knight, cool.
    Gladiator, way good story.
    Amazing Grace, very emotional.
    Dumb and Dumber, funny as hell when yer in a silly mood that is.

  9. Mornin' Myra, any post with "emotion" in it is right up my alley, girl, so thanks for a stimulating and fun read.

    Vince, Keith and I love Mama Mia, too, and watch it whenever we are a bit blue because it's such a lift (at least 15 times to date now), although we both didn't like it initially because we thought everyone was miscast. The characters are supposed to be in their late 40s, but all appeared to be in their late 50s instead, which bothered us because we felt they were just going for the big names. But you're right, the whole movie is about emotion and for us, with the wonderful music, it's VERY addicting!

    Keith and I seldom go see movies except at Christmas, so this year, we saw two -- Blindside and It's Complicated.

    In Blindside, I would have thought that Sandra Bullock's true-life character of a brazen but beautiful, manicured, very pushy, rich, Southern woman would have turned me off, but quite the opposite happened. When you saw the depth of character and concern this woman had deep down, all of sudden all the pushiness and in-your-face features actually became likable, humorous and downright endearing, making this movie, hands-down, one of the best movies I've seen in years.

    It's Complicated, although not particularly moral in its concept of a divorced woman (Meryl Streep) having an affair with her ex-husband (Alec Baldwin), turned out to be quite good, which also surprised me. I tend not to like characters shaped in the Hollywood mode of adultery no matter what. For instance, as much as I love Meryl Streep, I never could wrap my brain (or my heart) around the romantic concept of adultery in The Bridges of Madison County. To me, adultery is NOT sexy or romantic, no matter how much Hollywood tries to make it so.

    But, It's Complicated is ... well, "complicated" in that Meryl, this time, managed to get me to like her with her wonderful portrayal of a strong woman who has survived the infidelity and divorce of her husband of 20-something years. FINALLY she has reached a solid place in her career and self-esteem when the ex-husband, unhappy in his own marriage, is drawn to her once again, instigating a very complicated and messy affair. My M.O. is to automatically not like Meryl or the movie because of the adultery factor, but I have to say that the emotion she evoked in me with her strength, her confusion, her guilt and her final decision in the end, won me over.

    Fun post, Myra!


  10. Great post, Myra. I haven't seen either movie you mentioned, but my sister and my son saw Sherlock Holmes and loved the movie. My friend saw it and hated it. Too each his/her own, right?

    I'm working hard to draw on the emotion in my own novel because that's what draws me to a character when I read. In fact, we discussed this at the My Book Therapy chat last night.

    I'm a happily ever after kind of girl, so even though I go for emotion in a character, they have to give me a satisfying HEA ending...one reason I don't read or watch Nickolas Sparks' books or movies.

  11. I actually enjoyed Sherlock. I thought it was a great buddy flick. Watson is more relatable, but that is in perfect keeping with the books. Haven't seen Up in the Air. Didn't really appeal to me, but that's the joy of choices both in movies and books. We all have preferences and there are plenty of options to satisfy just about every reader!

  12. Excellent post, Myra! I'm printing Michael Hague's list of character attributes that elicit empathy in readers.

    Loved Momma Mia, Vince! I'm racing against the clock this morning but will check back later.

    Thanks for the yummy scone, Myra!


  13. I re-watched Gladiator over the weekend. Now, I have to admit, Russell Crowe is so fine to look at, I'd watch him no matter what. But who wouldn't root for the man who'd lost everything, especially when the best he can hope for is to make things right before he's reunited with his (dead) family? Powerful stuff in this movie.

  14. Of course, the first guy I think of is House! LOL Great character.

    That's really disappointing about the Holmes movie, although I will say that I've read all the books and Holmes is never a super warm, sympathetic person. I mean, he can be, but most often he feels a little distant.

  15. Hi, Myra! Very thought provoking.

    Yesterday I watched (mostly listened as I cooked dinner) the movie Pollyanna for the millionth time. (Slight exaggeration, but only slight. My daughter loves watching movies over and over and over and ... you get the picture.) Anyway, I like this movie a lot, but having seen it/listened to it so many times, I was analyzing it yesterday. It struck me as being way over-the-top and blatantly sentimental. However, it works because the characters are all very real and are dealing with struggles in life that we have all dealt with: a difficult boss, an unloving relative, a pushy person, depression/illness, and Pollyanna showed them a better way to deal with their problems, a more positive attitude. So we care about the people and understand their struggles, and we admire Pollyanna for being so positive.

