Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weekend Edition: 2010 Read The Signs

You're in the right place.
Seekerville is preparing for another year of the journey.
All you have to do is show up and follow the signs.

Wednesday winners of The Husband Tree, Mary Connealy's new release, are Ann and Bookie!

Madame Zelda brought in 2010 on Thursday, and we have winners! The winner of Fearless, is Joanne Sher. Bookmarks going out to Karen, Robyn and Patty!

Friday's Contest Update winner of a lovely Unpubbed Island necklace is Casey.

Send an email with your real world address to tina at tinarusso dot com.

Monday: Barbour author and stand-up comic, Mary Connealy starts off this week in Seekerville with a post on POV, and she'll be giving away a copy of her newest release, The Husband Tree.

Tuesday: Tina Russo has been chasing the muse for hours and still has no clue what she will post on, however; she will be three pounds lighter by Tuesday.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Suspense and Zondervan author Camy Tang is posting about Seven of Nine (Trek fans unite!) and uniqueness in our characters.

Thursday: Donnell Ann Bell, Daphne Unpublished Division Coordinator stops by for insights on the contest. Join her for The Daphne: A Contest With Many Cogs. (Word on the inside is she is doing a giveaway too!)

Friday: Thomas Nelson Senior Editor Vice President, and Fiction Publisher Allen Arnold stops by for an interview.

Congratulations to all the entrants in the first annual Phoenix Rattler, Does Your Story Have Bite? contest. Below are the finalists (Listed in Alphabetical order) who have advanced to the final round. Winners will be announced in February 2010.

Highlighted are our friends of Seekerville: WOO HOO!!!!

Contemporary Fiction:
1. Romance on a Distant River, by Lee Carver
2. Season of Surrender, by Mary Proctor
3. Surviving Carmilita, by Susan Miura

Historical Fiction:
1. Beyond a River, by Michelle Shocklee
2. Nightshade, by Debra Marvin
3. Samurai’s Heart, by Walt Mussell

1. Another Son, by Katie Vorreiter
2. Dead Weight, by Lynda Schab
3. No turning Back, by Katie Vorreiter

1. Counting Tessa, by Tina Pinson
2. Metamorphisis, by Chawna Schroeder
3. The Light Source of Perlan, by Dona Watson

Young Adult:
1. Caleuche Redemption, by Colleen Shine Phillips
2. Tale of a Man, by Deborah Anderson
3. The Wishing Sea, by Durga Walker

Women’s Fiction:
1. The Blue Lake Journals, by Cathleen Armstrong
2. Three Wishes, by Lynda Schab
3. Untitled, by Sarah Forgrave

More News....

  • The Organized Writer: Best and Less than Best of 2009. "Facebook and Twitter: Useful tools that seemed to take over the entire lives of several writers this past year. If your word count on Twitter is passing your word count on your book, you have a problem. Turn off the social networking and go write a book people will be eager to read. The social network will still be there when the writing is done. My concern is not with the sites themselves, as much as how writers use/abuse/waste time on them."


  1. Gee, I overslept and I'm still the first one here. Don't you love a long weekend? (I know. I used to work retail. Sorry if you have to go to work today)

    Great week ahead ladies!

    Sandra Lee Smith and Seekerville.
    I WON a paid contest fee from Sandra right here on this stage and so I was thrilled to get the call on Christmas Eve about the Rattler Contest final.
    "It's an honor just to be nominated"
    ...waving to Walt, Tina, Sarah and the lovely Lynda Schab

  2. DEBRA, WALT, TINA AND SARAH -- you go, girls (and guy)!! We are sooooo proud of you!!

    I tend to be direction challenged, Tina, but at least I can follow signs ... and every one I see is pointing to a banner year for Seekerville and friends. I can feel it in my bones ... or I guess it could be arthritis, I suppose, but I'm thinkin' it's success. Either way, buckle up everybody, 'cause it's gonna be a thrill of a ride ...


