April is upon us and along with it another bright and shiny new opportunity to take flight and enter your manuscript in a contest or your 2009 book in a published contest.
Today the Seekerville prize vault is open with an opportunity to win a surprise package mailed from the heart of downtown Seekerville to you. Just post a hello in the comments-and if you don't leave a method of contact or a link back, then you can't win.
Winner announced in the weekend edition. See contest guidelines lower right for our contest rules. BTW Seekerville and our wonderful guests have given away more than 150 prizes, that include books, gift cards, chocolate, coffee, critiques and surprises in the last year. So don't be shy. Say hi!

Unpublished Contests
Touched By Love. An inspirational romance contest. Deadline April 1st. Categories: Short Contemporary (under 75, 000 words), Long Contemporary (over 75,000 words) and Historical. An entry consists of up to the first 30 pages of an unpublished manuscript and an unjudged synopsis (no more than two pages double-spaced). Finalists will receive the opportunity to have their entry judged by five published inspirational authors. The winner will be announced at the 2010 RWA National Conference. There will be three finalists in the three categories. There will be a winner in each category and an overall winner from the three categories. You have until midnight April 1st to get your fees and electronic entry in.
Spring Into Romance. Deadline extended to April 2 postmark. One of the few non electronic contests. Entry consists of the first 25 pages.
Contemporary Series/Category Romance: Jenny Hutton, Mills & Boon
Contemporary Single Title Romance: Leis Pederson, Berkley Publishing Group
Suspense/Adventure Romance: Jill Marsal, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Novel w/Strong Romantic Elements/Mainstream: Adam Wilson, MIRA Books
Historical Romance: TBA
Paranormal Romance: Megan Records, Kensington
Young Adult Romance: Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
27th Annual Orange Rose Contest for Unpublished Writers. Limited to the first 150 entries. Deadline is April 10. Submit synopsis and manuscript up to 55 pages total. Electronic Entry for Non U.S. Resident RWA Members only.This contest offers three in-depth critiques by published authors. The Top 10 finalists are judged by Editors.The contest is open to any writer meeting the following criteria: Must be a member in good standing of RWA National-Has not published or been contracted in book length fiction in the last five years-The entry must have a projected minimum length of 50,000 words.The categories are:Contemporary Category Romance, Historical, Inspirational,Mainstream w/Romantic Elements,Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy,Romantic Suspense, Single Title Romance (over 70,000 words),Erotic Romance. Finalist judges not listed. (Read the rules carefully for this contest. Orange Rose finalists are chosen by overall score NOT by category.)
Royal Ascot Contest. Deadline April 20th. The Royal Ascot is a contest devoted to the promotion of Regency Romances by encouraging the development of unpublished authors who set stories in the Regency Period. Entry consists of the beginning of manuscript and synopsis: maximum 8500 words in the text of manuscript and synopsis combined. Category info and final judges:
Regency Historical (longer Regency or Mainstream Regency-set)
Final Judge: Leis Pederson, Editor, Berkley
Hot Regency (Very sensual to Erotic Regency, at author's discretion)
Final Judge: Deb Werksman, Editor, Sourcebooks
Wild Regency (Paranormal, Time Travel, other similar Regency)
Final Judge: Tessa Woodward, Editor, Avon
Sweet & Mild Regency (Traditional, Inspirational, Young Adult or other without explicit sex)
Final Judge: Nicole D'Arienzo, Senior Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Short Regency (5,000 to 40,000 words) (Open to all authors, published and un-published)
Final Judge: Scott Eagan, The Greyhaus Agency
Break Up Your Winter Nights. May 1st deadline. Brought to you by the Alaska RWA.
Send your best "black moment" or break-up scene, no more than 10 pages. A brief set-up is optional. The top three entries will go to our final judge, Laurie M. Rauch of Samhain Publishing. The winning entry will receive a reading by Elizabeth Pomada of the Larsen-Pomada Literary Agency.