    However, once you've seen the movie as many times as I have, you get frustrated at it, too! I could never have written this story myself. The ending frustrates me and smacks of being unrealistically happy for the circumstances. And puh-lease! What good-looking doctor would marry that mean, cold Jane Wyman? Oops, sorry. If you've never seen it, you really should. It's a great movie.

  16. You are so right, Debra! I've judged a lot of contest entries in which I felt nothing for the hero or heroine, except maybe dislike. This is no way to start a novel! Make them likeable! Please!

    Just a little FYI.

  17. Good morning, everyone! Wow, what a great selection of movies you've come up with!

    Mamma Mia is a favorite of mine, too, Vince and Julie. Yeah, the actors seemed a bit too "gray" for their roles, and I won't be buying any Pierce Brosnan recordings anytime soon, but the story of romance rediscovered was touching, and I loved the music!

    I've never watched House, but I know there are a lot of fans out there. And there's definitely something about finding the hidden endearing qualities in a crusty, not-so-likable character.

  18. For those of you who saw Sherlock Holmes and enjoyed the movie, I have to say my husband didn't have the problems with it that I did. Could be partly a guy thing, or just the fact that I need much more of an emotional connection with the characters before I can get into a story.

    Or it could have been the mood I was in that day--LOL!

  19. Laughing with you, Melanie, about watching/listening to Pollyanna for the umpteenth time! My granddaughter asks to see movies like White Christmas and Mary Poppins over and over and over again! Mainly she wants to see the singing & dancing parts and knows them all by heart.

  20. House, Russell Crowe in Gladiator, action heroes who show their vulnerability...yes.

    I love it when I connect with the protagonists, but a story is enhanced when I find myself rooting for the secondary characters too.

    Over Christmas, I saw Invictus with Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela. Of course, I expected to root for Mandela. And I did. But I didn't expect to find myself rooting for the South African rugby team leader, Francois Pienaar. But I did, because he was an unsuspecting guy thrust into the role of not simply leading a rugby team but uniting a nation. This movie was all about emotion.

  21. Hi, Patricia! Yes, Invictus is definitely on my "to see" list. Morgan Freeman is great in just about anything.

    Which brings to mind The Bucket List. Jack Nicholson wasn't exactly a likable character in that movie, but he was one who grew on you as the story progressed.

  22. I love House.

    Did you see it last night when Wilson proposed marriage to him in the restaurant?

    I laughed when the old lady yelled, "Say yes!"

    The look on House's face knowing his gay charade has been called: Priceless.

    I enjoyed Sherlock Holmes because Holmes and Watson reminded me of House and Wilson.

    During this season and last of Heroes, my oldest son and I have been wishing for characters to die...and stay dead.

    One thing I've figured out about characters--in books, tv, movies--is that those who have equal flaws and virtues don't engage my emotions.

    Either be a significantly more bad than good, or good than bad.

    Great discussion starter, Myra!

  23. Thanks, Vince, for the "Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia, here we go again" earworm.

  24. Gina, what an excellent point: Either be good or be bad, but don't be balanced. You're right. We want to cheer for or against a character. Not be lukewarm.

    I just saw The Blind Side this past weekend. Oh my gosh. It was a three tissue movie for me! I loved it. And Julie, not only could I relate to the mother in the story, but I also wanted to be her! She had the nerve to do and say things I would never have the nerve to do. It really got me into the story. :)

  25. I loved The Blind Side too! I was getting weepy after the first 10 minutes! Oh, to be as brave and self-confident as Leigh Ann Tuohy (and as gorgeous as Sandra Bullock!!!)!

  26. Myra, excellent topic and post! I loved "Blind Side" and it is a great example of Haug's point.

    When you posed the question, Myra, I thought about "Castle." Now, I know I may have been biased because of Richard Castle's career, but I truly loved the show from the first episode. I think banter and humor were a big part of that. He was also especially good at what he does and likable.

    Besides House, I think the show "Bones" has done a great job making the viewer like a character who could be seen as cold. Again, she is the best at what she does, but they make her human by using another character's admiration of her (and sometimes his teasing). Haug didn't have that on the list, but it always seems one of the biggest ways to make us love a character. If another character, who is generally likeable, likes the one who is not, we find ourselves believing there must be some value in the character we just haven't seen yet.

  27. Howdy Myra,

    I wouldn't say Sherlock was my most favorite movie, but I didn't mind it. Because it is a well known character who is too smart for his own good, arrogant and dumb at the same time. He's so smart he doesn't have people skills.

