Saturday, March 13, 2010

Shamrock Weekend Edition

Since there was so much Blarney in Seekerville today we will be giving away TWO copies of Winter's End
(I bought out Wal-Mart!!! he he he).

Denise and Pat Jeanne please send me your snail mail addy~~~Tina

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Seekerville to you!

In preparation for St. Paddy's Day we'd like to share how
you can get your own Irish accent with
Instant Irish Accent Mouth Spray! and you can Get Irish Now!

Congratulations to Missy Tippens, Cheryl Wyatt and Debby Giusti who are finalists in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, Inspirational Series category!

We Have Winners:

Monday: Janet Dean shared with her post Sharing My Favorites. Winner of The Substitute Bride is Vince. And Winner of Around the Bend by Shirley Jump is Virginia.

Tuesday: Did you guess correctly in Myra Johnson's Tuesday quiz from Isn't She A Character?

Abby = Cara
Betsy = Tina
Claire = Janet
Denise = Ruthy
Edith = Pam
Haley = Missy
Ingrid = Myra
Jenny = Mary
Kimberly = Audra
Linda = Sandra
Monica = Debby
Nancy = Cheryl
Ophelia = Glynna
Frannie = Camy
Georgia = Julie

The drawing winner for a copy of Romance by the Book is Casey!

Thursday: Eroticism and Evocatism...Two "E's" at Odds!!! Winner of the Winter's End is Edwina and the winner of a 15 page critique is KC Frantzen.

Friday: Thank you to Shari Barr for being our guest with, The Stuff of Dreams~~or Not. Winner of her release, McKenzie's Montana Mystery, is La Tawnia.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Multi-published historical author, Ruth Axtell Morren is our guest today and she's giving away a book too.

Tuesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired (Wings of Refuge series) author, Cheryl Wyatt is today's hostess.

Wednesday: Join Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti on St. Patrick's Day. And she'll be giving away a copy of Killer Headline!

Thursday: Zondervan and Steeple Hill Suspense author, Camy Tang is here with her post on Your Best Writing Time.

Friday:Today Tina Radcliffe will update her popular post, Writing Romantic Fiction For Woman's World Magazine, with some tips from Woman's World Assistant Editor, Patricia Gaddis.

Save the Date:

March 29: Publishing professional, writer, and friend of Seekerville Patty Hall.

March 30: RITA and Christy Award winner Francine Rivers.

April 2: Mutli-published historical author, and three-time RITA nominee, Cheryl St. John.

April 7:
Desert Breeze Publishing author K. Dawn Byrd.

April 9:
Revell author, Janice Hanna Thompson , returns.

April 23
: From Books & Such Literary Agency, Janet Grant.

April 28: Waterbrook Press author Mona Hodgson.

April 29: Zondervan upcoming author, Melanie Dickerson.

Seekerville is thrilled to announce that owner/founder of Books & Such Literary, Janet Grant will be visiting us on April 23rd.

Have questions about the industry, the standards, Janet's agency ?

Send your questions to ALL questions remain confidential between you and Ruthy.

Seeker Sightings:

Janet Dean
can be found March 15th, at Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot to celebrate Friend of Seekerville, Renee's one year blog anniversary. Stop by for a chance to win The Substitute Bride.

Join Julie Lessman for a Love Scene Critique and Book Giveaway, winner's choice of signed Daughters of Boston book OR her new book, A Hope Undaunted, when released in August, at Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot for more celebrating with Renee on March 19th.

Visit Debby Giusti and the Craftie Ladies of Suspense for their continuing story: An Irish Mystery, running from March 8 to March 18, featuring Patrick Mulligan and the love of his life, Caryn Reilly, Shamrock Castle, and lots of Irish lore!

You can Find Ruth Logan Herne here:

The Parma Public Library is hosting a book signing for two local authors on Saturday, March 20, 2010 from 1-4 P.M. The Friends of the Parma Public Library are pleased to welcome local authors Marilyn Lowden Koss Wright and Ruth Logan Herne for an afternoon of refreshments, conversation and books.
Lowden Koss Wright will be offering her book Patchwork Pieces, a delightful account of her memoirs, the memories of a west side gal, tried and true.