Magic Moment. Postmarked May 1st. Send the first ten (10) pages of your manuscript (either the first chapter or the prologue), and you will receive three detailed critiques. Final Round Judge: Miriam Kriss, Agent (Irene Goodman Agency) http://www.irenegoodman.com
First Place Winner will receive $100 and a certificate; Second and Third Place winners will receive certificates.
Weta Nichols Writing Contest. A very succinct contest by the Ozark Romance Authors with cash prizes. Deadline May 1st. Submit the first ten pages of your unfinished or finished novel (no short stories please,) in .doc format with one inch margins all around, double spaced, in 12 pitch Times New Roman font. Please send the first ten pages only, and no less than 7 pages. Stories should be previously unpublished and can be any genre, romance, sci-fi, mystery, etc.
Romancing the Script. Deadline May 1st. Final Judge Robert Gosnell. 1st Act, not to exceed the first 30 pages. TOP THREE WINNERS MUST SUBMIT THE FULL COMPLETED SCREENPLAY FOR CRITIQUE. Any genre as long as the A, B, OR C plotline contains romance.
TARA. Deadline May 1st. Electronic entries. The first chapter, 4,000 words max (actual word count), including prologue if applicable. *Word count will be verified. No part of a second or any additional chapters will be judged. Per editor request, finalists must include a synopsis of up to 1,500 words at the time they submit revised entry for final judging.
Series Contemporary: Wanda Ottewell, Harlequin
Historical: Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
Paranormal: Leah Hultenschmidt, Dorchester
Single Title: Jhanteigh Kupihea, NAL
Women's Fiction: Amy Pierpont, Grand Central
Romantic Suspense: Peter Senftleben, Kensington
Inspirational: JoAnne Simmons, Barbour Books
Fool For Love. Deadline April 30th. ALL entrants must enter electronically. First chapter (up to 20 pages maximum) and optional synopsis (5 pages maximum). A prologue may be included with the first chapter as long as the entry does not exceed 20 pages.
Short Contemporary - TBA
Long Contemporary - Katelynn Lacopo, Literary Assistant, BookEnds, LLC
Historical - Lucy Gilmour, Harlequin Editor
Paranormal/Futuristic/Fantasy/Time Travel - Amanda Barnett, Senior Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Inspirational - Elizabeth Mazer, Assistant Editor, Steeple Hill
Romantic Suspense - TBA
The 26th Annual Colorado Gold Writing Contest. Contest opens April 1 and the deadline is June 1. Submission is the first twenty pages and a synopsis. Categories include: romance, mystery, speculative fiction, action/thriller and mainstream fiction. Five category winners receive a $100 dollar prize. Final judge is an acquiring agent or editor. Check out the website for a contest instruction video!

Published Contests
The Maggies Published Division. Deadline is May 1st. Open to all RWA published romance novelists who meet RITA® guidelines for eligibility. Electronic and audio books may be entered. Such books must be presented in English, in print-book format produced by the publisher, complete with copyright page, in perfect or case binding, and printed on both sides of the page. All books must carry a copyright date between January 2009 and December 2009. If the minimum number of entries in a category is not met, the entry will be moved into the second-choice category. The Maggie is awarded in the following romance categories: Contemporary Series Romance, Historical(includes Regencies), Contemporary Single Title, Paranormal/Fantasy (includes time travel, futuristic, etc.),and Inspirational.

Just For Fun
Deadline is May 31st for the...Wow! Women on Writing Quarterly Flash Fiction Contest.
Word Count:Maximum: 750, Minimum: 250 OPEN PROMPT! That’s right, this is your chance to shine, and get creative. You can write about anything, as long as it’s within the word count and fiction. Entry cap at 300.
Any style and genre. From horror to romance! So, get creative, and most of all, have fun. Entries limited to a maximum of 300 stories. Please enter early to ensure inclusion. The winner not only gets cash and goodies but an agent read! The guest agent judge is Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.