    I wanted to slap him. But given the history of the character, I think it was done well.

    It could have been shorter, but I liked the way they walked through his mind as he played out the scenarios.

    As for the movies I really liked this year.

    The Blind Side. I wanted to see the characters make it. And Sandra Bullock was quirky and funny and you could see her heart.

    I laughed and cried and got mad.

    I liked Invictus. Felt it was a bit long but it was another true life story that was done well.

    Sandra Bullock did another movie earlier about a character who could be looked at much like Sherlock in All About Steve, seemingly obnoxious, and lacking people skills, but her brainiac and social lines couldn't quite connect.

  28. Hi Myra:

    I enjoyed your reviews and I think I would come to the same conclusions if I saw those movies. I hope you review “The Lovely Bones” because the movie has been trashed but I thought the book was excellent.

    I think authors may ‘see’ movies (and thus judge movies) differently than non-authors. I also believe that the same is true for young people compared to older folks. Different people are having different experiences at the movies.

    I think young people see the graphics and action first and judge a movie more based on those qualities. I think authors are looking at the story and character development. I think older folks want the story to make ‘sense’ first and may be annoyed by the same graphics and action that the kids love.

    When I first saw “Mamma Mia” I thought many of the actors were too old. The director made an important comment. She said that “Mamma Mia,” more than any other musical, required real actors to make the story work. She choose actors over singers.

    If you see the movie again, pay close attention to Meryl Streep’s facial expressions. Her acting is outstanding. At one point she has to say that she is glad that she is no longer interested in making love but she has to say it in a way that the viewer knows she doesn’t mean what she’s saying. She carried it off. The viewer just knows she doesn’t mean it. I actually tried to say it that way myself and I couldn’t do it. I also loved it when she said: “You got a boat?” And how about her duet with her daughter as she helps her get dressed for the wedding? That was acting more than signing.

    Pierce Brosnan may not be able to sign, but I believed that his character was ‘feeling’ what he was expressing by the words of the song.

    Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I have been to similar Greek islands several times and would give most anything to return.


  29. Hi, Lorna! Castle is one of my favorite TV shows! I love his relationship with his teenage daughter--so honest and sincere. Castle is one of those quirky, "annoying" characters you just can't help but like.

    I haven't seen All About Steve, Tina. The previews sure didn't entice me, and the reviews were less than stellar as well.

    Interesting theories, Vince. And I agree, the acting in Mamma Mia! was great. Of course I like Meryl Streep in just about anything. She is the consummate actress. And having just visited Greece in 2008, I'd love another chance to visit those lovely islands. But definitely when it's warmer than it is here right now!

  30. Oh no, Myra! Does something bad happen to George Clooney at the end of the flick? I was hoping he and the female newcomer would get together for the HEA!

    I love Hauge. His list of reasons to become emotionally involved with the characters made me rethink my current hero and heroine. I'm trying to dig a bit deeper today and finding the pain they keep buried, even from themselves.

    Speaking of Meryl Streep. I saw Julia and Julie (or is it Julie and Julia?) over the holidays and loved Meryl's portrayal of Julia Childs. So well done! Loved the movie and the food. Mastering the Art of French Cooking is now on my Must Buy List!

  31. Hey Myra!!
    Okay, my sister was trying to convince me to go and see Up in the Air...guess we should've!! Now, it'll be my treat when it's out on DVD to rent for sure : )

    It may sound stupid, but the characters on Gilmore Girls always draw me in. I own all 7 seasons and no matter how many times I may have seen an episode, I know I will sit down and still be drawn in and entertained! It's definitely the interaction, especially the mother-daughter bond between Rory and Laurelai. Maybe I'm just envious of that.... : )

    Mamma Mia was a disappointment in our household. I have to agree with whoever said they felt like they were going for the big names. That's more what it felt like, but the music was PHENOMENAL as always!

    Gotta head to District rehearsal! Stop by later,

  32. Debby, I won't spoil the ending of Up in the Air for you. It's really quite touching, and very appropriate when you think about it. Not a genuine HEA, but you get the feeling there could be hope down the road . . . if only . . .

    Hannah, I end up seeing a lot of movies on DVD that I wasn't sure I wanted to spend my money on to see at the theater. Have fun at your rehearsal!

  33. Myra,

    No, All about Steve wasn't a stellar movie, I decided to watch it because several people gave it a thumbs up. I expected something completely different.

    I just shared it because I thought the character was alot like Sherlocke, in the sense that she was a social nerd so to speak, only in her case, while she seems obnoxious I found myself rooting for her.