Ruthy will be signing copies of her 4 1/2 star debut novel, Winter's End, a warm, evocative inspirational romance published by Steeple Hill Books and on bookshelves now.
Both ladies look forward to an afternoon of community banter and really good cookies

Mary Connealy can be found on Christian Book Giveaways giving away a copy of The Husband Tree, March 12 - 18. Stop by to get your name in the drawing.

Heads up Ohio!! Mary is in Ohio from March 19-27. Here's a link to where you can find her.

Random News:

  • Just to make sure you are paying attention, one weekend poster is going to win a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's debut release, Winter's End. Just post something Irish. Winner announced Sunday at 7 pm MST.

  • A Big Thank You to the RWA/NYC bloggers at Blogging in the Big Apple (Maria Ferrer) for mentioning Seekerville in their post on group blogs. You guys rock!

  • From those CRAZY people who brought you NaNoWriMo...Script Frenzy. Script Frenzy is the other global writing escapade put on every year. The goal: writing a 100-page script in 30 days.

Congratulations to all those who placed in the Phoenix Rattler: Does Your Story Have Bite? Contest. A special shout out goes to the Friends of Seekerville!! WooHoo!!

Contemporary Fiction
1st Place SEASON OF SURRENDER by Mary Proctor
2nd Place ROMANCE ON A DISTANT RIVER by Lee Carver
3rd place SURVIVING CARMELITA by Susan Miura

Historical Fiction
First Place BEYOND A RIVER by Michelle Shocklee
Second Place NIGHTSHADE by Debra E Marvin
Third place THE SAMURAI'S HEART by Walt Mussell

Young Adult
First Place THE WISHING SEA by Durga Walker
Second Place CALEUCHE REDEMPTION by Colleen Shine Phillips
Third place TALE OF A MAN by Deborah Anderson

Fantasy/Allegory/Science Fiction
First Place COUNTING TESSA by Tina Pinson
Second Place The Lightstone of Perlan by Dona Watson
Third Place METAMORPHISIS by Chawna Schroeder

First Place NO TURNING BACK by Katie Vorreiter
Second Place ANOTHER SUN by Katie Vorreiter
Third Place DEAD WEIGHT by Lynda Schab

Women’s Fiction
First Place THROUGH THE VALLEY by Sarah Forgrave
Second Place THREE WISHES by Lynda Schab
Third Place THE BLUE LAKE JOURNALS by Cathleen Armstrong

Congratulations to Friend of Seekerville, Maggie Brendan for her featured author interview at!!

Bain taithneamh as an deireadh seachtaine!

(English translation of this Irish phrase= Enjoy the weekend!)


  1. Hi Tina:

    Coffee's on. I put about half a can in the coffee machine. Is that enough?

    St. Patrick's Day is my youngest son's birthday. I call him my leprechaun. Hope to go see him next week.


  2. Aye, Helen, 'tis fun to have a St. Patty's babe, ain't it, now???

    Me closest is me own darlin' Luke whose birthday is this very day, and a huge bit o' Irish he is at 6'2" in his bare feet and his da a sweet bundle at 5'7" and me toppin' out at 5'2"...

    But though references to milkmen have plagued the lad's days, he's got his gran'da's height and his great uncles blue-eyed blond colorin', a true Irish laddie head to toe... Just a mite large for the leprechaun trade!!!

    An' sweet thing, 'tis Saturday, an' early at that, so half-a-can does me well as I put together a warm, EVOCATIVE (smiling) story at me table with a hint of birdsong in the air...

    spring.... I'm lovin' it so much that I find meself waxin' poetic and slicin' an' dicin' me own work.

    'Tis a shame, but that's the truth of it, lasses and laddies!


    Oh my goodness gracious sakes to Betsy, what a wonderful weekend edition and WE'RE GIVING AWAY WINTER'S END!!!!

    OH YAY!!!!! :)

    So give us a bit o' brogue, a hint Celt, a smidge of Irish pride runnin' rampant through your veins and remember that in Ireland St. Patrick's day was/is not a day of drunken foolishness 'tall...