Word Count:Maximum: 750, Minimum: 250 OPEN PROMPT! That’s right, this is your chance to shine, and get creative. You can write about anything, as long as it’s within the word count and fiction. Entry cap at 300.
Any style and genre. From horror to romance! So, get creative, and most of all, have fun. Entries limited to a maximum of 300 stories. Please enter early to ensure inclusion. The winner not only gets cash and goodies but an agent read! The guest agent judge is Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.
ReplyDeleteGot my TBL entries in.
Have three more from this list earmarked.
helengray AT boycomonline DOT com
Hi my name is Tina. (for those who didn't know) just stopped by to say hello and to thank you wonderful seeker people for all you do. The interviews, the information, the contests...
ReplyDeleteI have been lurking around Seekerville for a few years. And feelbit us time some serious consideration was taken to my adoption.
I can be found at tpinson.co@netzero.net
What great contests - now if only I wrote romance :)
ReplyDeleteI can't begin to tell you how glad I am to have 'met' you ladies!
'hi' steenah at telus dot net
Wow so many contests! Too bad I'm not a writer :-P
ReplyDeleteXOXO~ Renee
Wishing everyone entering contests this month the very best.
ReplyDeleteHello all you lovely Seekers! Thanks for the update on the contests - most helpful!
Hey ladies-
ReplyDeleteWow. Thanks for the contest info ladies! Very helpful.
Helen, you rock!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Sistah! Way to stay in the game.
Um, though, I see the COFFEE spot is EMPTY.
First in makes coffee.
Unless you're in in the middle of the night, I suppose. Then it's yucky stale by morning.
All the more reason to have a Keurig one-cup coffee maker.
Have I mentioned how I LOVE my Keurig????
Not as much as JETER, but... A lot.
And have we mentioned that opening day for the Yankees is...
drumroll, please....
Easter evening??????
Oh my stars....
Sweet children dressed up for Easter.
Yankee baseball.
I'm anticipating a GOOD day. How 'bout you?
I brought morning breads, total carb load.
Mini muffins, sweet bread with jelly beans, Danish, strudel and donuts.
I called in a breakfast order to Panera, so the hot stuff should be arriving soon. Save me one of those chicken/artichoke thingies, 'kay????
Good Morning!
ReplyDeleteThat's all I can say...no coffee yet. Perking...
You Seekers have actually inspired me to get up that much earlier to work on my contest entries!
Tappitytaptap at gmail dot com
Steena, with a pic like that you DON'T write romance?
ReplyDeleteAt all????
Oh my stars....
Girl, we must talk.
Pamela, now that's what I'm talkin' about...
ReplyDeleteGet up early.
Lose a little sleep.
It's SOOOOOO worth it.
And remember Ben Franklin's adage:
"Plenty of time for rest in the grave."
Work. Work hard. Then work harder.
Hello ladies
ReplyDeleteThanks for all these great posts and your kindness and generosity in sharing your time and this helpful information. :-)
Good morning Seekerville!!!
ReplyDeleteHelen you have become so fearless!!!
Tina, we are considering adopting you..but so far no one can afford to feed you. Will keep you posted.
Steena there are a lot of those contests that are not necessarily romance. So take flight writer. Take flight.
Good morning Renee.
Keli, time to take you out of the contest circuit so someone else can get bling and stuff.
Good morning Dianna, Pamela and Nicola.
ReplyDeleteLet us know what's going on in your writing world.
Morning, y'all! Thanks for the contest update. I haven't heard of a couple of those so will have to check them out to decide if they're for me. Not that I'm trying to keep up with Helen or anything ... :-)
ReplyDeleteDidn't get a chance to leave a comment yesterday, but LOVED the interview with Francine. You Seekerville ladies rock!
leigh at leighdelozier dot com
Hi all. Thanks for the contest updates.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giant list of contests to look through!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week! :O)
estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com
Morning, Leigh. Morning, Tamera.
ReplyDeleteThat Helen is becoming a force to be reckoned with. AND SHE'S GOING TO NATIONALS (RWA!!)