  3. Looks like another great line up for the first week of 2010.

    Congrats to all who placed in the Rattler contest. Way to go!

  4. SOOOO excited for winning "Fearless." LOVE Lucado, and I SO want this book! What a wonderful way to start the year. Looking forward to more wonderful Seekerville posts (and taking the time to read them more often hehe).

  5. Woohoo, Congrats to all the finalists. That's so great.
    I found out this morning that I was fourth in the Linda Howard Award of Excellence contest, but I guess that can't go on my 'awards' shelf ;-)
    Oh...but the comments were GREAT!!! I'm so tickled.
    Walt, Debra, Tina, Lynda, and Sarah - I big yeehaw from the beautiful city of Asheville, NC this morning.
    Congrats again.

  6. WOW! What a showing of talent by Friends of Seekerville!! Congratulations to all of you! What a way to kick off a new year!!!

  7. And congrats, Pepper, for placing in the Linda Howard Award of Excellence!! Sometimes we tend to downplay wins that aren't #1, but that's a highly competitive, prestigious contest so finaling and placing is quite an accomplishment!

    You live in Ashville? Breathtakingly beautiful country. I visited Biltmore years ago.

  8. Debra!! Big congrats!!

    And Pepper, that is marvelous on the Linda Howard! Way to start the new year off right!!

  9. Congrats to all the Rattler finalists! Whoo-hoo!

  10. Whoa!!! Yay, finalists! Go Debra, go Debra, go Debra ... WOOHOO!!!!!

    Go us in 2010! Go us, go us, go us ... WooHoo!!!!! I predict a very good year, the best yet. Ha!

  11. And Pepper! You little gingersnap, you! So proud for you!

  12. Congratulations to all the finalists in the Phoenix Rattler! How super!


    So whatever you do, don't accidentally buy one before then. :(

    I didn't tell Tina in time to get it in the weekend edition.

    I know how to get into Seekerville and change it myself. but the last time I did it, I accidentally typed my addition in 2 point type....I'll translate that into a mathematical equation
    2 point type = invisible

    So Tina had to reach through the computer monitor and strangle me until I agreed to stop messin' with her STUFF.

    So anyway...Monday...giveaway....The Husband Tree. If you've already bought one, you can just pass it on and keep the signed copy for yourself.

  14. Strangling long distance is so messy.

  15. Excellent, Tina! I'm excited to see the Rattler finalists! I judged one of the finalists and was so excited about the story! I have a feeling it will sell. :)

    Congrats to all the Seeker friend finalists!!

  16. Pepper, congrats to you as well!! :)

  17. Melissa was me, Missy. I was signed in under my other name. So sorry to confuse!

  18. Whooo! I felt the positive excitement streaming from the computer.

    Congratulations to those finalists!!

    The following week sounds amazing.

  19. Yeah, I was just about to welcome you to Seekerville, Melissa/Missy.

    But now I can just remind you that it's your turn to wash the dishes.

    Oh the glamorous life of a pubbed author.

  20. Fourth isn't a placement, unfortunately - BUT I'm still tickled with the results because it's daggone close :-)

    The judges were fantastic.
    Stuff I needed to learn and improve.
    I know a lot of you are veteran contest-entrants, but I'd never entered contests before this year - so I'm tickled to find out how helpful they are.

    It's really worth the time, energy and funds.

    Tina, I'm checking out the Marlene. I might try to enter it, once I get my chapters ready for Harvest House.

  21. Debra, Walt, Tina, and Sarah!!!!

    OH YAY!!!!!!!

    This is wonderful news to start off 2010! Totally and absolutely wonderful!!! YAY YOU!!!!!

    And Pep, fourth is definitely something to cheer about! Honey, that's awesome, I heard they had SEVEN entries in that category, so FOURTH is DY-NO-MITE!!!!


    Okay, I'm kidding, they probably had a gazillion entries but it's fun making fun of my friends. Mean, but fun.

    And even though fourth isn't technically placing, it still rocks, sweet-cheeks. Seriously.


    The Marlene.