    'Tis a day for rememberin' a fine mun who gave of his life, time and heart to bring simple folk to faith, to Jesus.

    May I hear an AMEN!!!!

    Erin go bragh!


  3. Happy Weekend, Seekerville!!!!

    Tina, thanks for the link to How To Design a Book Cover video. Fascinating! Loved the revise and delete. LOL

    Wahoo to Gayle Wilson finalists!!! Congrats to our own Cheryl, Debby and Missy!!! You gals rock!!!

    Applause for the winners of the Phoenix Rattler contest, especially to the Seekerville faithful! Way to go!

    I love good news! And Helen's coffee! Have fun with your son!

    Ruthy, Happy birthday to Luke! Hurray for St. Patrick!

    Now I'm going back to Myra's post and see who's who with the Seekers!


  4. Hey, HUGEST CONGRATS to Deb, Walt, Tina P, and Sarah for finaling in the Phoenix Rattler!!!

    You guys rock!!!!

    So proud of you and not in the least bit surprised. Wonderful, wonderful stuff!!!

    And huge hugs to Debby, Missy and Cheryl for duking it out as finalists in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence!!!!

    Go girls!!!!! :)

    (always in the spirit of good, clean competition, of course... biting, scratching and name-calling are strongly discouraged.

    In public.)

  5. Congratulations Cheryl, Debby & Missy! Way to go!

    And oh, my! Look at all those Friends of Seekerville who finaled in the "Does Your Story Have Bite?" contest!! Congrats guys & gals!!!

  6. Congrats all the winners. WOW! Those are some great Seeker-friend results!

    I've already read Winter's End, still have it btw, so please don't put me in the drawing. Did I mention it is a fabulous book. Wonderful! Well worth you time. Took me 5 hours to read it - while cooking, then cleaning, then not sleeping until I finished. Wonderful book!!! Go, Ruthy, Go!

    My great, great grandmother's name was Honora O'Connor from County Kerry Ireland. I have a few pieces of her china...and my grandmother says I look like her.
    Love the dreamy thoughts that brings to my mind :-)

    Thanks for the edition, Tina. As usual, you're fantastic!!

  7. Top of the Morning to the lot of you!! And Tina ... AWESOME Irish post ... for an Italian, that is! :)

    My grandmother's name was Cavanaugh, which thrills me to no end, although I married a non-Irishman. BUT, for me my darlin' Keith is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    I am a wee bit miffed that my sister married a full-blooded Irishman and named her daughters Maggie, Kelly, Erin and Bridget. Sigh. She always did one-up me!

    SUPER CONGRATS to our Gayle Wilson Seeker finalists -- Cheryl, Debby and Missy! I agree with Janet -- you gals rock!!!

    And WHOO-HOO for our Seeker buds who walked away with the Phoenix Rattler finals -- the saints be praised!!!

    Remember ... if you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky enough!


  8. Happy Saturday.

    The second pot of java is on.

    Have a most excellent writing day.

    Irish blessing for the day!

    May you never forget what is worth remembering,

    Or remember what is best forgotten.

  9. I love Seekerville weekend edition. I always find cool links. I had just read about Script Frenzy in my email. Heading to Galley Cat to read about creating book covers...very cool, indeed.

    Irish...hmm, I married a Patrick...does that count? Even if he's half-French and no Irish? Well, let's see what else I've birthday is a week after St. Paddy's Day...would that work? Hmmm, okay, how about an Irish blessing to all of Seekerville?

    May the roads rise to meet you.
    May the wind be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    The rain fall soft upon your fields
    And, until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  10. Well done, Lisa!! Have a productive weekend.

    Helen and Pepper hope you get lots of writing done today as well.

  11. Ruth Axtell Morren will be here Monday! Woohoo! She is SUCH A FABULOUS romance writer! Oh, My! She appointed me her official tribe leader because I kinda sorta tend to gush like Old Faithful when I talk about her! LOL! I was telling total strangers in the hotel in Denver what a great writer she was. They thought I was off my rocker, of course.