Hi Destrella...welcome to the April Contest Update.
ReplyDeleteTAKE FLIGHT!!!!
Oh boy...where to start??? I saw several contests listed that I'm going to check out the guidelines later today.
ReplyDeleteAnd after the last Women's World blog, I have another short story idea bubbling away in my brain, so I may just enter the WOW contest.
Thanks ladies for all you do.
RRossZediker at yahoo dot com
I've entered the Maggies. After Francine's post yesterday, I'm questioning my contest fever, but it's too late for this year.
ReplyDeleteTina, the birds are adorable. I love birds. That surprise package you're offering has tickled my interest. Too bad Seekers aren't eligible. What's with that anyway?
Mmm, Panera! Thanks Ruthy! Have a great day Seekerville!
Ruthy? Ruthy? Did I win yet?
ReplyDeleteopusmle (at) gmail (dot) com
Stopping by to say "Hi!", except we don't say "hi" where I come from; We say "Hey!"
ReplyDeleteI just want to thank y'all for all of the hard work and FUN you put into this blog each and every day. You are much appreciated!
~mary bailey
I know what you mean, Janet -- after Francine's interview yesterday (GREAT job, Ruthy!!), I'm a little hesitant to enter another contest.
ReplyDeleteBut like my husband says, "Uh, Julie, you're not exactly Francine Rivers, so I wouldn't worry about."
Uh, thanks, Babe, for the encouragement ... I think ...
ReplyDeleteCitizens of Seekerville, you are amazing. I learn something every time I click on that little link in Twitter, and today it was about contests! I just finished another edit of my manuscript (let's see, is this number 5? Sigh), entered one contest, but I could definitely get it together for some of the others - I like the idea of submitting more than 10 pages!
ReplyDeleteYou can find me at trmerrick@bellsouth.net most any time . . . :)
Thanks, Seekerville!
Hello first time here!
ReplyDeleteneed to work on proposals, hope I win!
and blog
Good morning!
ReplyDeleteFIRST TIMERS!!!!
I'm busily filling plastic eggs with teeth rotting goodness for a celebration egg hunt with the urchins this afternoon...
And this is the first time in years where it hasn't either been snowing or pouring for our hunt, so we're revelling in God's Sun and Son.
Hi!!! Love your blog...thanks for the interesting stuff you have. Keep it up!
Top of the Morning to you.
I've been an official Seeker-fan for one year this week!! Best blog around.
Thanks Mary, for introducing me to it.
Good Morning Seekers,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this great contest list. I never seem to know about contests, except the GH and the Golden Pen. So this is great.
I think it's time to enter a few - not for the glory - but for some serious feedback about this latest work of mine. Something is missing somewhere and the only contest I entered it in was the GH. Sigh, no phone call this year and no comments from judges. So thanks for the push. Hopefully I'll get some great judges who can point me in the right direction.
Really enjoyed yesterday's interview! Have a great day everyone.
sbmason (at) sympatico (dot) ca
Good morning to you, Holly, Jackie, Regina, Allsion, Pepper and Susan.
ReplyDeleteJump right in. The contest water is just fine.
Stopping in to say hello.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful spring day we have in Colorado Springs, this after snow over the weekend.
Good Morning!! I entered the Genesis and Fraiser, both of which close today! Yikes-- wonder what it will all hold. Either way I get feed back, so that should be great. :)
ReplyDeleteEmail in profile. Thanks for the chance to win. :)
Hello Everybody! All these contests sound so wonderful I am really hoping to enter one!
ReplyDeleteWe will see that is my goal, and I am really excited!:)
Please enter me in the contest for the goodies I would love a chance to win!:)
Good afternoon, Seekerville!! I made a tough decision to not enter contests this year. I don't have anything new written and didn't want to stress about it. My agent will be submitting my finished novel soon. Now I need to write book two.
lisajordanbooks at yahoo dot com
Happy Spring!! Would love a crack at the prize vault.
