Friday, January 22, 2010

Publicity 101~Sabrina Sumsion

What are you doing to gain publicity for your book? If you are a smart author, you are engaged in many activities that will inform the general public that your book exists. Since publicity is a term many people have heard but don’t really understand, here is a short introduction.

Publicity is free coverage of your book or yourself in the media. Anything that will increase the public’s awareness is considered publicity. Advertising in a media outlet such as a newspaper ad or television commercial is a good way to gain public awareness as well but I always encourage authors to pursue free routes first.

You want publicity to gain the public awareness but as you gain awareness, you need to overcome the “who cares?” factor. The public in general has so much information coming at them all the time, many people develop filters to block out the extra noise. As you strive for publicity, keep in mind that you need to deliver information the general public wants.

To overcome the “who care?” factor, you must either educate, entertain or enlighten your audience. Education benefits your audience by giving them tools or information to improve their lives. Everyone wants a break from time to time so provide that for your audience by entertaining them. Enlighten your audience by giving them information of which they were not aware. Content that educates, entertains of enlightens will get attention and gain you public awareness.

The main outlets of publicity include physical print, broadcast, internet, face-to-face and word of mouth. Each form of publicity has its benefits and draw backs. As you pursue publicity, take into consideration what you are comfortable with and have the required skills to pursue.

Physical print includes newspapers, magazines, postcards and printed newsletters. Newspapers have editorial line-ups that vary from a lead time of one week up to one month. They typically keep a few spaces open for breaking news. Before contacting a print publication, have a high resolution headshot and cover shot available. I find the best way to gain coverage is to offer an article free of charge. Make sure the content is valuable and matches a topic the publication’s audience would be interested in.

Broadcast media includes radio and television. It is a signal sent out to everyone in the reception range. The audiences can range from a few thousands to millions of people. For these two media, you need to have a reasonable gift of gab. If you have speech impediments, radio coverage certainly should not be seriously pursued. Television has the ability to write subtitles but they still need a really compelling hook to consider you if you have a speech impediment.

Radio wants information that people can hear and understand. If you have a visual message like how to ice a cake fancily, it is difficult to explain on the radio. Choose information that is easy to convey through words alone. To help radio be interested in you, have a sample radio interview posted somewhere online that you can refer radio hosts to hear some of your message and how you deliver your message.

Television loves information that is visual. They prefer information that can be conveyed in pictures and graphs. They like a pleasant appearance as well. If you want television coverage, you want to have a tape of you doing an interview as well as a high resolution headshot ready.

Internet publicity has many varied facets. You can post articles, build a website, join a social networking site, post videos and link audio files. All of these options are good for everyone seeking publicity. For the very beginner, build a website first. It is a vital part of online publicity. You need somewhere to direct all of your fans and this should be the place. Once you have that, look into social networking sites like,,, and After that, consider a book trailer or a video of yourself posted to When you are working on the more advanced social media, remember to direct people back to your website. If you are not technologically talented, you can hire people to help you handle this side of publicity.

Face-to-face publicity includes book signings, book festivals and any other event that you attend. In fact, you can garner face-to-face publicity standing in line at the grocery store. Anytime you are interacting with people in person, you are gaining publicity. Join clubs, attend sports events and whatever you can think of that gets you out and talking to people. If you are shy or afraid of groups this might be difficult for you.

Word of mouth publicity is the much sought after grand prize in publicity. When you offer value to people above and beyond what others are doing, they will talk about you. I call word of mouth publicity developing personal ambassadors. You want to please people enough that they send other people to you. My mother is a Stephenie Meyers personal ambassador. Everyone she interacts with will end up hearing how they MUST read the Twilight series.

You have many options for publicity so decide what you are comfortable doing and start there. For more information about literary publicity, consider attending my online publicity course through the Nebraska Writers Guild starting in February. For more information, please see the
Sabrina Sumsion is a seasoned literary publicist who has worked with a broad range of authors and genres. Her goal is to educate all authors about how to give their books the best chance possible by creating a marketing plan and gaining publicity. For more information and to contact Sabrina Sumsion, please visit her website at


  1. Helpful post! Thank you. Publicity is so important. There are a ton of great books I'd have never read if no one had told me about them.