  12. (of course!!)

    :) We love your enthusiasm, Melly!!

  13. And congrats to everybody!!! Sorry I forgot that! The Gayle Wilson Award is so cool. Debby and Missy totally rock! And congrats to all the Rattler Bite (I'm abbreviating) finalists!!! WOOHOO!

  14. And the rest of the day to you, Julie!!

    When we (grandma, grandpa, aunt, mom, sister, and I....yes 6 of us!) went to Ireland a few years ago, our tour guide would say, "Top o' the morning to you!" and we'd have to respond, "And the rest of the day to you!" because that's just how it's done apparently ; )

    I really like St. Patty's Day, except for the fact that I really don't own too much green....hmmmmmm....Oh well! I still enjoy it! Lol!

    Tina, this was a really fun WE. Not to mention all of the exciting news for the Seekers AND blogging friends! YAY! I'm so proud of you all!

    Okay, gotta go finish cleaning for my family party tomorrow...this was my {hopefully only} break I'll take right now....we all know how that usually goes *wink*
    Talk to you all later!

  15. You've never seen a lass so Bonnie and Ruthy on St. Patrick's day.

    (Is that Irish enough?) I'm mostly German. When is that day?

    Oh wait. D-Day

  16. Aye how is every one this fine day? Top of the morning to ya:)
    I always love the weekends in seekerville and I love all the three leaf clovers:).
    Cograts to all the winners of the contest! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  17. Congrats to all the contest winners.

    I plugged in a roaster full of corned beef and cabbage...Eat hearty, I don't want leftovers.

    As always, great weekend edition.


    Don't enter me in the give away...I have a copy of Winter's End.

  18. Great weekender, Tina! :)

    Now, I've got to go make sure I have something clean to wear this week that's green!

  19. Oh, come on, Ruthy, I was thinking I needed to claw Cheryl and Debby's eyes out to win! Do I have to be nice??


  20. Congrats to all our Rattler winners!!

  21. Congratulations to all!

    This is THE best blog out there. Period. It's crafted with excellence and love and fun and laughter and FOOD, with a touch of irreverence, on occasion... sometimes. :)

    What a blessing.

    I have some scones if anyone wants them, and real cream with some fresh fruit.

    Please enjoy a bit o' the Irish:
    Then enter the card code: 2236417676644

    On another note
    - - do y'all hear my knees knocking? I won the (in)famous Winter's End author's critique! YIKES!!

    Actually I'm more than thrilled. She's just taking pity on me since I need it most... Thank you Ruthy.

    And Mary, Montana Rose is a treasure. Was up WAY too late last night, laughing and enjoying. Thank you!

  22. Well then I'll be offering up my congratulations to the winners, they must be possessing the Luck O the Irish... I'm thinking they're dancing with the wee folk whilst the Banshee ran off with all o me luck Maybe next time. Until then I'll be huntin down a four leaf cover.

  23. See now I found ma clover and the Banshee returned ma Lucky charms or is that a rattler ... Thanks for the tip o the hat lassies and lads.
    I'll lift me a pint ( of milk) to those visiting the villa of Seekers this fine morn.

    I'm Scotts Irish Indian ma self can't figure out iffen I should paint maself blue or green or prea
    pare maself with war paint.

  24. A Tripartite Post:

    Hi Ruth:

    I thought all this time that your critical review would be 15 pages long. However, now I think you are going to critique 15 pages of the writer’s work. I have to be honest, a 15 page critique would make me a little nervous. : )

    Hi Janet:

    I’m happy to win. My reading is not complete without The Substitute Bride.

    Hi Tina:

    Wow! I just got my “The Hero’s Two Journeys” DVD and it is even better than you said. It has to be watched many times. Now I am going to have to find out how to use the two MP3 players I’ve bought over the years. I hate those things but I want to use the course audio clips, too. I plan to review this set on my website someday – after enough viewing to understand it all. So it could be quite awhile. : )

    To All … A Happy St. Paddy!


