Sunday, January 31, 2010

Seekerville Weekend Monkey Around Edition

If you were monkeying around on Unpubbed Island , you may have missed the news!

Seeker Audra Harders just sold to Steeple Hill Love Inspired. Check out yesterday's post for the details and maybe, a few leftovers from the party.

We Have Winners:

we were delighted to have Lisa Wingate in Seekerville. Winners of her release, Never Say Never, are Lynn Rush and Crystal Laine Miller.

Thank you to Kim Watters for being such an inspiring guest on Wednesday with Taking the Plunge. Winner of her Steeple Hill Love Inspired release, On Wings of Love, is Pamela Thibodeaux.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Mary Connealy brings us a lesson on revisions. Join her for Revisions~Action. If you do your homework you might win a copy of one of her recent releases.

Revell author, Janice Hanna Thompson is our guest today. Love, Laughter and Happily Ever Afters, and there's a chance you could win a copy of Swinging on a Star. Janice's post is Tickling the Funny Bone. Don't miss it!

Wednesday: Time for the February Contest Update. The prize vault is OPEN!

Thursday: The newest bootee from Unpubbed Island, Steeple Hill Love Inspired author, Audra Harders is your hostess today.

Friday: We have special guest, Superromance author, Abby Gaines in Seekerville today!

Save The Date:

February 12: Five Star and Abdingdon Press author, Jennifer AlLee.

February 16: Multi published author of Southern mystery and suspense, Robin Caroll.

February 26: Summerside Press author, Ocieanna Fleiss.

March 3: Revell author, Laura Frantz.

March 10: Friend of Seekerville, talented writer Pepper Basham.

March 12: Multi published children's author Shari Barr.

March 15: Multi-published historical author, Ruth Axtell Morren.

Seeker Sightings:

Congratulations to Ruth Logan Herne. Her March debut Steeple Hill Love Inspired release, Winter's End earned a 4 1/2 STAR rating from RT Book Reviews.

Thursday, February 4th, Myra Johnson
will be guest blogging at Faith and Fiction on Fire. She'll be part of a blogFEST series A Kiss to Build a Dream On.

Debby Giusti will be blogging on the Love Inspired Authors Blog on Monday, February 1st.

Be sure to visit Goodreads for a chance to win The Substitute Bride, Janet Dean's February release. Janet is giving away three copies You may enter between now and March 1.

Don't miss the ACFW bookclub chat with Mary Connealy on Monday night, February 1st at 7 pm, CST. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF ACFW TO LOG IN AND JOIN THE FUN! When you go to the site, create your name and click login. You can skip the password. To log out click the red dot in the right hand corner of your screen.

Friday, February 5th, Mary will be guest blogging at Faith and Fiction on Fire. as part of a blogFEST series A Kiss to Build a Dream On.

Random News:

  • For all of us romantics. This couple brings new meaning to the words Save The Date!

  • Agent and author Noah Lukeman's blog is a gold mine of practical advice. Check it out!

  • From GalleyCat: Esi Sogah was elevated to associate editor at the Morrow/Avon imprint.

  • News from Cindy Myers Market News Blog:Denise [Deni] Dietz has accepted a position with Tekno-Books/Five Star as Associate Editor. She will be in charge of all first-time mystery and romance authors. That includes first-book writers and published authors (but new to Five Star). Books should be a minimum of 65,000 words, a maximum of 120,000 words. Queries should be sent to:

Have a great weekend....

All monkeys appearing in this blog are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  1. Wow, congrats, Audra!!! That is AWESOME! (is that enough exclamation marks?) :)

    Oh, and definitely looking forward to Mary's post on revisions... phew, I need all the help I can get with editing ;)

  2. Congrats, Audra! I just read the previous post it nearly brought me to tears!! I love to hear success stories, especially the phone call part!

    Blessings in the days ahead, Audra! Your book sounds delightful!

  3. Good morning party-goers, late-comers and all around revelers!!!!

    Oh. My. Stars.


    At this moment, as I tiptoe through the myriads of sleeping, slumbering souls dreaming sweet dreams of Captain Jack, Gabe, cowboys, pirates, romance and...

    of course, sweet, tiny babies....