  2. Sabrina,

    Is you have a book coming out in a particular month, is it ever too early to start promoting it? People have such short memories. If they want to buy it because of a radio interview and it isn't on the shelf for months, is that a negative?

    I realize we should be advertising as much as we can all the time (I guess). However, if it's a local book, in particular, there are only so many newspapers and radio shows on which to promote it. So, when would you be in the newspaper and radio to get the best interest going for a book coming out in August, for instance?



  3. Sabrina, welcome to Seekerville. Coffee is on and the donuts (Dunkin' today) are served.

    This was an excellent post.

    A few universal questions for you.

    What percentage of an author's advance should be earmarked for publicity?

    How do you really measure the success of publicity? Are there any ways at all or is it all a stab in the dark?

  4. Good Morning Sabrina, And I ditto Tina. Welcome to Seekerville with some great information.

    So many of the tools you mention we can start even before publication like the Internet presense, getting to know bookstore owners in your neighborhood, etc.

    I'm going to print this off for when I set sail from Unpubbed Island.

    Thanks again. Sandra

  5. Oh, man, Sabrina, excellent post, but I have a confession to make ... for me, talking to a publicist or even about publicity feels a lot like having to go to the dentist for a route canal -- I dread it more than I can say. Because when it comes to promoting my own books, I've got the pain in my tooth, but I ain't got the nerve.

    I don't know many authors who like the promotional part of writing. Most are like myself who silently scream, "I just want to write!" But the truth is that none of us will be writing as published authors if we don't publicize our books, so it's definitely a catch-22.

    WHICH, makes people like you all the more important and valuable to the weak-kneed ninnies like myself. I have been batting around the idea of hiring a publicist for a long time now. My publisher has two of them (Print and Internet) that do a lot to promote my books, but obviously a publisher with 100s of authors cannot devote the time needed to promote my books like I would like to see them promoted.

    Which leads me to my question that I'm not sure you want to answer via return comment in this post today. Do you have a broad rule of thumb as to various price ranges for hiring a publicist? Is it by the hour or broken down into events/services provided? Can you give me a range such as what is the baseline amount/service (i.e. the least you can spend) to the most you can spend (i.e. $500 all the way up to $20,000 or more?)?

    Thanks for coming to Seekerville today, Sabrina ... I think you are the first publicist we've had here, and the information is crucial to any author's success, debut author or veteran.

    Kind regards,

  6. Hi Sabrina,

    This is very helpful information and gives us several publicity avenues.

    We know publisher's do have publicity departments but sometimes only their best selling authors reap the rewards. Does a private publicist work with the author's publishing company's publicity department or are all their efforts separate?


  7. Welcome to Seekerville, Sabrina! Wonderful to have you here talking about publicity. Every author has a stake in getting their name out, but promoting ourselves can be intimidating. Your suggestions are very helpful. Love the idea to offer newspapers a free article!

    I've used the historical nugget in my books to get past the "who cares?" factor. I've discovered the orphan train and mail-order bride phenomena interest people.

    In the print realm, I promote my books by getting bookmarks printed in large quantities, then giving them out in person or by mail to friends, who pass them along to their friends and family. I also leave bookmarks with my paid check in restaurants and with tips in motels. I've asked permission to leave them in doctor/dentist/hair dresser waiting areas. I can add seven bookmarks to a letter and mail for the cost of a stamp, but I've mailed as many as 100 to a friend who puts them out at a library event. It's hard to determine how much bang I get for the buck, but bookmarks are an opening for friends to bring up the book. And they seem to enjoy being part of promoting the books.

    Giving away free books on blogs generates interest, but is costly. is a great place to give away books because of sheer numbers of those who see the title and sign up for the book.


  8. You all have great posts!

    Jessica, word of mouth is the most powerful and most elusive publicity method out there. I'm so glad you found some great books to enjoy.

    Cathy, I would say it is never too early to start promoting. However, consider your promoting efforts wisely. I encourage broadcast interviews only after the book is available for pre-orders. That will vary by your publisher so find out when they plan to make it available for pre-orders.

    Some print articles have to be pursued months before your book is available. For example, some magazines have an editorial calendar planned six months in advance. For a local newspaper, let them know a couple weeks before your book is available for pre-orders.

    Internet marketing can happen any time and should start very early. Always work to build your network.

    A local book can appeal to anyone nationwide who has a tie to your location. You never know who might be interested so don't put a geographic limitation on yourself if you have time to pursue a bigger net.