  34. Social nerd. Yeah, I guess that description fits Sherlock. I might have started to care about him if I'd seen one glimmer of altruism. If he'd treated his dog better, even. And it galled me when he was so rude to Watson's fiancee at the restaurant. Loved it when she tossed her wine in his face!

  35. Oh, Gina, you nailed it with the ear-worm thing on Mama Mia!!! As I said before, Keith, my daughter Amy and I all felt initially that the movie was miscast and left the theatre somewhat disappointed.

    HOWEVER ... about a week later, something scary (and really very annoying) happened to EACH of us!! All three of us starting humming DIFFERENT songs from Mama Mia all week until finally we were so besotted with the darn thing that we went out to buy the CD and then the DVD when it came out. It's like the producer put a spell on us, sucking us into obsession. I have never seen anything like it. I blame it on my Abba roots in the 70s, but I sure don't know what the case is with my 22-year-old daughter!!


  36. Ah, Myra, great post and you are excellent at pulling emotion from your characters. Such good and important stuff to think of as we write and create.

    Movies with emotion...

    Remember the Titans.

    Love it. Love it. Love it.

    Great portrayals. Stubborn men. Changing times. Love and loss. Cute pugnacious kids. Forward thrust of time and emotion. Football.

    Have I mentioned I love football?

    I love that movie, it's a heart-gripper.


  37. LOL, Ruthy, I'm not much for football movies, but that was a good one. And one I remember from way, way, WAY back in the dark ages was Brian's Song. Oh, what a tear-jerker!!!

    And that reminded me of another George Clooney movie that I suddenly can't remember the title of. Renee Zellweger was in it. Oh, yeah. Leatherheads.

  38. Wonderful blog, Myra. I learned so much from Michael Hague's DVD, The Hero's 2 Journeys. I can't recommend it enough!

  39. All this talk of Sherlock Holmes reminds me of something that my son's specialist said. My son has Asperger's Syndrome, and his doctor mentioned that many have speculated that Holmes's emotional distance and inability to connect socially give him the hallmark of Aspergers. Interesting, since this higher functioning level of autism wasn't labeled until 1990.Funny what artists and writers can see intuitively before science has a name for it.

    Off topic, but what does this character's general reaction say about our culture's tolerance for people with disabilities? This creates a counter-sympathy in me for the character, knowing the isolation these people feel.

  40. Myra, thanks for taking us to the movies, LOL! I love analyzing what make a movie work and what doesn't.

    George Clooney can be so hit and miss with me, and usually it's due to the storyline, not the character! I absolutely loved the way he portrayed Danny Ocean in Ocean's 11,12,13. He has such a strength of diversity about him. Good thing for writers to learn to protray in our characters personalities, otherwise they all begin melding together.

    Thanks for the glimpse into a couple of movies I'd love to see!

  41. Nice reviews and nice chat. I'd like to see both, but may end up waiting for DVD.

  42. Interesting observation, Kathleen. It never occurred to me that Sherlock's personality problems might have been the result of a disability. If I'd picked up any clues to that effect from the storyline, I might have been more sympathetic toward him.

    Hmmm, maybe I should consider renting the DVD down the road sometime and watching this with fresh eyes.

  43. cool post myra. i usually dont comment on the posts but i just could not help myself. as far as the movie Sherlock Holmes goes i really enjoyed it. for me the way the characters were portrayed was great. as far as the comments about the way he treated the dog my friends and family thought it added extra humor to the movie. i guess we all sympathized with Holmes and his personality that the scene where watsons fiance throws the wine in his face we sypathized with holmes on it...after all she insisted.

    the movie that has touched me the most in all catagories would probably be Sweet Home Alabama. reece did a great job of playing this charecter where you love her even when she does crazy things!
    once again thanks for an awesome post!

  44. It wouldn't be something most people would be aware of--the disability. So in a way, it really does reflect real life. People don't generally come with a label, so neither should our characters, right? But that runs the risk of creating unsympathetic characters. This is a real challenge!
    I'd love to see this explored even more.
    Thanks for the great discussion!

  45. I second Gina Welborn's comparison of Holmes and Watson to House and Wilson. While watching the movie I immediately made the comparison that Holmes was a 19th century House. And House and Wilson were actually based on Doyle's famous duo. I did, however, enjoy the movie on an intellectual level more than an emotional level.

    The one show I love for its characters is NCIS. The intriguing mystery is only secondary to hanging out with Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby, and Ducky.

    I love Castle, too!