    (Can I hear an "Awwwwwww....."???)

    I'm remembering MOST of yesterday.

    The food? Amazing.

    The company? More so.

    The entertainment???? Yowza.

    The reasons for it all???? Audra's contract with Steeple Hill, we're just so stinkin' delighted to have this come to pass.

    Blowing kisses at Melissa and Joan on Broadway... THANK YOU, LADIES!!!

    And now...

    I have puppy duty. Church. Choir, where they PRETEND I can sing as long as I fade in and out on anything other than my three-note range.

    Where I'll thank God for yet another successful launching at the pier. Yup. The SS Harders has sailed.


    I brought coffee. We're still in arctic chill up here in WNY so I'm thinking hot, hot, hot.

    Hot muffins. Hot eggs. Hot bacon. Fresh, hot croissants. Hot hash browns.

    Breakfast will be served throughout the day as boats dock to take yesterday's party contingency back to the mainland.

    Umm.. Sandra....

    Check out the hut, honey... I saw Pam skulking around it last night. You KNOW how amazingly organized she is. She's probably got printouts of her excel files hanging from the coconut tree beams as we speak.

    You snooze, you lose, Cupcake.

  4. Shhhh, Ruthy
    While everyone's still sleeping I pulled out my secret stash of Mallow Bars to share. It's never to early for chocolate and anything goes with good coffee, right?

    Ooops, I just stepped on somebody's leg. No wait, it's a wooden leg. All good.

  5. Congrats Audra I'm so happy for you!
    And I can't wait till next week to see what all is in store:)
    I Love the Monkey's to cute!

  6. So does one of those monkey's look like me or what?

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    You can never have too much first sale revelry or too much chocolate, Pepper. Is revelry spelled correctly?

  7. Ooh ooh. Ahh ahh ee ee

    Love the pics of the Seekerville Family Tree and yes Tina tere is a slight resemblance. Don't over due it picking fleas for breakfast they have a few calories I'm told.

    Congratulations everyone. Audra special congrats on your call.

    If you all could be in prayer for my youngest over the next few days I'd deeply appreciate it.

    On the business front we're trying to land acouple of jobs.

  8. Tina, You're great to get this all out when we are still regrouping after that wild party.

    And Ruthy, Pam IS hanging spread sheets and we're bringing our writing stuff in. We're going to share that hut for an office and make sure each other are both on task.

    We're already starting on the remodeling of the other huts for you know what!!!

    And Pepper, that was my leg dearheart. But at least you were kind enough to give me a mallo cup for the pain.

    I'm up for a job around this roomy island. Then to church and back for some of Ruthy's goodies. Although I swear there is not much room after last night's feast.

  9. PS Thanks Debra for helping clean up the place. Pam and I appreciate it.

  10. I wanted to say congratulations to Audra!!!!!! That is super awesome!

    I'm totally looking forward to Mary's post on revisions, since I'm not even 1/4 of the way through. It's taking much longer than I wanted.

  11. Praying, Tina.

    Sandra, and not get too comfortable. Madame Z says you are on the next boat out of there.

    Save the remodels for when we turn that place into a retreat.

  12. LOL, Pepper!! :)

    Tina, thanks for another great weekend update!

  13. Sandra,
    So sorry. You know, early morning stumbles and all. Especially with all the people around. Chocolate makes everything better, you know. ;-)

    By the light of day things do look a bit different. Last night by the bonfire, I could swear I saw Ruthy chasing Bruno around with something...wait, Sandra...was it your wooden leg???

    but firelight does play tricks on one's eyes. Maybe she was chasing Gabe.

  14. WHOA, BABY, WHAT A PARTY YESTERDAY!!! Audra, sweetie, we are SO freakin' happy for you, honeybun, and I can tell you that inside, I will be partying for a long time to come over this momentous occasion.

    Teenster ... another great edition, girl. You are AWEsome!!!


  15. Glad I got to stop by today....I haven't been around this week. But WAY TO GO AUDRA!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!

    Partying by myself here : ) It's the after party....join in if you want *wink* It's much more tame than you wild part animals last night, I can tell!