    Tina, The percentage earmarked if I had to give a general number would be around 50%. That might be a large number for some people but this budget needs to include your travel, event fees for book fairs and expos, possible hiring an independent publicist to fill in the gaps our publisher's publicist doesn't have time to pursue, and possibly some advertising in targeted media outlets not covered by your publisher. Your publisher will do a lot. You can always do more. Some books may not need that much of an investment. An author must weigh the amount of the advance against the tasks he or she would like to accomplish in addition to what the publisher is already doing.

    One of the basic ways to measure publicity is to set up google alerts. One with your name and one with your title. Make sure to encapsulate both within quotation marks for optimal results. If people hear about your book and spread the word online, you will find out.

    In my mind, that is the true measure of the success of a publicity campaign. Yes, you want the interviews and articles about you but when the word keeps spreading, your campaign was a smashing success.

    Again, insgihtful questions. Keep them coming!

  9. Julie, unfortunately, you can pay as much as you want for a publicist. I know some that have ala carte services that you can pick from with reasonable rates. I know others that demand a 6 month contract at $5,000 a month. You have to determine what you want to do. Do you love radio interviews? Do you want to see your name in print? What do you want to do yourself? Are you planning a nationwide book tour with extra stops you want a publicist to fill in for you? Fell free to contact me directly if you need some guidance.

    Rose, in my experience, it depends on the publisher's publicist. As a supplemental publicist we're a little more under the gun than the publisher's publicist to get results. We don't want to waste time contacting media contacts who have already been pitched with the story. I've had some publicists that worked hand-in-hand with me to get results. I've had other publicists that gave me barely what I asked for and usually I had to ask 10 times. As the industry begins to expect authors to invest in publicist more and more I think most publisher's publicists will be open with sharing information.

    Janet -Thanks for your tips with book marks. If used properly, they can be a powerful marketing tool.

  10. Sabrina, what great, timely info!

    Thank you so much for being here. Good, concise info that means so much because you've spoken on the 800 lb. gorilla in the authors' room:


    I brought Friday goodies, totally cyberlishously lip-smackin' good.

    Carrot cake. Cream cheese frosting. A breakfast bar laden with sausage, eggs, grits, cheese, bagels, croissants, fresh churned butter, Mary's homemade jam, Julie's magical wine elixer (do not ask... No, seriously, DON'T), Myra's coconut brickle.

    And a pot of both Sandra's chocolate velvet coffee AND gallons of regular, I went with a Green Mountain Nantucket blend this morning.

    Mellow, with a hint of robust.


    With my first novel now releasing, figuring out this whole publicity thing is a trick and a half. My first step was to have lots of books ready to market. It's harder to forget your name if you're a regular on the shelves.

    Second step???


    There's a second step????? :)


  11. In a way, marketing sounds like fun. I promote other authors' books all the time. But when I start to seriously plan my marketing strategy for my own book coming out in October, I get overwhelmed--fast!

    I have read a lot of articles about marketing and promotion, so hopefully I will have some effective things in the works by the time the book comes out. I've also signed up for Sabrina's newsletter, which promises to be really helpful! The online class she's teaching also looks good.

    Thanks, Sabrina, for sharing your vast knowledge!

    And thanks, Mary, for not keeping her all to yourself! :-)

  12. Hey Sabrina!
    Welcome to Seekerville! No school today(finals this week), so I get to come early...

    This was a cool post. I don't have any books, so I wouldn't know about that. However, especially when I was new to blogging I really wanted people to visit my blog. That's why I started visiting lots of blogs and getting my name out there.

    It's the same thing with the college process. You have to get your name out there.

    Which leads me to say...if you haven't seen my blog post, I got my official acceptance letter from Plymouth yesterday(already knew I was accepted though) and found out that I recieved a $20,000 4-year scholarship there! Everyone's trying to give me money!! Lol! That lowers it to about $21,000 a year..for a state school! My mom cringes every time she hears the amounts! : )

    Back to scholarships, I'll be back later!

  13. Sabrina,
    Thanks for sharing your expertise with us today. Striking a balance between writing and marketing is hard for me. If I'm on deadline for the next book, then the marketing suffers. If I am having too much fun mixing with readers at various events, then I don't get the book or the next proposal written. Any words of wisdom?