  25. Isn't it fabulous Vince. Every time I get something new. And when you get done with this, do yourself a favor and get Grabbing the Reader in the First Ten Pages and Creating Powerful Movie Scenes.

    His stuff is so good..I have to resist the urge to grab complete strangers by the shirt and shake them and tell them to buy his DVDs.

  26. Congratulations to the Wilson and Rattler finalists. Such a nice thing to spice up the weekend.

    I got an extra charge from the list of Rattler finalists.

    A few days ago someone posted on the ACFW loop that she was living in CA and planning to move to, of all places, the little town of my growning up years that noone has ever heard of. I sent her some contacts and we've been corresponding.

    Imagine my pleasure when I saw her name on that list of winners!!!


  27. I don't have any Irish in me, but I love a good Irish brogue. (Can't you just hear it now?)

    Congrats to ALL the writing winners! I was brave and entered my writing in the Genesis and Frasier. We'll see. :)

    Super excited to see I won Romance by the Book! THANK YOU!!

  28. Wow, that's cool, Helen.

    Casey, what is the Frasier?

  29. Happy St Patty's Day to all you lasses. I hope you find your 4-leaf clover.
    I would love this book.

  30. I've been searchin' the highlands for a few Irish sayin's and our verra (wait, that's Scottish, isn't it?) own Ruthy has the dialect down pat, now don' she?

    No need to look further. I'll just pop Ruthy's Irish voice on my Irish hero and I'll be set.

    Btw, my veri is green (the color, not the word) today.

    Fittin', ain't it, now?

    Uh, maybe they're ALL green. I never noticed before! lol

  31. Congratulations to all the finalists for writing contests. The list is impressive. Something Irish now. Well, my closest writing buddy is from Ireland. Carmel has a degree in creative writing and she's been there for me for 10 yrs. with her frank critiques. The Irish know literature well. Happy St. Paddy's day to all. Love to win a copy of Ruthy's debut novel.

  32. Thanks for the shout out. My congrats to all the Rattler contest finalist. A wonderful contest. Extra thanks to Sandra Lee Smith who sponsored the entry fee to one lucky (blessed) reader.

    Congratulations to the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence. The contest name says it all!

  33. Ah, yes, lasses 'n' laddies, 'tis a fine, soft day here in upstate New York, much like me forebears enjoyed on the Emerald Isle.

    Cool, wet, windy, misty, drizzly. I dasn't say dank for the negative feel it gives, but dank 'tis, so the peat fire and the pot o' lamb stew are doubly sweet.


    And it's good to see Pepper singin' me praises... Without me payin' her THIS time, ye know.

    And "D" day... German day... Ah, Mary lass, me own sweet Dave is half German...

    And the other half a fine kettle of all-American stew. "D" day indeed. Ye' know that more Americans by from German descent than any other, ye ken?

    And the next bein' Irish I believe. Keep those limeys at bay...

    Island thieves.

    I'm off to kirk this fine eve an' I'll be lightin' a candle for ye's...

    Maybe two in consideration of my sweet Mary...

    A big one for her.

  34. Missy, call me or e-mail me off-blog, honey-lamb.

    All gloves come off and sweetness goes out the window when it comes to contests, babycakes.


    You know I've got your back. And Cheryl's probably too sweet to fight back, she's a marshmallow inside, but that Giusti woman???

    Military wife.

    We'll double team her.

  35. LOL, Ruthy!

    And by the way, everyone, Ruth Axtell Morren is our guest Monday, and I found out today she'll be giving away a copy of her book! So be sure to come by on Monday!!

  36. Congrats winners and finalists!!!! Sorry I'm late checking in...I was visiting family all day!

    Hmmm can't think of any thing Irish to post LOL....oh wait! I just saw an advertisement on tv for Green Apple St Paddy's Day Wine from the local wine villa, does that count? :-P

    I hope to see you all later in the week at my blog!!!!

    XOXO~ Renee

  37. Wow on that cover design link!

    Amazing. Thanks!