I appreciate all the work you do to bring us this information. I'm a big chicken...but I've made a goal to send something out in April. (ack, I feel sick) LOL.
ReplyDeleteLisa, the other ladies are breathing a cliched sigh of relief that you are not entering contests.
ReplyDeleteOkay, laugh of the day...
ReplyDeleteWhich is NOT ME laughing at Kav who isn't entering contests....
Just sayin'...
No. It's my friend Nolan, whose family has the Beatles Rock Band/Hero thingamabobbie at home...
And this is Nolan singing (at the top of his lungs and oddly on tune):
I'm dying laughing here while John Lennon rolls in his grave.
I might have a prize for the person who NAMES THAT TUNE!
ReplyDeleteI humbly apologize about the empty coffee spot. I will try to do better.
I'm gearing up for opening day on Monday---to watch Albert Pujols play. So take that, girl.
Yes, I'm planning to go to nationals, but I haven't registered yet. What are the chances of getting a room and all that?
Please fill me in on all the things I need to do--and when.
She's got a ticket to ride.
Ya know, my 3 year old calls the kitchen a 'chicken'. Love it
Excellent update!
ReplyDeleteYay on all those delurking! We love that you're introducing yourselves!
We're glad to have you whether you write or not. :-)
Ruthy! That song is now stuck in my head. LOLOL!
ReplyDeleteRegister soooooooooon Helen. Once the GH and RITA finalists are listed the registration starts filling fast. It caps around 2000. When the hotel fills they start making arrangements for us at other hotels.
ReplyDeleteWe should get an RWA newsletter anytime now telling us the status on registration.
Diane, it's getting chilly here in Denver.
ReplyDeleteHappy Wednesday to Casey, Lindsey, Denise, and Kav.
Yes. We love it when our lurkers take the plunge and say hi!!!
I didn't completely answer your ? Helen.
ReplyDeleteGo to the RWA web page do the deed.
hello everyone...
ReplyDeletei always enjoy visiting seekerville :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
You know guys it is so hard to pick what to enter! To many choices:)
ReplyDeleteSeekers ROCK! Y'all are such a generous gracious group. Thank you for all you do.
ReplyDeleteSeekerville is really opening my eyes to the writing world. Who knew there were all these contests???
I'm going to have to look for contests in my genre (middle grade).
Thanks for the inspiration!!!
and HELLO!!!
ksf895 at citlink dot net
She's gotta chicken to ride ide ide
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's why the chicken crossed the road.
Now you have me thinking about songs that are sung wrong...
Like Arizonia, take off your rainbow shades. Was sung Harry-soda...
Or Islands in the Stream was sung Modern Dentistry...
Just got me thinking.
Tina, I will try to eat less...I need a home.
My TBL entries are it, too. Love the feel of Spring in the post, the gold finches, and all the great contest info. Thanks for sharing!
Sounds great, Tina! You guys are all so busy! I wish I was a writer, as so many have commented earlier. Alas, I am not! : )
(Can't believe I can actually be entered!!!!! *wink*)
Hello!!! I haven't been visiting this blog for to long, but I really enjoy coming here! Wish everyone luck in the writing contest!
Thanks, Tina, for posting all the great contest info.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone who enters!!!
I signed up for the Maggies last week!
the vault is open ? what's inside ? can i take one, or maybe two of the goodies ?:)
ReplyDeleteHi everyone !
uniquas at ymail dot com
Hm, my Genesis entries are in--should I test out another contest or two? I'll have to see!
ReplyDeletevalerie at valeriecomer dot com
Just wanted to say hello and thank you for this wonderful blog. Keep up the excellant work!
ReplyDeleteSmiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
Hi to everyone who stopped by later in the evening or today. You are in the drawing!!
ReplyDeleteHave an excellent contest writing month.
Hello to all and good luck in all of the wonderful contests coming up.
ReplyDeleteSmiles & Blessings,
Cindy W