    How do you measure the effectiveness of marketing other than Google Alerts and the number of books sold?

  14. Thanks so much, Sabrina! As a new author I have a lot to learn as the marketing aspect doesn't come easily to me. I really appreciate my publisher doing blog tours of my books and also providing bookmarks and postcards prior to release but there's so much else I can do as you've mentioned here. Bless you for sharing your expertise!

  15. Sabrina, thanks so much for joining us today! And thanks for all this wonderful information.

    I'm wondering what adivce you'd give about effectively promoting category books that are only on the shelves for a month (like the Steeple Hill Love Inspired books).

    Thanks for all your help! I'll check out your newsletter and class. :)

  16. Ruth, I think there are 3 steps to a book. Like my book's title, Produce, Publish, Publicize. If you have the publisher that means you are on to step three, not step two. Yea! Almost done! Have you evaluated your target audience and target media? That might be a good step if your publisher hasn't done it for you yet.

    Melanie, thank you for joining my newsletter list. I hope you get valuable content from your membership. Don't forget to sign in and view the archived tips as well.

    Hannah, congratulations on your scholarship! That is amazing. What do you plan to study?

    Debby, 3 months before and 3 months after your release date is your sweet spot for heavy marketing efforts. Outside of that release time frame, do most of your publicity by writing in your blog and keeping up your social media efforts.

    Publicity campaigns are determinate by what your goals are. If your desire is more books sold, then track book sales. Give a large window to track though. Publicity usually takes a while to spread like ripples in a pond. If you want more hits on your blog, track those figures.

    Missy, books are only available on the shelf for a month but they are available through other outlets until the publisher's rights expire. Your 3 months before publication efforts are vital since you need to get your title in front of buyers at least 3-7 times before the book is off the shelves.

    After the book isn't stocked in stores nationwide you still can set up author events and sell in person. You can still do heavy online networking and promotion. You can write articles and include in your byline the link to your website. (Which is set up to accept orders or direct to another site's purchase page, right?)

  17. Hi Sabrina:

    I think most authors are ‘Pantster Publicists.’ They have no publicity plan. Many confuse ‘publicity’ with ‘personal marketing’. For example, the in-store book signing is personal marketing (and may reach a handful of people) while the story announcing the book signing in the newspaper is publicity (and may reach tens of thousands of people.)

    Do you know of any action plan that can specifically help authors create yearly publicity campaigns?

    I’m thinking of something that authors can relate to like GMC. A suggestion would be, GAR: Goals, Actions, Results.

    1. Here’s your goal.
    2. Here are the actions you need to take.
    3. Here is how to measure your results.

    I’d like to see something like this.


  18. Thank you, Sabrina! I am posting a link to this on my CROWN fiction marketing group. Wonderfully concise and thorough!
    How well do you feel facebook and twitter work to spread word of mouth?
    And reviewing on Ammy, CBD, and BAM, for example?

  19. Sabrina, cool website and I love the links on the left to "Blog Talk Radio"

    Very clever and well thought.

    Okay, you're giving me things to think about here, how to get the best bang for the buck.

    And that's the conundrum.

    But I've made a list of several things I need to do in the next few days based on what you've said. And I love talking to people, so doing the actual gab fest is never a problem for me
    (Hush, Mary. Now.) BUT manufacturing time to get things done while working, writing, editing, etc. gets tricky.

    No more lazy mornings lying abed.

    Okay, kidding.

    Sabrina, dear one, you're making me think. I think better with coffee. ;)

    Grabbing some now.

  20. Thanks, Sabrina! This is pretty much what I've been doing, although I think I need to do more in the way of in-person events. And I'd never thought about doing articles!

    thanks for your advice!

  21. Thanks Sabrina! I'm going to study elementary education. More specifically to be a kindergarten teacher, probably, just like my mom : )

    I can't wait for my internship at the elementary school to start on Tuesday!! Woohoo! And that's on top of the 3 more weeks I'm working in the classroom with the kids for my project. I'm so happy about it.

  22. Vince, sounds like you're a little more advanced into marketing and publicity than most authors. The problem with giving any outlines more specific than your GAR suggestion is your genre and intended audience greatly impact how you plan out your yearly goals. Also, your publishing motivations impact how you would set it up. Send me an email and we can brainstorm for a project you have in mind.