    Talk to you later,

  16. Wow! 4 1/2 stars, Ruthy! That's awesome.

  17. Hi Tina:

    Been on the road and away from my computer some this past week, so haven't been here as much as usual.

    But I didn't miss Audra's party!

    Looking forward to this week's postings.


  18. Hey Helen, we appreciate that you make time to be a party animal with us. We don't like to Conga alone.

    he he he

  19. Oh my stars, Sandra, how many times have I told you to leave the wooden leg attached when we've got company.

    Pep. Are you hurt????

    And THANK YOU so much for the stash of Mallo Cups.

    Oh mylanta, they're soooooo yummy. I love 'em and not too many places around here carry them. For a while I drove 40 minutes to a hardware store (yes, you read that right, they had an old-time candy counter inside) to buy them.

    Sooooooo worth it when you're addicted!

    Great party.

    And Please. I Mean Seriously.

    Me and Bruno?????

    Ummmm ..... About that......



    That's a big 10-4. Over and out. Roger that....

    But, Bruno?

    Oh my stars, I'm quite taken aback by the very idea.

    Although he and Tina were in deep conversation when I went looking for the loo late last night.

    Anyone know when they moved it? I could have sworn it used to be on the other side of the triple palm, but I guess not.

  20. Mel!!!!

    Thank you for noticing my stars.

    I'm not going to lie. I was SO excited that they liked it.

    Oh my stars, seriously excited.

    And my kids have been hearing about it ad nauseum.

    I need a good, cold dash of humility but over the decades I've been playing on God's green earth, those dashes have been many and dependable, so something will knock me off of my smug pedestal before you know it!

    But yeah, it's so nice to get a good review. I'm very grateful.

  21. Tina P, you're on the list babe, on both counts. Praying for stronger, better times and peace and health for those kids.

  22. Helen, you rock.

    I saw you dancing, woman. Oh my stars, I was totally impressed but not nearly as surprised as you may have thought, girlfriend!




    I'm sneaking you a few Island recipes for safekeeping. It's not that I don't trust Pam and Sandra, but as the Island population thins, we need to take precautions to safeguard tradition.

    Note that a primary ingredient of most of these recipes is rum. Luckily I know a good source.

    Jack!!!! Where are ye', Cap'n????

  23. Oh, thank you so much Kim & Seekers - can't wait to read On Wings of Love!


  24. Ruthy!
    Rum and chocolate. Sounds like the party could go on for another few days...maybe weeks.
    We should celebrate your 4 1/2 stars too.
    Your stars!!
    I've tried to find your book, but it has been painfully absent in all the places I visited. I'll keep searching for it though, as diligently as a courageous islander looking for the loo.

  25. Hi Ruth & Pepper:

    You can get “Winter’s End” tonight at 12:01 am at eHarlequin. The stores have to wait until March.

    Check and see if your town is holding a midnight Ruth Watch Party. The 4 1/2 stars may push attendance beyond capacity. Still a lot of us will have the book read by noon on February first.

    Here is the link:


    Great news Ruth!


  26. Every time I see that book club reminder I become VERY AFRAID.

    Stop by and save me.

  27. VINCE!!!!!

    Have I mentioned lately how much I love you????

    Tell your wife.

    I mean you no harm, but when we finally meet you guys get the biggest hugs on earth. Pinky-swear.


    And you're really reading it now!!!

    Oh my gosh, Vince, baby, now I'M NERVOUS....


    It's such a sweet book that I'm really and truly excited and honored to have you read it. I love that story and I hope you do too.


    I'm kind of goofy emotional here. Such a stinkin' sap.

  28. Pepster!

    Vince is right, I'm in the March rotation so it came out to book club subscribers about two weeks ago. They get their books ahead of the game.

    And now on eharlequin.



    And then in the stores on 3/1/10.

    Oh mylanta, I don't know if all this excitement is good for me!!!!


    Oh, wait.


    "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy..."

    Celebrating those good times is a wonderful thing. Makes the flip side so much easier to bear.

    Through Christ Jesus, all things are possible.

    Amen, Sistah!!!!