  38. Hi, back and saw you asked about the Frasier, Tina. That is a contest Susan May Warren has put together on her My Book Therapy page. Much like the Genesis, only about qualities that make a good story. You send a synopsis and 1500 words. Judges are editors and agents. Deadline is the last day of this month. :)

  39. Hey, that's totally cool that Susie-Q is putting together her own contest.

    Kudos to you, Ms. Warren!

    I'm popping over there to check this out...

    Like Samantha on Bewitched.

    One little nose twitch and presto, chango....


    if only it were that easy to get rid of me, right???

  40. Just checked out the Frasier contest. Looks like a wonderful prize doesn't it? Do you know how to become a member? I didn't see how to do that.

    Must be lack of coffee or sleep or something.

    Oh. I KNOW. Could it be the time change.

    Yeah... that's it... The time change...

    "jigplut" - that's my word today. "jigplut"

    Someone should be using all these marvelous words somewhere!

    Ruthy. Disappear? Now that she's off the island, who knows where she will turn up next... Wherever it is, her pen is at the ready to autograph her marvelous book! :)

  41. Congrats to the Rattler finalists!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Big Shout-Out from Georgia heading your way. Extra hugs for Walt and Deb!!! nice! :) Just kidding. You're always nice. Congrats, Missy and Cheryl, on the Gayle Wilson final. Gayle's a doll. Always so supportive and encouraging. A beautiful lady inside and out.

    Tina, another great weekend post. You do us proud...always!

  42. Enjoyed the weekend edition and comments

    As usual- smile

    Thanks Tina

    Congrats to finalists

    Congrats to the Seeker friends who placed in the Phoenix Rattler "Does Your Story Have Bite" contest. Thanks to all of you Seeker friends who entered and supported our efforts.

  43. Thanks, to check it out.

  44. Late to the party again, I see. However, I did file my taxes this morning, which means my biggest distraction is gone.

    Congrats also to all the finalists. It's definintely been a proud week in Seekerville.

    I am 1/8 Irish. My great grandmother's maiden name was Flinn. (Yes, with an "i.") It used to be Flynn, but there were so many Flynns in the area where she grew that the family voted 5-4 to change the spelling.

    Currently deep into this great book about a wonderful nurse named Kayla who is providing at home care to a kindly oler man who is facing life's greatest challenge and having to deal with the man's son, a supposedly good-looking guy who can be a real pain. The story's just real gripping.

    (Ruthie, I think you probably know this book pretty well.)

  45. Walt...

    Just between you and me...


    I'm just sayin'... ;)

    And I know I'm a hopeless romantic, and there's no gunfights in Winter's End, but still...


    It's such a stinkin' nice book that I just smile to think of it.

    And I want it to end happily!!!! No Somersby tricky stuff!

    Write when you're done and tell us if it's got a happy ending or not.

    I'm on the edge of my seat. ;)

    Thanks, Dude. Seriously.


  46. Ruthy,

    I haven't given any thought to Marc's looks, other than taking the women at their word.

    But Kayla's definitely a babe. :-)

  47. Obviously I'm not Irish, but I've wonderful things about Ireland from my coworker. It sounds so beautiful there that it makes me want to visit it someday. Hope I don't forget to wear green this year on St. Patty's day or my students will tease me. :) Please enter me in the book drawing.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  48. Cynthia, you're in, babe!!!

    Oh, wait...

    That's right, Kayla's the babe from Winter's End.

    With great shoes. Spunk. Attitude.

    And she knows how to dress.

    Walt, thanks for NOT noticing Marc's looks. We all feel better for knowing that.

    Laughing in upstate.


  49. WOW! Been busy here since yesterday *wink*

    Guess what my dad and Joanne got me for my birthday....!?!? A Kindle! I'm SUPER excited! It's going to cut way down on some of my book costs now and a great way to read at college. I've already checked it out....they're got the Seekers' books on the Kindle Store! YAY! IT hasn't come yet, sometime this week : )

    How do you ladies feel about the Kindle? Good/bad? Anyone have one with advice for me? *grin*

    Just wanted to share one wonderful gift I got from my lovely family!

  50. Wow how cool, Hannah. Happy Birthday!!