    When you say that a book event is not a publicity opportunity, I have to disagree. Because of the popularity of social media, almost everyone is a media personality now. It's smaller scale but if you really impress someone face to face, you'll get posts telling others how wonderful you are. If you are rude and turn people away, you will get blasted in cyber-space.

    I remember one email that was sent around the world about how George Bush (the younger) was gracious at church. One small action generated publicity worldwide because of the power of the internet.

    Kathleen, Thank you for the link! I hope a lot of authors can learn the basics here.

    Facebook and Twitter are wonderful ways to network and spread the work about your projects. I know several authors who use Facebook and end up selling their books to random people they connect with. I always suggest that you set up a fan page for your book(s) and invite all of your friends and family to join.

    Twitter is good as long as you are not trying to reach the youth market. If you are trying to reach youth 13 and up go to Facebook. If you are trying to reach youth 13 and under go to Myspace. If you were to pick only one social media site to start, go to Facebook. It is easy to learn and it is a great way to keep in touch with fans as well as friends and family.

    "And reviewing on Ammy, CBD, and BAM, for example?" -I'm sorry. Those acronyms aren't making sense at the moment. (I'm fighting a sinus infection and the medication makes me fuzzy.) Would you spell them out for me? Also, do you mean should authors write reviews for others or are you asking if authors should get others to review on those sites?

    Ruth, thank you for the compliments on my website. I built it myself. (I dabble in computers.) I'm so glad you have something to think about. I fully agree that making time to do everything is daunting. It takes a lot of discipline to create a schedule and stick to it. I do know that the current literary industry demands that authors do it though.

    Going back to tracking results, it is really hard to track publicity. I've been trying to think of a really good way to effectively measure results. You can measure results by how many newspapers publish something about you. You can measure by how many interviews you have. You can measure by how many websites feature you. The problem is figuring out how many people total have heard about your book or name.

    You could call everyone in America and do a poll . . . but that means you wouldn't get any writing done. You can gauge by the print circulation or population count for the areas you are broadcast but that doesn't guarantee that everyone can remember you exist from those demographics.

    Honestly, several list-serves and forums I visit debate these very questions. If 3 billion people had the opportunity to learn about a book through several channels but only 3 copies sold, does that mean the publicity efforts failed or does it mean the message sent through publicity is a failure? Could it simply be really poor timing? I don't have a good answer.

  23. Melissa, keep plugging away. Find some local events to keep costs down. One thing I notice that makes me sad is authors who sit down behind their table and never initiate contact. Please pardon the visual but to make an impression, authors need to be sellin' it on the corner.

    I suggest that authors stand as much as they are physically able or at least sit beside or in front of their table. Greet everyone. Shake hands. Schmooze like a politician. If you make yourself easy to forget, you will be forgotten.

    Hannah, as a mom of three, your enthusiasm is so wonderful! I want you to stay that excited throughout your whole career -no matter what you decide to do.

  24. Awww thanks Sabrina! Your words are so kind : )

    I have been working with the whole first grade class at my old elementary school for my thesis project and it's been so fun. I can't wait to spend a whole semester with them and the kindergartners!

  25. Sabrina,
    Thanks for the tip about 3 months prior and 3 months post publication for a marketing timeframe!!! I wasn't starting early enough!

    All your info has been fantastic. I'm heading to you website and hope to sign up for your newsletter.

    So glad you're spending so much time with us today! THANK YOU!!!!

  26. Thanks for all the insights, Sabrina -- it's always good to learn from a pro!

    I'm one of the unusual writers who loves both parts of the process -- writing and publicity. I don't have a novel of my own to promote yet, but have done promo for my devotional books and like to help other authors with media kits and such.

    What advice do you have for setting up a blog tour? There are SOOOOO many blogs to choose from that the possibilities are overwhelming. Are there directories for blogs that help you narrow down the choices by topic or audience, or is there a better way to search for them than Google?

    Thanks again for all your advice today. Your post and the comments will be going in my 'keeper' file! :-)

  27. Sabrina, you mentioned setting up a fan page on Facebook. I've been debating this. Is a fan page better than setting up a group? I just feel funny asking someone to be a "fan"! (I know, I should just get over it.) :)


  28. All very interesting information - as one who is small-press-published, publicity/marketing/etc is very important. It is also, time consuming and can get expensive!