    My friend Andrea sold as a result of the Marlene. Didn't Deb Giusti have that one as her ticket in as well??? Or am I making that up.

    I have been known to make things up.

    And Vince-baby, I saw your dream thing when I could finally get back into Seekerville today!

    OH YAY!!!!

    I'll write the book, sweet thang, and I'd love to have that new stadium on the cover...

    The House That Jeter Built...


    I love Jeter. Has anyone noticed that?????

    I brought an amazing fresh fruit salad for mid-day. Fresh coffee. Carrot cake.

    I've been dying for carrot cake and we haven't had it in ages.

    AND!!!! THIS JUST IN!!!!

    (Momentary Mom brag time)

    Audit boy in Boston just found out he aced the first three parts of the CPA exam.

    One to go, next week.

    I told him we'd all cheer for him!

    Hurrah!! Hurrah!!! HURRAH!!!!!!!



  22. YAY, Audit Boy! CPA exam isn't an easy in. Good luck on the fourth part!

  23. I'm late to this.

    I won a paid entry from Sandra, too, so I owe it to her. Waving to Debra, Tina, and Sarah. Good luck to all of you.

  24. Thanks for the all the shout outs! I was so excited to see other Seekerville friends among the contest finals. On a side note, my entry is titled "Through the Valley". I think they originally had it marked as Untitled, but we got the kink worked out. :-) Best wishes and Happy New Year to all!

  25. Hi Ruth:

    I’ve only seen one baseball theme romance and that was a book by, Lisa Ruff, called “Man of the Year” which is a Harlequin American Romance. Her hero is named “Jarrett” (a little too close for comfort). This is a June 2008 book.

    Do you think you could find out how this book did? Also, she might be a good guest to have on this site.

    How about a three book series? (Three bad boy brothers: Joe, Dom, and who was the other one?). Also baseball books, with inspirational messages, make really great movies. Wow! : )


    BTW: did you notice how if you’re not here everyone notices it? It’s like missing church in a small town! Also, I went to many Yankee games in the 1950's -- if you need a baseball savvy reader, I'm here. I've even had active baseball players come to my real estate school.

  26. Lynda had two books final? that's amazing! Tina, you ROX, girl. And so do Walt, Debra, Pepper and Sarah. Congrats, everybody. Well done.

  27. COngrats all!!!!!!! live in Ashville!? I was there all of 2 summers ago for 2 weeks...went to the Biltmore : ) Too bad I didn't know you then ; )

    Sounds like a fun week in Seekervile. Can you maybe "kidnap" me(though it wouldn't be much of a kidnap because I'd go willingly) so I don't have to go to school!?! It's gonna be a rough week...we're already counting down for next break(including mom!)!

    Off to Friendly's for dinner(??? I don't even know!) : )
    Talk to you later,

    By the way, new post up about more details of the second session of Hannah's READ Program. Geez...gotta do my own advertising ; )

  28. Oh, Hannah. I haven't been to a Friendly's Ice Cream in a loooong time.

  29. Ruthy,
    Actually there were ten entries ;-) So...HA!

    i live an hour north of Asheville in the Country Music State ;-) TN.

    My hubby and I went away for the weekend - and Glynna, we went to the Candlelight Tour at the Biltmore House. It was BEAUTIFUL. All decorated for Christmas, with a choir and harpist performing.

    Congrats to Audit Boy. How GREAT!

  30. Pepper! That sounds wonderful!!!

    Lol Tina! It was good...but I was stuffed on the way out! Told mom and Alicia they'd have to roll me out ; )

  31. There's a new book coming out with characters at the Biltmore.

    It's Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist.

  32. Left for the weekend and I'm finally getting back to post.

    Thanks for the congrats everyone, and let me offer mine.
    Way to go Walt, Debra, Sarah and Lynda (twice of course)

    And Pepper, even if there were only ten, you did good girl.

    Proud of you.

    Mary, I didn't win the book last time. I think things should go better for me this round, especially if I actually post.