    Thanks for these tips.

  29. Hi, Sabrina. Thanks so much for being on. I'm sorry to be slow checking in today. I'm in the middle of the ravages of an ICE STORM. No electricity at home.

    Going stir crazy.

    Such great info, Sabrina. Thanks so much for being on.

  30. I'm sorry, Sabrina. My acronyms stand for Amazon, Books-a-Million, and Christian Book Distributors, and you could throw in Barnes and Noble among others, too. Do you think that having influencers post positive reviews of your book on these sights is effective? I have heard some say this has the appearance of stacking the deck, so to speak. Your thoughts?

  31. Did y'all hear Mary repeating herself???

    Confessions of an Internet Junkie.

    Oh, yeah, there she is, stuck in the boonies of Nebraska (is that redundant????) and lamenting her lack of electricity and Internet access.

    I can FEEL the frustration growing.

    And of course, good friend that I am, I'm LAUGHING at her because Sabrina is Mary's guest and Mary's a little stymied today in the hostess with the mostest department.

    LUCKILY!!!! Sabrina has the rest of Seekerville enchanted by her ideas.

    And I locked in my first ever book signing today to be held at the Parable store in a nearby town.

    I did that for a reason, a win/win. First, I want to make inroads with this very nice store owner because their business offsets and feeds into mine.

    Also... my books will be at WalMart, at grocery stores, Target, etc....

    I want people who might be particular to Christian book stores to have the chance to see LI's there. And me, of course.


    And COOKIES!!!! Real, not cyber.

    This should be interesting, folks. And FUN!

  32. I had a book signing at a Parables, Ruthy. They were fantastic. coffee cookies, posters, of course Barbour is good about this too. They sent posters adn postcards, book marks and flyers.
    And the crowds were really good. I sold a lot of books to people who weren't related to me.

    A staggering success imho

  33. AND MY ELECTRICITY IS BACK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. LOL Sabrina, I "promote" the Twilight series too. It's my favorite YA fiction!

    It's a safe bet to say I'll never be publicizing myself for anything on TV especially in the world of HDTV :-P

    xoxo~ Renee

  35. I am just checking back in after the day job. THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT ANSWERS!!!!

  36. Hi Sabrina:

    I was using term ‘publicity’ in an academic sense: publicity is what the media says about you. I would classify ‘word-of-mouth’ as ‘people media’. Author interactions with readers, I’d call ‘personal marketing.’ The giving away of items with the author’s name, I’d classify as ‘specialty advertising’.

    You have given me a lot to think about. I’d like to work out a few sample marketing plans using all the above areas over a period of a year and post them on my web site. It is easier to show by example.

    I already have my sample author and position statement.

    “Mary Vera Contrary’s ‘edgy’ Christian fiction inspires with enthusiasm.”

    Thanks for your post today. I really enjoyed it.


  37. I apologize for getting tied up and not checking back again sooner.

    Mary, it was an honor and privilege to give authors a basic overview of the steps they can take to promote their book.

    Missy, it is good to be humble but at the same time, you need to promote the heck out of your book. Make a fan page. Most friends and families classify themselves that way anyways. Remember, it's bragging rights for them so say they know an author. :)

    Ruth, congratulations on the book signing! You planned it for no sooner than 2 months from Friday, right? Do you have your basic signing kit created? Have you planned how to spread the word about your event? If you can bring in new customers, the bookstore will love you forever and ever.

    Kathleen, I attended a conference recently where I learned 83% of respondents to a survey said online reviews impact whether they buy a product. I always tell authors I work with to beg their friends and family who have read their books to post a review online at all online stores they can find. If you can get top amazon reviewers to post a review as well, even better.

    Keep in mind that you can have a hundred raving reviews about your book but if people don't know it exists it won't help sales. Getting reviews is only one aspect of getting publicity so pursue other venues as well.

    Vince, you definitely have an advanced knowledge of marketing and publicity. I know I blur the lines at times but that is mostly so that authors do not overlook a chance to market or publicize. Drop me a line when you have your plan posted. I'm very interested to see what you develop.

    Thank you again everyone for reviewing my post and asking great questions. I hope to see you all on the best seller list!

  38. Thank you for the article. I'm a new author, and going into marketing felt like I had been dropped into the ocean without a boat.
